Whats New in Mysql 5.7 Geir Høydalsvik, Sr. Director, Mysql Engineering

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Whats New in MySQL 5.

Geir Hydalsvik, Sr. Director, MySQL Engineering
Simon Mudd, Senior DBA, Booking.com
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First Geir will talk about Features
Highlights of 5.7 Improvements and Additions

Next Simon will provide Bookings Perspective

Upgrading and Putting 5.7 into production

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Benefit Highlights of MySQL 5.7

Server quicker queries, more IO, more connections
InnoDB engine, Faster Connect/Disconnect, More Optimized Queries
No need to use MyISAM can have speed and consistency both now

Replication scales higher, faster slave processing

Parallel replications (parallel replication) order of magnitude faster(?)

GIS searching quickly search geographic data

Native InnoDB Spatial indexes

Leverages new advanced Operating File System capabilities
Improves performance, saves space

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Benefit Highlights of MySQL 5.7 (cont)

Easier Configurability dynamic online changes
More Flexible
Native JSON support datatype, binary storage format
Virtual Columns/Functional indexes index any data and find quickly

Simpler to Manage
More instruments, Easy access to data using SYS schema

More Secure
By default and more options to secure the server

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MySQL 5.7 Sysbench Benchmark: SQL Point Selects / sec

3x Faster than MySQL 5.6
4x Faster than MySQL 5.5

1,600,000 QPS

MySQL 5.7: Sysbench OLTP Read Only (SQL Point Selects)

1 800 000

Queries per Second

1 600 000

MySQL 5.7

1 400 000

1 200 000
1 000 000

MySQL 5.6

800 000
600 000
400 000
200 000

MySQL 5.5







1 024

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Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7-8890 v3

4 sockets x 18 cores-HT (144 CPU threads)
2.5 Ghz, 512GB RAM
Linux kernel 3.16

MySQL 5.7 Sysbench Benchmark: Mixed OLTP Read Only

3x Faster than MySQL 5.6
6x Faster than MySQL 5.5

Near 1M QPS

MySQL 5.7: Sysbench OLTP Read Only (Mixed)

1 200 000

Queries per Second

1 000 000

MySQL 5.7

800 000
600 000
MySQL 5.6
400 000

200 000
MySQL 5.5







1 024

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Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7-8890 v3

4 sockets x 18 cores-HT (144 CPU threads)
2.5 Ghz, 512GB RAM
Linux kernel 3.16

MySQL 5.7 Sysbench Benchmark: Connect / sec

82% Faster than MySQL 5.6
100K Connect / Sec
MySQL 5.7: Sysbench OLTP Read Only (Connect)
120 000

Connect / sec

100 000

MySQL 5.7

80 000
MySQL 5.6

60 000
40 000

MySQL 5.5

20 000







1 024

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Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7-8890 v3

4 sockets x 18 cores-HT (144 CPU threads)
2.5 Ghz, 512GB RAM
Linux kernel 3.16

MySQL 5.7 Sysbench Benchmark: Complex OLTP Read Write

1.5x Faster than MySQL 5.6
3x Faster than MySQL 5.5
MySQL 5.7: Sysbench OLTP Read Write (Complex)
700 000

Queries per Second

600 000

MySQL 5.7

500 000
400 000

MySQL 5.6

300 000
200 000
MySQL 5.5

100 000






1 024

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Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7-8890 v3

4 sockets x 18 cores-HT (144 CPU threads)
2.5 Ghz, 512GB RAM
Linux kernel 3.16

MySQL 5.7: JSON Overview

Native JSON data type
Native internal binary format for efficient processing & storage

Built-in JSON functions

Allowing you to efficiently store, search, update, and manipulate Documents

JSON Comparator
Allows for easy integration of Document data within your SQL queries

Indexing of Documents using Generated Columns

InnoDB supports indexes on both stored and virtual Generated Columns
New expression analyzer automatically uses the best functional index available

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MySQL 5.7: Optimizer Improvements

Queries execute faster, while using less CPU and disk space!
Optimizer and Parser refactoring

New Cost based Optimizer

Cleanly separate the parsing, optimizing, and

execution stages

New hint framework

Easier to manage
With support for additional new hints


EXPLAIN for running thread

Generated Columns

Configurable and tunable

mysql.server_cost and mysql.engine_cost tables
API for determining where data resides: on disk or in

Support for InnoDB based internal temp

SQL Standard compliant
is ON by default
Many specific new optimizations

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MySQL 5.7: Query Rewrite Plugin

New pre and post parse query rewrite APIs
Users can write their own plug-ins

Provides a post-parse query plugin

Rewrite problematic queries without the need to make application changes
Add hints
Modify join order
Many more

Improve problematic queries from ORMs, third party apps, etc

Eliminates many legacy use cases for proxies

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MySQL 5.7: Performance Schema

Memory Instrumentation

Statement Instrumentation

Additional Information

Aggregates statistics by

Stored Procedures

Replication slave status

Stored Functions

MDL lock instrumentation

Prepared Statements

Status and variables per


Type of memory used

(caches, internal buffers, )
indirectly performing the
memory operation

Attributes include
Memory used (bytes)
Operation counts
High/Low Water Marks


Server stage tracking

Track long running SQL

Improved configuration
and ease-of-use

All while reducing total

footprint and overhead
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MySQL 5.7: SYS Schema

SYS views make it easier to

- Monitor server health, user, host statistics

- Spot, diagnose, and tune performance issues
Provides insights into
- IO hot spots, Locking, Costly SQL statements
- Schema, table and index statistics

SYS is similar to
- Oracle V$ catalog views
- Microsoft SQL DMVs (Dynamic Mgmnt Views)

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MySQL 5.7: GIS Improvements

Replaced custom code with Boost.Geometry

For spatial calculations

For spatial analysis
Enabling full OGC compliance
Were also Boost.Geometry contributors!

InnoDB R-tree based spatial indexes

Full ACID, MVCC, & transactional support
Index records contain minimum bounding box

Helper functions such as ST_Distance_Sphere() and ST_MakeEnvelope()
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MySQL 5.7: InnoDB Improvements

Native Partitioning
Eliminates previous limitations
Eliminates resource usage problems
Transportable tablespace support

Native Full-Text Search

Including full CJK support!

Native Spatial Indexes

Transparent page compression
Support for 32K and 64K pages
Use with transparent page compression for
very high compression ratios

General TABLESPACE support

Store multiple tables in user defined shared

Support for MySQL Group Replication

High priority transactions

Improved support for cache preloading

Load your hottest data loaded at startup

Configurable fill-factor
Allows for improvements in storage footprint

Improved bulk-data load performance

Resize the InnoDB Buffer Pool online
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MySQL 5.7: Security Improvements

AES 256 Encryption now the default


Password rotation policies

Can be set globally, and at the user level

Deployment: enable secure unattended

install by default
Random password set on install
Remove anonymous accounts
Deployment without test account, schema,
demo files

Enabled by default
Auto-detection of existing keys and certs
Auto generation of keys and certs when needed
New helper utility: mysql_ssl_rsa_setup
New --require_secure_transport option to
prevent insecure communications
Added SSL support to binary log clients

Extended Proxy User Support

Easier instance initialization and setup:

mysqld initialize
New detection and support for systemd

Added Built-in Authentication Plugins support

for Proxy Users
Allows multiple users to share a single set of
managed privileges

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MySQL 5.7: Replication Improvements

8-10x Faster slave throughput

GTID enhancements
On-line, phased deployment of GTIDs
Binary logging on slave now optional

Enhanced Semi-synchronous replication

Write guaranteed to be received by slave
before being observed by clients of the master
Option to wait on Acks from multiple slaves

Multi-Source Replication
Consolidate updates from multiple Masters
into one Slave

Dynamic slave filters

Often removes slave as a bottleneck; keep pace

with master with 8+ slave threads
Option to preserve Commit order
Automatic slave transaction retries

Slave throughput vs. 96 Thread Master








Slave Threads

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- Perspectives on MySQL 5.7

- Upgrading to MySQL 5.7
Simon Mudd, Senior DBA

Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. |


About Booking.com
Booking.com is part of the Priceline Group

World leader in booking accommodation online

Established in 1996 and based in Amsterdam
Over 801,000 properties in 221 countries
42 languages (website and customer service)
170 offices worldwide

We Use MySQL:

Thousands of servers: ~85% replicating

Over 110 masters: ~25 have 50+ slaves, ~8 have 100+ slaves

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What we look for when upgrading to a new major version?

Basically motivation for upgrades:
Longer uptime and more dynamic configuration (avoid mysqld restart)
Better performance related to
Better stability under load

Seamless upgrade path from existing 5.6 setup to using 5.7

More features and flexible configuration
Incorporation of features requested while using 5.6
Better visibility of what MySQL is doing and where it is busy

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What does 5.7 provide?

Specific Features of Interest:
Parallel Replication
GTID migration possible on live system and no binlogs needed on slaves
Dynamic InnoDB buffer pool size reconfiguration
Dynamic replication configuration
Improved cache preloading on startup (configurable percentage to load)
InnoDB Fill-size should be good for statistics tables which are write-once
Loss-less semi-sync

Plus others mentioned previously

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Why booking.com tests MySQL 5.7 DMR releases

Testing of DMR releases has allowed us to:

Preview potential new features and give feedback

Check performance meets expectations
Catch unexpected behaviour early
Resources required to do this are not significant

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How to upgrade - in pictures

| M |
+----+ +----+
| s1 | |Slave
2sn |
+----+ +----+


Everyone starts this way

All same version of MySQL (say 5.6.27)
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How to upgrade - in pictures start with slaves


MySQL 5.7




Upgrade slaves
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Upgrading MySQL - upgrade steps

If more than 1 master and slave the procedure is basically the same.
1. Make a new slave or upgrade an existing one
2. Configure /etc/my.cnf for 5.7
3. Change binaries
4. Start mysqld with replication stopped
5. Run: mysql_upgrade
6. Restart mysqld normally
7. Test

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How to upgrade - in pictures Final Steps

1. Move slaves under
5.7 intermediate


2. Move application
writes to 5.7

MySQL 5.7

Slave 1
MySQL 5.7

Slave 2
MySQL 5.7

Slave 3
MySQL 5.7

Slave N
MySQL 5.7

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What are the Risks?

For initial testing risks are minimal.
If something breaks:

throw it away, fix internal settings or

report a bug

With Cloud infrastructure it is easy to build a spare & test for a few hours
As you continue testing MySQL 5.7
You control the rate of progress of deploying 5.7 slaves
Easy to back out until right at the end (with 5.7 intermediate master)
No application downtime except for the final move when you write to the
new 5.7 master.
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Moving MySQL 5.7 into production observations

The setup of a new environment is simpler
the new defaults require less cleanup

Configuration changes in /etc/my.cnf

Few required changes


Pay attention to changes in default values between 5.6 and 5.7

We have had to add some extra settings

Upgrading to 5.7 vs previous upgrades

Slight changes in procedures but generally they are simpler

Just run mysql_upgrade, no need for --skip-grant-tables

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Moving MySQL 5.7 into production observations (cont.)

Grant management

Procedures need to be MySQL version aware (new disable accounts vs old change
New ALTER USER is replication safe, but cant use on master until all servers run 5.7

Improve monitoring
Add more checks
Collect 5.7 specific metrics from performance_schema / sys
Memory usage

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Results of our MySQL 5.7 DMR testing

2 years following the evolution of MySQL 5.7 DMR
First installed in 06/2013 (5.7.1_m11)

We provided feedback on several issues, e.g.

SQL_MODE changes caused problems with replication (5.6 to 5.7)

ALTER, CREATE, DROP USER were not replication safe (5.6 to 5.7)
Unexpected crashes on startup in some early releases of 5.7
Parallel Replication

MySQL engineering responded to these issues

No longer an issue in the recently announced GA version

Avoided potential breakage in a GA version where functional changes would have
been impossible/undesirable

Now 5.7 is GA we are in a good state to start to roll out more aggressively
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MySQL Community Reception @ Oracle OpenWorld

Celebrate, Have Fun and Mingle with Oracles MySQL Engineers & Your Peers

Tuesday, October 27: 7 pm

Jillians at Metreon: 175 Fourth Street, San Francisco

At the corner of Howard and 4th st.; only 2-min walk from Moscone Center (same
place as last year)

Join us!
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Oracle Sessions
Today, Tues Oct 27
CON3716 - InnoDB: What's new in 5.7
Sunny Bains | Room 254 at 4.00 pm

CON2353 - MySQL Server Performance Tuning 101

Ligaya Isler-turmelle | Room 262
CON2257 - MySQL Sys Schema Deep Dive - Mark Leith

CON5097 - An Overview Of The New Replication Features in MySQL 5.7 and Beyond!
Luis Soares | Room 254 at 5:15 pm
CON4043 - MySQL Performance: Demystified Tuning & Best Practices - Dimitri Kravtchuk

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Oracle Sessions
Tomorrow, Weds 0ct 28
CON3379 - MySQL 5.7: What is new in optimizer?
Manyi Lu | Room 262 at 12.15 pm

CON2131 - JSON support in MySQL 5.7

Evgeny Potemkin | Room 262 at 1.30 pm

CON2174 - MySQL: Support Virtual Column and Effective Functional Index in InnoDB
Jimmy Yang 245 | Room 262 at 2.45 pm

CON4975 - Scalable High-Availability Systems using MySQL Fabric

Mats Kindahl | Room 262 at 4.00 pm

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Oracle Sessions
Thurs Oct 29
CON5349 - Update Everywhere With MySQL Group Replication
Nuno Carvalho | Room 250 at 9.30 am

CON4507 - Oracle Enterprise Manager for MySQL Database Latest Features

Carlos Proal Aguilar | Room 262 at 10.45 am

CON4062 - Securing your MySQL Environment with MySQL Enterprise Monitor

Mark Matthews | Room 262 at 12.00 pm

CON1559 - What's New in MySQL 5.7 Security

Georgi Kodinov | Room 262 at 1.15 pm

CON2625 - OpenStack and MySQL

Matt Lord | Room 262 at 1.15 pm
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Booking.com Sessions
CON4098 - Binlog Servers at Booking.com
Jean-Francois Gagne | Room 250 Tuesday at 4.00 pm

BOF5528 - Riding the Binary Logs: Forthcoming Evolution in the

Replication Stream
Jean-Francois Gagne | Moscone South262 Tuesday at 6.15 pm

CON4073 - The Scalability Axes of MySQL Architectures

Nicolai Plum (Booking) | Room 250 Wednesday at 2.45 pm

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MySQL Central @ OpenWorld

October 25-29, 2015 | San Francisco

Conferences Sessions

Birds-of-a-feather sessions
Hands-on Labs
Receptions & Customer Appreciation Event
Access to Oracle OpenWorld Extensive Content
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