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How Far Will Your

Dollar Go?

Double 1 dollar 19 times =

Double 1 dollar 19 times
with taxes taken out =

Rhonda Johnson is Founder, President and

CEO of Accountable Solutions. Rhonda has
built a 20 year legacy overseeing one of the
fastest growing firms serving the direct sales
profession in all fifty states.
Creating an impact through her diverse experience consisting of 34 years of direct sales,
business ownership, national speaking tours
and as a best selling author, Rhondas specialized insight has
remained in demand as she has coached consultants in more than
160 direct sales companies. She inspires entrepreneurs to take control of their finances so they can realize rewards and value from
their chosen profession. Rhonda firmly believes in paying your fair
share of taxes just never leaving a tip!

More Money,
Less Tax
using the home business tax
advantage to increase your income

Problem #1: Taxes Are Your Largest Expense

The average American family loses about 33% of its money to taxes, representing its single-largest family

expense. Taxes alone cost typical families more than their home, food, and clothes combined, and are, in fact,
almost double the cost of any of the other ordinary family expenses.

Not surprisingly, then, your federal, state and local taxes represent not only your single-largest expense, but
also the single-largest source of potential savings.

Problem #2: Not Enough Cash Flow

As if high taxes werent enough, the other half of the problem is that we simply dont earn enough money.

Following completion of a Finance degree

at Oklahoma State University, Tom Bass
helped grow his family retail business into a
large multi-store regional chain and started a
series of other small businesses. He is an
Enrolled Agent, licensed by the Federal
Government in all fifty states to represent
taxpayers before all administrative levels of
the Internal Revenue Service.
His entrepreneurial spirit and decades of experience owning and
managing businesses bring a unique perspective to the accounting practice he started in 1990 with his partner, Rhonda Johnson.
Currently he helps small business and home-based business owners minimize their taxes and keep more of what they make.

The average American family now regularly finds itself with more month left at the end of the money
instead of more money left at the end of the month.

It is very difficult for most families to realize the quintessential American Dream of their own home, their own
car, and a stable family due to the work and stress load they now find in the workplace. Rather, were all just

trying to survive. Our homes and cars are mortgaged to the hilt, second mortgages are common, and we carry
an average credit card debt load of over $14,750 per family. Even if we sold all our assets, we could not cover
the debt. In short, many of us are insolvent.


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Rhonda Johnson & Tom Bass

10 Income-Boosting Tax Strategies

2 Tax Systems: More Money for Home Business Owners

Employees get to write off almost nothing, but businesses get to write off almost everything. When Congress
created the income tax in 1913, they set up two systems one for employees and the second for employers.
Think of it as a system for the informed and the uninformed. Since virtually all of the taxpayers were selfemployed home-business owners at the time (they were mostly farmers), the business tax system received
preferential treatment. And it hasnt changed since.

Tax System #1

Tax System #2

Employees: The Uninformed

Home Business Owners: The Informed



Immediately LOSE a huge chunk of income to taxes

Spend for WHATEVER they want or need

Take home ONLY what is left after taxes are paid

Pay taxes ONLY on whatever is left over

Are NOT entitled to many deductions

Are entitled to DOZENS of deductions covering

everything from mortgage and utilities to office
equipment and travel

Maximize your home-business deductions

Potentially thousands of dollars in tax deductions
are available to any taxpayer that operates a business
from his or her residence, which may be in a house,
apartment, mobile home, condominium, or even a boat.

Hire your children to realize BIG tax savings

Your children generally work around the home
anyway, so why doesnt your new home business actually hire them and pay real tax-deductible wages?
Instead of allowances or spending money both
you and they can pocket the tax savings. Its a business deduction for you and tax free for your kids.

Paying estimated taxes

Paying estimated quarterly taxes can be
tricky and frustrating. An easier method is for the
individual or married couple to know what their
approximate federal and state tax rates are and to
apply those rates to income as it is earned.

You Need A Home Business

When offered information about starting a direct sales or network marketing home business, many people
immediately pooh-pooh the idea and comment on the need to get a real job.
But a home-based business can offer not only flexibility and potential in earning significant new income,
it also allows for a substantial number of tax benefits that amplify those new earnings even more.

Maximize your business vehicle deductions

Your automobile is a substantial expense, and
therefore represents a substantial deduction for
your business. If you use any vehicle in the course
of operating your home business, that usage is
deductible as a business expense.

Build audit-proof support

Three of the greatest fears in the United States
are public speaking, death, and an IRS audit. Fear of
the IRS is based on a lack of knowledge and confidence. You do not, however, need to fear the IRS if
you follow the rules and keep good records.

Health insurance deductions

As a self-employed business owner, you are
entitled to deduct a percentage of your health insurance premiums as an adjustment to income.


Give yourself a raise

If you work a normal W-2 job and are a
home business owner, youll be eligible for additional deductions, which means you can decrease
the withholdings on your W-4. Doing so increases
your take-home pay, which feels like a raise!
With your home business deductions you would
be getting a larger refund next yearso why not
take the refund now in your regular paycheck
instead of giving the government an interest-free
loan. Think about itnow you have the money to
build your business courtesy of your Uncle Sam!


For instance, lets look at the same scenario with the 2 different tax systems imposed:

Scenario 1: No Home Business

Husband works as employee ($72,465 income)
Wife works as employee ($26,702 income)
Total Income: $99, 167

Scenario 2: Wife Owns Home Business

Husband works as employee ($72,465 income)
Wife works as Home Bus. Owner ($26,702 income)
Total Income: $99, 167
Potential Savings

1. Additional tax refund:

2. Less spent on eating lunches out:
3. No commuting budget:
4. Reduced or eliminated child-care:
5. Reduced clothing budget:
6. Less work/more time with family:
7. Income potential:


Total Potential Savings:


Maximize your travel deductions

One of the greatest advantages of your home
business is that you can make sales and build your
sales team anywhere. That means whenever and
wherever you go in pursuit of your business plan,
your reasonable business expenses are deductible.

Maximize your meal & entertainment deductions

Building your home business is not only easy,
its also fun! You can save thousands in taxes through
deductions for business meals and entertainment.

Hire your spouse for more medical benefits

You can receive far greater medical benefits by
hiring your spouse to work for your home business.
By hiring your spouse, you can pay 100% of the
medical expenses of your employee (your spouse)
and your employees dependents, including yourself.


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