Civilsprep - The Hindu Editorials and Perspective Analysis: Poverty and Death Row

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CivilsPrep The Hindu Editorials and perspective Analysis

Poverty and Death Row

Issue Socio economic profile of the people who are awarded the death penalty
National law university research report on death penalty
In India, people facing the death penalty are from poor socioeconomic background, first time offenders,
with low education levels and many belong to religious minorities.
So, an institutional prejudice or systemic bias appears to be existing in the award of the death sentence.
As it is irreversible, possibility error and injustice exists, the best way forward is to end the capital
punishment in India. As like the other worlds goes.

Bangladeshs battle for its future

Issue killing of liberals in Bangladesh

Jamat -e-Islami

There are increasing incidences of killing of liberals, activists and bloggers in Bangladesh. These killings are
invariably connected to the ongoing war trials on the offenders in Bangladesh liberation war 1971. Islamic
state, though incipient in Bangladesh is claiming the responsibility for the killings. If the idea of
progressive, democratic Bangladesh need to safeguarded, protection of these liberals shall be central to
it. Irony is, Government is not taking any action in that direction.

Effect can spill over into India

After the liberation war, Bangladesh has been divided in to progressive democratic faction and
conservative Islamic faction. In 2013 Shahbag protests, demand for the capital punishment for war crimes
committed in 1971 were raised.

Fresh turmoil in Kathmandu

Issue In a recent Nepal crisis, Maoist leader Prachanda agreed to withdraw the support to Prime Minister
K P Oli Government and to form a Government with the support of Nepali congress and Madhesi
parties(UDMF). Later, he changed his stand, keeping alive the government of the day.
PM Oli Governments failures
1. Madhesi agitation after the enactment of new constitution
2. Worsened bilateral relations with India
3. Poor post earthquake reconstruction. Nepal is unable to use even 1% of globally pledged $4.4bn
loans meant for reconstruction.
4. Accussation of Economic blockade by india

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whenever there is a crisis Neplai politics are showing fingers towards India and raise the Nationalistic sentiments

Concerns of India
1. Nepal still plays the china card against India and nationalistic sentiment in Nepal is taking the
shape of Anti-Indian sentiment. The recent transit agreement between China-Nepal is an
indication of this. (Nepal still believes in the age old description of Prithvi Narayan Shah Nepal
as a Yam between two boulders.)

amdassidor to india was recalled; Nepal Pz visit to india cancelled

What India shall do ?

India shall introspect what are the reasons for the failure of Prime Minister Modis Neighborhood first
It shall present its image as a friendly, caring India, sensitive to the Nepals concerns and generous in
seeking mutually beneficial partnerships. Nepal also shall realize the value of free and open borders with
India. India's Neighbour hood policy - Vs Big Brother attitude


Pra - puspa kamal dahalchanda

The present Government is formed by the CPN(UML) with the support of UCPN (Maoist). Nepali congress
is the major opposition party.

Conserving the last drop

4. United madeshi party

Issue water conservation

Analysis India has to Bridge a gap between its season of flood and drought. Many of the people suggest
for the grand programs such as interlinking of rivers, mega irrigation projects etc. These are resource
intensive and can bring in very little benefit on the ground. For instance, as per P Sainath, Maharashtra
spent 1.18lakh Crore of rupees on irrigation with poor results due to corruption. So, the way forward is to
1 properly sue the already created potential by desilting the dams, canals etc. Along with this shift to water
conservation practices like drip irrigation, ground water recharge need to be practiced.

CivilsPrep The Hindu News Analysis

community based approach

Africa Outreach
Prime Minister Modi is likely to visit to Africa in the coming month to begin energy diplomacy and diaspora
The first visit will be to Mozambique and the significance is

It is the home to a bulk of Africa bound Indian investment

Energy dialogue is steadily growing between the countries after India-Africa summit.
In 2015, both countries signed an MOU to cooperate in renewable energy.
Mozambique is expected to be a major energy exporter I'd it can set a proper legal frame work to
enable foreign companies to explore oil and natural gas in the country.
5. It is the first country from Africa to engage with the present Government. President of
Mozambique Felipe Nyusi visited Indian in 2015.

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Army right sizing

News army wants to grow leaner by shortening its tooth to tail ratio. The ratio signifies the ration of
fighting people on the battle front to support services such as logistics, signals and ordnance. It aims to
automatize most of the support services.
The study ordered by the Army chief Dalbir Singh will look at the logistics re organization to achieve
savings in man power. It includes equipment modernization, automation of communication and critical
infrastructure, inventory management etc.

Freedom of press
News - UNESCO led annual celebrations world press freedom day May 3
It reaffirms that press freedom, RTI are essential for a free, independent, pluralistic media crucial for
advancement of human rights and sustainable development.
International federation of Journalists survey provides for the growing threat to the journalists across the
world. IFJ reported that situation in South Asia is not at all encouraging.

bangladesh issue of killing journalists

Information crisis
Added to this, on the wrong side of the journalism hate speech and propaganda in the guise of journalism
is also growing.
The ethical Journalism Network states this as information crisis the major characteristics defying this are

Growing Government surveillance and interference whistle blowers bill; encryption bill; aadhar
Corporate snooping
Exploitation of personal information
Growing trend of abuse in online speech. increasing misogyny and emerging gender stereotypes
So, the elements of ethical journalism Humanity, accuracy and transparency need to be emphasized for
the responsible public communications.
United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is also committed to promote just, peaceful
and inclusive societies, which includes points relevant to press freedom, access to information, safety of
journalists and the rule of law.

CivilsPrep Indian Express News Analysis

Pictorial warnings on cigarette packs

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As per the cigarettes and other tobacco products (packaging and labeling) amendment rules 2014, any
cigarette or bidi pack shall consist of a warning symbol of the 85% of the pack size. Agricultural ministry
has clarified that livelihood concerns of the tobacco growers are addressed through mapping of after
native Crops in these areas.

Drop by careful drop

Demand side management need to be strengthened to save the water.
1. Incentivizing the farmer for use of less water
2. Removing the power subsidies that are leading to excessive exploitation of ground water.
3. Remove the water subsidies on the water intensive crops like rice and sugarcane.
4. Ration power and water on per hectare basis. charge water beyond usage
Rationalization of exports of water intensive crops.
India is a water stressed country - If percapita availbility of water is < 1700 cubic feet
water scarce - if percapita availbility < 1000 c feet
Irrigation potential
created and Utilized is high in many states. MH and AP spent too much and corruption.
over exploitation of ground water - subsidized power; so rationalize power
water harvesting and recharging is needed


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rice and sugarcane are cultivated through flodding process. so change to new methods - system of Rice Intensification - less water;
drip/sprinkler irrgation

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