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About municipality of Zitiste

Municipality of Zitiste is situated in the Middle Banat. Its surface is 525km2. On the
south-west it borders with the City od Zrenjanin, on the south with Municipality of
Secanj, on the north-west with Municipality od Kikinda, on the north with Municipality
of Nova Crnja and ot the east with Republic of Romania. From 1960 the administrative
center of the municipality is Zitiste. In the territory of the Municipality of Zitiste there are
12 villages: Zitiste, Banatski Dvor, Banatsko Visnjicevo, Banatsko Karadjordjevo, Torak,
Medja, Novi Itebej, Ravni Topolovac, Srpski Itebej, Torda, Hetin and Cestereg.
Considering traffic positioning this municipality has got a very good position, caused by
the international road that connects our country with Romania, respectively Zrenjanin
with Timisoara. By its surface, this municipality occupies the 16th place in Voivodina. Its
surface is 525km2 which is 2,44% of the territory of Voivodina. Rivers: Begej channel
(25km) and Old Begej river (28km) flow through the middle of the municipality. Begej is
the biggest left affluent of the Tisa river in our country. Beregseu is considered as the
origin of Old Begej river, which originate near the place called Sintar situated at 250m
above sea level. Begej channel originates from Krasov mountains, 1150m above sea
level. The mouth of Old Begej river in DTD channel is at Jankov Most, and the mouth od
Begej channel in DTD is at Klek.
Historical facts
Banat remains under Turk governance until 1780, the year when they are finally banished
after a defeat from Habsburg Monarchy. After that the Habsburg Monarchy took
measures for colonization. From 1751 until 1752 many Serbs and Romanians from
Pomorisje migrated in Serbia. In the second half of the 18th century the Hungarians
started to intensify their migration. First Hungarian settlers populated the village of Torda
in 1723, they came from Segedin vicinity. In 1786 Hungarians from Bekescaba vicinity
populated Novi Itebej. At the same time Hungarians populated the village of Hetin.
Germans migrated here in the second half of the 18th century. In 1767 Romanians
populate Veliki and Mali Torak. Briefly, there was a small number of Slovakians here, but
they moved later. The most important immigration were made after the WWI and WWII.
In 1920 the participants in WWI from Bosanska Krupa and Lika migrated in this region,
which results in two new settlements Banatsko Karadjordjevo and Banatsko Visnjicevo.
Immigrants from Trebinje, Mostar, Banja Luka move here after WWII.
The hunting tourism / hunting capacity
The hunting ground of the Municipality of Zitiste are known by its very rich offer and
long tradition of hunting tourism. There are hunting associations in every village, and
there is a rich choice of hunting possibilities especially suitable for foreign guests. The
hunting grounds are governed by the association Stari Begej from Zitiste, which
consists in 10 hunting associations, numbering more than 600 members. This association
dispose in contemporary hunting houses. The hunting ground dispose in many hunting
technical buildings that facilitates hunting. Hunting bases are consisted of wild hogs, roe
deer and European deer (allowed only for photo shooting). The hunting grounds has got a

large high-quality community of rabbits. Besides rabbit culling, rabbits are caught for
selling to other hunting grounds, because of this regions extraordinarily genetic rabbit
potential. Beside rabbits, there are other wild animals like pheasant, partridge, quail, wild
duck etc. Predators consists of following species: fox, badger and recently the jackal. The
hunting season starts on the April 16th, with the hunting of trophy roebuck, it continues
with culling selective breeding. September 1st marks the beginning of quail hunt season.
From October 16th starts the main hunting season, which represents the biggest tourist
visitor count and positive economic effect by providing services to foreign and local

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