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Glossary for CreativeOn


ASP.NET (Active Server Pages): is a server side scripting language developed by Microsoft. It is

abbreviated as Active
Server Pages and is also used to develop web pages with .asp extension.
HTML and scripting code are mixed by ASP. Scripting code is written in
VBScript or Jscript. ASP.NET is also a fundamental part of Microsofts .NET



In a digital communication system, bandwidth can be defined as the net bit rate that can be
transmitted in a fixed amount of time (usually a second). It is also known as peak bit rate
expressed in bits per second (bps) or bytes per second. But in modern networks, speed is
measured in millions of bits per second (Mbps) or billions of bit per second (Gbps). It is also
important to note that in terms of web hosting services and computer networks bandwidth is
incorrectly used as a synonym for Data Transfer.



Browser is your gateway to the World Wide Web. It is computer software or

an android application which allows everyone to access web pages anywhere
in the world. For Example, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Internet
Explorer etc.


Burstable RAM:

Burstable RAM is the RAM provided to VPS (Virtual Private Servers) on a

server which comes into play when the usage exceeds from the allocated

amount of guaranteed RAM. So in other words Burstable RAM is the RAM

which can be used in emergency by VPS when it encounters high amount of
traffic. During normal traffic, this RAM is not used by any VPS on a server and
can be allocated to any VPS on a server in case of need. But this is not a RAM
to be constantly dependent upon because it is not guaranteed to be
available always.
For Example, If 2GB of guaranteed RAM is available for your VPS with 2GB
Burstable RAM then 2GB of Burstable RAM can be used after you have
consumed your guaranteed RAM.


CSS (Cascading Style Sheets):

CSS, Cascading style sheets is used to apply different design styles to

multiple web pages. These design styles are contained in a CSS file. Changes
to formats can be easily applied by using an external CSS file. So using an
external CSS file gives you the benefit to easily change formats and prevents
the need of changing every web page.


CGI (Common Gateway Interface):

Web servers interface with the executable programs installed on a server in a

standard way, that standard way is called CGI, Common Gateway Interface.
Such programs are called CGIs or CGI scripts. These scripts are mostly



languages like

Perl but






programming language like C/C++. A special directory is used to store these

programs like /cgi-bin.


Control Panel:

Control Panel is part of the GUI, Graphical Use Interface which allows users to
control the basic settings of their system. Most widely used control panels

are Webmin, CentOS Web Panel, CPanel, Direct Admin, H-Sphere, ISP
manager, Plesk etc.


CPanel is a web hosting control panel build to control and manipulate the
basic settings of website like emails, databases, domains, security etc. It
provides basic and necessary automation tools necessary for hosting a
website. It provides these services via web interface. It provides functionality
for administrators, resellers and end users website owners by utilizing 3 tier










administration through a web browser.

9. Bandwidth:
In a digital communication system, bandwidth can be defined as the net bit rate that can be
transmitted in a fixed amount of time (usually a second). It is also known as peak bit rate
expressed in bits per second (bps) or bytes per second. But in modern networks, speed is
measured in millions of bits per second (Mbps) or billions of bit per second (Gbps). It is also
important to note that in terms of web hosting services and computer networks bandwidth is
incorrectly used as a synonym for Data Transfer.

Data Transfer:

Data Transfer is that amount of data that can be transferred or the total capacity of information
that can be consumed over your servers network. In Webhosting, Data Transfer offered is
usually for a period of one month.


Dedicated Server:

Dedicated server, a type of internet hosting in which an entire server is leased by the client which
is not shared with anyone. It is more secure and better than shared hosting as organizations have

complete control over their server including many aspects like hardware, selection of operating
system etc.


Disk Space:

A specific amount of space called disk space, is allocated to your account from servers disk
storage in which you can store your log files, HTML files, audio clips, graphics and all other
files necessary to make up your website including email messages.


Domain name:

Conventionally, the name of your website is called Domain name. Suffix of your domain
indicates which TLD (Top Level Domain) it belongs to. For instance, .com, .org, .net, .gov etc.


DNS (Domain Name System):

Its easy to remember names or words instead of numbers (IP addresses). So the need of DNS
arises. DNS stands for Domain Name System which directs the domain names to their
corresponding IP addresses. The database of DNS is distributed and replicated among many DNS
servers. So if you change the IP address of your domain, it takes a while to change on all DNS


DPA (Data Protection Act):

Data Protection Act gives you the right to know the information held about you. DPA governs the
rules to make sure this data or information is processed properly.



Electronic Commerce refers to the general exchange of goods and services via the Internet.


A firewall is a device or a set of devices in which instructions are set up for network
transmissions. A firewall permits or denies network transmissions according to predefined set of
rules. Networks are protected from unauthorized access with the help of firewalls but
communications which are legitimate are allowed to pass.
It can also be regarded as a network security system that monitors and controls the incoming and
outgoing network traffic based on predefined security rules.

FTP (File Transfer Protocol):

File Transfer Protocol, as the name describes, is used to transfer (download and upload) files
between client (your computer) and server (your webhosting area). Widely used software for
FTP are Leech FTP, Filezilla, Cute FTP, Cyberduck, SmartFTP, Flash FXP etc.



Gateway is a system for exchanging information across networks that are incompatible and use
different protocols. It is basically a combination of hardware and software that connects two
different networks so that information can be exchanged. The hardware devices (called
"bridges") and the computer programs perform the necessary translations.


Guaranteed RAM:

Guaranteed RAM is the RAM allocated to VPS and meant to be available always no matter how much
RAM is used by other VPSs.



A company which provides hosting services is called host.


IP address:

IP address stands for Internet Protocol Address necessary for communication. Everything in the
universe requires a specific identity. Therefore, in the world of internet IP addresses were
introduced to identify all the devices connected to the internet. An IP address is a unique number
shown in groups from 0 to 255, separated by periods (.). Each group is of 8 bits which implies
that an IP address is of 32 bits. For Example,, etc.
A name indicates what we seek. An address indicates where it is. A route indicates how to get



Sun Microsystems introduced a network-oriented programming language that is specifically

designed for writing programs that can be securely downloaded to your computer via Internet
and immediately run without headache of dealing with viruses or other harm to your computer or
files. Small Java programs are called "Applets". Web pages can include functions such as
animations using these applets.



Kernel is the central module of an operating system, it loads first and remains in memory to
control memory management, disk management, and process and task management. It stays as
small as possible while still providing all the essential nutrients required by other applications
therefore, it is called a kernel.


LAN (Local Area Network):

LAN, Local Area Network is a computer network that interconnects computers within a limited
area like same building of office, school, residence or laboratory.


Load Balancing

Load balancing is a computer networking methodology used to share or distribute load in order
to minimize response time, get rid of overload, maximize throughput and to achieve resource

optimal resource utilization. It distributes workload across multiple computers or a computer

cluster, network links, central processing units, disk drives, or other resources.



MySQL (My Structured Query Language) is the most commonly used RDBMS, relationship
database management system. It was named after the daughter of its co-founder Michael



Perl is the open source scripting language for CGI scripts. Powerful text manipulation facilities
of Perl makes it one of the best and most popular web programming languages.



PHP stands for Hypertext Pre-processor. Its an open source server side scripting language used
for general purposes and web development. PHP files have extension .php and its code can be
embedded into HTML.



Plesk Panel by Parallels allows a server administrator to set up new websites, reseller accounts,
e-mail accounts, and DNS entries through a web-based interface. The administrator can create
client and site templates, which predetermine resource-allocation parameters for the domains
and/or clients.



When DNS is updated to DNS servers, this process is call propagation. It takes up to 72 hours.
Its concern is with those who have just bought, transferred or updated a domain.


Pending Delete

Pending delete is the final and last stage before domain is released back to the domain market i.e.
registration of domain expires. This only occurs after quarantine.



Quarantine is the period in which domain is neither available for the original owner to re-register
nor available to the general public to purchase. This period occurs after the redemption period
which is explained below.


RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol)

Remote Desktop Protocol is a multi-channel protocol that allows a user to connect to a

computer running Microsoft Terminal Services. RDP is designed to support many different
types of network topologies such as ISDN, POTS, and many LAN protocols such as IPX,



Redemption period is the period when a domain expires, the existing registry keeps a hold on the
domain name instead of deleting it. So that the original owner of the domain can retrieve his
domain and prevent it from deletion by contacting the registrar as soon as possible.



Registrar is the one from which you have bought your domain or technically registered.


Round Robin

Round-robin is one of the simplest scheduling algorithms for processes in an operating system.
As the term is generally used, time slices are assigned to each process in equal portions and in
circular order, handling all processes without priority.


Shared Web Hosting

In shared web hosting many websites reside on a server and share resources of a single server.
Each website uses its own partition or section/place on the server for its operations. This helps to
keep it separate from other sites.



Unsolicited or irrelevant messages sent over the internet usually to a large number of group of
people for the purpose of advertisement or selling something. It is also called junk email or
unsolicited bulk email.


SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)

SSL, the secure socket layer is used for safe and secure transmission of private and confidential
data over the internet by encrypting it. For example, credit card numbers by using https protocol.


TLD (Top Level Domain)

TLD stands for top level domain. This is the domain with extension .com, .org, .gov etc.



Traffic can be easily defined as the number of users on a website. Technically it is the load on a
communication device or a system.


URL (Uniform Resource Locator)

Uniform Source Locator is the web address which is typed in the address bar to access a website.
Domain name and TLD together make a web address or URL.


VB Script

The Microsoft Visual Basic programming language, is a fast, portable, lightweight interpreter for
use in World Wide Web browsers and other applications that use Microsoft ActiveX Controls,
Automation servers, and Java applets.


VPS (Virtual Private Server)

A server can be divided into a few number of private servers called VPS, Virtual Private Server.
Each VPS share resources of the server and functions the same as a standard server.



Whois is an internet service that offers information about the owners of the domain names.

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