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0 Methodology

3.1 Sampling
First and foremost, we had distributed the survey form to the participants that are randomly selected
from the UniMAP students who are taking breakfast or lunch at Manufacturing Cafe. There are 50
participants involved in the research. For the demographic profile section, we are able to know that 22
males and 28 females are involved. Besides that, the most actively participants are from second year
Chinese students and most of them are studying in the School of Manufacturing Engineering.
Sampling methods are classified as either probability or non-probability. In probability samples, each
member of the population has a known non-zero probability of being selected. Probability methods
include random sampling, systematic sampling, and stratified sampling. In non-probability sampling,
members are selected from the population in some non-random manner. These include convenience
sampling, judgment sampling, quota sampling and snowball sampling [1]. This is significant because
we want to generalize from the sample to target population.
In addition, random sampling is used in our research. Random sampling is a subset of individuals
chosen from a larger set where each individual was chosen randomly and entirely by unbiased chance.
Random samples require a way of naming or numbering the target population and then using some type
of raffle methods to choose those to make up the sample. Random samples are the best method of
selecting our sample from the population of interest in our survey [2].

3.2 Questionnaire
To design a questionnaire, we need these four parts to make the survey easier to finalize and
analyze. These four parts are the number of questions asked in questionnaire, the number of parts in
the questionnaire, the types of questions used and the advantages of using some types of questions.
We have prepared total of 27 questions in the questionnaire. In our questionnaire, we have four
parts in which each part has distinct number of questions. First part renamed as Part A, is general
enquiry among students about cafe in UniMAP. Second part, Part B is about satisfaction level towards
the Manufacturing Cafe. The following part which is Part C is about factors that lead to the above

issues. The last part, Part D, is the solution to solve the problems.
We use the close-ended and open-ended unstructured to describe the questions in Part A, C and
D, except Part B only close-ended questions. In Part A, open-ended unstructured question are used this
is due to the respondents can answer in an unlimited ways in his or her own words so that can yield
more varied responses and closed-ended semantic differential questions are used because scale is
inscribed between two bipolar words and respondent selects the point that most represents the direction
and intensity of his / her feelings. Furthermore, for Part B the closed-ended semantic differential
questions are also used and the closed-ended rank order questions are used because respondent is asked
to rank or rate each option that applies in the question. This allows the researcher to obtain information
on relative preferences, importance and so on. Last but not least, in Part C the open-ended unstructured
question are used and closed-ended multiple choice are used due to the questions offering three or more
choices so that can gather more opinion from respondents. Every answer can be given a number or
value so that a statistical interpretation can be assessed. Working with quantitative data, it is much
easier to draw conclusions, reports, results and graphs from the responses. The last part consists of
close-ended dichotomous and open-ended unstructured for our questions. The advantages of using
close-ended dichotomous questions it has only two possible answers and is easier and quicker to be

In addition, the advantages of open-ended unstructured questions are respondents can

answer in detail and can qualify and clarify responses and they permit creativity, self-expression, and
richness of detail [3].

[1] Survey Sampling Methods[Online]. Available:[Accessed April 20, 2016].
[2] Saul McLeod.(2014). Psychology Perspectives[Online]. Available:[Accessed April 22, 2016].

[3] Advantages and Disadvantages of Open and Closed Questions[Online]. Available: [Accessed April 23,

Sample Format:
[2]Kelcey Carlson.(Dec.15, 2009). Cold Dorms[Online]. Available: [Accessed Nov.22, 2015].
Advantages and Disadvantages of Open and Closed Questions:. (n.d.). Retrieved May 28,

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