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Proceedings, The 15th Congress of FAVA

FAVA -OIE Joint Symposium on Emerging Diseases

27-30 October

Bangkok, Thailand

Evaluation of Liver Tumors with Radiography, Ultrasonography and

Laparoscopy in Cats and Dogs
S.Khalilov1, Z. Alkan1, A. Bumin1*, Y. en1, O.O.enel1, B.F.nce1
Surgery, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ankara University. 06110 Dikapi-Ankara, Turkey
Corresponding author
Keywords: Cats, Dogs, Laparoscopy, Radiography, Ultrasonography
radiodiagnostic unit of Ankara University, Faculty
of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Surgery.
After taking two way radiographs, the animals
underwent ultrasonographic examination according
to the technique. Following that a date was
established for laparoscopic examination and biopsy.
The animals were anesthetized before laparoscopy.
For this they were premedicated with diazepam
(Diazem, 5 mg/ml; Deva Holding A.., Turkey
(0.5-1 mg/kg IV for dogs and 0.05-0.15 mg/kg for
cats) and the induction was established with
propofol (Propofol, 10mg/ml; fresenius Kabi Ltd,
Sweden (6 mg/kg IV for dogs, 4 mg/kg IV for cats).
Laparoscopic examinations were done according to
the usual technique. After the examination, biopsy
material was taken from the lesions that were
directly examined as masses for histopatological
examination. After the laparoscopy and biopsy the
areas that were included in the procedure were
checked for bleeding and possible trauma. Then the
surgical wounds were closed with sutures.

Radiography is a cheap and easy to use diagnostic
tool for determining intraabdominal mass lesions
(7). With radiography, abdominal structures can be
evaluated by their size, shape, density and position
(2, 3, 12). The malignity of mass lesions cannot be
determined with radiography. Also tissues with the
same density cannot be differentiated (5).
Ultrasonography is considered an ideal means for
diagnosing intraabdominal masses (7, 10, 11). Solid
and cystic masses can be easily differentiated with
ultrasonography. Also the localization and
relationship of the masses with nearby organs, the
masses effect on related organs and its origins can
be determined (3, 4, 8). Lots of researchers report
that using radiography and ultrasonography provides
better results (2, 3, 9). While diffuse or focal lesions
could be easily diagnosed with ultrasonography (3,
4, 7), the character (Malignity) of those masses
cannot be evaluated (5). Laparoscopy is a minimally
traumatic surgical procedure that is used for
treatment and diagnosis of abdominal organ and
tissue diseases (6, 11, 12). Laparoscopy is
considered an ideal diagnostic measure because it is
minimally traumatic, the postoperative recovery
period is short, and exact results are obtained by
using it (8, 12). Gathering biopsy material and and
diagnostic laparoscopy gets results that would only
be possible doing experimental laparotomy, which is
an invasive procedure (12). Despite the advances
advances in diagnosis techniques and perioperative
organization in the modern day, more than 20-30%
of the cases were diagnosed with new pathologies by
diagnostic laparoscopy (1).
In this study, which was done on clinical cases; Cats
and dogs with liver masses were evaluated by
laparoscopy, including gathering biopsy, and the aim
of the study was determining the exact nature of the
disease histopathologically and promoting the use of
laparoscopy to practical use.

Results and Discussion

At radiological examination, which was the first part
of the study, allcases except one (case No. 2: details
of the abdominal organs were obscured due to
abdominal fluid) showed radioopaque mass lesions
and size increase at the affected organ
(organomegaly). In one case (case No. 4) metastasis
in lungs as also seen. In ultrasonographic evaluation
13 cases; 5 cats (case No. 1, 4, 5, 7, 13) and 8 dogs
(case No. 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12) hepatomegaly
and focal lesions causing hepatomegaly were seen.
Laparoscopy was performed on 13 cases diagnosed
with intra abdominal lesions. Biopsies were taken
from 5 cats and 13 dogs having mass lesions.
According to histopathological evaluation 6 cases
had benign and 7 cases had malign mass lesions
(Fig. 1).
As a result laparoscopy which was tested in a large
number of studies and had a good degree of success,
had the advantages of direct examination and
providing the opportunity to take biopsy materials,
and it was found to be a successful diagnostic tool
especially in geriatric oncology patients when
coupled with diagnostic tools like ultrasonography.

Materials and Methods

The material of the study was composed of a total of
13 animals of different breed, age and gender,
including 5 cats and 13 dogs that were brought to the


Proceedings, The 15th Congress of FAVA

FAVA -OIE Joint Symposium on Emerging Diseases

27-30 October

Bangkok, Thailand

1. Adusumll et al., 2006. FASEB J. 20: 726-728.
2. Barnes et al., 2006. Vet. Surg. 35: 243-251.
3. Cole et al., 2002. J. Am. Anim. Hosp. Assoc.
220: 1483-1490.
4. Hahn, 2003. Textbook of Small Animal
Surgery 3rd ed., W.B. Saunders Comp. 23132324.
5. Jones, 1990. Vet. Clin. North Am.20: 12431263.
6. Mles, 1997. Vet. Clin. North Am. 27: 14031431.
7. Monnet and Kudng, 2003. Textbook of Small
Animal Surgery 3rd ed., W.B. Saunders Comp.
8. Nord and Boyd, 1994. Diag. Lap. Endo. 26:
9. Philip and Amaral, 2001. Am. Col. Surg. 192:
10. Rchter, 2001. Vet. Clin. North Am. 31: 707727.
11. Othuzen, 1985. Vet. Q. 7: 225-228.
12. Twedt
Monnet, 2005. Veterinary
Endoscopy for the Small Animal Practitioner.
Elsevier Saunders. 357-385.


Fig. 1 The radiographic(A), ultrasonographic (B)

and laparoscopic view (C, D) of a mass lesion
located at the caudo ventral part (Left medial lobe)
of the liver
A) A large radioopaque mass lesion at the caudo
ventral part of the liver (White arrows)
B) Solid mass lesion with lower ecogenity than the
liver, located at the left lateral lobe, with a size
measured approximately 53.4mm x 49.3mm.
C) A large mass lesion (Thin white arrows) which
is lighter in color than the liver that originated
from the left lateral lobe of the liver (Wide
white arrows)
D) Paranchimatous hemorrhaging stemmed from
taking biopsy material with a double spoon
biopsy forceps.

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