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What do [any of] the following sources add to our understanding of the
significance of race and/or empire relations in the history of

a) Richard Wright, The Colour Curtain: A Report on the Bandung

Conference (1995, first published, 1956)
b) Carlos P. Romulo, The meaning of Bandung (1956)
c) Newspaper reports in Australian (or other) papers on the Bandung conference
from 1956 using Fishers newspaper collections or online newspapers using
the TROVE search engine
d) W.E.B Dubois, Color and Democracy: Colonies and Peace (N.Y., 1945)


Historical parameters: Between the end of the Second World War - early 21st Century.

Relations between states post-World War 2, namely non-European states (i.e. Asian,

1. Main topic: Historical background empire relations

1.1. Subtopic: World War II, Civil War

1.1.1. Detail: What aspects of international relations led to war? What were the
ramifications of these wars, from a foreign relations stance?

1.2. Subtopic: The decision to strengthen international relations

1.2.1. Detail: Why was there a need for something like the Bandung

2. Main topic: The international relations movement

2.1. Subtopic: Dubois, Color and Democracy

2.1.1. Detail: Outline text. What were international relations like at the time of this
text? Does it serve as a foreshadowing of the Bandung Conference?

2.2. Subtopic: Wright: The Colour Curtain (1956)

2.2.1: Detail: What did international relations mean before the war, or before the time
of the Bandung Conference?

2.3. Subtopic: The Bandung Conference (1955)

2.3.1. Detail: Outline the Bandung Conference [i.e. who, what, when, where, why]. Talk
about historical context of the Bandung Conference, why it had to take place, and how this
relates to internationalism/globalism.
Describe other intentions for globalization (i.e. from European states?)
3. Main Topic: Foreign relations since Bandung Conference [to show significance of
international relations in global political history]

3.1. Subtopic: America, Asia, Africa, mixed-race. Role of the UN.

3.1.1. Detail: How did the Bandung Conference impact these nations?

3.2. Subtopic: Globalisation

3.2.1 Detail: How did the strengthening of international relations led toe
globalization as it is today? Has it been successful? What are some limitations that might be

[Argument] These texts show us that with the inclusion of more states, such as African nations
and Asian nations, the wheels of globalization could truly start to turn. Globalisation would not
be as we know it today if it were not for the motives of internationalism, such as those motives
that led to the formation of the Bandung Conference.


Geoffrey Alderman, John Leslie and Klaus Erich Pollmann, Governments, Ethnic
Groups and Political Representation: Comparative Studies on Governmenments and
Non-Dominant Ethnic Groups in Europe, 1850-1940, Vol. 4 (European Science
Foundation, New York University Press, Dartmouth, 1993)

Internationalism and national representation in the period leading up to the Bandung

Conference. This text should help me write about my first main topic (historical background).

W.E.B Dubois, Color and Democracy: Colonies and Peace (New York: Oxford
University Press, 2007, first published in 1945)

Dubois writes about the representation, or lack of representation, of minority groups.

This text also highlights colonial imperialism and slavery, and should aid in my understanding of the
necessity of race relations.

Patrice Higonnet, Attendant Cruelties: Nation and Nationalism in American History

(Other Press LLC, New Hampshire, 2007), pp. 199-279

Part III of the text is written about internationalism, specifically regarding America,
between 1912 and 2006, which encompasses the historical parameters of my own essay.

Ruud Koopmans and Paul Statham, Challenging Immigration and Ethnic Relations
Politics (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2000)

An analysis of European ethnic relations stemming from a Conference held at the

Department of Public Sphere and Social Movements at the Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, in
November 1997.

Tukumbi Lumumba-Kasongo, Japan-Africa Relations. Political & International Studies

Collection 2010 (2010)

A text written on the power relations between Japan and Africa since the Bandung
Conference. Talks about recent global political reforms so it will help me understand the impact of
the Bandung Conference leading up to todays world.

Geir Lundestad, International Relations Since the End of the Cold War: New and Old
Dimensions (Oxford Scholarship Online, 2012)
A collection of essays on international relations by authors from the great superpowers of
the world.

Paul T. Miller, W.E.B Du Bois: Education, Race and Economics from 1903 1961,
Journal of Pan African Studies, Vol. 1, No. 3 (2006)

This text analyses, and provides better context of the works of Dubois. Can be used to
supplement Color and Democracy: Colonies and Peace

Chih-yu Shih, Sinicizing International Relations: Self, Civilization, and Intellectual

Politics in Subaltern East Asia(2013)

An Analysis on the rise of China and its international relations. Questions the significant
of national identity.

John W. Spanier, American Foreign Policy Since World War II (New York, 1965)
Analyses the traditional American approach to foreign affairs.

Richard Wright, The Colour Curtain: A Report on the Bandung Conference (Jackson,
MS: Banner Books, 1995, first published, 1956), pp. 1-30

Wright reports the international cultural interactions in the period of time after World War
II. Here he outlines the necessity of removing the colour curtain between ethnic groups in order to
bring on more efficient global interation.

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