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OBJECTIVES:1 To study the present status/role of the company in the IndianMarket.

2 To know
the consumer, tastes and preferences while purchasingfootwear.3 To study the
factors which influence on consumers in making thechoice for a particular brand of
footwear.4 To analyze about the promotional aspects.5 To assess the Market
share.6 To study the marketing activities of Woodland shoes Ltd.7 To learn about
the Impact of Pricing.8 To m a k e s u g g e s t i o n s t o Woo d l a n d s h o e s L t d . . .
t o i m p r o v e t h e i r sales.
SCOPE OF THE STUDY:The present study covers covers the marketing of woodland shoes
inKoppa city. It covers marketing strategy adopted by the company and
alsoconsumer attitude towards product, pricing and performance of the product.

Woodland becomes a national leader in premium categoryshoes, apparels and accessories.
Started sourcing operationsfrom South East Asian Countries. Opened offices in
China andHong Kong, facilitating the heavy domestic demand for new products
and development.
Total No. of exclusive showrooms targeted to touch thetwo hundred mark.

Aero club started as a small manufacturing unit in Delhi.They were among the first
to export shoes to the U.S.S.R

They ventured into retailing with an outlet at a primelocation in Delhi.

They set up the first fully mechanized modern shoefactory in India (with German
Machinery) to augment existingcapacities, in view of the growing export demand.

The Company launched Woodland brand and acquiredwinter boot factory in Quebec,
Canada to cater to the Canadianand U.S. Markets.

Commissioned manufacturing plant for Reebok for exportto U.S.A.

Commissioned manufacturing unit for apparels, adding tothe range of Woodland

Indian shoe market is one of the most dynamic markets in the
world.Although there are different valuations about the Indian Shoe Market.I t i s
e s t i m a t e d t o b e w o r t h a r o u n d R s 110 0 0 c r o r e s . Th e m a r k e t
i s traditionally price driven and dominated by the unorganized
answer is simple the spirit of adventure, of
c o u r s e . T h e advertising has been created specifically to communicate this
spirit toe v e r y o n e . A n d t o e n c o u r a g e t h e m t o k e e p
e x p l o r i n g a n d k e e p discovering. Woodland not only believes in
making the best quality products but also creating outstanding
communication ideas. Its now o n d e r t h e n t h a t W o o d l a n d
a d v e r t i s e m e n t h a v e b e e n w i d e l y recognized in India and
abroad. Woodland is an Indian Brand and theyhave done it with Indian
Footwear. In a market dominated by sportsand leather shoes Woodland
created a category for itself. Woodlandn e v e r w a n t e d t o b e a n
o r d i n a r y s h o e s o t i l l n o w t h i s b r a n d i s concentrating
o n t h e p r e m i u m e n d ( a b o v e R s 1 5 0 0 s h o e s ) o f 2 0 0 0 crore casual
shoe segment. Woodland targets the up market segment and is positioning
itself as a rugged high quality premium casual shoe.I t c a n b e c a l l e d a s
S U V o f I n d i a n s h o e s . T h e a d s a r e c a t c h y a n d tempting.The logo
of Woodland was a status symbol during the nineties. T h e b r a n d i s
e x c e l l e n t i n q u a l i t y a n d s t y l i n g . Th e b r a n d c a r e f u l l y presented
itself as an outdoor trekking kind of shoe which capturedthe imagination
of Indian youth True to its price, the brand deliveredits promise on
quality which ensured that the brand is perceived as avalue for money
brand. Woodland has extended itself to accessories a n d a p p a r e l s .
E a r l i e r W o o d l a n d t r i e d i t s h a n d i n t h e f o r m a l s h o e category
with the brand Woods but it did not make much impact in that market.
The careful branding has helped the brand to garner about 40% of the p r e m i u m
casual shoe market. But this market is witnessing lots
o f competition with global brands flexing its muscle in India.
Woodlandis a household brand with over 200 exclusive stores across the IndianSubcontinent in addition to a distribution network covering over a thousand
stores across the country

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