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A Request for Action Please

I am writing to make you aware of an important upcoming U.S. Supreme Court case
entitled Snyder v. Phelps and to encourage you to join the group amicus brief being
written by Attorney General Steve Six from the State of Kansas or to file one of your

This is not a partisan issue - it affects Republicans, Democrats, Conservatives and

Liberals alike. This case is about human dignity, and providing all military families
with the respect they deserve. Your state, undoubtedly, has thousands of men and
women currently deployed or deploying. Those brave young men, women, and their
families deserve your support. If the Fourth Circuit's decision (explained below) is
upheld, it is certain that the defendants will continue to disturb, disrupt and harass a
grieving family and/or families in your state. To date, the defendants have already
protested well over 200 military funerals all over the country. In recent weeks, this
case has received national media attention and has approximately 336,000 supporters
on the main Facebook page named “I Support Al Snyder in his Fight Against Westboro
Baptist Church” and a total of approximately 1 million supporters on all Facebook
pages/groups relating to this case/cause.

In an effort to assist in this fight, Attorney General Steve Six from the State of Kansas
is taking the lead and will be filing a brief in support of Mr. Snyder's position.
Fortunately, the other states can "join" that brief and do not need to draft their own.
We hope you will please consider following this lead and make the same decision for
your great state and its citizens. Please consider joining this version or plan to file
your own.

FACTS & JUDICIAL DECISIONS: Albert Snyder is the father of a fallen Marine Lance
Corporal Matthew Snyder. Matthew's funeral was protested by Fred Phelps and other
members of the Westboro Baptist Church (collectively, "the defendants").
Subsequently, Mr. Snyder sued the defendants in the District Court of Maryland and a
jury awarded Mr. Snyder $10.9 million for the defendants' intentional infliction of
emotional distress and invasion of privacy. Thereafter, the Court of Appeals for the
Fourth Circuit reversed the District Court and dismissed the case in its entirety and
stated that the defendants' actions were completely protected by the First
Amendment - even if the defendants intentionally harmed Mr. Snyder. Then, the
Fourth Circuit ordered Mr. Snyder to pay the defendant’s costs. The United States
Supreme Court granted certiorari on March 8, 2010.

know that the United States Government passed the Respect for America's Fallen Heroes Act. Subsequently,
approximately 47 states passed similar laws in a direct attempt to protect our fallen soldiers and their
families from the harassment being leveled by the defendants against families. The Fourth Circuit's decision
in Snyder v. Phelps, et al. has placed each and every one of those laws in jeopardy and left families
defenseless. If the United States Supreme Court affirms the Fourth Circuit decision, all dignity and respect
will be stripped from families while they are trying to bury a son, daughter, husband, wife, brother or sister.

REQUEST FOR ACTION: We are asking that your state participate in this lawsuit by preparing, signing and
filing a brief, or sign the joint/group amici brief in support of Mr. Snyder's position.

Time is of the essence! The deadline is June 1st!

To discuss specifics of your state’s position, or for more information please contact the lawyer for Al Snyder
and family, Sean Summers, telephone (717) 852-4997, email Additional information
can be found at Thank you for your time, attention and consideration!


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