International Criminal Police Organization: María Camila Sinisterra Sierra Instituto Politécnico Nacional

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Connecting police for a safer world

Peoples Republic of China

Mara Camila Sinisterra Sierra
Peoples Republic

Instituto Politcnico Nacional

Of China

Capital: Beijing
Type of government: Communist state
Population: 1,367,485,388
Neighboring countries: Afghanistan, Bhutan, Burma, India, Kazakhstan, North
Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Russian Federation, Tajikistan
and Vietnam.
Neighboring regions: Hong Kong and Macau
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): 6.8%
Human Development Index: 0.727
Corruption Index: Given by Transparency International: 37/100. Rank 86.
Crime Index: 48.51%
China and INTERPOL
Being a founding member of this organization and with the different United Nations special
committees regarding criminal justice, China shares and is strongly committed with the
punishment and fighting against crime in each traditional and not-traditional way and the
maintenance of social security and order.
The National Central Bureau for China, located in Beijing, has worked very closely since its
creation. Together, the NCB and the Ministry of Public Security have accomplished to
tackle several drug cases, sharing critical information or technology when its needed,
training other police officers and public servants, as well as suggesting new strategies to
address international crime, smuggling of cultural relics, economic fraud, etc.
Even though there are strong solutions and a solid cooperation given by the international
cooperation. Having a complex geographical and political structure, China is still looking to
enhance and reinforce the government capacities to fight crime .

Operations to dismantle the pharmaceutical crimes
Pharmaceutical industry in China
Over the past decade, China has managed to gain the attention and investment of several
global pharmaceutical companies. According to a study made by IMS Health, China is
ranked in the top 10 of the pharmaceutical markets. During the same
Having the most populated country and the 20% of it is constituted by elder people (55
years old and over), the government have reached the necessity to increase the spending
in the healthcare. The 12th Five-Year Plan (20112015) is aimed to establish a universal
health care system by which all citizens will be able to access affordable drug and medical
From 2004 to 2009, Chinas pharmaceutical manufacturing industry expanded massively,
between 2010 and 2013, the number decreased but thanks to strong new regulatory
measures in order to promote the quality and manufacture, the amount of industries
managed to stabilize.
Pharmaceutical Crimes
China is at top of the top 10 pharmaceutical markets, but on the down side, we are as well,
one of the main countries in counterfeiting medicines. Being aware of this situation, China
has taken as a main priority the fighting against this complex and silent problem.
1. It has developed a strict legal scheme for drug anti-counterfeiting.
In 1984, the National Congress established the Drug Administration Law of the PRC,
introducing legal responsibility for counterfeiting medicine. The law was amended in
2001, now giving more concrete and clear definition in the topic.
2. The establishment a multi-ministerial cooperation taskforce with the cooperation
with local governments.
The cooperation between different ministries of China have successfully tackled down
illegal online pharmacies, bad advertising, underground factories, transports and
corruption cases if there is information binding, etc.
3. Improvement of the technical capacity for the State Food and Drug Administration
and increased routine inspections and sampling.
Police is trained and offers capacitation to identify this type of products. SFDA has mobile
drug labs to assure suspicious drugs identified quickly and effectively. It also makes public
warn and educate public so they purchase drugs from legitimate supply channels.
4. Close cooperation between international organization and countries.

Several Operations made by Interpol, cooperation with the World Health Organization,
agreements between important pharmaceutical industries ensure the total willing of China
to fight against this problem.
5. The compulsory application of the Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)
The GMP gives standards to promote quality and safety in the pharmaceutical industry.
These allowed to have more power in the national production in the country.

Auxiliary measures in the field of theft and forgery
(Art and historical heritage in the Middle

The cultural heritage is the truly testimony of a countrys distinguished past and the
values of its civilizations. If it is already needed to pay great attention to protect it, now
just let us imagine how important it is when there is a conflict, with ideologies in stake.
The presence of the Islamic State in Syria and the fragile political situation among this
nation, means great danger mainly for its citizens but also, to the cultural heritage.
The New York Times mentions that The Islamic State has said that the historical objects
and sites it destroyed were heresy to its ideology []. Several places across the country,
such as Aleppo, Palmyra, Hatra, have been destroyed. It is necessary to protect and
prevent the destruction, theft and forgery of what is left, no matter if it is from a different
religion or cultural civilization.
Having in mind this situation, the Association for the protection of Syrian Archaeology (or
APSA) (been first a Facebook page and a YouTube channel, but now a website) Handles and
publishes information to the international community related to the threats and damages
currently suffered by the Syrian archaeological and historical heritage.
China and its work to protect cultural heritage
The President Xi Jinping recently made a statement regarding this topic A country's
cultural heritage is a precious treasure handed down from its ancestors. [] We must be
sober-minded in saying that we are a country of great culture and are in period of rapid
urbanization, so cultural protection work remains an arduous task."
Chinese legislature has achieve several laws regarding site protection and ratified all four
international cultural heritage conventions. The government supports many conservation
and archaeological excavation projects every year. Altogether, about two thousand
museums have been established to house collections. Some criminals are punished
according to law every year, and there is more and more international cooperation on
ancient sites, but it is not enough yet.

Continued conflict in Syria has brought sufferings to the Syrian people and impacted peace
and stability in the Middle East. China is deeply worried about the situation.

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