CAUx 2016 ListDialog

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Using PV Elite Tools & other Tips

Presenter: Fauzan Badiwale

Using the PV Elite tools and other tips

Let us look at a common problem

Set the Units to Metric

Yet, when we look at the nozzle dialogue screen, we see this

Inches !!!

The list dialogue box can fix that

This is the way to do it

Click the List Dialog icon

Change the nozzle to ANSI Metric

Let me demonstrate

How about this problem

Change the head from Elliptical to Torispherical Nozzles lost !

How about this problem

Change the head from Elliptical to Torispherical Nozzles lost !
We can install those nozzle again very easily
So lets start again to save those nozzles

How about this problem

Change the head from Elliptical to Torispherical Nozzles lost !
We can install those nozzle again very easily
So lets start again to save those nozzles

Click on the List Dialog icon again

This time, look at this Nozzle information

Click on the List Dialog icon again

This time, look at this Nozzle information
Click this button on the list

Click on the List Dialog icon again

This time, look at this Nozzle information
Click this button on the list
That selects the whole row

Click on the List Dialog icon again

This time, look at this Nozzle information
Click this button on the list
That selects the whole row

Holding the left mouse + shift button drag down to select all

Holding the left mouse + shift button drag down to select all
On the keyboard press keys <Ctl>+<C> to save info.
Click Ok to close the list dialog screen

Now go back to the main PV Elite screen

Click this button
Select the Torispherical head

Now go back to the main PV Elite screen

Click this button
Select the Torispherical head
Now you have lost all your nozzles

Click the List Dialog icon again

Click the List Dialog icon again

Click this button to make a new row, heres the new row

Click the List Dialog icon again

Click this button to make a new row, heres the new row
Put your mouse cursor in this cell

On your keyboard press <Ctl>+<V> to insert

Now you get all your nozzles are back !

On your keyboard press <Ctl>+<V> to insert

Now you get all your nozzles are back !

On your keyboard press <Ctl>+<V> to insert

Now you get all your nozzles back !

On your keyboard press <Ctl>+<V> to insert

Now you get all your nozzles back !

On your keyboard press <Ctl>+<V> to insert

Now you get all your nozzles back !
Heres the live demonstration

Consider this problem

We want the nozzle on top of the vessel , like this

Or this problem
We want the nozzle on top of the vessel , like this

The Configuration dialogue screen can fix that

Normally on a drawing the nozzle are located at various angles

Perhaps like this, or like this
Lets look at the layout angles from a different point of view

Horizontal vessel

Vertical vessel






Looking from the left

Looking from the top

Normally on a drawing the nozzle are located at various angles

Perhaps like this, or like this
Lets look at the layout angles from a different point of view







Looking from the left

Looking from the top

We can put the Datum or 0O layout angle anywhere we please

For example it could be here , or here









Looking from the left

Looking from the top

We can put the Datum or 0O layout angle anywhere we please

For example it could be here , or here , or even here







Looking from the left

Looking from the top

Angles can advance in the clockwise direction

Or in the counter-clockwise direction







Looking from the left

Looking from the top

Angles can advance in the clockwise direction

Or in the counter-clockwise direction
Lets see how we set this up







Looking from the left

Looking from the top

On the Tools icon, select Configuration

On the Tools icon, select Configuration

Select the third tab

Go to this part of the Configuration screen

You can select the Datum or 0O position
And you can set the Layout Angle Direction

Go to this part of the Configuration screen

You can select the Datum or 0O position
And you can set the Layout Angle Direction

Let me demonstrate the procedure to you

This can be an annoying problem

We accidentally added too many rings by mistake

The list dialogue box can fix that

This can be an annoying problem

We accidentally added too many rings by mistake

The list dialogue box can fix that

Go again to the List Dialog icon

Go again to the List Dialog icon

Select the rings tab
Click this button to select the first row

Go again to the List Dialog icon

Select the rings tab
Click this button to select the first row
Hold the shift and mouse left button, drag down

Go again to the List Dialog icon

Select the rings tab
Click this button to select the first row
Hold the shift and mouse left button, drag down

Click the <Del> key on you key board

Go again to the List Dialog icon

Select the rings tab
Click this button to select the first row
Hold the shift and mouse left button, drag down

Click the <Del> key on you key board, the rings are gone

Now I shall demonstrate the procedure

Quickly find all the different materials in the vessel construction

On the main screen click 3D and then Show Materials

Quickly find all the different materials in the vessel construction

On the main screen click 3D and then Show Materials
The model is colourised

Quickly find all the different materials in the vessel construction

On the main screen click 3D and then Show Materials
The model is colourised , with a colour key

Quickly find all the different materials in the vessel construction

On the main screen click 3D and then Show Materials
The model is colourised , with a colour key
The same method can be used:
For different Temperatures
Pressures if different in the model

I shall now demonstrate the method

Suppose you build a vertical vessel you wish to transport

Maybe you wish to design transport saddle supports
You cannot install saddles on a vertical vessel !
Only on a horizontal vessel
So, we first have to turn it horizontal

Flipping the vessel to the horizontal

Click on Tools ,then Flip Model Orientation

Flipping the vessel to the horizontal

Click on Tools ,then Flip Model Orientation
The model is Flipped to the horizontal orientation

Flipping the vessel to the horizontal

Click on Tools ,then Flip Model Orientation
The model is Flipped to the horizontal orientation
You can now install the saddles for transportation

Flipping the vessel to the horizontal

Click on Tools ,then Flip Model Orientation
The model is Flipped to the horizontal orientation
You can now install the saddles for transportation
Notice the anchor chairs have now disappeared
The skirt is actually turned into a cylinder instead of a skirt

Now I shall demonstrate the procedure

This is a common problem

You just want to get rid of the re-pad on the nozzle
It is designed to ASME VIII, Division 1
What can you do ?

You can use Code Case 2695

This is what is says:

You can use Code Case 2695

This is what is says:

You can use Code Case 2695

This is what is says:
So, how do we do it ?

You can use Code Case 2695

Go to the Configuration screen and look for this check box:
Check the box
Close the Configuration screen

You can use Code Case 2695

Go to the Configuration screen and look for this check box:
Check the box
Close the Configuration screen

Now you have got rid of the re-pad

You can use Code Case 2695

Go to the Configuration screen and look for this check box:
Check the box
Close the Configuration screen

Now you have got rid of the re-pad

I shall now demonstrate it

Dont you hate it when this happens

All the tabs disappear from the bottom in the screen !

We need to know how to get them back

There two methods of achieving this
The quick easy method
The long method with the easy method fails
Consider the easy method first
Click on View then click Reset Pane Layout

You are then instructed to close PV Elite

When you open PV Elite again, the tabs should be there

If not, we have to go the longer route

Now we look at the longer route to restore the tabs

Close PV Elite and click on the Windows Start Icon
Type regedit in the text box

Press the <Enter> key

Navigate to this folder in the Register:

C:\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Sofware\Integraph CAS\PVElite\2016

Delete the entry close the Register

Now you tabs will be restored.

Suppose you want a nozzle at the bottom of a cone like this

That nozzle has to be a cylinder, it cannot be a nozzle
You want to give the cylinder standard nozzle dimensions
Including if required the 12-1/2% under mill tolerance

First select the nozzle

Find and click on the icon on the PV Elite screen
You get this screen

First select
the cylinder

First select the nozzle

Find and click on the icon on the PV Elite screen
You get this screen, so select the schedule
Then select the nominal size of the nozzle

First select the nozzle

Find and click on the icon on the PV Elite screen
You get this screen, so select the schedule
Then select the nominal size of the nozzle

The correct way to install a skirt on a vessel with a cone bottom

First, build all the components up to the cone only

The correct way to install a skirt on a vessel with a cone bottom

First, build all the components up to the cone only

The correct way to install a skirt on a vessel with a cone bottom

First, build all the components up to the cone only
Now is the time to install the skirt

The correct way to install a skirt on a vessel with a cone bottom

First, build all the components up to the cone only
Now is the time to install the skirt

Now continue building the rest of the vessel

Now continue building the rest of the vessel

Now continue building the rest of the vessel

Importing User-Defined Nozzle Loadings

1. Select a Nozzle
2. Select the Local Stress Analysis [ WRC 107, 297 or
Annex G Tab ]
3. Select an Option from the Calculation Method
dropdown list
4. Click the (Loading) Icon
5. Select one of the following loading options
6. Import Nozzle loads and moments
7. Press OK button

Thank you for watching

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