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Future Researchers. This study will serve as a basis for future studies with similar scope.
Computers have become the line of young generation. The present generation students like to
embrace all the things in the ambit of this modern technology. The educators are feeling shy and
reluctant to accept technology as their work partner. Will our present and the immediate next
generation educators like to view the gap widening between them and further generation students in
terms of usage of technology for teaching learning purpose or they would like to modernize themselves
in the struggle to keep intact their responsible professional position intact? Are universities and
institutions in the field of teacher education focusing upon the courses for using computers in education
or they simply feel delighted to see the state boards at school level and National/State councils for
Educational Research and Training are advancing at great speed to plan out integration of technology
with education with teachers struggling to complete even the prescribed syllabus.
Students even want that computers should be there for there for their routine 'boring education'
although not at the cost of their dearly loved teachers. Students are ready to accept the changes in their
learning styles, but their teachers are feeling feared that computers are complicated to handle, if they
are used in education for teaching learning purpose and computers might substitute the traditional
teachers. Neither the pre-service teacher training courses are focusing to include computers in
integration with education, more are the in-service training focusing upon using computers in
education. Schools all over the country are demanding teachers who are ready to initiate the process of
Computer Assisted Instructions and initialize integration of technology with education, but teachers we
are producing are just like the conventional and that too overlapped with traditional methods of
teaching. When the time will come, that universities and institutions in the field of teacher education,
feel an urge to revise their curriculum keeping in view the modern technological change society?
In order to meet the challenges provided by present society, many universities in the field of
Teacher Education had introduced an optional course in computers. This only brought awareness about
computers in the field of Teacher Education. The student-teachers were made to know about basic
computer hardware and some software application packages. But keeping in mind the interest and
psycjology of modern learner, many universities tried to 'Integrate Technology with Education'. They
primarily focused upon used to computers in education hence; they initiated to teach a core paper
Computers in Education with other foundation papers in education, so as to initiate a process of
making a relation between teacher-computer-student.
Although National Curriculum Framework(NCF 2005) and Curriculum Framework for Teacher
Education (2006) prepared by National Council For Teacher Education in collaboration with National
Council of Educational Research and Training, had urged to focus upon integration of technology with
education, yet many universities not bothered to reframe their traditional curriculum for Teacher
Education. And those universities who tried to initiate the process were faced by different challenges
including lack of specialists and professionals to frame proper curriculum, curriculum as per needs of
modern developing India with global economy, teacher and a plethora of study material for technical
knowledge in computers, but we lack teacher educators and resources for teaching computers in
relation to education. We indeed lack Teacher Educators who are willing to integrate technology with

A suggestive curriculum framework needs to be framed by National Council for Teacher

Education and hence appropriate syllabus should be developed by different universities and
authoritative institutions in the field of Teacher Education, so as to cover the prescribed framework.
The advantages of computer in education primarily includes: storage of information, quick data
processing, audio-visual aids in teaching, better presentation of information, access to the internet, and
quick communication between students, teachers and parents.

Research Design
This study utilized the descriptive method of research. Descriptive research is used to describe
characteristics of a population or phenomenon being studied. https://en.wikipedia.orf/wiki/Descriptive
reseach. In this study the descriptive research design describe the level of computer literacy of
NPCMST non-computer graduate faculty members for SY 2015-2016.
Respondents and Locale
This survey questionnaire will be administered to the NPCMST non-computer graduate faculty
members for SY 2015-2016 during the second semester part-time and full-time.
The questionnaire will be used on the level of computer literacy of non-computer graduate
faculty members of NPCMST.
Data Analysis
To determine the level of computer literacy of NPCMST non-computer graduate faculty
members, weighted mean will be used.
Categorization of Data
Level of Computer Literacy.
Point of Value

Descriptive Equivalent
Very Highly Literate
Highly Literate
Moderately Literate
Slightly Literate
Non Literate

Definition of Terms
Computer literacy This refers to the knowledge of a faculty member on different aspects of
Mission - vision This refers to statements depicting the philosophy of the institution in offering
maritime education and its perspective of human values that are incorporated in the educative process.
Modern Technology This refers to the use of computers as a tool in the current scenario.
Non-computer graduate This refers to the faculty member which degree course are not related to

NPCMST This refers to Norther Philippines College for Maritime, Science and Technology, an
institution offering Maritime Education Program
Training Program This refers to action recommended for additional training for faculty members.

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