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(Rogerian Argument Detailed Outline)

Should it be Legal for Children to Dropout of School in America

I. Introduction (Rogerian Step One)

- General Introduction (how would you introduce this topic in an actual paper?)

Stating the importance of education and how it would impact their lives
and society. Because it gives the reader a brief idea of my position in the
- Basic Context (give explanation as issue, basic definition or simple history)

Basic Context should include an explanation of the issue and simple

history. Briefly explaining the issue about what happens to children that
dropout of school and giving some history about what happens to children
with lack of education.
- Perspectives (give opposition perspective, then give your own; label each and be certain to give full

Opposition perspective would be that children should have the right to

leave school if they desire to as America supports freedom of choice.
However, my perspective would be that children should not dropout as
they are missing out on education and success in the future.
- Thesis Statement (detailed and clearly focused, presenting your position, and phrase it is a claim)

Children that dropout of school struggle more in society and in gaining

success than children who finish their education.

II. Opposition Perspective (Rogerian Step Two)

- Restate Opposing Perspective

Children should have the freedom of choice to drop out of school. Many
children are incapable to learn. So why keep the children in school if they
are not learning and distracting their peers from learning.
- Details (including history, what they believe and why)

It is known that children are suppose start school when they turn five
years old, and is expected of them to stay in school until they turn 18.
Once a student reaches the age 18, he or she is no longer required by law
to go to school.

- Accepted Context (under what conditions would this perspective be correct or considered acceptable)

When your parents agree with your decision to drop out and you pass a
high school equivalency test or get a GED.

III. Writer's Perspective (Rogerian Step Three)

- Restate Writer's Perspective and Position

When children finish school they are able to have a good standard of
living. they are able to have comfortable future .
- Re-emphasize Claim

They are able to have comfortable future.

- Details (including history, what you believe and why)

If children want to improve the quality of their life and be a contributing

to citizen to society, they should finish high school. High school provides
you with basic educational and social skills they will need to face life
- Accepted Context (under what conditions would this view be best received or most accepted)

Children who finish school and make more money than children that dont
finish school. This more likely to happen than the other way.
- Refutation of Opposition (what could you state to refute the opposition's perspective?)

Children who dropout are four times as likely to be unemployed as those

who have completed four or more years of college.

IV. Common Ground (Rogerian Step Four & Proposal)

- Proposed Solution/Resolution as Common Ground (careful with phrasing, please)

Set programs that would inform children the benefits of finishing school
and the downside of not finishing school. Also, for those students that
dropout of school should be able to have work opportunities such as
internship to showcase their skills and get a permanent job.
- Context (what needs to happen for this occur; why does your common ground work, and even how is
it common ground?)

Government need to fund programs. Businesses would need to accept the

dropouts in their company for them to give them the opportunity to
showcase their skills.
- Implementation (how will it be carried out)

Advertise to the dropouts and record them to be able to keep track of

those who are under their programs.
- Resources (what will be needed)

Funds from the Government and Job opportunities from companies that
are willing to accept the dropouts.

V. Alternatives
(Are there other viable options as to resolution, beyond the common ground perspective or solution you
gave in IV above, and if so, what are they?)

VI. Concluding Statements

- Predictions
With more programs to warm the children what the downsides of dropping out of school would be and
companies that accept the dropouts would decrease the unemployment rate and less people living in
- Other Concerns (possibly to wrap up loose ends or ideas) or Rhetorical Questions

VII. Works Cited

(List required sources in MLA format)

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