The Sentence

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Building Sentences

There are many ways of condensing sentences. These are some of them:
1.You can use one word instead of a phrase or clause
The boy with the fair hair laughed. The fair-haired boy laughed.
The women worked in an industrious way. The women worked industriously.
People who interfere in other peoples business get on my nerves. Interfering people
get on my nerves.
2.You can use a phrase instead of a clause
The Principal came in when it was time to go to recess. The Principal came in at
recess time.
Ill lend you the book that youll need for the test. Ill lend you the book needed for the
3.You can find one word that says the same as a string of words

person who fixes pipes = plumber

able to be taken in two ways = ambiguous
4.You can use one word for a number of things or people in the same class
bananas, apples, oranges, raspberries = fruit
students, teachers, parents, council members = people
5.You can change a sentence into a phrase and join it to another sentence
Emmeline Pankhurst was the eldest of ten children. She was born in London in 1858.
Emmeline Pankhurst, born in London in 1858, was the eldest of ten children.
6.You can change a clause into a phrase in apposition
Ghandi, who was a spokesman for non-violence, persuaded thousands. Ghandi, a
spokesman for non-violence, persuaded thousands.
7.You can leave out unnecessary words and words that say the same thing (for
almost the same thing) as other words
The soldiers, tired and worn out, returned to the trench. The tired soldiers returned to
the trench.
In fact, one of the two could be kept for later. One could be kept for later.

Exercises in Building and Combining Sentences

Sentence Building with Prepositional Phrases

mouse darted.
It darted across the salad bar.
This happened during the luncheon.


We traveled this summer.

We traveled by train.
We traveled from Biloxi.
We traveled to Dubuque.


The convertible swerved, crashed, and caromed.

It swerved off the road.
It crashed through the guardrail.
It caromed off a maple tree.


Mick planted seeds.

He planted them in his garden.
He did this after the quarrel.
The quarrel was with Mr. Jimmy.


Grandpa dropped his teeth.

His teeth were false.
His teeth dropped into a glass.
There was prune juice in the glass.


Lucy played.
She was behind the sofa.
She was with her friend.
Her friend was imaginary.
They played for hours.


There was a man.

He wore a chicken costume.
He dashed across the field.
He did this before the ballgame.
The ballgame was on Sunday afternoon.


A man stood, looking down.

He stood upon a railroad bridge.
The bridge was in northern Alabama.
He was looking down into the water.
The water was twenty feet below.
The water was swift.


The gray-flannel fog closed off the Salinas Valley.

It was the fog of winter.
The fog was high.
The Salinas Valley was closed off from the sky.
And the Salinas Valley was closed off from all the rest of the world.


I climbed to my perch.
I did this one night.
The night was hot.
The night was in the summer.
The night was in 1949.
It was my usual perch.
My perch was in the press box.

The press box was cramped.

The press box was above the stands.
The stands were wooden.
These were the stands of the baseball park.
The baseball park was in Lumberton, North Carolina.

Sample Combinations
1. During the luncheon, a mouse darted across the salad bar.
2. This summer we traveled by train from Biloxi to Dubuque.
3. The convertible swerved off the road, crashed through the guardrail, and
caromed off a maple tree.
4. After his quarrel with Mr. Jimmy, Mick planted seeds in his garden.
5. Grandpa dropped his false teeth into a glass of prune juice.
6. Lucy played behind the couch for hours with her imaginary friend.
7. Before the ballgame on Sunday afternoon, a man in a chicken costume dashed
across the field.

8. A man stood upon a railroad bridge in northern Alabama, looking down into the
swift waters twenty feet below.

9. The high gray-flannel fog of winter closed off the Salinas Valley from the sky and
from all the rest of the world.
10. One hot night in the summer of 1949, I climbed to my usual perch in the cramped
press box above the wooden stands of the baseball park in Lumberton, North

Sentence Building With Adjectives and Adverbs

Combine the sentences in each set into a single clear sentence containing at least
one adjective or adverb (or both). Omit words that are needlessly repeated, but don't leave out
any important details.

1. Willie had a beard and a moustache.

The beard was bushy.
The beard was long.
The moustache was droopy.
2. The man handed me a photograph of a woman.
He did this silently.
The man was old.
The woman was beautiful.

3. The man handed me a photograph of a woman.

The photograph was torn.
The photograph was faded.
The woman was young.
4. The photograph brought back memories.
The memories were brought back instantly.
The memories were fine.
The memories were old.
5. The photograph of the woman brought back memories.
The memories were brought back instantly.
The woman was beautiful.
The woman was young.
The photograph was torn.
The photograph was faded.
The memories were fine.
The memories were old.

1. Willie had a long, bushy beard and a droopy moustache.
2. Silently, the old man handed me a photograph of a beautiful woman.
3. The man handed me a torn and faded photograph of a young woman.
4. The photograph instantly brought back fine old memories.
5. The torn and faded photograph of a beautiful young woman instantly brought
back fine old memories.

Sentence Building With Coordinators

By coordinating words, phrases, and/or clauses, combine the sentences in each set into
a single clear sentence. Use any coordinating conjunctions or correlative
conjunctions that you think are appropriate. Omit words that are needlessly repeated,
but don't leave out any important details.
1. The dancer was not tall.
The dancer was not slender.
The dancer was extremely elegant.
2. The sound of an automobile horn is muffled.
The sound is indistinct.
The sound seems part of another world.

3. A few of the strikers obeyed the court order.

They returned to work.
Most of the strikers remained on the picket line.
4. Merdine may be down at the Confidence Bar & Grill.
Merdine may be over at the Chelsea Drugstore.
Merdine is at one of these two places.
5. The winds dispersed.
The rain slackened to a drizzle and a mist.
The clouds fell apart.
The sun shone through.
6. The girl was little.
She pressed her nose against the window.
The window was icy.
She giggled with delight.
She had never seen snow before.
7. The waitress tugged the pencil out of her hair.
Her hair was lacquered.
She licked the pencil point.
She flicked over her bill pad.
She asked if she could take our order.
8. He turned.
He pushed the bottom strand of wire.
He pushed it down to the ground.
He pushed it with his foot.
He held the middle strand up.
He held it up with his hands.
He did this so Ed and I could walk through.
9. Papa would sit on the front porch.
Papa would sit after supper.
Papa would sit on summer nights.
The nights were warm.
Papa would tell us stories.
The stories were about ghosts.
The stories were about witches.
10. The sun would dry the dew.
The dew was on the grass of the park
The sun would soften the tar.
The sun would bake the rooftops.
The sun would brown us on the beaches.

The sun would make us sweat.

The sun would keep us from the flats.
These were the flats of the tenements.
The flats were tight.
The flats were small.

Sample Combinations: Sentence Building With Coordinators

1. The dancer was neither tall nor slender, but she was extremely elegant.
2. The muffled and indistinct sound of an automobile horn seems part of another
3. A few of the strikers obeyed the court order and returned to work, but most
remained on the picket line.
4. Merdine is either down at the Confidence Bar & Grill or over at the Chelsea
5. The winds dispersed, the rain slackened to a drizzle and a mist, the clouds fell
apart, and the sun shone through.
6. The little girl pressed her nose against the icy window and giggled with delight,
for she had never seen snow before.
7. The waitress tugged the pencil out of her lacquered hair, licked the pencil point,
flicked over her bill pad, and asked if she could take our order.
8. He turned and pushed the bottom strand of the wire down to the ground with his
foot and held the middle strand up with his hands, so Ed and I could walk

9. On warm summer nights after supper, Papa would sit on the front porch and tell
us stories about ghosts and witches.
10. The sun would dry the dew on the grass of the park, soften the tar, bake the
rooftops, brown us on the beaches, make us sweat, and keep us from the tight,
small flats of the tenements.

Sentence Building with Adjective Clauses

Combine the sentences in each set into a single, clear sentence with at least one
adjective clause. Subordinate the information that you think is of secondary importance.

1. The first alarm clock woke the sleeper by gently rubbing his feet.
The first alarm clock was invented by Leonardo da Vinci.
2. Some children have not received flu shots.
These children must visit the school doctor.
3. Success encourages the repetition of old behavior.
Success is not nearly as good a teacher as failure.
4. I showed the arrowhead to Rachel.
Rachel's mother is an archaeologist.
5. Merdine was born in a boxcar.
Merdine was born somewhere in Arkansas.
Merdine gets homesick every time she hears the cry of a train whistle.
6. The space shuttle is a rocket.
The rocket is manned.
This rocket can be flown back to earth.
This rocket can be reused.
7. Henry Aaron played baseball.
Henry Aaron played with the Braves.
Henry Aaron played for 20 years.
Henry Aaron was voted into the Hall of Fame.
The vote was taken in 1982.
8. Oxygen is colorless.
Oxygen is tasteless.
Oxygen is odorless.
Oxygen is the chief life-supporting element of all plant life.
Oxygen is the chief life-supporting element of all animal life.
9. Bushido is the traditional code of honor of the samurai.
Bushido is based on the principle of simplicity.
Bushido is based on the principle of honesty.
Bushido is based on the principle of courage.
Bushido is based on the principle of justice.
10. Merdine danced on the roof.
It was the roof of her trailer.
Merdine danced during the thunderstorm.
The thunderstorm flooded the county.
The thunderstorm was last night.
Sample Combinations:

1.The first alarm clock, which woke the sleeper by gently rubbing his feet, was invented
by Leonardo da Vinci.
2.Children who have not received flu shots must visit the school doctor.
3.Success, which encourages the repetition of old behavior, is not nearly as good a
teacher as failure.
4.I showed the arrowhead to Rachel, whose mother is an archaeologist.
5.Merdine, who was born in a boxcar somewhere in Arkansas, gets homesick every
time she hears the cry of a train whistle.
6.The space shuttle is a manned rocket that can be flown back to earth and reused.
7.Henry Aaron, who played baseball with the Braves for 20 years, was voted into the
Hall of Fame in 1982.
8.Oxygen--which is colorless, tasteless, and odorless--is the chief life-supporting
element of all plant and animal life.
9.Bushido, which is the traditional code of honor of the samurai, is based on the
principles of simplicity, honesty, courage, and justice.
10.Merdine danced on the roof of her trailer during the thunderstorm that flooded the
county last night.

Sentence Building with Appositives

Combine the sentences in each set below into a single clear sentence with at least
oneappositive. Omit words that are needlessly repeated, but don't leave out any
important details.
1. Monroe and I strolled through the graveyard.
The graveyard is the most peaceful spot in town.
2. St. Valentine is the patron saint of lovers.
St. Valentine was never married.
3. We were waiting outside the prison cells.
The cells were a row of sheds fronted with double bars.
The cells were like small animal cages.
4. My father was outside.
My father was beneath the window.
My father whistled for Reggie.
Reggie was our English setter.

5. We saw the stream in the valley.

The stream was black.
The stream was halted.
The stream was a tarred path through the wilderness.
6. We arrived at a group of peasant houses.
The group was small.
The houses were low yellow constructions.
The houses had dried-mud walls.
The houses had straw mats.
7. A great many old people came.
They knelt around us.
They prayed.
They included old women with jet-black faces.
The women had braided hair.
They included old men with work-gnarled hands.
8. One of the Cratchet girls had borrowed the books.
She was a hatchet-faced girl.
She was thin.
She was eager.
She was a transplanted Cockney.
She had a frenzy for reading.

9. It was the kind of home that gathers memories like dust.

It was a place filled with laughter.
It was filled with play.
It was filled with pain.
It was filled with hurt.
It was filled with ghosts.
It was filled with games.
10. I led a raid on the grocery.
It was the grocery of Barba Nikos.
The grocery was small.
The grocery was shabby.
Barba Nikos was old.
Barba Nikos was short.
Barba Nikos was sinewy.
Barba Nikos was a Greek.
Barba Nikos walked with a slight limp.
Barba Nikos sported a flaring handlebar moustache.

Sample Combinations:
1. Monroe and I strolled through the graveyard, the most peaceful spot in town.
2. St. Valentine, the patron saint of lovers, was never married.
3. We were waiting outside the prison cells, a row of sheds fronted with double bars,
like small animal cages.
4. Outside beneath my window, my father whistled for Reggie, our English setter.
5. We saw the stream in the valley, black and halted, a tarred path through the
6. We arrived at a small group of peasant houses, low yellow constructions with
dried-mud walls and straw roofs.
7. A great many old people came and knelt around us and prayed, old women with
jet-black faces and old men with work-gnarled hands.
8. One of the Cratchet girls had borrowed the books, a hatchet-faced, thin, eager,
transplanted Cockney girl with a frenzy for reading.
9. It was the kind of home that gathers memories like dust, a place filled with
laughter and play and pain and hurt and ghosts and games.
10. I led a raid on the small, shabby grocery of Barba Nikos, a short sinewy Greek
who walked with a slight limp and sported a flaring, handlebar moustache.

Building and Combining Sentences with Adverb Clauses

Combine the sentences in each set below by turning the sentence(s) in bold into an
adverb clause. Begin the adverb clause with an appropriate subordinating conjunction.
1. It is unlikely that Cleopatra actually committed suicide with an asp.
The species is unknown in Egypt.
2. The boy hid the gerbil.
No one would ever find it.

3. Our neighbors installed a swimming pool.

The pool is in their backyard.
They have gained many new friends.
4. My parents and I watched in awe.
We watched on a hot August evening.
Erratic bolts of lightning illuminated the sky.
The bolts of lightning were from a distant storm.
5. Benny played the violin.
The dog hid in the bedroom
The dog whimpered.
6. Natural rubber is used chiefly to make tires and inner tubes.
It is cheaper than synthetic rubber.
It has greater resistance to tearing when wet.
7. A Peruvian woman finds an unusually ugly potato.
She runs up to the nearest man.
She smashes it in his face.
This is done by ancient custom.
8. Credit cards are dangerous.
They encourage people to buy things.
These are things that people are unable to afford.
These are things that people do not really need.
9. I kissed her once.
I kissed her by the pigsty.
She wasn't looking.
I never kissed her again.
She was looking all the time.
10. Some day I shall take my glasses off.
Some day I shall go wandering.
I shall go out into the streets.
I shall do this deliberately.
I shall do this when the clouds are heavy.
I shall do this when the rain is coming down.
I shall do this when the pressure of realities is too great.

Sample Combinations:
1. Because the species is unknown in Egypt, it is unlikely that Cleopatra actually
committed suicide with an asp.
2. The boy hid the gerbil where no one would ever find it.
3. Since our neighbors installed a swimming pool in their backyard, they have gained
many new friends.
4. On a hot August evening, my parents and I watched in awe as erratic bolts of
lightning from a distant storm illuminated the sky.
5. Whenever Benny played the violin, the dog hid in the bedroom and whimpered.
6. Natural rubber is used chiefly to make tires and inner tubes because it is cheaper
than synthetic rubber and has greater resistance to tearing when wet.
7. By ancient custom, when a Peruvian woman finds an unusually ugly potato, she runs
up to the nearest man and smashes it in his face.
8. Credit cards are dangerous because they encourage people to buy things that they
are unable to afford and do not really need.
9. I kissed her once by the pigsty when she wasn't looking and never kissed her again
although she was looking all the time.
10. Some day, when the clouds are heavy, and the rain is coming down and the
pressure of realities is too great, I shall deliberately take my glasses off and go
wandering out into the streets, never to be heard from again.

Building Sentences with Participial Phrase

Combine the sentences in each set below into a single clear sentence with at least
one participial phrase.
1. The dishwasher was invented in 1889.
The dishwasher was invented by an Indiana housewife.
The first dishwasher was driven by a steam engine.
2. I took small sips from a can of Coke.
I was sitting on the ground in a shady corner.
I was sitting with my back against the wall.
3. I was sitting on the window ledge.
The ledge overlooked the narrow street.

I watched the children.

The children were frolicking in the first snow of the season.
4. The first edition of Infant Care was published by the U.S. Government.
The first edition of Infant Care was published in 1914.
The first edition of Infant Care recommended the use of peat moss for disposable
5. The house sat stately upon a hill.
The house was gray.
The house was weather-worn.
The house was surrounded by barren tobacco fields.
6. I washed the windows in a fever of fear.
I whipped the squeegee swiftly up and down the glass.
I feared that some member of the gang might see me.
7. Goldsmith smiled.
He bunched his cheeks like twin rolls of toilet paper.
His cheeks were fat.
The toilet paper was smooth.
The toilet paper was pink.
8. The roaches scurried in and out of the breadbox.
The roaches sang chanteys.
The roaches sang as they worked.
The roaches paused only to thumb their noses.
They thumbed their noses jeeringly.
They thumbed their noses in my direction.
9. The medieval peasant was distracted by war.
The medieval peasant was weakened by malnutrition.
The medieval peasant was exhausted by his struggle to earn a living.
The medieval peasant was an easy prey for the dreadful Black Death.
10. He eats slowly.
He eats steadily.
He sucks the sardine oil from his fingers.
The sardine oil is rich.
He sucks the oil with slow and complete relish.

Sample Combinations:
1. Invented by an Indiana housewife in 1889, the first dishwasher was driven by a
steam engine.
2. Sitting on the ground in a shady corner with my back against the wall, I took small
sips from a can of Coke.
3. Sitting on the window ledge overlooking the narrow street, I watched the children
frolicking in the first snow of the season.
4. Published by the U.S. Government in 1914, the first edition of Infant
Care recommended the use of peat moss for disposable diapers.
5. The gray, weather-worn house sat stately upon a hill surrounded by barren
tobacco fields.
6. Fearing that some member of the gang might see me, I washed the windows in a
fever of fear, whipping the squeegee swiftly up and down the glass.
7. "Goldsmith smiled, bunching his fat cheeks like twin rolls of smooth pink toilet
8. "The roaches scurried in and out of the breadbox, singing chanteys as they
worked and pausing only to thumb their noses jeeringly in my direction."
9. The medieval peasant--distracted by war, weakened by malnutrition, exhausted
by his struggle to earn a living--was an easy prey for the dreaded Black Death.
10. He eats slowly, steadily, sucking the rich sardine oil from his fingers with slow and
complete relish.
Sentence Building with Absolutes
Combine the sentences in each set below into a single clear sentence with at least
oneabsolute phrase. Here's an example:

The paperboy stood shivering in the doorway.

His teeth were chattering.

His palm was extended.

Sample combination:

His teeth chattering, his palm extended, the paperboy stood shivering in the
1. I sat on the highest limb of a sturdy oak tree.
Its branches were reaching to the clouds.
The branches were reaching as if to claim a piece of the sky.
2. The wolf trots away.
His head and tail are erect.
His hips are slightly to one side and out of line with his shoulders.
3. The raccoon goes down on all fours and strides slowly off.
Her slender front paws are reaching ahead of her.
Her slender front paws are like the hands of an experienced swimmer.
4. My grandparents were holding hands in a New York City subway train.
Their faces were old.
Their faces were beautifully lined.
Their gray heads were almost touching.
5. I sat huddled on the steps.
My cheeks were resting sullenly in my palms.
I was half listening to what the grownups were saying.
I was half lost in a daydream
6. One sunny morning I whipped down the Roxbury Road on my bicycle.
The front spokes were melting into a saw blade.
The wind was shrilling tunes.
The tunes came through the vent holes in my helmet.
7. An elderly woman shuffles slowly to a park bench and sits down heavily.
Her wig is slightly askew.
Her wig is ash-blond.
Her wig is showing tuffs of hair.
The hair was thin.
The hair was gray.

8. Arthur fidgets on his high-legged chair.

A pencil is poking out from behind his ear.
Arthur is in his box-like office.
His office is in the old Loft's candy factory on Broome Street.
9. There were several species of turtle.
These species took to the sea between 90 million and 100 million years ago.
The turtles had stubby legs.
Their legs were adapting into flippers.
The flippers were streamlined.

Sample Combinations:
1. I sat on the highest limb of a sturdy oak tree, its branches reaching to the clouds
as if to claim a piece of the sky.
2. The wolf trots away, his head and tail erect, his hips slightly to one side and out of
line with his shoulders.
3. Her slender front paws reaching ahead of her like the hands of an experienced
swimmer, the raccoon goes down on all fours and strides slowly off.
4. Their faces old and beautifully lined, their gray heads almost touching, my
grandparents were holding hands in a New York City subway train.
5. Half listening to what the grownups were saying and half lost in a daydream, I sat
huddled on the steps, my cheeks resting sullenly in my palms.
6. One sunny morning I whipped down the Roxbury Road on my bicycle, the front
spokes melting into a saw blade, the wind shrilling tunes through the vent holes
in my helmet.
7. An elderly woman, her ash-blond hair slightly askew and showing tuffs of thin
gray hair, shuffles slowly to a park bench and sits down heavily.
8. A pencil poking out from behind his ear, Arthur fidgets on his high-legged chair in
his box-like office in the old Loft's candy factory on Broome Street.
9. Between 90 million and 100 million years ago, several species of turtle took to
the sea, their stubby legs adapting into streamlined flippers.

Building Sentences With Noun Phrases and Noun Clauses

Combine the sentences in each set into a single clear sentence with at least one noun
phrase or noun clause. Turn all questions (interrogative sentences) into declarative
statements, and eliminate any needless repetition.
1. One either has or does not have a mathematical mind.
This is a common myth about the nature of mathematical ability.
2. How does cross-country skiing differ most fundamentally from downhill skiing?
It differs in the way you get yourself uphill.

3. What will radar scanning be valuable for?

It will detect modern waterways lying near the surface in arid areas.
Geologists believe this.
4. What does the American value?
The American does not value the possession of money as such.
The American values his power to make money as a proof of his manhood.
5. What is the secret of a good life?
One must have the right loyalties.
One must hold them in the right scale of values.
6. Your authority, if not already gone, is slipping fast.
What is the best way to learn this?
Help your eldest son pick a college.
7. What is diplomacy?
One does the nastiest thing in the nicest way.
One says the nastiest thing in the nicest way.
8. What should politicians be encouraged to do?
They should stand for what they believe in.
They should not formulate their principles on the basis of opinion polls.
9. What is the only thing a man can do for eight hours a day, day after day?
He can work.
That is the saddest thing.
10. How does propaganda work?
It tricks us.
It distracts the eye momentarily.
It distracts while the rabbit pops out from beneath the cloth.
11. Troubles come.
That is not the real problem.
We don't know how to meet troubles.
That is the real problem.
12. Do you have what you want?
That is not happiness.
Do you want what you have?
That is happiness.
13. Old people in India know something.
They have a position of honor in the family.
They will be needed in diverse matters.

They will initiate a young bride into the ways and running habits of her new home.
They will offer experienced business advice.
They will gauge the proper size of a daughter's dowry.
14. What is the purpose of life?
Being happy is not the purpose of life.
The purpose is to matter.
The purpose is to be productive.
The purpose is to be useful.
The purpose is to have it make some difference that you lived at all.
15. What kind of inner resources do we have?
What imperishable treasures of mind and heart have we deposited in the bank of
the spirit against this rainy day?
The truth is this.
When we are in trouble we discover these things.
We discover them swiftly.
We discover them painfully.
16. How does a porcupine fight?
He gets his head under a rock or log.
He raises his quills.
He whips his tail about at lightning speed.
His tail is quill-filled.
He waits for someone to come and get it.
17. Is work useful?
Or is work useless?
Is work productive?
Or is work parasitic?
In practice nobody cares.
Work shall be profitable.
That is the sole thing demanded.
18. Do something before you make a major investment in bottled water.
Check with the manufacturer as to its source.
Check with the manufacturer as to the type of processing. Check with the
manufacturer as to results of tests of its content and purity.
Dr. Robert Harris suggests this.
Dr. Robert Harris is a water specialist at the Environmental Defense Fund.
19. What kind of person are you?
How do you feel about others?
How will you fit into a group?
Are you assured?

Or are you anxious?

To what degree do you feel comfortable with the standards of your own culture?
Nonverbal communications signal these things to members of your own group.
20. What is the teacher's job?
It is not to implant facts.
It is to place the subject to be learned in front of the learner.
It is to awaken in the learner the restless drive for answers and insights.
These answers and insights give meaning to the personal life.
The teacher must awaken through sympathy.
The teacher must awaken through emotion.
The teacher must awaken through imagination.
The teacher must awaken through patience.
Sample Combinations:
1. A common myth about the nature of mathematical ability holds that one either has or
does not have a mathematical mind.
2. Where cross-country skiing differs most fundamentally from downhill skiing is in the
way you get yourself uphill.
3. Geologists believe that radar scanning will be valuable for detecting modern
waterways lying near the surface in arid areas.
4. What an American values is not the possession of money as such, but his power to
make it as a proof of his manhood.
5. The secret of a good life is to have the right loyalties and to hold them in the right
scale of values.
6. Helping your eldest son pick a college is the best way to learn that your authority, if
not already gone, is slipping fast.
7. Diplomacy is to do and say the nastiest thing in the nicest way.
8. Politicians should be encouraged to stand for what they believe in, not formulate their
principles on the basis of opinion polls.
9. One of the saddest things is that the only thing a man can do for eight hours a day,
day after day, is work.

10. Propaganda works by tricking us, by momentarily distracting the eye while the rabbit
pops out from beneath the cloth.
11. The real problem is not just that troubles come, but that we don't know how to meet
12. Happiness is not having what you want, but wanting what you have.
13. Old people in India always know that they have a position of honor in the family, that
they will be needed in matters as diverse as initiating a young bride into the ways
and running habits of her new home or offering experienced business advice on
gauging the proper size of a daughter's dowry.
14. The purpose of life is not to be happy, but to matter, to be productive, to be useful, to
have it make some difference that you lived at all.
15. The truth is that when we are in trouble we discover swiftly and painfully what kind of
inner resources, what imperishable treasures of mind and heart we have deposited
in the bank of the spirit against this rainy day.
16. The porcupine fights by getting his head under a rock or log, raising his quills,
whipping his quill-filled tail about at lightning speed and waiting for someone to come
and get it.
17. In practice nobody cares whether work is useful or useless, productive or parasitic;
the sole thing demanded is that it shall be profitable.
18. Dr. Robert Harris, water specialist at the Environmental Defense Fund, suggests that
before you make a major investment in bottled water, check with the manufacturer as
to its source, the type of processing, and results of tests of its content and purity.
19. Nonverbal communications signal to members of your own group what kind of
person you are, how you feel about others, how you'll fit into and work in a group,
whether you're assured or anxious, the degree to which you feel comfortable with the
standards of your own culture, as well as deeply significant feelings about the self,
including the state of your own psyche.
20. The teacher's job is not to implant facts, but to place the subject to be learned in
front of the learner and, through sympathy, emotion, imagination, and patience,
awake in the learner the restless drive for answers and insights that enlarge and give

meaning to the personal life.

Choose the correct linking

1. He went to work

being ill.

2. Jake couldn't sleep

he was very tired.

3. Brian is good at maths

his sister is good at

4. She talks

5. It was very late.

she knows everything.

the guests didn't leave.

6. Lisa went shopping

she didn't buy anything.

7. They managed to make a meal

there wasn't

much food in the fridge.


he fell asleep the phone rang.

9. You can keep those CDs


I'll write to you


They bought him a gift


you like.

I have the results.

it was his birthday.

the heavy snow we managed to get back

to the office.

The man fell off the ladder.

, he wasn't


I took some paper and a pen

some notes
Choose the correct linking words . (key)
He went to work DESPITE being ill.
Jake couldn't sleep ALTHOUGH he was very tired.
Brian is good at maths WHEREAS his sister is good at science.
She talks AS IF she knows everything.
It was very late. NEVERTHELESS the guests didn't leave.
Lisa went shopping BUT she didn't buy anything.

I could make

They managed to make a meal ALTHOUGH there wasn't much food in the fridge.
AS SOON AS he fell asleep the phone rang.
You can keep those CDs AS LONG AS you like.
I'll write to you AS SOON AS I have the results.
They bought him a gift SINCE it was his birthday.
IN SPITE OF the heavy snow we managed to get back to the office.
The man fell off the ladder. HOWEVER, he wasn't hurt.
14.I took some paper and a pen SO THAT I could make some notes.
1.When Dad comes home from work he lies down on the sofa because he is tired.
2.Max had a headache yesterday, so he didnt come to basketball practice.
3.This is Tobys new mountain bike, which he got from his parents. He locks it up every
evening, so that nobody can take it.
4. Although Samantha was very tired, she watched TV until well after midnight.
5. First, cut out the pictures, then glue them into your album.
6. I would like to learn Japanese, however, I dont know anyone who can teach me.
7. While we were driving through the countryside we saw many nice villages.
8. The Hemingways are our neighbours as well as our friends.
9. You can have either tea or coffee for breakfast.
10.Besides being a well-known politician, John Smith can also play the piano very well.
11.Despite his injury, the boy desperately wanted to play for his team in the finals.
12.During the hike up the mountains we saw a lot of deer.
13.Unless you finish that essay you wont get anything to eat.
14.Neither my mother nor my father will be able to attend the meeting.
15. He likes all kinds of sports, such as skiing, hockey and volleyball.
1.This is Jacks new mountain bike, which he got from his parents. He locks it up every evening
so that nobody can steal it.
2. Although my father loves jazz, he doesnt often listen to it.
3. While we were driving through the countryside, we saw lots of nice villages.
4. Honda makes cars as well as motorcycles.
5. Our flight attendants must be able to speak both English and Spanish.
6. The weather was perfect. It was neither too hot nor too cold.
7. Sally invited me to her party last weekend. However, I had to tell her I couldnt come.
8. I started to learn Italian during my stay in Rome.
9. Despite being the better team, we lost the match.
10.Even though we hadnt eaten for over 12 hours, we werent hungry.
11.I arrived late for the show, due to the bad traffic.
12.This cell phone costs 5 cents per minute, whereas the other has a flat rate.
13.He spent most of his time hanging around with friends. Therefore, he was not prepared for
the exam.
14.She wakes up early in order to be on time for work.

15.This car offers 6 air bags and heating for your seats. In addition, there is also a world-class
stereo system installed.


Ex.1 Fill in the correct conjunctions and linking words from the list. There may be more
than one possibility ! as well as, during, because, either .. or, neither . nor, when,
although, unless, which, so that, then, so, despite, while, such as, however
1. __________________ Dad comes home from work he lies down on the sofa
__________________ he is tired.
2. Max had a headache yesterday, __________________ he didnt come to basketball
3. This is Tobys new mountain bike, __________________ he got from his parents. He
locks it up every evening, __________________ nobody can take it.
4. __________________ Samantha was very tired, she watched TV until well after
5. First, cut out the pictures, __________________ glue them into your album.
6. I would like to learn Japanese, __________________ , I dont know anyone who can
teach me.
7. __________________ we were driving through the countryside we saw many nice
8. The Hemingways are our neighbours __________________ our friends.
9. You can have __________________ tea __________________ coffee for breakfast.
10. __________________ being a well-known politician, John Smith can also play the
piano very well. 11. __________________ his injury, the boy desperately wanted to play
for his team in the finals.
12. __________________ the hike up the mountains we saw a lot of deer.
13. __________________ you finish that essay you wont get anything to eat.
14. __________________ my mother __________________ my father will be able to
attend the meeting.
15. He likes all kinds of sports, __________________ skiing, hockey and volleyball.

EX.2 Fill in the correct conjunctions and linking words from the list. There may be more
than one possibility! even though, neither .. nor, during, although, which, in order to, in
addition, despite, therefore, while, so that, whereas, however, due to, as well as, both.
1. This is Jacks new mountain bike, ______________________ he got from his
parents. He locks it up every evening ______________________ nobody can steal it.
2. ______________________ my father loves jazz, he doesnt often listen to it.
3. ______________________ we were driving through the countryside, we saw lots of
nice villages.
4. Honda makes cars ______________________ motorcycles.
5. Our flight attendants must be able to speak ______________________ English and
6. The weather was perfect. It was ______________________ too hot
______________________ too cold.
7. Sally invited me to her party last weekend. ______________________, I had to tell
her I couldnt come.
8. I started to learn Italian ______________________ my stay in Rome.
9. ______________________ being the better team, we lost the match.
10. ______________________ we hadnt eaten for over 12 hours, we werent hungry.
11.I arrived late for the show, ______________________ the bad traffic.
12.This cell phone costs 5 cents per minute, ______________________ the other has a
flat rate.
13.He spent most of his time hanging around with friends. ______________________,
he was not prepared for the exam.
14.She wakes up early ______________________ be on time for work.
15.This car offers 6 air bags and heating for your seats. ______________________,
there is also a world-class stereo system installed.
Ex.3 Choose the correct word to fill in the blanks.
1. There is always the ____________________ that the plane will be early.
2. My grandfather gave me a very useful piece of ____________________ .

3. The strike will ____________________ all trains in the London area.

4. The police will ____________________ anyone from leaving the building.
5. Come and is down ____________________ me. (BESIDE/BESIDES)
6. ____________________ managing the shop, he teaches in the evening.
7. Can you switch to ____________________ 4 for the news? (CHANNEL/CANAL)
8. Our team has a good ____________________ of winning.(OPPORTUNITY /
9. You should travel early to ____________________ traffic jams. (AVOID/PREVENT)
10. I am getting fed up with her ____________________ complaints.
11. It took two policemen to ____________________ the traffic. (DIRECT/CONDUCT)
12. I ____________________ you to put all your money into a savings account.
13. I didnt have much ____________________ on my birthday (FUN/FUNNY).
14. Dont ____________________ my sunglasses if you borrow them.
15. The English ____________________ is beautiful in spring.
16. He didnt mean to ____________________ the girl. (DAMAGE/HARM)
17. You can get a good ____________________ of the sea from the church tower.
18. Her jewels were all imitations; they are quite ____________________ .
19. You can take a boat trip around the ____________________ of Amsterdam.

20. Von Karajan will ____________________ the orchestra at the concert.

21. Did Alexander Fleming ____________________ penicillin? (INVENT/DISCOVER)
22. The cuts in spending will have a serious ____________________ on the
educational system. (EFFECT/AFFECT)
23. Staying indoors was a ____________________ thing to do in this kind of weather.
24. You should always be ____________________ to children. (SYMPATHETIC/KIND)
25. He made ____________________ faces and made the children laugh.
26. I am very tired; Ill just go and ____________________ down for a few minutes.
27. She has been in ____________________ plain for over three days.
28. He asked me if I would ____________________ him some money until Monday. .
(LEND/BORROW) 29. The ____________________ wants to see you in his office.
30. We must try to protect ____________________ and the
31. Goods cannot be exchanged unless a sales ____________________ can be
shown. (RECIPE/RECEIPT) 32. I am very ____________________ to her problems.
33. Be very careful with that painting; its ____________________ .
34. The airlines are going to ____________________ their fares again. (RAISE/RISE)
35. Can I ____________________ your car to go to the supermarket.(LEND/BORROW)
36. I gave her an Italian ____________________ book for her birthday.

37. My father is going to ____________________ a new carpet in the dining room.

38. Did you ____________________ to switch off the kitchen light? .
39. When did she ____________________ the new computer terminal?
40. I adore the beautiful ____________________ in the Lake District.
41. She is very ____________________ and is easily upset. (SENSIBLE/SENSITIVE)
42. Does the sun ____________________ in the east or in the west? (RAISE/RISE)
43. Would you ____________________ me to finish early tonight.

1. There is always the possibility that the plane will be early.(OPPORTUNITY /

My grandfather gave me a very useful piece of advice. (ADVISE/ADVICE)
The strike will affect all trains in the London area. (EFFECT/AFFECT)
The police will prevent anyone from leaving the building.(AVOID/PREVENT)
Come and is down beside me. (BESIDE/BESIDES)
Besides managing the shop, he teaches in the evening. (BESIDE/BESIDES)

7. Can you switch to Channel 4 for the news? (CHANNEL/CANAL)

8. Our team has a good chance of winning.(OPPORTUNITY /
9. You should travel early to avoid traffic jams. (AVOID/PREVENT)
10. I am getting fed up with her continual complaints.(CONTINUAL/CONTINUOUS)
11. It took two policemen to direct the traffic. (DIRECT/CONDUCT)
12. I advise you to put all your money into a savings account. (ADVISE/ADVICE)
13. I didnt have much fun on my birthday (FUN/FUNNY).
14. Dont damage my sunglasses if you borrow them. (DAMAGE/HARM)
15. The English countryside is beautiful in spring. (NATURE/COUNTRYSIDE)
16. He didnt mean to harm the girl. (DAMAGE/HARM)
17. You can get a good view of the sea from the church tower. (VIEW/SCENERY)
18. Her jewels were all imitations; they are quite worthless.
19. You can take a boat trip around the canals of Amsterdam.(CHANNEL/CANAL)
20. Von Karajan will conduct the orchestra at the concert. (DIRECT/CONDUCT)
21. Did Alexander Fleming discover penicillin? (INVENT/DISCOVER)
22. The cuts in spending will have a serious effect on the educational system.
23. Staying indoors was a sensible thing to do in this kind of weather.
24. You should always be kind to children. (SYMPATHETIC/KIND)
25. He made funny faces and made the children laugh. FUN/FUNNY).
26. I am very tired; Ill just go and lie down for a few minutes. (LIE/LAY)
27. She has been in continuous plain for over three days.
28. He asked me if I would lend him some money until Monday. .(LEND/BORROW)
29. The principal wants to see you in his office. (PRINCIPLE/PRINCIPAL)
30. We must try to protect nature and the environment(NATURE/COUNTRYSIDE)
31. Goods cannot be exchanged unless a sales receipt can be shown.
32. I am very sympathetic to her problems. (SYMPATHETIC/KIND)
33. Be very careful with that painting; its priceless. (PRICELESS/WORTHLESS)
34. The airlines are going to raise their fairs again. (RAISE/RISE)
35. Can I borrow your car to go to the supermarket.(LEND/BORROW)
36. I gave her an Italian recipe book for her birthday. (RECIPE/RECEIPT)
37. My father is going to lay a new carpet in the dining room. (LIE/LAY)
38. Did you remember to switch off the kitchen light? (REMIND/REMEMBER)
39. When did she invent the new computer terminal? (INVENT/DISCOVER)
40. I adore the beautiful scenery in the Lake District. (VIEW/SCENERY)
41. She is very sensitive and is easily upset. (SENSIBLE/SENSITIVE)

42. Does the sun rise in the east or in the west? (RAISE/RISE)
43. Would you remind me to finish early tonight.(REMIND/REMEMBER)
KEY Complete the sentence with the correct preposition from the choices given.
1.We are very excited about our trip to Spain next week. (AT, WITH, ABOUT, OVER)
2.I am very fond of drinking green tea. (FOR, OF, ABOUT, AT)
3.Almost all politicians were involved in the scandal. (IN, AT, WITH, FROM)
4.I am looking forward to having a meeting with you next week. (WITH, AT, TO, FROM)
5.At the moment, she is recovering from her injuries. (AT, OF, FROM, WITH)
6.Im dreaming about becoming a famous scientist one day (FOR, WITH, ABOUT,
7.My cousin is married to a famous American (WITH, FOR, TO, FROM)
8.I am responsible for training the new recruits. (AT, ABOUT, WITH, FOR)
9.Many people took advantage of the low prices offered by the new shop (OF, FOR,
10.I was not quite satisfied with the exam results. (AT, FOR, WITH, ABOUT)
11.The president was thankful for everyone who helped in the campaign (TO, WITH,
FOR, AT) 12.Everyone in this town will benefit from the new hospital (FROM, WITH, AT,
13.For two full days, the man was fighting for his life. (UP,WITH, AT, FOR)
14.My dad shouted at me because I didnt do what he said (TO, AT, WITH, TOWARDS)
15.She insisted on helping me with the dishes. (ON, WITH, FOR, ABOUT)
16.Almost all car companies care about the environment (FOR, AT, ABOUT,WITH)
17.Wearing a seat belt can protect you from being killed in a car. (WITH, OF, ABOUT,
18.Ten people were killed when a bus collided with a car (INTO, WITH, AT, TOWARDS)
19.The customers came to the shop to complain about their service (ABOUT, AT, ON,
20.Our atmosphere consists of oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide (INTO, OF, WITH,
21.We decided against buying the new car. (AGAINST, WITH, AT, OF)
22.Many children depend on their parents for money. (ON, AT, WITH, TO)
23.He graduated from Oxford university (ON, FROM, OUT OF, WITH)
24.The advertising campaign resulted in hundreds of new customers for the company.
25.As a scientist, I specialize in marine biology (AT, IN, FOR, WITH)

Ex.4.Complete the sentence with the correct preposition from the choices given.
1. We are very excited __________________ our trip to Spain next week. (AT, WITH,
2. I am very fond __________________ drinking green tea. (FOR, OF, ABOUT, AT)
3. Almost all politicians were involved __________________ the scandal. (IN, AT,
4. I am looking forward ______________ having a meeting with you next week. (WITH,
AT, TO, FROM) 5. At the moment, she is recovering __________________ her injuries.
6. Im dreaming ________________ becoming a famous scientist one day (FOR,
7. My cousin is married __________________ a famous American (WITH, FOR, TO,
8. I am responsible __________________ training the new recruits. (AT, ABOUT, WITH,
9. Many people took advantage __________________ the low prices offered by the
new shop (OF, FOR, WITH, TO)
10.I was not quite satisfied __________________ the exam results. (AT, FOR, WITH,
11.The president was thankful __________________ everyone who helped in the
campaign (TO, WITH, FOR, AT)
12.Everyone in this town will benefit __________________ the new hospital (FROM,
WITH, AT, INTO) 13.For two full days, the man was fighting __________________ his
life. (UP,WITH, AT, FOR)
14.My dad shouted __________________ me because I didnt do what he said (TO,
15.She insisted __________________ helping me with the dishes. (ON, WITH, FOR,
16.Almost all car companies care __________________ the environment (FOR, AT,
ABOUT,WITH) 17.Wearing a seat belt can protect you ____________ being killed in a
car. (WITH, OF, ABOUT, FROM) 18.Ten people were killed when a bus collided
__________________ a car (INTO, WITH, AT, TOWARDS) 19.The customers came to
the shop to complain _____________ their service (ABOUT, AT, ON, FOR) 20.Our
atmosphere consists __________________ oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide
21.We decided __________________ buying the new car. (AGAINST, WITH, AT, OF)

22.Many children depend __________________ their parents for money. (ON, AT,
23.He graduated __________________ Oxford university (ON, FROM, OUT OF, WITH)
24.The advertising campaign resulted __________________ hundreds of new
customers for the company. (TO, FOR, UP, IN)
25.As a scientist, I specialize __________________ marine biology (AT, IN, FOR, WITH

Ex.4Complete the sentence with the correct preposition from the choices given.
1. We are very excited about our trip to Spain next week. (AT, WITH, ABOUT, OVER)
2. I am very fond of drinking green tea. (FOR, OF, ABOUT, AT)
3. Almost all politicians were involved in the scandal. (IN, AT, WITH, FROM)
4. I am looking forward to having a meeting with you next week. (WITH, AT, TO, FROM)
5. At the moment, she is recovering from her injuries. (AT, OF, FROM, WITH)
6. Im dreaming about becoming a famous scientist one day (FOR, WITH, ABOUT,
7. My cousin is married to a famous American (WITH, FOR, TO, FROM)
8. I am responsible for training the new recruits. (AT, ABOUT, WITH, FOR)
9. Many people took advantage of the low prices offered by the new shop (OF, FOR,
10.I was not quite satisfied with the exam results. (AT, FOR, WITH, ABOUT)
11.The president was thankful for everyone who helped in the campaign (TO, WITH,
FOR, AT) 12.Everyone in this town will benefit from the new hospital (FROM, WITH, AT,
13.For two full days, the man was fighting for his life. (UP,WITH, AT, FOR)
14.My dad shouted at me because I didnt do what he said (TO, AT, WITH, TOWARDS)
15.She insisted on helping me with the dishes. (ON, WITH, FOR, ABOUT)
16.Almost all car companies care about the environment (FOR, AT, ABOUT,WITH)
17.Wearing a seat belt can protect you from being killed in a car. (WITH, OF, ABOUT,
18.Ten people were killed when a bus collided with a car (INTO, WITH, AT, TOWARDS)
19.The customers came to the shop to complain about their service (ABOUT, AT, ON,

20.Our atmosphere consists of oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide (INTO, OF, WITH,
21.We decided against buying the new car. (AGAINST, WITH, AT, OF)
22.Many children depend on their parents for money. (ON, AT, WITH, TO)
23.He graduated from Oxford university (ON, FROM, OUT OF, WITH)
24.The advertising campaign resulted in hundreds of new customers for the company.
(TO, FOR, UP, IN) 25.As a scientist, I specialize in marine biology (AT, IN, FOR, WITH)

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