GAHR Report: Disregards Human Life

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GAHR report
TheProLifeCampaign is disregards
a non-denominational
group, drawingitssupport human life
froma widecross-section
of lrishsociety. TheCommission on Assisted Human
Reproduction (CAHR), establishedby
TheCampaign promotes
the Ministerfor Healthin 2000,recently
pro'life and
education published its longawaitedrepofi.Among
defends humanlifeat all therecommendations areproposals
stagesfromconception allowingfor destructive research on
to natural
death. humanembryos, whether'surplus',or
generated by'therapeutic cloning'.The
It alsocampaignsfor
reportshowsscant regard for human
--resources to support- Dr Berry Kiely at a recent PLC Press Conference
rightsby proposinQ thafno legal
andassist pregnantwomen protection shouldbe affordedto unbornhumanlifeoutsidethe womb.The
andthosein needof Pro-Life Campaign willvehemently opposeany movesto givelegislative
healing afterabortion. backingto proposals undermining the protection of humanlifeon footof
theCommission's recommendations.
In a constitutional
democracy basedon equalitybeforethe law,some
values,somerightsare non-negotiable.Firstamongtheseis the right
to life.Everyonesharesthe samehopeof findingtreatments for infertility
andcuresfor diseases. we faceis to findsuchcures
Butthe challenge
withoutdoingharmto others.
Farfrombeingenlightened, the Commission squandereda unique
opportunity by failingto prioritise
by failingto vindicatethe rightsof the humanembryo.
Adultstemcellresearchis non-controversial, is ethicallyacceptable and
is alreadyshowingsignificantresults.lrelandshouldundertake to play
a pioneeringrolein thisarea,witha viewto becoming an internationally
acclaimed centreof excellencefor suchresearch. lf on the otherhand,
the Commission's recommendations wereimplemented, it wouldhave
profound andfar-reaching implicationsfor the respectwe placeon

7rr; ir,:ii:,, humanlifein thiscountry.

il i. iti t::i1 I {: i,i The reportnowpassesto the Oireachtas on HealthandChildren
where publichearingson itsfindingswillcommence at a laterdate.
Maiority support for pro-life position
The Pro-LifeCampaignrecentlycommissioned MillwardBrown/lMS to conductresearchon a range
of wasthe firstcomprehensive
surueyundertakenby the Campaignsincethe abortion
referendum of 2OO2
The resultsareveryencouraging to protectthe
and indicatebroadpublicsupportfor a clearopportunity
unbornchild,whilesafeguarding lreland'srecordas a worldleaderin maternalcare.Theyalsoreveal
supportfor legislative
significant safeguards to protecthumanlifefromdestructiveembryonicresearch.
A referendumremainsnecessary followingthe 1992SupremeCourtdecisionin the X Case,which
abortionin potentially
legalised widecircum3tances, evenup to birth.Following
the defeatof the 2002
referendumthe situationremainsprecarious and unresolved.
It wouldbe imprudent, however, to seekanotherreferendum in advanceof a wide-ranging public
discussion on the'salsoworthnotingthatthe recommendations of the Commission
AssistedHumanReproduction favouringdestructive
researchon humanembryosare in stark
contrastto the ethicalsenseof the generalpublicas reflectedin the pollfindings.
Question1: "lf the governmentwereto proposea constitutionalamendmentto prohibitabortion
but allow the continuationof the existingpracticeof interventionto save a mother'slife, in
accordancewith lrish medicalethics,would you support such an amendmentin a Referendum
or not?" 54%wouldsupportsuchan amendment,lso/o wouldopposeit,and30%wereundecided
or hadno opinion. 78'/"of thosewhoexpressed an opinionfavourtheamendment and22%opposeit.
Question2'."Curtently,experimentationinvolvingthe destructionof humanembryosdoes not
take placein lreland.Do you think the Diiil should enshrinethe protectionof the humanembryo
in faW or not?" The responseto thisquestionindicatesthal 48"/"wouldsupportlegalprotectionof the
humanembryo,14/" wereopposedto it, and 39%wereundecided or hadno opinion.Of thosewho
expressed an opinion,7B"ktavouredthe legislationand22o/o opposeit.

Polting was conducted by Mitlward Brown/tMs. tnterviewing took ptace from the 6thto the 22nd February 2005.

Heatherts iourney
from rape to restoration
HeatherGemmenfacedan agonizing choicewhenshe becamepregnant
afterbeingraped.ln Startling
Beautyshetellshowrelievedshe is that
she had herdaughter,Rachael,nowaged9. lt is a trulyremarkablestory
of traumaand uncertainty
overcome by loveand restoration.

33, was rapedby an intruderin herownbed nearlyten years

agowhileher husband, Steve,wasout at an eveningmeeting.In what
musthavebeenexcruciatingly difficultcircumstances
"Somuchof my anguishwas in decidingwhatto do withthe pregnancy.
NowI knowthatgoingthroughwithit bringshealing.
Rachaelis the epitomeof joy". HeatherGemmenpictured
with daughterRachael.
Heather is an author and children'sbook editor and lives with her familv in Colorado. USA.
StartlingBeauty is published by Life Journey Press, USA.
GPA needs root-and-branch reform
Thereis growingconcernwithinpro-lifecirclesaboutthe direction
andethosof the Crisis
Pregnancy Agency.In recentmonthsthe agencyproduced a numberof ideologically
surveysand reports,culminating
withthe CPAsChairperson, Ms OliveBraiden,callingfor

Concerns werefurtherraisedby the CPAsPositiveOptionsleafletandthe determination

to standardise
servicesin a waywhichundermines the ethosof agencies

The CPAlistsreducing the aboftionrateas oneof its objectives. Yetit hasno specific
or targetedpoliciesto helpbringthisabout.Likewise, it is utterlynonsensicalto advertise
- -and-promoffiffiion-affi@tive option".

All state agenciesshouldbe obligedto abide by principlesthat respectthe dignityand

value of every human life. In this regardthe CPA urgentlyneedsroot and branchreform.
The Pro Life Campaignwill lobby hard in the comingmonthsto demandthe necessary
reformsare implemented.

"Unconditionalrespectfor the rightto life of every innocentperson,from conception

to naturaldeath, is one of the pillarson which every civil societystands"
- Pope John Paul ll, Evangelium Vitae, 1995

"A societylacks solid foundationswhen, on the one hand, it assertsvalues such

as the dignityof the person,justice and peace, but then, on the other hand,
radicallyacts to the contraryby allowingor toleratinga varietyof ways in which
human life is devaluedand violated,especiallywhere it is weak or marginalised"
- Pope John Paul ll, Evangelium Vitae, 1995

Witnesstu tfw
of eve rumnnLTe
"Placeyour intelligence,your talents,your enthusiasm,your compassion
Pope John Paul ll 1920-2005
and your fortitudeat the serviceof life"
- Pope John Paul ll at World Youth Day, Denver, 1993
Honorary DesHanafin
Publishedbylhe ProLifeCampaign, Adviser:Dr BerryKiely
34 GardinerStreetUpper,Dublin1. LegalConsullant: Simons
Tel:01-8748090 Fil: 01-8748094 Secretaryi
JohnO'Reilly Education
Otficer: [,4artin
Geraldine SBN

SilentNo More
is a new group
the UnitedStates
by womenwho
wishto tell their
right is the latest
in a seriesof

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