Civilsprep - The Hindu Editorials and Perspective Analysis: Missing Girls of Bangladesh - Trafficking in Women

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CivilsPrep The Hindu Editorials and perspective Analysis

Missing girls of Bangladesh Trafficking in women

Weak laws in India
1. Laws do not define forced labour and trafficking
The 2003 UN Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and
Children, supplementing the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, to which India is a
signatory, defines trafficking in persons. It includes sex trafficking and forced labour.
Although Article 23 of the Indian Constitution prohibits human trafficking, it does not define the term.
The countrys first definition of human trafficking based on the UN trafficking protocol was first seen in
the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act of 2013, which substituted Section 370 of the Indian Penal Code with
370 and 370A which deals with trafficking of persons for exploitation. However, this does not include
forced labour.
Nor does the Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act of 1956 (as amended in 1986). Other laws pertaining to
forced labour in the country do not adequately address the complex issue of human trafficking for the
purpose of labour.
2. Porous borders
The porous Indo-Bangladesh border makes cross-border trafficking in persons, drugs, and fake currency
3. No proper administrative establishment
There are no proper arrangements for coordination between shelter homes, border security force and
Government agencies involved in rehabilitation.

Simultaneous election for LokSabha and Rajya Sabha

An analysis by IDFC institute, Mumbai shows that voters behaviour is influenced by the simultaneous
elections. It says in 77% of cases, voters will vote for the same party both at the state and Centre. If
elections are held at different times, it decreased to 44%.
Note The permanent campaign syndrome It is coined by the Sidney Blumenthal and it is to reflect the
impact of continuous elections crowding out time for governance.

Monetary policy

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Repo rate is down by .25 basis points and it continues to retain its accommodative stand. Repo rate now
stands at 6.5%, the lowest in 5 years.
Reasons for reduction
1. Bank lending is shifted to Marginal cost of funds based lending rate. It means rate reductions will
transmit to customers.
2. Food inflation is eased notably due to decline in prices and not as a result of the base effect.
3. Consumer confidence survey shows a positive sentiment and manufacturing purchasing
managers index reflects a continuing expansion.
Headline inflation
Core inflation
Manufacturing purchasing managers index
Base effect

CivilsPrep The Hindu News Analysis

Black money

About 10 voluntary disclosure schemes launched since 1951 and money recovered was merely
14,000cr. It is estimated that total money stocked overseas is greater than $505bn.
Justice MB shah chairman of the SIT on black money said India is too far away from making any
breakthrough on the hunt for black money.
US president Obama said that Panama papers show tax evasion as the major problem. The real
problem lies in loopholes in the tax laws.

Capital punishment Amnesty international Death penalty

report 2015-16

Death penalties rose by 54% in 2015.

Death penalties are highest in Middle East Saudi Arabia, Iran, and South Asia India and Pakistan
and East Asia china.

Global economy Losing Momentum IMF Chief

IMF chief Christine Lagarde has said, Global economy is losing momentum and advanced economies are
facing a hangover from 2007-09 economic crisis. That is, too much debt, low investment, high
unemployment. Another threat is slowing Chinas economy and competitive devaluation of the economy.

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Policy paralysis Group of Joint secretaries

In effective policy implementation, involvement of officers across the hierarchy is very crucial.
Group of joint secretaries has been tasked with formulating a blue print for effective
implementation of flagship programs.
Already Prime minister Is conducting once in a month review with secretaries of Union
Government and state chief secretaries on progress of various projects under implementation.
Bringing Joint secretaries in the loop can take this a step forward.
E- Pragati Proactive governance and timely implementation.

India USA

India has strongly reacted to the President Obama call for reduction of nuclear stockpiles in south
Asia as a possible lack of understanding of Indias defense posture.
USA clarified that, the comments are in relation to the Pakistan deploying tactical nuclear
weapons that are easily susceptible for theft and misuse.
USA also further clarified that India USA relations reached a new peak and US is committed to
take forward this relation to a defining partnership of 21st century. So, there is not hyphenation
with Pakistan.

Stand up India

A Dalit and women entrepreneurship program

Banks will provide a loan from 10 Lakhs to 1 crore rupees for setting up a new enterprise.
It will help in creating 2.5 lakh entrepreneurs as every bank branch has to lend to at least two

Srilanka China

Srilanka cleared the Colombo port city project for construction by Chinese companies before the
visit of Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe.
China also attaches centrality to Sri Lanka to amplify its maritime silk road.

String of pearls in Indian Ocean

Hambanthota Sri Lanka
Gwadar Pakistan
Djibouti horn of Africa
Kyaukphyu Myanmar

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Tilting towards Saudis

Indias traditional stand in West Asia is based on a tri axis between Saudi, Iran and Israel. Now, it
appears a shift more towards Saudi Arabia. If India looks its West Asia policy only through the
prism of Pakistan. It might end up making a mistake.

From Yesterday news

India Saudi Arabia D3q2

Saudi Arabia is traditionally a source of energy and of remittances for India.
In recent Years cooperation is improved and took a new dimension in to counter terrorism and
intelligence sharing.

West Asia India Saudi Arabia relations

Rise of Sunni extremism is also threatening the conservative Arab monarchies as never
America embrace of Iran and a sense of abandonment exists among Saudis
Steep fall in oil revenues

Indias new approach to the region under Modi is fashioned around three areas.
1. To leverage the Gulf riches to accelerate Indias economic growth
2. To tap in to the huge potential for strengthening counter terror cooperation.
3. To explore the prospects for deepening defense cooperation with the Gulf States.
It has been reported that there are tensions in the Pakistan-Saudi relationship after Islamabads
renewed engagement with Iran. Pakistan had also refused to send troops to Yemen to join a Saudi
war coalition.

CivilsPrep Indian Express News Analysis

Delhi to Riyadh already covered in detail

Cutting it fine monetary policy already covered


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