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Research Paper Prepared By

Saad Waheed and Omar Aslam Ahamed


Research paper
DNA, short for deoxyribonucleic acid, is
the molecule that contains the genetic code
of organisms. This includes animals, plants, protists,
.archaea and bacteria
DNA is in each cell in the organism and tells cells
what proteins to make. Mostly, these proteins
are enzymes. DNA is inherited by children from their
parents. This is why children share traits with their
parents, such as skin, hair and eye color. The DNA in a
person is a combination of the DNA from their parents.
.DNA is in every part of your hair, blood, cell skin
?Why did we choose the topic DNA
We chose the topic DNA, because we all know that elephants only
give birth to little elephants, giraffes to giraffes, dogs to dogs and so
on. But why is this so? The answer lies in a molecule called
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), which contains the biological
instructions that make each species unique. DNA, along with the
instructions it contains, is passed from adult organisms to their
.offspring during reproduction
DNA can even tell or show the persons image, age eye color and

Discovery of the shape of DNA

The discovery of the shape of the DNA was in 1953,
that every molecule of DNA is shaped like a twisted
rope ladder, or double helix, was one of the great
scientific breakthroughs of the 20th century
Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin did the
groundwork for the discovery. Francis Crick and James
Watson, two young researchers at Cambridge
University, UK, had the inspiration and won the Nobel
?What does Allah (SWT) teach us about DNA
This discovery is added to the numerous discoveries
that testify the oneness of Allah, the Almighty. It
reveals that we have inside our cells complicated
systems and information which act as a base for the
sperm to develop in the womb, then depending on the
information that Allah put in the DNA, the hair and skin
colours are determined as well as all the features of the
. Therefore, Allah, the Exalted ordered us to look at the
origin of our creation, all praises to Him says: "So let
man see from what he is created! He is created from
water gushing forth. Proceeding from between the

backbone and the ribs. Verily, (Allah) is Able to bring

him back (to life)!" (5-8 At Tariq).
He the Almighty says: "The Work of Allah, Who
perfected all things, verily He is Well-Acquainted with
what you do" (88: An Naml). Also says: "That is He: the
All-Knower of the unseen and the seen, the All-Mighty,
the Most Merciful. Who made everything He has
created good and He began the creation of man from
clay. Then He made his offspring from semen of
despised water (male and female sexual discharge).
Then He fashioned him in due proportion, and breathed
into him the soul (created by Allah for that person); and
He gave you hearing (ears), sight (eyes) and hearts.
Little is the thanks you give! (6-9 AsSajdah).
We made a DNA model to understand this topic better.
We found polystyrene balls, we painted them and
labeled it, we then threaded the colored balls through a
metal hanger and twisted it to make a funnel like
Then we labeled the model to show what each colour

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