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Four years studying at HCM International University, especially at Civil Engineering Department gave
me a wonderful time, and precious experiences that I will never forget. I would like to thank all my
lecturers at Civil Engineering Department for teaching me knowledge and inspiring me everyday. I
consider myself very lucky to have had an opportunity to study in wonderful academic environment
and learned from talented lecturers.
After fifteen weeks of hard working I finally finished my graduation thesis. I would like to express my
gratitude to my supervisors Assoc Prof Dr. Luu Truong Van and Dr.Tran Cao Thanh Ngoc for their
devoted guidance and support.
Over the past fifteen weeks I had opportunity to connect and practice what I had learnt into this thesis ,
and had a look back at what I had learnt in university. Once again, I would like to express my deepest
appreciation to all my lecturers, my supervisors for always supporting me throughout four academic
years. I am proud to be your student and proud to be a student of Civil Engineering Department of
International University-VNU-HCMC.

Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1 : THE CONSTRUCTION ARCHITECTURE OVERVIEW...................................5

The purpose the structure:.............................................................................................5


The location and feature of the structure:....................................................................6


The scale construction:...................................................................................................6


The architectural solution of this structure:...............................................................10


The other solutions:.......................................................................................................11


Fire safety system :........................................................................................................11

CHAPTER 2. THE SUPER STRUCTURE..................................................................................13


Choosing alternative solution for the structure :................................................................13


Solution 1 : Frame system............................................................................................13


Solution 2 : Frame wall system :..................................................................................13


Solution 3 : core frame system:....................................................................................13


Solution 4 : box core system.........................................................................................13

II. Dimension of structures element :.....................................................................................14


Choosing dimension for slab :......................................................................................14


Choosing preliminary dimension for beam :..............................................................15


Choosing preliminary dimension for column :...........................................................16

CHAPTER 3 : DESIGN TYPICAL FLOOR................................................................................19


Typical floor........................................................................................................................19

II. Load calculation :...............................................................................................................19


Dead load caused by walls:...........................................................................................21


Live load :......................................................................................................................22


Calculation for slab :.......................................................................................................24


Determine internal force:.............................................................................................25


Determine internal force in span:................................................................................26


Calculatate reinforcement for slab :............................................................................28


Check the deflection for reinforcement slab :............................................................29


Shear capacity checking for slab :...............................................................................33

CHAPTER 4 : DESIGN BEAM....................................................................................................34


The material used for this structure :..................................................................................34

II. Calculate the vertical reinforcement in beam :...................................................................34


Calculate the stirrup in beam :........................................................................................34

1. Caculate the additional reinforced stirrup at the position that the secondary beam lie on the main
beam :.........................................................................................................................................35
CHAPTER 5 : COMBO LOADS ACTING ON THE STRUCTURE..........................................37

Wind load:...........................................................................................................................37


Calculation for the static component of wind load:...................................................37

Load cases:..........................................................................................................................38

CHAPTER 6: DESIGN COLUMN...............................................................................................45


Calculate the vertical reinforcement :.................................................................................45

II. Arrangement for stirrup:.....................................................................................................48

CHAPTER 7 : DESIGN ALUMINIUM FORMWORK FOR BEAM - SLAB...........................52

Determine the load exerting on formwork :.......................................................................52

II. The calculation for checking the slab panel :.....................................................................53


Calculation for the joist checking:..................................................................................54


Calculation for the stringer checking:.............................................................................55

V. Check shoring :...................................................................................................................56

CHAPTER 8: DESIGN ALUMINIUM FORMWORK FOR COLUMN.....................................57

Design horizoltal pressure :................................................................................................58

II. Check for column panel :....................................................................................................59


Calculation for the stud checking:..................................................................................60


Calculation for the wale checking:..................................................................................62

V. Bracing checking :..............................................................................................................63



II. WBS of this structure:........................................................................................................65





Figure 1.1 : the eastern luxurious apartment

1. The purpose the structure:
Recently,high-rise buildings are constructed popularly in Vietnam with multi-function such as
private apartment, office,hotel,trade centerThese structures are constructed to meet the

need of luxurious apartment for people as well as other needs of using site plan while the
land budget in big cities is limited. The Eastern apartment is built in order to respond those
2. The location and feature of the structure:
a) The location:
This structure is located at Binh Chanh province,Ho Chi Minh city.
b) The natural condition :
The climatic feature of Ho Chi Minh city is having 2 season rainy season and dry season.
The rainy season is from May to November having:

The average temperature: 250C.

The lowest temperature: 200C.

The highest temperature: 360C.

The average rainfall: 274.4 mm (in April).

The highest rainfall: 638 mm (in May).

The lowest rainfall: 31 mm (in November).

The average relative humidity: 48.5%.

The lowest relative humidity: 79%.

The highest relative humidity: 100%.

The average evaporation : 28 mm / 1 day.

The dry season is from December to April


The average temperature: 270C.

The highest temperature : 400C

Wind in dry season:

South-East wind: approximately 30% - 40%.
East wind: approximately 20% - 30%.

Wind in rainy season:

+ South-West wind: approximately 66%.

South-East wind and South-West wind have average velocity: 2,15 m/s.

Wind blows strong in rainny season from May to November, besides North-East wind has slight
blow .

3. The scale construction:

a) Grade of structure:
- This structure belongs to the grade 2 civilian construction (500m2 Sslab 10000m2 or 8
number of story 20)

Figure1.2 : The elevation of structure

b) This structure has :

- 1 basement
- 7 stories
- 1 technical floor

Figure1.3 : The basement plan view

Figure1.4 : The plan view of level 3, 4,5,6,7

c) The elevation of each story:



Floor 5


Ground floor


Floor 6


Floor 2


Floor 7


Floor 3




Floor 4




d) The height of structure:

- The structure is 30.2m high ( accounted from the elevation 0.000m, basement excluded)
- The area of this structure is 22.4m x 21.1m = 472.64m2
e) Function of the structure :
- Basement is used for parking
- Ground floor consist of entrance,office,hallway,storage,management team and other services.
- Second floor: health care service and gym.
- From third floor to seventh floor: apartments, penthouses.
The structure is built in modern architecture, the elevation view illustrate the exterior architecture of
the structure, which contribute to forming the architectural ensemble. The facade of this structure
is decorated in elegant modern style with glass system and large windows which bring pleasure to
4. The architectural solution of this structure:
a) The plan solution:
- The plan is in squared shape and has the area as mentioned above.
- The basement is at the elevation of -2.6m, and is arranged 2 ramps from the ground to basement ( the
slope i=25% and i=15%) along two directions from main road and sub-road. The exit and entrance
should be arranged appropriately. As to be seen, the main function of this structure is residence
therefore almost space of basement is for travelling (garage). The stair way and elevator system
should be arranged at basement.Beside the fire safety system should place at places that are easy to
be seen.
- The ground floor is consider to be the common space of entire building block,and is well
decorated.Especially, the management room of the building is arranged at position that is easy to
be seen and the private area of the building has the private entrance.
- The typical floor is from third floor to senventh floor
b) The solution for the cross section of the structure:
- The elevation of typical floor is 3.6m except the basement and the ground floor.

- The typical clearance of each floor is approximate 2.9m

- The maximum height of beam is h=600mm
5. The other solutions:
a) The electric system:
- All electric wires are laid underground while executing. The main electric system is put in the
technical box and put inside wall and slab.
- The automatic electric cutout is provided at each floor.
- Every apartment is provided one electric distributed board, safety light in case of emergency.
6. Fire safety system :
- Fire alarm system,fire extinguisher are set up at every specific apartment area.




Choosing alternative solution for the structure :

High-rise building structure can be classified as below :

- Basic structure system : Frame system of reinforced wall system ,shear wall
Hybrid structure system: Frame-bracing system, frame-wall system ,duct-core system, duct
combination system.
Special structure: rigid story system, structure having bracing system at every stories and
structure having frame bond.

1. Solution 1 : Frame system

Is constructed from elements in the form of bars ( column, beam) rigidly bonded together
forming nodes.
The frame system is capable of creating a significant space and is flexible with different
architectural requirements.
However its ability of enduring horizontal bending is low so using frame system for building
having height h > 40m should be restricted.
2. Solution 2 : Frame wall system :
Compatible with almost solution for architecture of high-rise building.
Convenient for applying different construction methods flexibly such as erecting while casting
in place elements.
Shear walls receive horizontal loads which are poured by sliding formwork, can be executed
before of after.
Frame wall system is effective with structure having height h> 40m
3. Solution 3 : core frame system:
The core endures horizontal loads of the system, it can be arranged inward or at edges.
Floor system often lies directly onto walls or indirectly through columns.
Inside of the core, an elevator, stairs and ME system are often arranged.
Is effective with medium-height structure or large structure having simple ground plan.
4. Solution 4 : box core system
Undergoing all vertical loads and horizontal loads.
Box core is similar to shear wall that is composed by solid walls
This system is only suitable for mega building which can be up to 100 stories.
From analysis above and feature of the structure, we choose the traditional slab-beam system
as a solution for this structure.
+ Easy to calculate
+ Is used popularly in Vietnam with diversity of tool techniques will contribute to the
convenience in executing.
+ The height of beam and the deflection of beam is larger when passing larger span,and
this lead to higher height of each floor when the height of the structure is high
will cause unfavorable for structure when undergoing horizontal loads and cannot
save material expenditure.
+ The height is large while living space is small.


Dimension of structures element :

1. Choosing dimension for slab :
According to architectural plane of the structure, we choose appropriate slab thickness which is
easy to execute.
On the slab, the wall system without supporting beams can be arranged at any position on the
slab without causing any significant increasement in slabs deflection.
On the other hand ,we consider the fire resistance for high rise building ,the slab thickness can
increase up to 50% compare to the structure that slab only endure vertical load.
We have:
- The slab thickness should satisfy the conditions about durability , strength ,and economic.
- The slab system consist of many small slabs work on 1 way or 2 ways
- We can base on ACI318-08 standard to preliminary choosing the slab thickness or base on the
formulas below :
h s=
Where :

1 (*)

D = 0.8 1.4 depends on type of load

m = 30 35 for single span solid slab
m = 40 45 for restrained slab spanning in two directions

Since in the typical slab , the slab is mainly work on 2 ways ( 2-way slab), so we choose
the coefficient as below:

D = 1 (standard live load is small)

m = 40 ( 2-way slab)

According to TCXDVN 5574-2012,for floor and public structure,the minimum of slab

thickness is hmin=5cm.

1 1
l = L1=3.15m and h s= 40 50 L1 (**)

Applying the equation (*) and (**) we have :

h s= 3.75=0.094 m=94 mm (1)
h s=

3.35=0.075 m=75 mm(2)

From (1) and (2) we choose the slab thickness hs =100 mm

2. Choosing preliminary dimension for beam :

For the architectural plan floor having span length = 8 m with the same using purpose as above.
The height,the width of the cross section of the bean are hd,bd respectively
The main beam ( horizontal and vertical beam)

( 18 121 ) L
1 1
b =( ) h
2 4

hdc =


The secondary beam :

( 121 161 ) L
1 1
=( )h
2 4



Applying equations above for calculation we have :

Table 2.1 Cross section of beams

Note : according to TCXD198-1997 we have : the minimum width of the beam cross
section should be greater than 220mm and its maximum width should be smaller than the
width of of column and 1.5 time the height of cross section. The minimum height of the
cross section is not less than 300mm.The ratio of height and width of the cross section
should not be greater than
Thus :

( adequate )

( adequate)
3. Choosing preliminary dimension for column :
Purpose of choosing column cross section is to ensure the capacity of eduring and transmitting
loads for the structure.
The area of column Ac is determined by the equation:

Where :
Rb : compression strength of concrete
Rb=14.5 MPa
kt : coefficient which depends on the element enduring horizontal load
kt = 1.3 1.5 ( edge column, corner column)
+ Choosing k= 1.2 for edge column
+ Choosing k = 1.3 for corner column
kt = 1.1 1.2 (for internal column)
+ Choosing k = 1.1 for internal column
N : vertical force in column caused by compression force, and is computed

by the practical equation

ms : number of slabs above the cross section we are considering
q : unit load per m 2 of slab, which includes favorable and unfavorable load

acting on slab, weight of beam, wall, column

q = 9 15 kN/m2
choosing q =11 kN/m2
Fs : area of the slab surface which is exerting a load onto the considering

Table 2.2 : The compression force exerting onto column

Table 2.3 : The area of column

Note : according to TTCXD198-1997 we have :

The cross section of column should be chosen in such a way that the ratio between the clearance
height and the cross section of column is not greater than 25. The minimum width of the cross
section is not less than 220 mm.



Typical floor

Figure 3.1: Plan view of typical floor


Load calculation :
Loads acting on slab consist of dead load and live load.
Live loads are determine from slabs self weight, the finishes and wall distributed on slab.
The distributed live loads acting on slab are determine in the table bellow:

Table 3.1 : Common area, hall way, technical floor

Table 3.2 : Rest room slab

To simplify the calculation, we take the dead load in each span which has both living area and rest
room area as mean value of dead load computed above :

1. Dead load caused by walls:

Generally, under the walls there will be beam system, but in order to enhance the flexibility in
arranging walls, some of these walls dont have beam system supporting under them. Thus,
when determining loads acting on spans,we have to consider self weight of wall, this load is

assumed as uniformly distributed load on all over the span.This load is determined by the
equation :


Bt : the width of wall (m)

Ht : the height of wall (m)
lt : the length of wall (m)

: self weight of wall (kN/m3)

S : the area of 1 span having walls
n : reliability ratio

The result of calculation is performed in table 3.3

Table 3.3 : Dead load caused by wall onto slab

The final dead loads acting on slab are :

Table 3.4 : Dead load acting on slab

2. Live load :
a) According to standard number 4.3 TCVN 2737-1995 : depending on the specific use of every
span, we look up for appropriate standard live load.
b) Reliability coefficient n, for uniformly distributed load is determined follow standard 4.3.3 /
page 15 / TCVN 2737-1995.
When ptc < 2 (kN/m2) n =1.3
When ptc 2 (kN/m2) n = 1.2
Table 3.5 : Live load acting on slab

Table 3.6 : Live load acting on typical floor

Table 3.7 : The total load acting on typical floors


Calculation for slab :

Slab is divided in to smaller spans, and calculated on every single span. Base on the ratio l 2/l1 we
determine whether the span is one-way (l2/l1 2 ), or two-way (l2/l1 < 2 ).
One-way slab :
For one-way slab we ignore the work of span respect to the longer edge, and we consider the
span as a simply supported beam having length equal the length of the shorter edge.

Two-way slab:
For two-way slab, the distribution of internal force of the slab respect to 2 ways
is slightly complicated. The internal force can be computed by available
appendix. There are 11 plans for two-way slab calculation as below :

The binding between slab and sub-beam depends on 2 conditions :

The ratio of stiffness between beam and slab.
The composition of reinforcing bars at bonding.
Which have the convention as below :
+ Fixed support : hd/hs 3, monolithic concreting and the anchor of steel into beam l anchor
30d ,where d is the diameter of tension steel.
+ Pinned support : hd/hs < 3,precast slab, putting onto wall.
1. Determine internal force:
Since slab is made from monolithic concrete, we consider the stiffness ratio between beam and
slab to determine computational plan for each span.
Fixed support if hd/hs 3
Pinned support if hd/hs < 3
Table 3.8 : Computational plan for internal force of slab

2. Determine internal force in span:

Figure 3.2 : moment diagram of span

In general case, the equation for moment of span is given by:
- The maximum positive moment at the middle of the span :


The maximum negative moment at the support:


Where :
i : symbol respect to considering span ( i = 1,2,3,4,)
1,2 : denote the direction that we are considering is l1 or l2
L1,L2 : length of span
P : total load acting on span
( q : computed load (kN/m2))
m11,m12,mi1,mi2,ki1,ki2 are coefficients depend on the ratio L1/L2, taken from
appendix of the notebook for structure practice
One-way slab:

Moment at the middle of the span :

Moment at support :

Where :

is the load distributed on 1m length of span

Applying those for span we get :

Table 3.9 : Internal force acting on 2-way span

Table 3.10 : internal force acting on one-way span

3. Calculatate reinforcement for slab :

We use :

- Concrete B25 which has Rb= 14.5 MPa,, b = 0.9, R=0.439 (TCXDVN5574-2012)
- Steel AI having Rs =225 MPa
Assume :
- the thickness of the concrete cover a1 =20mm ; a2 = a1+10 = 20+10 =30 mm
- h01,h02 : the effective depth of slab respect to the shorter edge and the longer

When calculating reinforcement, we have to divide slab into many strip which has the width
of 1m and consider that strip as a beam having b = 1000 mm and h = 150 mm.
Then we compute :

Requirement :

When choosing reinforcement for slab, we choose the reinforcement that is having same
size in order to make the executing more convenient .

4. Check the deflection for reinforcement slab :

We divide slab into strips which have the width of 1m and consider each strip as a fully
restrained beam enduring uniform distributed load. According to TCXDVN 5574-2012 the
deflection is calculated as below:
The fully deflection:
The deflection due to short term effect of fully loading.
The deflection due to short term effect of long term loading.
The deflection due to long term effect of lorng term loading.
The requirement that is used to check the deflection : f < [f]

Where :
k is a coefficient depend on the support and type of load ( read the appendix table 12 of the
Practical calculation for reinforcement concrete components by Dr. Nguyen Dinh Cong) .

for simply supported beam

for fully restrained beam with uniform distributed load

Where :
Es, Eb : elastic modulus of steel and concrete
As :area of reinforcement
Ab: area of the concrete ,

The working factor of steel :

The value S is taken from the table below:

Table 3.12 : Table for choosing S and corresponding to specific calculating


Where :

: content of reinforcement in concrete

Rsc : tensile strength of steel
Rbt : tensile strength of concrete
: the working factor of concrete
: specific elasto-plastic factor of compressed concrete, and depends on
the moisture, the load is whether long term loading or short term loading;
for long term loading,
for short term loading when the
moisture in environment is larger than 40%

The lever-arm
, if the component considering is rectangular component

The second term of the above equation is taken the + sign when the
pre-compression appears, and is taken the - sign when the pre-tension
appears; due to the component we are considering is under bending so the
the second term of the equation above equals 0.

Where :

for heavy concrete

for lightweight concrete

: the eccentricity of the vertical force Ntot to the center of

gravity of the steel bars cross section, respect to moment M ( due
to the component we are considering is under bending so we took
As : area of the pre-tension steel, As=0
bf : the height of the compression component of the section having
I,T shape , bf=0
Applying for the span S1 ,which have the largest dimension
and endure the largest load:

Check for the deflection :

We consider 1 strip of slab having width = 1m respect to L 2 (the longer edge) as a
simply supported beam having the cross section

to calculate.

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