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Talking Stick

Volume 2
Issue 3
Summer 2002

Newsletter of the Environmental Education Association of Oregon

Promoting a healthy, sustainable environment through education

EEAO Charging Ahead

Linda Rhoads, Executive Director
Welcome to the EEAO Board,
I t's hard to believe I have been in
Oregon for six months already!
As the rainy months turn into a
Advancement Project (NEEAP). At
the national level, I am serving on
the planning team for the North
Freda Sherburne and Ryan
beautiful Spring, I would like to give American Association for Freda is a Waste Reduction
you an update on what in the world Environmental Education (NAAEE) Educator with Metro Regional
your Executive Director has been up pre-conference affiliate workshop. Government in Portland. She has
to… been a member of EEAO for 10
As a spokesperson for EEAO, it Getting EEAO’s House in Order years and will serve on the Board
will be invaluable for me to have as the Awards Team Leader.
On the administrative side, the
first-hand knowledge about the Board and I have been working Ryan Collay, a relatively new
environmental education programs together to tackle and manage member of EEAO, will be serving
and centers in Oregon. Visiting, numerous tasks to ensure the long- on the Board as Program
observing, and experiencing your term success and stability of EEAO. Development Team Leader. Ryan
facilities and programs will help me One important aspect is fundraising lives in Eugene and works as the
better represent EEAO. Check out and to that end we have developed a Design and Evaluation
the fantastic environmental educa- fundraising plan, EEAO case state- Coordinator with the SMILE
tion centers and programs I have ment and participated in numerous (Science and Math Investigative
been visiting and learning about on training events conducted by TREC Learning Experiences) Program at
page 7! I look forward to meeting (Training Resources for the OSU in Corvallis.
and visiting with many more of you. Environmental Community) and
TACS (Technical Assistance for Looking Ahead
EEAO Ambassador Community Services). A grant pro- With many of the preparatory
As your ambassador, I have posal has been submitted to the administrative tasks coming to
recently represented EEAO at sever- Bullitt Foundation to implement a completion, I am eager to embark
al events including the Future diversified fundraising plan and on the next leg of this new journey.
Teacher's Conference in Albany and sound financial strategies, increase In the next several months, I will
the Idaho Environmental Education membership, implement a leader- be focusing on fundraising and
Association (IdEEA) Summit in ship development and mentoring implementing sound fiscal policies
Boise. They have been great net- program, and align environmental to ensure that EEAO is financially
working opportunities to meet with education with Oregon Science stable and will continue to grow.
folks from IdEEA, the Deputy Content Standards. News of whether I am proud to represent you and
Director from the Utah Society for we were selected for funding should I look forward to working with
Environmental Education (USEE) come in October. EEAO's website is you on many new EEAO projects
and the past-president of the up and running - check it out! and initiatives. As always, please
Environmental Education continue to stay in touch. I look
Association of Washington (EEAW) forward to hearing from you!
who is also a consultant with the - Linda
National Environmental Education
Summer 2002

Message from the President

Donal Wilkinson

EEAO 2002 Executive Board

T he spring 2002 conference was a
very interesting and enlighten-
ing experience. The site was beauti-
because of this we have some ban-
ner EE programs in Oregon. Out of
60 proposals nationwide, PG&E
Donal Wilkinson, Eastham ful, quiet and perfect for an environ- picked seven Oregon proposals to
Community School. 503-982-2312.
mental education conference. The fund. We have some awesome
President-Elect workshops were fun and exciting. environmental educators. Now we
Dara Wilkinson. 503-982-2312. We had everything from heavy need to come together, use our col- snow to sunshine for weather. One lective resources and our best
Past-President of the most interesting events during minds to establish EE in Oregon
Elaine Jane Cole, PSU. 503-725-8294.
the conference was a brainstorming like it never has been before.
Secretary session led by our Executive We are seeing signs that it will
Rachel Felice, PSU. 503-725-3190. Director, Linda Rhoads, and our past be imperative for us to work more president, Elaine Jane Cole. This ses- closely. The push to get rid of the
Treasurer sion was designed as a primer for office of Environmental Education
Jeanie Waterbury, Tualatin Hills
conference planning but encom- at EPA, outdoor school programs
Nature Park. 503-642-2683. passed membership services, capaci- being cut, and the fact that most of
ty building in EE, as well as celebrat- Eastern and Southern Oregon has
EEAO Committee Chairs ing all the outstanding environmen- never had outdoor school as part of
Communications Committee tal education programs our state has the student experience, are all signs
Sarah Bidwell, Alternatives to to offer. Overall the conference was a that we need to step up and work
Growth Oregon. 503-222-0282.
success and we are looking forward together at putting a stop to this.
Membership Committee to planning our next conference in We need to build a strong organ-
Donal Wilkinson 503-982-2312. fall of 2003. I encourage all of you to ization that can make EE not a friv- get involved at some level, whether olous extra in the curriculum, but
Awards Team Leader it be on the conference committee or an integral part of every student's
Freda Sherburne, Metro Regional
by promoting the conference in your education. It's essential if we want
Services. 503-797-1522. neck of the woods. to have a literate society that under-
Program Development Team As EEAO embarks on a new path, stands the natural world and how
Leader one that includes new member serv- we as people depend on it for our
Ryan Collay, OSU. 541-737-3553. ices, better networking, a sharp well being.
Executive Director to help guide our As we work together as commit-
way, and a strong committed board ted environmental educators, this
Executive Director of directors, we will be facing new message will become stronger and
Linda Rhoads 503-234-EEAO. challenges. One of our biggest chal- stronger. In the EEAO version of lenges is that the movers and shak- the immortal words of John F.
ers of environmental education in Kennedy, Ask not what your
Contact Information Oregon are very, very busy people - Association can do for you, but
Environmental Education
how do we work together to do what you can do for your
Association of Oregon
more? One way is to have new peo- Association, lets move forth, make
P.O. Box 15192
Portland, OR 97293 ple step up and become a mover and our membership rolls skyrocket,
(503) 234-EEAO shaker. and then work together to advance
Our state is one in which dedicat- EE in our state, and make the
Newsletter layout and design ed educators are focused on their world a better place live.
Sarah Bidwell projects and programs. We collabo-
Printed on recylced paper. rate well in small groups. And

H ave you checked out our new
web site lately? If not, have a
look at and you'll see
ing time sensitive items, maintaining
up-to-date links, and ensuring user-
friendly navigation thru the site.
Chocked Full of Great Ideas
and Resources for
Environmental Educators!
that we've come a long way toward Over time, as EEAO grows and
achieving one of our strategic goals! develops, new web pages will be ■ Links to teacher training facili-
As with any great organization, needed to reflect the dynamic nature ties/programs
our web site is a very important of our organization.
component for providing informa- This volunteer opportunity is a ■ Conferences for Students
tion about EEAO to the public, and great way for you to serve your
environmental education resources organization and be a vital part of its
■ Camps, Tours, and Field Trip
for members. To be a fully effective progress. As we continue to pursue
and useful web site, it will be critical our strategic initiatives, YOU can be
to keep it updated and maintained a major player and contributor for
■ Curriculum and Activity Guides
on a regular basis. That's where shaping the future of EEAO!
YOU come in! Interested in learning more?
The Board of EEAO is seeking a Contact our executive director, ■ Membership Information
dedicated EEAO member to main- Linda Rhoads, at 503-234-EEAO for
tain and periodically update our more details. ■ EE centers around the state
web site. The EEAO Webmaster will
be responsible for adding and delet- ■ General Public Programs

■ Lecture Series Information

NAAEE Annual Conference Anchorage Selected for 2003 ■ Clearinghouses of EE
August 6-10, Park Plaza Hotel, NAAEE Conference Resources
Boston, Massachusetts In April, the North American
The NAAEE conference in Association for Environmental ■ Informal EE Programs for K-12
Boston, the "Boston TEE (Total Education selected Anchorage, AK
Environmental Education) Party," instead of Portland for the 2003
is sure to be a "rich, stimulating North American conference. The
and fun-packed experience!" Join choice to go to Anchorage was Are you connected?
several of your EEAO colleagues, based primarily on financial consid-
Board members and Executive erations. The staff and Board of The EEAO listserve is a great tool
Director to represent Oregon at this NAAEE were very impressed with to learn about and share environ-
internationally recognized event. the proposal and compilation of mental education related news, job
The conference will follow four information provided by EEAO and postings, announcements, work-
strands (EE Through Time, they indicated that the decision was shops, programs and other items
Designing and Planning Spaces, very difficult. Great job and kudos of interest. Take advantage of one
Environmental Justice and The to all who participated in this of the benefits of membership to
Role of Higher Education in EE) endeavor including everyone who stay current and in-the-loop about
featuring workshops, concurrent hosted or met with Barb Eager environmental education happen-
sessions, poster sessions, interacts while she was visiting, provided ings around the state! To join, e-
and a keynote speaker. Registration pamphlets and other information to mail Dara Wilkinson at ddwilkin-
and conference schedule informa- include in the proposal, and partici-
tion available online. pated in the brainstorming session at the EEAO conference!
Summer 2002

EE’ers Gather for Professional

Lessons from Geese
Author Unknown
Development, Networking, and Fun!
Jen Seamans

As each goose flaps its wings, it rom March 10-12, 45 EEAO us new hopes and insights into
creates "uplift" for the bird follow- members gathered at the Salem energy alternatives and conserva-
ing. By flying in a V formation, the 4-H Retreat Center for a weekend tion measures being implemented
whole flock adds 71% more flying celebrating "Energy: The Current within our state. Clan Dyken kicked
range than if each bird flew alone. that Moves Us." Workshop topics off the evening musical festivities
Lesson: People who share a com-
mon direction and a sense of com-
munity can go further and get
where they are going quicker and
easier because they are traveling
on the thrust of one another.

Whenever a goose falls out of for-

mation, it suddenly feels the drag
and resistance of trying to fly
alone, and quickly gets back in for-
mation to take advantage of the
"lifting power" of the bird immedi-
ately in front. Lesson: If we have as
much sense as a goose, we will
stay in formation with those who Educators from across the state gather on a snowy spring day to celebrate and foster
are headed where we want to go. excellent environmental education.

brought together a small but spirit- with a participatory drum circle,

When the lead goose gets tired it ed group of educators for thought- and raised everyone's dancing feet!
rotates back into formation and ful discussion on education taking
another goose flies at the point place inside and outside the class- On Sunday the conference hosted
position. Lesson: It pays to take room. Topics of workshops ranged an EEAO Issues Forum, which
turns doing the hard tasks and from solar energy education, to sparked good discussions and will
sharing leadership - with people, wildlife conservation, to tracking fuel ongoing dialogue. One brain-
as with geese, interdependent with (with a light snow blanketing the storming session catalyzed energy
others. ground Saturday morning!). continued top of next page

The geese in formation honk from An evening awards ceremony

behind to encourage those up front honored Lynn Wilson-Dean of the
to keep up their speed. Lesson: We World Forestry Center for
need to make sure our honking Individual Contribution; the best
from behind is encouraging - not school program award was given to
something less than helpful. Grant Community School in Salem;
and the Metro Waste Reduction
When a goose gets sick or wound- team received the best program
ed or shot down, two geese drop award. The keynote speaker was
out of formation and follow it down Chris Dymond, Oregon Janet Nagele of OSU Extension
to help and protect him or her. Department of Energy, who gave describes how the sun's energy moves
Continued on sidebar, next page through the aquatic environment.


and ideas toward Portland's possi- strategies such as holding regional 2003 EEAO Conference
ble hosting meetings on a regular Planning Team is Taking
of the basis, and trips for Shape!
national members to visit EE We are in the beginning stages of
NAAEE sites outside the forming the team to plan our Fall
conference-- Portland/ Salem 2003 Conference, and we want YOU!
ideas that area. The organiza- This planning team will be instru-
we will keep tion as a whole is mental in setting guidelines for
for future searching for ways it future conference locations and
events! can extend itself to themes.
Another the statewide com-
Some really great folks have
strong con- munity and draw a
Rex Ettlin of the Oregon Zoo shares items larger group of mem- already volunteered to serve on the
cern that
planning team so it's bound to be a
received air from the endangered species box. bers together for re-
fun endeavor. Volunteering on the
time was how energizing themselves,
Conference Planning Team is a
the organization can support and be and re-charging EE in Oregon
great way to meet and get to know
supported by members living out- through events and conferences
your colleagues from other organi-
side the Portland/Salem area. such as this one.
EEAO has responded with recent
If you have enthusiasm, ideas, or
want to try out your organizational
skills, you fit the bill! Contact
Recognizing Excellence in EEAO’s executive director, Linda

Environmental Education Rhoads, at 503-234-EEAO to learn

more and volunteer.
EEAO honored Lynn Wilson-Dean, Metro Waste Reduction Education, and Grant
Community School with awards for Excellence in Environmental Education for We’re looking for coordinators to
Best Individual Contribution, Best Program, and Best School Program respectively. help with:
Below is a kind note from Lynn Wilson-Dean in appreciation of her award. ■ Field Trips

■ Program Design
I want to thank you all for the won-
■ Silent Auction
derful award that EEAO presented to
me. It means a great deal to be ■ Facilities and Site Logistics
acknowledged for work in the envi- ■ Entertainment
ronmental education arena. I believe in ■ Marketing
education, empowerment and support
■ Fundraising
of people of all ages in the field of
environmental education. Even though
we may not all have the exact defini- Lessons from Geese
tion of what EE is, we all know that it Continued
means a better community, life and earth for us now and those to follow us
in the future. I was terribly proud to get the award when there are so many They stay with the goose until it is
deserving people out there leading the charge for EE. either able to fly again, or dies.
Thank you for the honor and most importantly for your support. It felt so Then they launch out on their own
good to be surrounded by such great people!!!!!! with another formation or catch up
Lynn Wilson-Dean to the flock. Lesson: If we have as
Community Programs Manager, much sense as geese, we will
World Forestry Center stand by each other like that.

Summer 2002

Professional Development Opportunities

Access Nature
The National Wildlife Federation's Creeks and Kids: Watershed First Friday at the Lucky Lab
inclusive nature curriculum, Education Workshops for in Portland, August 2nd and
Access Nature, helps children Educators, July 7th-11th or September 6th at 4:00.
make a personal connection to the July 17th-21st. A relaxed gathering of EEAO mem-
natural world. The adaptations Workshop to help educators bers to enjoy good company and
that follow each of the 45 hands- acquire the skills and confidence to conversation. Excellent opportuni-
on activities provide educators use their local streams as learning ty to meet and share ideas with
(formal and non-formal) with the sites. You'll walk away ready to other environmental educators and
tools to engage participants with use your local watershed or stream colleagues. For more information
hearing, learning/cognitive, motor as a focus for learning, with inno- contact: Tim Lichen, 360-546-9510 at
and visual disabilities alongside vative curriculum activities that Clark County Environmental
their peers without disabilities. meet Oregon's educational stan- Information Cooperative.
Other features include: alignment dards. $45.00. For more informa-
with the National Science tion contact: Lin Howell, 503-681- Water Quality: A Watershed
Education Standards, general dis-
6429 at Jackson Bottom Wetlands Perspective, August 8th.
ability-related teaching guidelines,
Preserve. All day tour, ideal for environmen-
a fully developed action project
complete with accessibility guide- tal educators, will examine water
Adopt-A-Watershed's National quality through the Clackamas
lines, and a disability-related
Leadership Institute, July 13th River watershed with focus on for-
resource section. Check it out at,
– 20th in Bend. est management, forest fire, agricul-
accessnature.cfm An eight-day series of professional ture, and urban and industrial
development activities providing water quality issues. Free! For more
intensive leadership training in the information contact: Jeremy Solin
Thank You Outgoing Board integration of educational stan- (see previous listing).
Members, Sue Baker and Jan Curry! dards, curriculum application to
Sue is a lifetime member of EEAO, local environments and service- Habitat Enhancement Through
Past President (1997), and served learning concepts. For more infor- Forest Management, August
the organization for several years as mation contact: Adopt-A- 27th.
the NAAEE liaison. Sue has been an Watershed, 530-628-5334, All day tour, ideal for environmen-
enthusiastic leader and member of tal educators, will emphasize the
EEAO and (among her many contri- role of forest management in pro-
butions!) worked with Kate The Forests Encountered by viding healthy and diverse habitat
Ferschweiler to plan and coordinate Lewis & Clark, July 23rd or for fish and wildlife. Free! For more
the Diamond Lake Fall 1998 24th. information contact: Jeremy Solin
Conference. All day tour, ideal for environmen- (see previous listing).
tal educators, focused on the land-
Jan Curry of Jackson Bottom
scapes of the lower Columbia River Others
Wetlands Preserve has been serving
and northern Oregon Coast that Keep you eye on EEAO’s listserve
EEAO as the Awards Team Leader
existed at the time of the Lewis and for other professional development
for the past year. She has been a
Clark Expedition. Free! For more opportunities.
valuable Board member and contrib-
information contact: Jeremy Solin,
utor to the development of the
503-229-6718 x. 27, To submit a professional develop-
at Oregon Forest Resources ment opportunity for the next
Tremendous thank-you to both Sue Institute. Talking Stick issue, contact Linda
and Jan for their participation in and
Rhoads at 503-234-EEAO or
leadership of EEAO!
Membership News
Oh, the places I’ve been!
New Membership and Donor needed to make this change. Please Linda Rhoads
Categories keep your eyes on your mail for a
As EEAO continues to grow and separate mailing later this summer ■ Cascade Stream Watch and
take on more financial responsibili- to change our By-laws. And please Wildwood Wetlands Trail
ty, the need for financial support return your ballot so that we can ■ Oregon Zoo
beyond membership dues is also raise the necessary funds to sup- ■ Hatfield Marine Science Visitors
growing. Additionally, revising our port our activities including the Center
membership categories was one of web site, newsletter, e-mail list-
■ Oregon Coast Aquarium
EEAO’s strategic initiatives deter- serve, conference, and our new
■ Yaquina Head Outstanding
mined in 1998. In preparation for executive director!
Natural Area and Lighthouse
moving forward with implement-
Welcome New Members! ■ Tualatin Hills Nature Park
ing our fundraising plan, the Board
created new "donor" categories in Kim Bredensteiner, Keith Brkich, ■ Friends of Opal Creek
addition to the traditional "mem- Katy Bryce, James Carpenter, Kathy ■ The High Desert Museum
ber" categories (professional, stu- Child, Ryan Collay, Jeff Cutter, ■ John Day Fossil Beds National
dent, senior, organizational, etc.). Jeanne Dubois, Becky Fleshman, Monument
The new "donor" categories provide Dawn Grafe, Pamela Heresco, ■ Hoyt Arboretum
a framework for individuals and Trena Jayne, Rick Jones, Kurt
■ Jackson Bottom Wetlands
organizations to select the support- Krueger, Rhian Lang, John
ing membership level that is best LeCavalier, Newt Loken, Kori
■ The Resort at the Mountain
suited for them. By providing an Losoya, Emily Potter, Jan Rankin,
appealing structure for organiza- Tammy Sanders, Tandra Schmid, ■ World Forestry Center
tions and individuals to identify Linda Simpson, Jessica Walter, ■ Silver Falls State Park
themselves with, we hope to Kevin Weber, Mikke Weddle, ■ Oregon 4-H Conference and
acquire significant financial com- Michael Wherley, Julie Wojcicki Education Center
mitment from numerous sources ■ National Historic Oregon Trail
that have previously gone unsolicit- Organization member: Mark Interpretive Center
ed and untapped. Reynolds, program manager for
■ Oregon Trout
Region 9 Ed. Service Dist.
Since membership categories are
articulated in the EEAO By-laws, Welcome Lifetime Members! Want to add your center to the
majority vote of the membership is David Heil and Sue Baker list? Call me at (503) 234-EEAO!

Membership / Contribution Form

Yes, I want to support environmental education in Oregon! I’d like to:
❏ Become a member of EEAO ❏ Renew my membership ❏ Make an additional contribution of
___ $25 Regular ___ $30 Family ___ $75 Organizational $ ___________
___ $15 Student ___ $200 Lifetime





Summer 2002

Quiz Box! Look Inside for . . .

How well do you know our state? .............................................................................3
See if you can name each of the
following of Oregon's state sym-
NAAEE News ................................................................................3
1. Tree
2. Flower EEAO Conference 2002 ........................................................4 & 5
3. Animal
4. Bird Professional Development Opportunities .................................6
5. Insect
6. Rock
Access Nature ..............................................................................6
7. Fish
8. Gemstone
9. Mushroom Membership News .......................................................................7
10. Nut
11. Seashell
Is your membership due for renewal? Check the date above your

Look for answers in the next issue

of the Talking Stick.
! name on the address label. If your membership is due, please fill
out the membership form on page 7 and send to EEAO with your
membership renewal check for $25.00.

Environmental Education Association of Oregon

P.O. Box 15192
Portland, OR 97293

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