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Name of Researcher:

April Joy V. Albior


Urdaneta City University

Olongapo City Graduate School

Degree of Specialization:

Master of Arts in Education

Major in Mathematics


Elizabeth M. Perfecto, Ed. D.

Academic Year:

SY 2014-2015

Title of Thesis:



Key Words:

Multiple Intelligences, Regional Science

High School, Attitude Towards Mathematics

The research study determined the level of Multiple Intelligences of

Regional Science High School III students and their Attitude towards
Mathematics. Specifically, it determined the profile of the student-respondents in
terms of age, sex, grade level, monthly family income, place of residence,
highest educational attainment of parents and educational support; the attitude of
the students towards Mathematics; the difference between the dominant multiple
intelligences of the students across the profile variables; and lastly, the
relationship that existed between the profile and the Multiple Intelligence levels.
The study was conducted at the Regional Science High School III, a
premier secondary school in Region III, located at East Kalayaan, Subic Bay

Freeport Zone and the respondents are 519 students enrolled during the SY
2014 - 2015.
The descriptive-correlational method was used in this study, it aimed to
describe the profile and attitudes of RSHS III students towards Mathematics,
their current levels of multiple intelligences, and the difference and relationship
that existed among these variables and the profile variables.
The data gathered were analyzed and interpreted using frequency
counts, percentage, mean, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and Pearson r
correlation coefficient.
The significant findings include:
Majority of the student-respondents are Grade 7 students, mostly 13 years
old, dominated by females. Most of them are residents of Olongapo City with a
considerable number of Bataan residents, coming from families with P25,000P50,000 monthly income. The parents of the student-respondents are dominantly
college graduates, and students receive educational support from Internet and
communication gadgets.
The Attitudes of the student-respondents are described as High level
(positive attitude). Specifically, on the subscale Self-confidence, the level of selfconfidence of the student-respondents is on Average level, the appreciation of
the Value of Mathematics is on High Level, the students Enjoyment in
Mathematics is on Average level, and Motivation in Mathematics is on High level.
The levels of Multiple Intelligences of the student-respondents in terms of





intelligence, Logical-mathematical intelligence, Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence,

Existentialist intelligence, Visual-spatial intelligence, Intrapersonal intelligence
and Interpersonal intelligence are all found out to be in High level.
The five most dominant intelligences are as follows: 1) Musical-Rhythmic
intelligence, 2) Existentialist intelligence, 3) Intrapersonal intelligence, 4)
Interpersonal intelligence, and 5) Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence. It is also
worthwhile to mention that Logical-mathematical intelligence is ranked 9 among
the 9 intelligences. The statements with three highest means are as follows: I
can imagine ideas in my head, I enjoy many kinds of music, and Step-by-step
directions are a big help. This information may help teachers innovate their
teaching strategies in their Mathematics classroom.
There are significant differences between the profile variables and the
most dominant multiple intelligences (F values> computed values), therefore, the
Null Hypothesis is rejected. However, for the variable Monthly family Income, it








(F=.774<Sig=.853); Existentialist Intelligence (F=.805<Sig=.853); and Bodily








Educational Attainment of Father has no significant difference in the Musical






(F=.745<Sig=.865); Interpersonal Intelligence (F=.640<Sig=.972); and Bodily

Kinesthetic Intelligence (F=.407<Sig=1.000). Furthermore, the variable Highest
Educational Attainment of Mother has no significant in the Intrapersonal






(F=.520<Sig=.997). In these cases, the Null Hypothesis is therefore accepted.

There is a significant relationship at 0.05 level of significance (r=-.101)
registered in the correlation between Year level and Musical-Rhythmic
intelligence. There exists a negative slight correlation among these variables
which may be inferred that as the year level increases, the musical-rhythmic level
tends to decrease.
Based on the findings, the following conclusions are drawn: 1) The
Regional Science High School III students came from middle-high income
families and mostly Olongapo City residents, with a considerable number of
Bataan residents. Their parents are college graduates and support their
childrens education with gadgets and Internet software. The attitudes towards
Mathematics are in High level, however, the level of Self-confidence of the
students and Enjoyment in Mathematics are only on Average levels and can still
be improved. 2) The level of multiple intelligences are all high, therefore the
student-respondents have a very good sense of balance in terms of the nine
intelligences. Musical Rhythmic Intelligence is the most dominant multiple
intelligence. Existentialist intelligence follows which may be attributed to our
country being a Christian country, and Filipino parents strive to raise their
children in good faith and strong family ties. RSHS III students enrolled this
school year are highly imaginative, music-lovers, and appreciate step-by-step
directions. 3) The profile of the student-respondents has significant differences
with the dominant multiple intelligences; and 4) the year level of the student

respondents show a negative correlation with musical rhythmic intelligence. As

the students increase in grade level, the musical rhythmic intelligence decreases.
From the conclusions drawn, the following recommendations are
1) Mathematics teachers in Regional Science High School must find ways
to foster positive attitude towards Mathematics especially in terms of Selfconfidence and Enjoyment of Mathematics. They must present topics in more
interesting and motivating ways. Also, students want to develop their
mathematical skills so teachers must take this opportunity to develop and hone
the students skills.
2) Logical-mathematical intelligence is only ranked 9 among the nine
intelligences; it is therefore recommended that teachers and administrators in
RSHS find ways to further develop this intelligence among the students.
3) Teachers in RSHS III must utilize various strategies that will cater the
students love for music, and creative imagination like incorporating music videos,
video games, social networks, blog sites, and other computer based techniques
that will stimulate students interest towards Mathematics and eventually create
positive attitude towards Mathematics. Also, step-by-step directions should be
made before any mathematics task the students are assigned to do.
4) Curriculum experts should look into studies such as this and consider
multiple intelligences in creating the learning modules especially in the K-12
Basic Education Program.

5) This research shall serve as springboard for future researchers. It is

recommended that other researchers study the different multiple intelligences
separately for a more elaborate aspect, or other researchers may study how
multiple intelligences affect students attitudes, and vice versa.

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