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Water ionizer Activator (electrolyzer) IVA-2 with digital

Designed for home use devices like "IVA-2" - allows make "live" and "dead" water at
home. Between these species are medicinal liquid cardinal differences. "Living" water
can have a beneficial effect on the immune system, activate the metabolic processes in
the body, improve the general condition. "Dead" water is an excellent antiseptic that
prevents the growth of harmful bacteria and germs. Together, the two liquids will help
you find reliable protection during seasonal epidemics, so it's safe to say that "IVA-2"
- it is a necessary device for those who really want to take care of your health. This
miracle device is able to generate for some 10 minutes to 3 glasses of "living" water
and 1 cup of "dead." Thus, you can easily provide this medication whole family.

By composition live and dead water close to the interstitial fluid, blood and lymph, so
it does not cause rejection by the body and is directly involved in metabolism. "Dead"
water - is a powerful natural disinfector, no side effects - unlike common antibiotics.

Anolyte and catholyte belong to a class of metastable solutions: their activity

decreases with time. Therefore, they are recommended for use within 5-8 hours after
you prepare them. "Live" and "dead" water should not be mixed because it will lead
to their mutual neutralization. It is not recommended to keep this water in a fridge.
Instructions for preparing Live and dead water on English.

Water electrolyzer (Activator) IVA-2 with digital timer:
Unlike water activator-1 Willow, Willow-2 has a digital timer, which makes use of the
activator easier and more reliable.

Advantages of the IVA-2 with digital timer:

special protection electrode - Blackrock Platinum;
the anode is made of titanium and has a specific five-layer plating of a platinum
group metal, whereby the anode during the electrolysis current is not exposed
susceptible to dissolution;
timer warning (beep sounds during the end of the work);
Sleep Timer activator;
Protection against electric shock;
Preparation of water takes about 5 to 30 minutes;
Long service life of the machine
assembled by hand;
water changes the surface tension and becomes more bioavailable to the body.
Tap water has a surface tension of about 73 dynes / cm2, and the intra- and
extra-cellular water in humans of about 43 dynes / cm2;
the degree of surface tension defines "liquid" water. Figuratively speaking,
water is more "dense" and more "liquid". It is desirable that the body receives a
"liquid" water, then the cells will not have to spend energy to overcome the
surface tension. It is easier to enter into intermolecular interactions;

Built-in non-contact safety system;

Compact size and light weight - only 800gr;
Manufacturer: Russia, Moscow, NPF "INKOMK"

Power supply 220-240V;
The maximum power of 100 VA;
The current 0.2-0.7 A;
Production of activated water per cycle:
catholyte - 800 ml anolyte - 700 ml;
process time from 5 to 30-40 minutes;
Built-in non-contact safety system;
Compact size and light weight - 800gr;

Important notice for the US residents:

This device requires a 220V power supply. If you live in the USA, you will
need to obtain a separate 110 V to 220 V transformer to make this device run.
The price for such transformers ranges from 10 to 20 USD and they can be
easily ordered online.

spare baffles for Water ionizer IVA-2: Item Number on

eBay: 171718805472

Alkaline Water and the

Benefits of Alkaline Drinking Water
The average suggestion of water consumption per day ranges from 2.5 liters to 4 liters
- so it is imperative that we ensure that this water is of the highest quality.
There is a lot of discussion about the merits of alkaline water (particularly in the open
publishing medium known as the Internet) - however, regardless of who you listen to
regarding this debate there is one thing that is certain: the process of making water
alkaline increases the purity of the water by filtering out toxins and impurities.
For those who are not so skeptical about the benefits of the alkaline lifestyle, alkaline
water helps to neutralize acids and remove toxins from the body - it is a great cleanser
and helps to detoxify our system. Well basically, it has a high pH level (pH of 8-11),
and a negative redox potential (ORP), usually between -150 mV to -350 mV. Because
of these facts, alkaline water is a more powerful antioxidant, effective detoxifier, and
superior hydrator, compared to "conventional" drinking water.
Superior Hydrator And A Powerful Detoxifier
One of the primary causes of disease is chronic cellular dehydration, a condition,
which leaves the body's cells in a perpetual state of weakness and defense. Drinking
alkaline water helps with this condition and can be up to six times more hydrating
than "conventional" drinking water.
Alkaline Water is sometimes called Reduced Water because of its small molecular
grouping. Water molecules typically group together in clusters of 10-13. Alkaline
Water molecule clusters are clustered into 5-6 water molecules, thus they are reduced

in size. Because the size and shape of the water molecule cluster is smaller, the water
cluster is extremely penetrating and can pass through our cells more easily.
As it hydrates body tissue, it pushes out toxins or anything else that do not belong.
Thus, being superior hydrator and a powerful antioxidant, alkaline water is very

Other Alkaline Water Benefits

Helps with losing weight!
Improves the taste and quality of food
Better absorption of nutrients from foods you eat, helps bring out its flavor, and
lowers acid levels of any foods
Most users report a lot more clarity of mind and energy, due to the extra oxygen water
Helps your skin look healthier through effective hydration
Drinking Alkaline Water Can:

Improve the rate of healing

Normalize blood sugar and insulin levels
Reduce chronic pain and Increase healthy colon function
Relieve asthma and respiratory infections
Release stored body fat and toxins
Improve digestion
Help prevent kidney stones
Reduce Candida and fungus levels
For over 30 years Japanese hospitals have used electrically restructured alkaline water
to treat many diseases. This water is now available to Canadian and US consumers.
Join millions who enjoy the immense health benefits of alkaline restructured water!


Before first use: Rinse thoroughly and wipe with your hands the osmotic membrane
in warm water using household detergent (for example, soap) to allow the passage of
current.Without washing the current does not go and the water is not heated.
Treat the water for 15-20 minutes and throw away the very first activated waters.
Quantitative characteristics of acidity of the water is pH, which is determined by the
activity of hydrogen ions. Distilled water - neutral - has a pH = 7. It is recommended a
pH value of 2 to 6 units for anolyte and from 9 to 12 units for catholyte.
To get a pH = 10-12 units for the catholyte it is sufficient 3-10 minutes of operation.
For anolyte a pH = 2-4 with 3-10 minutes of operation will be enough. The exact
measure of the pH can only be achieved on laboratory ionometry.
Note the time at which the water is heated to 35 degrees Celcius and in the future turn
the device on for exactly the same period of time. Measure the temperature of the
water only when the device is disconnected from the mains supply.
For example, water with salinity of 200 mg / l is heated to 35 degrees for 20 minutes.
It is prohibited to heat the water for more than 35 degrees.
Please note that the heating of the water may range from 10 to 80 minutes depending
on the degree of mineralization.
Here's an examlpe of the dependence of the pH on the time of operation (given that
the initial mineralization is 200 mg / l)
22 C - pH anolyte 7.1 - pH catholyte 7.1
27 C - pH anolyte 3.5 - pH catholyte 10.1
30 C - pH anolyte 2.8 - pH catholyte 10.2
35 C - pH anolyte 2.3 - pH catholyte 10.5
Disconnect the plug from the socket, carefully remove the top cover with the
electrodes, remove the small container and pour anolyte ("dead water") into the
prepared container (for instance, a cup, a jar or a bottle). After that pour catholyte
("live water) into another container.
After each treatment wipe the stainless steel cathode with vinegar solution (10-14%)
from the white bloom. Black electrode (anode) is made of titanium coated with
ruthenium, it does not need to be wiped.
Anolyte and catholyte should be used within 5-8 hours after you prepared them solutions lose their activity over time. Do not put activated water in a fridge - you will
lose the quality of water. If you want to heat this water do not bring it to a boil.

After 40-60-minutes of catholyte storage a white precipitate of hardness will be seen

at the bottom of the tank. It should be drained.
A one-time average dose of activated water for ingestion is 1/2 cup for an adult. For
children aged 2 to 5 years the dose is a quarter cup, 5 to 12 years - a third, and for
older children you can use dosage as for adults.
Drink activated water 30 minutes before eating or 2-2.5 hours after your meal.
During the course of treatment it is recommended to avoid fatty or spicy food and
Between ingestion of "live" and then "dead" water you need to pause for 1.5-2 hours
- otherwise, every action is neutralized.
For external applications (processing wounds, burns, etc.) you need a break of 8-10
minutes between the use of "live" and "dead" water.

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