TniASM - Macro Assembler - The New Image

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tniASM - Macro Assembler | The New Image

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tniASM - Macro Assembler

tniASM v 1 .0 is a powerful y et easy to use processor-agnostic and assem bly -agnostic m acro assem bler for
3 2 -bit Windows and 6 4 -bit Linux.
It is ideal for custom ized assem bly , custom FPGA CPU, and ev en does non-assem bly work like file
m anipulation. Continuing tniASM tradition, great care has been taken in rem aining v ery easy to use
while prov iding powerful features.
The m ost im portant feature, the base of ev ery thing, is the powerful m acro processor. It prov ides:
Multiple CPU support, ev en within the sam e source file
Custom ized assem bly , use the (pseudo-)instructions YOU like
Ability to be com patible with other assem blers

2 November 2011 - In celebration of the official
death of the v 0.x series of tniASM, a bugfix
v ersion v 0.4 5 with codenam e "Magnum m ercy
shot" was released. At the sam e tim e, a
sponsorship program identical to the one in
place for MoonSound Music Studio was launched
for the upcom ing tniASM v 1 .0, which is poised
to replace it (and pretty m uch any other
assem bler y ou'v e ev er used).
What's new:

Other features include:

Fixed: Generate error for LD L,IXL (or

sim ilar) instead of sim ply outputting LD
Now supports using expressions for the fixed
num eric operands in IM, RST, BIT, RES and
SET instructions. Prev iously generated an
error or wrong result!
Officially the last v ersion of the v 0.x series.
See Chapter 3 .3 of the m anual for m ore
inform ation about tniASM v 1 .0.

Multi-pass design
Conditional assem bly
Local label m echanism
Extensiv e expression parser with precedence lev els
Source and binary file inclusion
Nestable block com m ents
Multi file output and file updating
tniASM v 1 .0 com es with m acro definitions for:
Z80, R800, Gam eboy Z80 (GBZ80), Z1 80 and Z3 80 processors
Code, data and reserv ed data sections
tniASM v 0.4 5, asMSX and Sjasm com patibility
Additional contributions include a (Windows-only ) Mem Man TSR Dev elopm ent Kit by Albert
Beev endorp.

2 March 2005 - Released v 0.4 4 ! Another quick

fix release.
What's new in v 0.4 4 :
- Fixed: $ during PHASE

Beta testing
tniASM v 1 .0 is in production use for all projects by , am ong others, The New Im age and Infinite. You too
can participate in the priv ate beta test by m aking a donation of at least 1 5 Euro to bank account
BIC:INGBNL2 A, IBAN:NL4 2 INGB0006 2 6 8083 , of Patriek Lesparre in Alm ere, The Netherlands. Don't
forget to indicate y our e-m ail address! If y ou prefer to use Pay pal, donate to pay pal (at)
Beta testers will receiv e the latest dev elopm ent v ersions and can giv e their input on the dev elopm ent of
the program . Once considered fit for the public, tniASM v 1 .0 is expected to be sold for 2 5 Euro, but beta
testers will receiv e it for free.

Freeware version
Versions in the v 0.x release series are freeware, but do not support m acros.
tniASM v 0.4 5 is a Z80, R800 and GBZ80 cross assem bler running in Windows. Version v 0.3 (also) runs
in MS-DOS.
tniASM is written by Patriek Lesparre, 2 000-2 01 3 by The New Im age
tniASM v 0.4 5 [2 Nov em ber 2 01 1 , final freeware Z80/R800/GBZ80 v ersion]
tniASM v 0.3 [2 4 Decem ber 2 002 , final v ersion with MS-DOS support]

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tniASM - Macro Assembler | The New Image

by T h e New Im a g e


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