Use Your Vote To: Protect Human Life

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Use your vote to

Th eProL i f eC a m p a i gi n s protect human life
a n o n -d e n o m i n a t iloonbably As the Europeanand LocalElectionsapproach,Candidates
will be
g r ^ , , pd, r a w i nigt ss u p p o r t comingdoorto door.This year,in particular,
many importantissuesare
frOrri a widecross-section weighingon voters minds.But no issuetrumpsthe right-to-life.
of lrishsociety. it is the bedrockof any democracy.
TheCam p a i gpnr o m o te s Shamefully,our Governmentcontinuesto have a poor recordon pro-life
n r o - l i f ee d r r c a t i nann d
issues.The AttorneyGeneraldidn t defendthe frozenembryos right-to-life
defends h u m a nl i f ea t a l l in the recentSupremeCourthearing.The Governmenthas not responded
stagesfromconception to University
CollegeCorks decisionto allowresearchusingstem cells
to n a t u radl e a t h . obtainedby destroyinghumanembryos.Worse,the Government-appointed
I t a ls oc amp a i g nf osr Commissionon AssistedHuman Reproductionvoted 24 to 1 for research
res o u rc et os s u p p o r t involvingdestruction
of humanembryos.
a ndas s ispt r e g n a nwto me n Givensuchscantregardfor humanlife,it s hardlysurprisingthat the
a ndt hos ei n n e e do f EuropeanCommission(EC) is currentlyseekingto radicallyrestrict
h ealing a f t e ra b o r t i o n . laboratory
testingon animalsin favourof humanembryoresearch.

lf the Governmentshowedleadership,
lrelandcouldbe a worldleaderin
adult stem cell research.All, yes, a//,the new treatmentshave come from
researchusingadultstem cells,withoutkillingembryos.

The 2007 MillwardBrown IMS poll found voterstwice as likelyto vote for
abortionthan candidatessupportingit.
Therewouldbe an obviouselectoraldividendfor the Partywith the
courageand convictionto standup for life.

This June - only vote for Candidatesand Partieswho publiclycommit

to legislation embryodestruction.
I n d u c e dP l u r i p o t e nStt e mC e l l s( i P Sc e l l s )h a v em a d ey e t a n o t h e a
r d v a n c ea s t h e yc o n t i n u et o
becomethe ethicalalternative to destructive embryonic stem cell research. Scientistsin Canadaand
E n g l a n dh a v ep u b l i s h e a d p a p e rs h o w i n gt h e yh a d t u r n e ds k i nc e l l si n t oi P S c e l l s .

The article,publishedin March,in the prestigious scientific journalNaturesaw the researchteams

announcehow they had successfully reprogrammed ordinaryskin cellsinto iPS cellswithoutthe use
o f v i r u s e st o t r a n s m itth e r e p r o g r a m m i ngge n e st o t h e c e l l .

S h i n y aY a m a n a k at ,h e J a p a n e s es c i e n t i swt h o o r i g i n a l lpyi o n e e r e d
the use of the cells,had to relyon the virusesto makethem.

The latestbreakthrough meansthat iPS cellsare a hugestep closer

t o b e i n gs a f e l yu s e di n h u m a n si n c l i n i c atlr i a l s .

E v e nG e o r g eD a l e ya t C h i l d r e n
s H o s p i t ai ln B o s t o na, b i g e m b r y o n i c
stem cell proponent, admitted,

The breakthroughis also importantbecauseit showshow scientistsare advancingthe use of adut.-

stem cellsand movingawayfrom embryonicstem cell research.

A n a b o r t i o nc l i n i co w n e ra c c u s e do f d e l i v e r i nag l i v eb a b yd u r i n ga b o t c h e da b o r t i o na n d t h e n
t h r o w i n gt h e i n f a n ta w a yh a s b e e nc h a r g e di n M i a m i - D a d eU, S A .

T h e t e e n a g em o t h e rS
, y c l o r i aW i l l i a m sf ,i l e da l a w s u iat l l e g i n gt h a t B e l k i sG o n z a l e z , 4 2 ,
knockedthe infantoff a chairbeforeputtingit intoa refusebag and throwingit out.

G o n z a l e zw a s c h a r g e dw i t hc a u s i n gs e r i o u sb o d i l yi n j u r ya n d t a m p e r i n w
g i t ho r f a b r i c a t i npgh y s i c a l

The clinics doctor,Dr. PierreJean-Jacque Renelique, had beenscheduledto performthe

a b o r t i o nb, u t W i l l i a m sw e n ti n t ol a b o u ra f t e rw a i t i n gh o u r sf o r R e n e l i q u teo a r r i v e t, h e s u i ts a i d .
The doctorsaid he had beenen routeto the clinicwhen he was calledto treatanotherpatient.

The Boardof Medicinein the US has revokedRenelique

s licensefor medicalmalpractice.
HSE sponsors
pro-euthanasia lectu re
The decisionof the HealthServiceExecutiveto spendtaxpayers money
fundingan openlypro-euthanasia lecturein Cork is disgraceful.

The statutoryrole of the HSE is to provideassuredqualitycare to the most vulnerablemembers

of has no businesspromotingeuthanasia as a legitimate costsavingmeasure.

The invitedguest speakerfor the lecture,ProfessorLen Doyal,is a notedsupporter

as well as voluntaryeuthanasiain Britain.He also advocateseuthanasia
of involuntary
as a meansof reducinohealthcare costs.

Commenting Dr BerryKielyof the Pro-Life

on thesituation, Campaign said:
"Any Statefundedadvocacy of euthanasia
undermines socialsolidarity.
ln lightof whathashappened,theGovernment hasa dutyto reassurevulnerable
groupsin societythatit totallyopposesanyformof euthanasiaandcherishes
thedignityandvalueof shouldalsoinstructthe HSEto
sfopwastlngtaxpayers' moneyon suchpartisan advocacyin thefuture."

Courtof HumanRightshas ruledthatthe Portuguese

TheEuropean government
was wrongto stop the Dutchabortionboatfrom visitingits shores

|n2004, the abortionshipwas deniedaccessto Portugueseports.Portuguese officialsordered

two navalvesselsout to keep it out of nationalwaters.At that time, Portugalhad stronglegal
protections for unbornchildren.In seekingto preventdisorderand protectpublichealth,the
Courtruledunanimously that Portuguese authoritiescouldhave resortedto othermeansless
restrictiveof Women on Waves human rights.

Abortionistand founderof the Women on Waves project,RebeccaGomperts,said she is

delightedwith the finding:We shalluse the judgmentfor new campaigns,she said.

The judgementraisesimportantquestionsaboutthe impartiality

of the ECHR.
are becoming increasingly
ideologicaland erratic.
^.(ia, Chairperson:
LegalAdviser: WilliamBinchy
Publishedbylhe ProLifecampaign, lvledical
Dr BerryKiely
104LowerBaggolStreet,Dublin2. LegalConsultanl:
Tel:01-6629275 Fax:01-6629302 Secretary:
JohnO'Reilly Education

Glamour Magazine
prompts debate on abortion
In its Marchedition,Glamourmagazine,exploredsome real lifestoriesof womenwho had abortions.
The storiesprovidea glimpseof the painwomenfaceafteran abortion.

One of the womenfeaturedin the articleexpressedthe guiltshe experienced

afterher abortion,
whichled her to abusedrugsand havea secondabortion.LisaGaylord,now leadsa Care Net
supportgroupfor womenin Connecticut, USA.

"l wouldgive anythingto go backand maketwo differentchoices,but I can't," she said.

The willingnessof magazineslikeGlamourto openlydiscussthe negativeeffectsof abortion

reflectsthe growingrealisation
thatthe rightto choose is nothingbut a cheapslogan.

Anothernew study,publishedin the Decembereditionof the BritishJournalof Psychiatry, showsthat

womenwho haveabortionsare 30o/o more likelyto is just the latest
of severalstudiesin recentyearslinkingabortionto mentalillnessin laterlife.

The study of over 500 womenfrom Christchurch,New Zealand,was carriedout by researchersfrom

the Universityof involvedinterviewing
the womensix timesbetweenthe agesof 15 and 30.
It successfully
controlledfor confounders suchas any predispositions
to mentalillness.

Assisting the Pro Life Gampaign

TheProLifeCampaign needsall thesupportit cangetto bringits message to the widercommunity.
youarewillingto devotesomeofyourfreetirnetofindingnewwaysof bringing
Perhaps thepro-life toyour
community? youarewillingto makea smallfinancial
commitment theimplementation
to secure oftheProLife
Campaign overthenextthreeyears? Perhaps youhaveyourownideas onhowyoucanbesthelpthe
campaign? ofhowyouwishtohelp, please andwewillsendyoumoredetails.

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