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Toronto Torah Beit Midrash Zichron Dov

Parshat Terumah 6 Adar 5770/Feb 20, 2010 Vol. I Num.19

V’Asu Li Mikdash R’ Azarya Berzon

In the literature of Halacha, we often host‟s door and announce “Ich bin Rav S oloveichik, zatzal. This
encounter the fundamental concept do” (“I am here!”). Obviously, the contribution for the mishkan has a
of a “mitzvah kiyumit”, i.e. a mitzvah guest desires to be invited. specific goal, namely, to build a
without an absolute obligation, a Otherwise he will hardly feel at house so that the Shechina would
voluntary mitzvah. What is the home. reside therein. HaShem wanted the
source for this concept, and what is mishkan only if the people wanted it.
This experience is reflected in the
its meaning? If the act is meritorious, The mitzvah of building God‟s
very beginning of our Parsha. The
and one is rewarded for sanctuary becomes binding only
Torah declares:
implementing the will of HaShem, when the people desire a house
why is there no obligation to ‫ ( ב) דבר אל בני‬: ‫(א ) ” וידבר ה' אל משה לאמר‬ where they can meet God, be in His
perform the act? ‫ישראל ויקחו לי תרומה מאת כל איש אשר ידבנו‬ presence, and be sanctified by His
‫ ( ח ) ועשו לי מקדש‬: ‫לבו תקחו את תרומתי‬
We would like to explain this ] ‫ “[שמות פרק כה‬:‫ושכנתי בתוכם‬ Shechina.
concept by means of a metaphor. HaShem declares, “we can have a
The Brisker Rav, zatzal, points out
The halachot of chesed are long distance relationship; I will
that the universal principle of
predicated on the principle of continue to dwell in the upper
coercion with regard to the
sensitivity towards the feelings of Heavenly spheres and you on earth.
fulfillment of all mitzvoth does not
the other. In the case of hachnasat That‟s fine. There is, however,
apply to this mitzvah of contributing
orchim, the host should try his another option; if you desire a close,
for the building of the mishkan. This
utmost to make the guest feel at intimate relationship, build me a
is so because the Torah stipulates
home. The host is aware of the home and invite me in.
“from every man whose heart is
sensitivities of the guest; he realizes
willing shall you accept the ‫“ עשו לי מקדש ושכנתי בתוכם‬I will not
that the guest feels like he is an
contribution”; nedivut halev is a dwell in your midst without an
imposition upon the host. Imagine if
precondition to this mitzvah. The Rav invitation”!
one needs an invite for dinner. He
does not explain the reason for this
has two alternatives: he can call his This, then, is the meaning of the
requirement of nedivut halev. I would
potential host and hope to elicit an concept of a “mitzvah kiyumit”.
like to suggest an explanation based
invitation, or he can show up at the Whenever the essence of the mitzvah
on an idea I heard from my Rebby,
is establishing a close relationship to
the Divine Shechina, whether it be
Parshah Questions Meir Lipschitz through prayer, Torah study, Eretz
(Sources are provided to help the reader research answers) Yisrael, or the building of the
mishkan, the basic condition is
 What is the Tachash? nedivut halev; invite the Shechina to
(Rashi and Ibn Ezra to Shemot 25:5, Shabbat 28a)
be your guest. There will be no
 How is it possible that the windows of the Beit HaMikdash were both ‫שקוף‬, literally coercion in these mitzvot as they must
transparent, and ‫אטום‬, literally opaque? be motivated by a genuine desire,
(Rashi, Ralbag, Radak, Metzudat Dovid, and Malbim to Melachim I 6:4)
nay, a profound craving for a close
 How could G-d command, ‫ ?ויקחו לי תרומה‬How do we “take” anything on HaShem‟s relationship with Shechina. May He
behalf? grant us the wisdom of the heart and
(Rashi, Siftei Chachamim, Ba‟al HaTurim, Netziv, Imrei Noam, Be‟er Yitzchak, and the longing of the soul to fulfill our
Chanukas HaTorah to Shemot 25:2) mitzvot with genuine nedivut halev.
 For children: Who made the Menorah? Why?
( Rashi to Shemot 25:31)

Yeshiva University
Center for the Jewish Future
Purim: Dressing for Success, or for Trouble? R’ Mordechai Torczyner

Today, Purim costumes are largely Jews sinned “for show” in bowing to Regarding Shatnez, the Maharil
the province of children and shul idols in the days of Nevuchadnezzar, argued that costumes are not truly
rabbis, but historically Jews of all and HaShem only acted “for show” in “worn.” Just as the gemara (Yevamot
ages costumed themselves for Purim. endangering us (Megilah 12a), and so 4b) notes that merchants who sell
No twi t hs tand i ng th e Mi sh n eh we, too, display a façade which does shatnez goods may drape them on
Berurah‟s recommendation (695:3) to not match who we are underneath. their own bodies for display and we
wear Shabbat clothes on Purim, for at do not consider this an act of
least 750 years adult Jews have also Chassidic authors discuss changing
“wearing clothing,” so the Maharil
dressed up in costume for Purim. clothing in order to induce the joy and
considered dressing up in costume as
laughter that comes with the
Rav Klonymus ben Klonymus, living in an act of display rather than an act of
unexpected and unusual.
late 13th and early 14th century donning clothing.
France, wrote in his Even Bochan, Anthropologists describe liminal
Regarding the prohibition against
“And on the fourteenth of Adar, for festivals, in which individuals or
cross-dressing, the Rambam ruled
the sake of honor and beauty, young societies mark a rite of passage by
that intent is irrelevant; the
men are glorified and exalted, acting erasing their old identities and taking
phenomenon of cross-dressing is, in
in a manner of insanity and on something new. Jeffrey Rubenstein,
itself, an act associated with idolatrous
foolishness… One wears a woman‟s in hi s Purim, Li mi nality and
rites. However, other authorities
dress and a necklace about his throat, Communitas, mentions this as a
viewed it as an issue of leading to
one acts like one of the fools, with a possible explanation for why masks
sexual license, and so they argued
drum and a dance and joy…” have such appeal on Purim, a day of
that it depends on intent, and so
transitions and reversals, a time when
Numerous reasons are offered for this Maharil, Rav Yehuda Mintz and other
we re-accepted the Torah (Shabbat
practice, including: early authorities permitted the cross-
88a), a moment when we were
dressing costume, so long as it was
Relating to the events of Purim itself, transformed from endangered vassals
limited to the special occasion of
Megilat Esther revolves around to a celebrated population en route to
changes of clothing, from the clothes a new Beit haMikdash.
of Achashverosh‟s party, to Vashti‟s And so we are heirs to a centuries-old
Despite these various explanations,
refusal to undress, to Esther‟s tradition of dressing up on Purim,
the practice of dressing up has,
pageant, to Mordechai‟s sackcloth, to mirroring the events of Purim,
historically, raised troubled halachic
Mordechai‟s parade, to Haman‟s pre- inducing joy and marking our
eyebrows. Two specific questions
party downfall, to Mordechai‟s transition. We might also mark two
were raised regarding potential
elevation to royal robes. other Purim practices described by
prohibitions against Shatnez and Cross
Rav Klonymus ben Klonymus: “They
The sefer Eleh haMitzvot suggested -dressing, but prominent halachic
send portions to each other from the
that since the gemara states that the authorities justified the practice.
seven species, but gifts to the poor
are minimized, like the rest of the
The 613 Mitzvot – Mitzvah 25: Sending mishloach manot which
include the seven species for which
To Believe in G-d Israel is known is an excellent way to
connect Purim to our national return
from Persia to Israel, which was
According to the Sefer haChinuch, the Torah. This is the foundation of
advanced by the miracles of the day
mitzvah #25 is the start of the Aseret Jewish belief and practice; the fact that
and which we have merited to witness
haDibrot, “I am G-d, your Lord, who there is an omnipotent G-d, and that
in our own time.
brought you out from the land of He is involved with our world, is what
Egypt, from the house of slaves.” establishes the validity of the rest of As far as the observation that people
Torah. stinted on matanot la‟evyonim in
The Sefer haChinuch follows the centuries past, may we merit to see
view of Rambam (Sefer haMitzvot, In contrast, Baal Halachot Gedolot and ‫ונהפוך הוא‬, a Purimesque reversal, such
Aseh 1) that this Mitzvah includes Ramban, apparently based on a that we will follow the Mishneh
belief in a single G-d who created all midrash (Mechilta d‟R‟ Yishmael, Berurah‟s advice (694:3) and make
that exists, by whose Will all exists, Yitro: BaChodesh 6), argue that this sure that our primary Purim
and who is eternal. The mitzvah is Divine declaration sets the stage for expenditure is not on costumes, or
also to believe that this same G-d all other mitzvot, but is not a mitzvah even on the feasting and mishloach
brought us out of Egypt and gave us unto itself. manot of the day, but on ensuring that we provide for the needy.

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Ha’Am V’Ha’Aretz
Kibbutz Lavi
Rabbeinu Yosef d’Trani -Maharit Russell Levy
During the time of the Mishnah, both
Torah in Translation Rabbi Yosef di Trani (Maharit) was Tzippori and Teveriyah were major
born in 1568 in Tzfat, the son of Jewish settlements. (R‟ Yehudah HaNasi
Maharit 1:136 lived in Tzippori, and the Sanhedrin was
Rabbi Moshe ben Yosef Trani
(Mabit). His father, who received located in Teveriyah.) The Lavi Inn was
Question: The Talmud states (Megillah situated between the two, on the side of
32a): “One who holds a Sefer Torah formal ordination from his teacher,
the road, near today‟s Golani Junction.
uncovered will be buried unclothed.” Rabbi Yaakov Bei Rav, took him at Eventually, the Romans destroyed the
Does a cloth suffice to avoid this rabbinic age eight to be blessed by R' Yosef inn. Centuries later, the Arab village of
curse? It happened that the shliach Karo, author of the Shulchan Aruch. Lubya, a corruption of the Hebrew
tzibbur picked up the Torah from the After his father's passing four years “Lavi”, arose on the spot.
bimah in a sheet in order to wrap it, and later, Yosef studied under the great Located on the road leading from
one of the knowledgeable people kabbalist Rabbi Sagis. Teveriyah to Tabor and the Upper
present raised his voice, arguing that the After a plague in Tzfat in 1588, Galilee, Lubya served as a base for Arab
above dictum applies to the shliach Maharit moved to Egypt before attacks on Jewish travelers and convoys.
tzibbur’s actions. The shliach tzibbur During the War of Independence, the
settling in the community of Spanish
responded that the other was wrong. village housed Fawzi al-Qawuqji‟s Arab
exiles in Istanbul (Constantinople), Liberation Army. As soon as the State of
What would you respond, when we pick starting what would become a famed
up the Sefer Torah to display its text to Israel was proclaimed, the ALA
yeshiva there. After twenty years, attempted to cut off the Upper Galilee,
the nation? the community appointed the the Galilee panhandle, and even the
Answer: The shliach tzibbur is correct; Maharit to the post of Chief Rabbi of Jordan Valley.
the dictum only applies if one is not Istanbul, a position he held until his On June 9, 1948, Golani‟s Dror Battalion
using a covering. There is no issue if one death. was ordered to capture the village . This
carries the Torah in a covering; both The Maharit wrote Shut Maharit, a initial assault was a massive failure.
Rashi (Megillah 32a s.v. Arom) and the book of responsa, as well as Nevertheless, one of the mission‟s
Tur (OC 147) rule thus. Perhaps holding novellae on Masechet Kiddushin. He objectives was achieved: the enemy‟s
the Torah by the handles is sufficient as was described by both Rabbi operational balance of power was
well. Yonatan Eibeschitz and Rabbi affected, and al-Qawuqji‟s plans were
foiled. He had hoped to capture Rosh
The Rambam ruled (Mishneh Torah, Yaakov Emden, as well as Rabbi
Pina and join up with the Syrian forces.
Hilchot Sefer Torah 10:6), “One may not Avra ham Yes hayahu Ka relitz However, when Lubya was attacked, al-
hold a Sefer Torah in his arms and enter (Chazon Ish), as “the greatest of the Qawuqji abandoned his plans and set out
a lavatory or a bathhouse…and he acharonim.” to assist the village.
should not hold a Sefer Torah Rabbi Yosef di Trani passed away in When the IDF launched a second attack
uncovered.” 1639 in Constantinople. Though his against Lubya, the village‟s fighters
There were those who understood the burial place was unknown for almost surrendered after a short battle, and the
400 years, his grave was found two Arab residents abandoned the village.
word “uncovered” to qualify the person,
to explain the Rambam‟s seemingly years ago in Tzfat beside that of his On 24 Shvat 5709 (February 23, 1949),
unnecessary additional words. However, father. Kibbutz Lavi was founded on the site by
I questioned this understanding; the young Bachad (Brit Chalutzim Datiim)
immigrants from England, including
Talmud (Shabbat 14a) uses the above The Gemara mentions that he will be some of the 10,000 Jewish refugee
dictum to explain why hands that touch “unclothed by that mitzvah!” children who had arrived in England
[the parchment of RL] a Sefer Torah
disqualify Terumah. We see that the Rather, it is referring to the mitzvah of from Germany on the Kindertransports.
issue is the uncovered parchment of the carrying the Torah to display it [to the The kibbutz was the first religious
kibbutz to have a rabbi; these rabbis
Sefer Torah… congregation RL] or to take it to the have included Rav Levinger of Hevron
bimah. This even applies if he does and Rav Aviner of Beit El.
As well, this understanding solves the not touch it [the parchment RL], and
issue raised by Tosafot’s wording Kibbutz Lavi‟s main industries are
he loses the reward for this mitzvah
agriculture, a carpentry workshop which
(Megillah 32a s.v. B'lo) regarding this as he violated the words of the
produces furniture for shuls around the
dictum. Tosafot wrote, "Some explain this Sages... Similarly, he would lose the world, and a kosher hotel which serves
to refer to the mitzvah of holding the reward of the mitzvah if he were to the religious public.
Torah. But this is difficult, as it is simple study from the Torah, to wrap it, or to
The ruins of the ancient Jewish settlement
[that he would lose this mitzvah RL]!... check it for mistakes, and he who
are still visible in the Lavi Forest, located
Therefore, the Riva explained that the grasps it with a cloth will have between the Golani Junction and Kibbutz
dictum referred to the mitzvah of reading “longevity in his right hand (Mishlei Lavi.
the Torah, or rolling it." However, this 3:16).”
[the explanation of the Riva] is difficult; Adapted from an article originally
who mentioned reading and rolling?! published by Torah miTzion.

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Shiur in Preview: Abortion Russell Levy

Abortion has been a controversial reason? It is written (Bereishit 9), is stricter for non-Jews?” is not
issue Western society in general for “He that sheds a man‟s blood, by applied. Though the law is surely
generations, and the Jewish man (lit. in man) his blood shall be stricter with regard to Jews, only in
community has engaged in its own shed”. Who is the man who is inside the non-Jewish courts would the court
share of controversy on this issue as a man? A fetus inside its mother. perform capital punishment in this
well. In the first part in a series of case. The law for the [individual RL]
‫תוספות מסכת חולין דף לג עמוד א‬
shiurim on this topic, we will analyze ‫ואע " ג דבן נח נהרג על העוברים כדאמר התם‬ Jew is stricter, but the court is not
the basis of the prohibition against ... ‫וישראל אינו נהרג נהי דפטור מ"מ לא שרי‬ allowed to perform capital
terminating a fetus, beginning with punishment [due to a technicality RL].
the primary sources in the Torah, Tosafot Chulin 33a: …Even though
Mishnah and Gemara, proceeding a non-Jew has committed a capital ‫סה‬:‫שו"ת אחיעזר ג‬
through the halachic compendiums crime upon terminating a fetus, and ‫ואולי דוקא לרי"ש דס"ל דב" נ נהרג על העוברין‬
‫מוכרח דאיכא איסור תורה לישראל וי"ל דת"ק‬
and concluding with the responsa a Jew has not committed a capital ,‫שם פליג ולדידי' אפשר דבאמת אין איסור תורה‬
literature. crime for the same action, it is .‫וצ"ע‬
nevertheless prohibited.
Below are selected sources that will Shut Achiezer 3:65: … and possibly,
be considered. In this introductory 21:12 ‫גור אריה שמות‬ there is a Torah prohibition [for Jews
shiur, we will also discuss the ‫ דכמו דאיכא לאקשויי‬,‫ותירוץ זה אינו מספיק‬
to abort a fetus RL] only according to
possible reasons for the prohibition, ‫היכן מצאנו גוי חמור מישראל לענין אסור הכי‬
‫נמי לענין מיתה יש להקשות היכן מצאנו גוי‬ the opinion of R‟ Yishmael, who rules
and what punishment one would ‫ דמיתה היא מצוה ביד‬, ‫ אבל לא קשיא‬. ‫חמור‬ that non-Jews receive capital
receive for transgressing it. ‫ ולא שייך לומר בעונש מיתה או מלקות‬,‫בית דין‬ punishment for aborting a fetus.
‫ דודאי‬,' ‫' היכן מצינו דיהיה גוי חמור מישראל‬ However, it is possible that according
Torah or Rabbinic Prohibition? ‫ ולכן לא דנין את‬, ‫חמור הוא הישראל מן הגוי‬ to the tanna kamma, who disagrees
‫ אף על גב דהגוי דנין אותו‬, ‫הישראל למיתה‬ with R‟ Yishmael, aborting a fetus is
‫תלמוד בבלי מסכת ’סנהדרין דף נז עמוד ב‬4. ‫ וזהו בודאי חומרא דישראל הוא על‬, ‫למיתה‬
‫ מאי‬.‫משום רבי ישמעאל אמרו אף על העוברין‬ .‫ אין רשאי לדון אותו למיתה‬,‫הבית דין‬ only rabbinically prohibited for both
) ' ‫ דכתיב ( בראשית ט‬- ? ‫טעמיה דרבי ישמעאל‬ Jews and non-Jews. However, this
‫ איזהו אדם‬, ‫ שפך דם האדם באדם דמו ישפך‬Gur Aryeh Shemot 22:12 : matter requires clarification.
.‫ הוי אומר זה עובר שבמעי אמו‬- ‫( שהוא באדם‬regarding the question as to how it
This is a preview of the first part of a
Talmud Bavli 57a: (The Gemara is is possible that something is a series of classes on the topic of
in the midst of discussing the Seven capital crime only for non-Jews, and abortion. This in-depth shiur will be
Noahide Laws, specifically that of not for Jews): … This is irrelevant; delivered on Monday, February 22 at
murder): It was related in the name capital punishment is a mitzvah upon 8:30PM at 30 Manorhaven Road.
of R‟ Yishmael that they [Noahides] the court, and regarding capital and
are also commanded not to abort corporal punishment, the question
fetuses. What is R‟ Yishmael‟s “Where do we find a prohibition that

Schedule for the Week of February 20, 6 Adar

Shabbat, February 20 Tuesday, February 23
7:50AM R‟ Azarya Berzon, Ramban al haTorah, Or Chaim 11:00AM R‟ Azarya Berzon: Masechet Sukkah (Advanced), Clanton Park Men
Following Hashkama R‟ Azarya Berzon, Clanton Park 12:00PM R‟ Mordechai Torczyner: Poppies for Purim! A cooking and Torah
11:30AM R‟ Mordechai Torczyner: Prisoner Exchanges in Jewish class (RSVP to 416-638-1881 ext 4235 required), JCC
Thought and Law, Zichron Yisroel 7:30PM Russell Levy: Shiur in Parsha, Westmount Men and Women
4:10PM R‟ Azarya Berzon, Masechet Kiddushin in-depth, 7:00PM R‟ Mordechai Torczyner: The Thought of Rav Kook and the Laws of
Mizrachi Bayit Pesach, I of III, 15 Palm Dr. Women
8:30PM R‟ Mordechai Torczyner: Minchat Chinuch, Clanton Park Men
Sunday, February 21
8:45AM R‟ Mordechai Torczyner: Medical Halachah— Wednesday, February 24
Lacerations on Shabbat, BAYT 9:15AM R‟ Mordechai Torczyner, Weekly Torah Class, 239 Franklin,
9:15AM Itamar Zolberg: Shiur in Hebrew, Zichron Yisrael Men Babysitting provided Women
and Women ‫בעברית‬ 2:00PM R‟ Mordechai Torczyner, The Joy of Adar, MaRS Cafeteria
8:30PM R‟ Azarya Berzon: Masechet Kiddushin in-depth, Shaarei 7:30PM Meir Lipschitz, Ramchal‟s Derech Hashem, Kehillat Shaarei Torah
Shomayim Men and Women
8:45PM R‟ Mordechai Torczyner: Tzibburology VII, BAYT Men and Women
Monday, Febuary 22
8:30PM R‟ Mordechai Torczyner: Lunch „n Learn: Purim, The Last Thursday, February 25
Jewish Holiday, KST 11:00AM R‟ Azarya Berzon: Masechet Sukkah (Advanced), Clanton Park Men
8:30PM R‟ Azarya Berzon: Rambam‟s Hilchot Talmud Torah, 4:00PM R‟ Azarya Berzon: Hilchot Muktzah (Advanced), Clanton Park Men
Clanton Park Men 7:00PM R‟ Azarya Berzon: Shiur for Fathers at Or Chaim
8:30PM Russell Levy: Abortion and Halachah, 30 Manorhaven Rd. 8:30PM R‟ Azarya Berzon: Machshavah and Life Issues, Clanton Park Men

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