Civilsprep - The Hindu Editorials and Perspective Analysis: Language of Violence

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CivilsPrep The Hindu Editorials and perspective Analysis

Language of violence
Section 295A

Section 295A. Deliberate and malicious acts, intended to outrage religious feelings of any class by
insulting its religion or religious beliefs.
Language of violence in the public life has many consequences for communal peace and harmony
and if it comes from people in responsible positions, it has wider consequences to social order.

Free and Open source software copy Left

Free and open-source software (FOSS) is computer software that is, anyone is freely licensed to use,
copy, study, and change the software in any way, and the source code is openly shared so that people are
encouraged to voluntarily improve the design of the software.

Microsoft that believed in proprietary software is slowly embracing the FOSS.

Panama Paper trail

The major challenge in movement of global financial capital include
1. Lax tax laws
2. Tax heavens
In India,
Liberalized remittance scheme by RBI did not clearly mention about offshore investments and this
loophole is used to stock the money in tax heavens.

CivilsPrep The Hindu News Analysis

Colombo city project
The china funded project approved by the Government is facing a stiff resistance from the civil
society. It can cause adverse impact on marine ecology, environment and fishermens livelihood.

Data protection vs National security

Whatsapp aims to improve its security features with end to end encryption. It will make the job of
security agencies much tough.

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On the other side, Indian Government asked twitter, facebook, google to establish local servers to
get real time information.

Forest rights act

Gram Sabha under forest rights act is authorized to give mining permissions. But, many of the state
Governments and mining companies are forging their signatures to get the mining rights. It happened
in Niyamgiri hills, Gandhamardan.
MoTA is the nodal ministry to implement the forest rights act.

India- Pakistan
India-Pakistan shall engage with each other for deepening of democracy in Pakistan and it is in the
best interests of India in the long run,

India China
India expressed its strong resentment to China at the highest level for its opposition to include Jaish
e Mohd chief Maulana Masood Azhar in the terror list.
China answered that It agrees, there is no discrimination in dealing with terrorists. But, in naming an
individual as terrorist more discussions are necessary.

India- USA
Defence secretary Ash carter is about to make a visit to India.
According to him, there are two crucial pillars for India USA defence cooperation
1. There is a convergence between Indias Act East policy and USA Asia Pivot policy.
2. Defence technology and trade initiative.
USA wants India to sign LSA, CISMOA, BECA agreements to deepen ties between the countries. However,
Indian security establishment has its own reservations saying it will push India in to the permanent
embrace of the USA.
At the same time china already raised concerns on US Philippines enhanced defence cooperation

CivilsPrep Indian Express News Analysis

Indian agriculture is going through a series of droughts and MGNREGA is the only a way for wage
employment and income guarantee on the rural side. So, delay in release of payments by central
Government is damaging the livelihoods.

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Average agricultural growth in el nino years since 1981-82 to 2015-16 is 2.1% compared with a period
average of 3%.
Reduced productivity was often offset by the increased prices previously. This year, fall in global
commodity demand made the things worse for the farmers.
But, agrarian crisis always paved way for innovation in India. In 1960s it is HYV seeds, 1970s drought in
MH led to employment guarantee act and this time it shall be for water use efficiency. ground water
recharge, drip irrigation, check dams, farm ponds etc.

Nuclear security summit

Remember this statement
There is no nuclear security as long as nuclear weapons exist.


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