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Soumik Sarkar, Elyse Charles, Fatuma Hydara,

Karen Ly, Marlene Zapata, Selamawit

AP Psychology—SY2X

A tendency for seniors to decrease commitment towards their academic objectives


1. Peer influence can lead someone to falter from his or her desired goal.
2. People with Type B personalities are more likely to develop seniorities than people with Type A.
3. The more stressful you are during your senior year, the more likely you are to develop seniorities.

Questionnaires measuring the extent of seniorities

1. What are your current study habits as a senior?

a. 3 or more hours a day
b. 1 – 3 hours a day
c. Less than 1 hour a day
d. Never

2. What were your study habits as a junior?

a. 3 or more hours a day
b. 1 – 3 hours a day
c. Less than 1 hour a day
d. Never

3. Are you having challenging moments in keeping up your classes as a senior?

a. Yes
b. No
c. I don’t prefer to answer

4. On a scale of 1-5, how would you rank the schoolwork on your list of priorities?

5. Are senior activities occupying all of your thoughts?

a. Yes
b. No
c. I don’t prefer to answer

6. Has your attitude towards school changed? If so, how?

a. Yes
b. No
c. I don’t prefer to answer


7. What is your current GPA?
a. 95+
b. 94-85
c. 84-75
d. 74-65
e. below 65

8. Do you think these achievements are enough to get you what you want in your life?
a. Yes
b. No

9. As the school approaches to the end, how do you find yourself?

a. Extremely attentive
b. Somewhat attentive
c. Attentive
d. Somewhat distracted
e. Extremely distracted

Questionnaires to decipher personality types

1. I feel I am…
a. Much more competitive than others
b. A bit more competitive than others
c. About as competitive as others
d. A bit less competitive than others
e. Much less competitive than others

2. When you’ve achieved an important goal, e.g. graduation. What is your reaction?
a. I often think it a measly step toward my ultimate goal—it would be pathetic to make a
big deal out of it
b. I enjoy the feeling of satisfaction for a while—before I work on achieving another goal
c. I reap the fruits of my labor for as long as I can

3. When conversing with someone who has a less extensive vocabulary (i.e. lower education level)…
a. I feel superior and get confidence boost out of it
b. I brush them off—I have no patience for ‘slow’ people
c. I pretend that I don’t notice
d. I try to adjust my speech to put the other person at ease and to facilitate understanding

4. When I am very frustrated

a. People shouldn’t provoke me (for their own sake)
b. I can be provoked but try to control my temper
c. I step back form the situation and put things in perspective
d. I withdraw, e.g. I cover up my situation

5. I take part in recreational activities (i.e. leisurely walks, working out, reading for pleasure, playing
games, etc)
a. Less than once a week


b. Once or twice a week
c. Most of my time consists of recreational activities
d. I engage in nothing but recreational activities

6. I am ready to go but have to wait for someone else…

a. I get very impatient and let it show
b. I may get slightly impatient and let it show
c. I may get slightly impatient but don’t let on
d. I don’t mind. I enjoy the moment

7. I am _________ admitting my mistakes

a. Very uncomfortable
b. Always comfortable

8. You witness what you think is a sweet exchange of affection between tow people. What is your most
likely reaction?
a. I get irritated by the public display of affection
b. I don’t even notice
c. I am indifferent
d. I smile
e. I try to resist the temptation to go in for a group hug

9. In heavy traffic on the way to an airport, your cab driver keeps taking bad “shortcuts” and then turns
and says “Nice day isn’t it?” How do you feel?
a. I am furious
b. I am very angry
c. I feel a little angry
d. I feel annoyed
e. I feel slightly annoyed
f. I don’t feel angry at all


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