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Public Life

Polska. New

Public Life

25 years ago Solidarno (Solidarity), one of the

largest civic movements in the history of Europe,
brought down communism in Poland. Today, grassroots social movements are altering the landscape
of Polish towns, both large and small. An unprecedented change is taking place in front of our own
eyes, brought about not only by social activists,
representatives of non-governmental organizations
and spirited leaders of local authorities but, above
all, by ordinary residents.
The year 1989 brought an end to the communist
rule in Poland. The new reality presented unknown
challenges. Many state-owned companies were not
able to withstand the free market competition.
They left behind enormous, often historic industrial
complexes now ready to be redeveloped. Cities and
towns began to advance dynamically, making up
for the lost time. Office buildings, shopping malls
and bank headquarters have gradually driven away
small stores and artisan shops from town centres.
High-rise estates, extensively constructed since the
1960s, were in need of an urgent overhaul.
Insofar as political transformation of 1989 took
a rather rapid course, Polish urban spring came
practically unnoticed. It was building up for almost a decade, with no spectacular coups or breakthroughs. It was driven by talented, spirited and
creative people who tidied up neglected courtyards,
domesticated high-rise estates of pre-fabricated
concrete panels and organized community halls
for the youth or modern culture clubs.

Embracing the growing interest in communal areas,

public administration has begun to involve residents
in the process of decision-making on their shape
and function. Activists enjoyed several spectacular
successes in the recent election to local governments. Representatives of the activist movements
are present at some councils of towns and counties; there is a number of mayors who come from
activists circles.
New life within public areas of Polish towns and
villages is as much due to new infrastructure as it is
to residents themselves, whose energy and level of
involvement launched the changes that have been
transforming Polish public space so conspicuously.
This book presents a mere sample of revitalisation
and modernisation processes taking place in the
realm of public spaces of Poland. We have chosen
over 20 examples out of an array of thousands of
projects. It was not an easy choice, but we would
like to think that it is representative of the issue
and offers a certain perspective on the changes that
are happening in Poland. The best way to find out
whether we have made the right decision is to check
it up oneself while on a visit to Poland. We are
looking forward to seeing you here!

Artists at
the shipyard

In the second half of the 1980s Stocznia Gdaska

(Gdask Shipyard) was a symbol of transition
in Central-Eastern Europe. It was here that an
inter-factory strike committee was founded under the leadership of Lech Wasa, the labourers
charismatic leader. The committee later became
Solidarity (Solidarno), the first independent
trade union in the Soviet Block and powerful social
movement. The shipyard continued to serve as
a telling symbol of transition in the new socioeconomic reality, following the fall of communism.
In 1996 it was declared bankrupt; the nearly 7 ha
site located in the proximity to the city centre was
to be transformed into a new district the so-called
Mode Miasto (Young Town). The revitalisation
project envisaged preserving the most precious
post-industrial objects and blending them in with

a new mixed-use development. Alas, the developers,

focused on investment, began to demolish the historic fabric and pull down monuments of industrial
architecture. The Wyspa Art Institute, established
in 2004 by the Wyspa Progress Foundation, stood
up against devastating the post-shipyard heritage.
Owing to its artistic activity, the shipyard has yet
again become the talk of the town. The Institute
organized numerous exhibitions, debates and workshops dedicated to the future of the site which
was of great interest to many social and cultural
activists, not to mention local residents and representatives of developers. In 2011 the Mayor of
Gdask founded a Council for the Mode Miasto
Infrastructure, which consisted of the owners and
lease-holders of the post-shipyard area as well as
of representatives of artistic milieu. The Councils
ultimate goal was to ensure that the investment
plan for the site was coherent, both with regard
to urban planning and to social-cultural aspects.
Aneta Szyak, head of the Wyspa Art Institute,
has been an active member of the Council since
its inception. The European Centre for Solidarity
(Europejskie Centrum Solidarnoci), an education
centre and museum of the 1989 revolution opened
in 2014, is the first major investment in the area
of Mode Miasto.



Village in
the city

Until the 1970s, there were fields, meadows and

orchards, not to mention farmhouse outbuildings, in
this location. In 1973 construction of an enormous
estate for 20,000 residents commenced. Residential
blocks of varied height were arranged in a loose and
irregular composition in order to make the most of
the sites nature and landscaping qualities. Despite
many faults, typical of residential developments
of the late socialist period, the estate was very
popular. The local Dolinka Cooperative Culture
Centre was very active whereas the estate itself
was granted the title of Mister of Warsaw, as voted
by the readers of the widely-read Stolica monthly.
Following political changes of 1989, the neighbourhood character began to transform, too. The last
remnants of farmhouses disappeared and the Culture
Centre building was leased to a private entrepreneur.


The local community lost vital elements of its vernacular identity as well as its integration centre.
Nonetheless, cultural activity on the estate did
not cease. The Association of Suew Residents
activists Ewa Willmann amongst them - continued
to operate in the space in-between the blocks while
continuously soliciting reopening of the Culture
Centre. In 1993 the Mokotw District Council
leased barracks formerly inhabited by builders of
the Warsaw underground to the Association. For
the subsequent 20 years, vibrant cultural life of the
estate was taking place in the bunkhouses. The success of such an enterprise convinced local authorities
they should erect a proper abode for the Culture
Centre. The functional program has been prepared
by the aforementioned team of social activists. Its
main prerogatives were ecology and investment in
promoting pro-social attitudes among its visitors.
A vegetable garden, goat run, amphitheatre, playgrounds, walking paths and wooden bridge over
the pond sprang up amongst small-sized structures
alluding to the former farmhouse outbuildings. Thus
created place attracts daily both local residents
and guests from other quarters of Warsaw seeking
refuge from the city hustle and bustle.


Suew Culture Centre is

a place created by a nongovernmental organization. Its three main
goals: culture, ecology
and recreation are
reflected in the architecture of the centres new
Ewa Willmann,
director of the suew culture centre





are it!
in Action,

70% of Warsaw was completely destroyed in the

course of World War II. The city was reconstructed
in consonance with the spirit of a new era, therefore two thirds of Warsaw is now occupied by
extensive estates. In contrast to many similar
estates in Western Europe, the places where
a university professor lives next door to a shopping mall employee are safe but lack any defined
identity. Residents often do not know one another
which makes it difficult to encourage them to act
together. Odblokuj Association has been working
on improving this residential situation and solving
existing problems. The Association was founded
by Marlena Happach, a young architect, currently
also deputy Director of the Warsaw branch of the
Association of Polish Architects. She executed her
first project at the residential estate, together


with her husband, Marek Happach, and a group of

befriended designers, urban planners and sociologists. They placed a residential unit of a typical,
2-bedroom apartment in the green area between
the blocks. For a month the pavilion served as
a place of meetings, debates, culinary workshops
and artistic performances. People could ask young
designers how to furnish their flats, as well as get
help from a landscape architects within the framework of balcony emergency. There were summer
film screenings and other events aimed at integrating the residential community. Since the action
was so enthusiastically received, the Association
organized it at another Warsaw estate the following year. This time the invited architects prepared
typical apartment rearrangement projects, which
took into account particular needs of people who
reside in them. For people to identify with their
estate, neighbourly relations must exist, Marlena
Happach repeats this sentence like a mantra. Her
association authored numerous projects which
endeavour to reconstruct social ties, including
communal tree-planting and tidying up courtyards
in several districts of Warsaw.


Art in public spaces has

the power to tame the
unpopular, abandoned,
neglected areas, to
remove the spell from
them. It opens the
floor to pose questions
about their identity and
allows the residents to
create bond with their
Marlena Happach,
head of odblokuj association





More than
just beer
12 Kamienica
in Action,

A few years ago, hardly anyone, including local

residents, visited Poznaska Street in Bydgoszcz.
Being a section of the No. 25 National Road, it does
not boast attractive walking paths. It is developed
in most part with 2-storey tenement houses that
were severely affected by the passage of time as
well as exhaust fumes from thousands of cars passing by on a daily basis. In 2008 Szymon Muszyski,
a young architect, rented a flat and opened his
office in one of the buildings on Poznaska Street.
Three years later he adapted the ground floor of the
building as a club, where he served beer brewed at
the very location. The pub soon become one of the
most popular venues in Bydgoszcz, and Muszyski
decided to use this opportunity to help the local
community. In 2013 he established a foundation
which engaged in renovation and adaptation of yet


another tenement house. The building was soon

handed over to a group of artists and artisans as
a place where they can take their first steps in business by presenting and selling their work. The space
is available free of charge not only to various groups
and organizations, but also to ordinary residents.
If they choose to launch some sort of commercial
activity, they have to share their profit with the
foundation, but they do not pay any rent for the
space. The building houses a studio managed by an
artisans cooperative which renovates and sells old
furniture and objects; a photo gallery an initiative of a group of passionate people who organize
lectures and exhibitions for those who are absolute
beginners in photography; a caf-club. First and
foremost, the building operates as a meeting place.
There are special rooms available to anybody who
wishes to come and use it as a workspace without
paying any rent. The Artisan Bydgoszcz Klaster, an
institution associating local entrepreneurs involved
in design, handicraft and advisory work, is the
foundations most recent initiative.


The places genius loci is

grounded in its history,
new arrangement as well
as in people who have
come here to follow their
passion. For an architect,
content clients who
identify with the place
are the highest possible
award for a realized
Szymon Muszyski,
leader of 12 kamienica foundation





The young
and the city

The cotton factory on Piotrkowska Street in d

had been in operation for 101 years, prior to its
shut-down in 1990. The property was purchased
by a developer, who initially planned to adapt this
heritage complex into a mixed-use centre featuring
office space and shopping mall with residential section and a hotel. Due to the economic crisis, the
project has not been realised. In 2011 the company
changed its strategy. It decided to execute a revitalisation project - an unprecedented endeavour
in Poland at the time. The space of the historic
buildings was rented to young fashion designers,
graphic artists, designers, architects and restaurant
owners, giving them full reign with regard to the
interior design. New tenants began to transform
the factory complex. The transformation process
is being conducted at low cost; furniture and fittings are, for the most part, recycled. Micha M.

Sty, a young architect, became a coordinator of

this enterprise. He organized various successful
events at the location such as concerts, art fairs,
fashion shows or culinary workshops. With time,
the number of tenants kept increasing. Today, the
buildings ground floor has been chiefly occupied
by handicraft shops, concept stores, caf-clubs,
galleries and restaurants, whereas the upper floors
house all sorts of artists studios and showrooms.

Owing to the OFF

Piotrkowska project, the
residents acquired new multifunctional area in the city
centre, creative entrepreneurs
were given space to take
their first steps in business
whereas we gained invaluable experience of grassroots
revitalisation realized in
cooperation with startups.
Micha M. Sty,
architect, board member of a development company

On the wall: mural Cze (Hello)

inspired by the local creative fashion
brand Pan tu nie sta.




Art world
amongst residential blocks
Sculpture Park
in Brdno,

Brdno is one of the largest bedroom-estates in

Warsaw, almost an hour away from the city centre
by public transport. Until recently, there was no
reason to venture to this part of the city unless one
had relatives or friends over there. It all changed in
2009, when Sculpture Park was created in between
residential blocks of flats of one of the estates. It
is an exhibition of works by the best contemporary artists in the world, available 24 hours a day.
Pawe Althamer, an established Polish sculptor,
performance artist and resident of Brdno, was the
prime mover behind the initiative. He became known
within the local community already in 2000, when
he convinced his neighbours at 13 Krasnobrodzka
Street to illuminate the lights one evening in such
a way that the lit windows on the buildings facade
took shape of 2000 digits. While doing this, he


stimulated the majority of the estate residents and

the district administration: once the light performance was over, they organized a happening with
dancing and fireworks show. 25 ha green area, the
main recreational space in Brdno, was adapted
as location of the Sculpture Park. Each year, the
area is complemented with artwork by yet another
artist. There are pieces of art by Monika Sosnowska,
Olafur Eliasson, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Jens Haaning,
Susan Philipsz, Roman Staczak and Ai Weiwei.
Each piece of work is of a somewhat different
character. A bronze-sculpture of snake-like haired
woman is standing in one of the ponds; it was
created by Pawe Althamer together with a group
of 15 people suffering from multiple sclerosis, as
part of therapeutic workshop he has been leading
for 15 years now. There is also a masonry Brdno
inscription by Jens Haaning or an overturned tea
house with a coffee machine by Rirkrit Tiravanija.
Owing to Althamer, an anonymous housing estate
on the city peripheries acquired the status of an
urban myth and a new identity, while tourists and
residents of other districts of Warsaw have a reason
to come visit Brdno.






Estates constructed of prefabricated

concrete panels are a typical element of
Polish cityscapes. They were built far and
wide to cope with a colossal deficiency of
accommodation after the wwii. According
to the estimates, over one-third of Poles
inhabit these estates and yet, in contrast
to their Western European counterparts,
they do not find this state of things socially
degrading in any way. Approximately 84%
of the residents are content with their
abodes. One can come across the entire
cross-section of social strata here, from
a university professor to shopping mall
assistant. There is plenty of space for venturing for a walk, the estates are well
connected with other city quarters and
views from the majority of windows are
truly spectacular.


Positive example
block estates
in Poland

The disarmed

In 1939 the Nazi Germany, who were at the time

occupying Poland, commenced construction of DAG
Fabrik Bromberg, one of the largest arms industry
companies, in the area of Bydgoszcz Forest. By 1945,
there were thousands of buildings spread over the
area of 23 square kilometres connected by tunnels and hundreds of kilometres of roads and sidings. It is estimated that approximately 40,000
forced labourers worked at the factory in the years
1942-1945; they were mainly Poles, Russians and
Ukrainians, but also French, Italian, Belgian, Czech
or Lithuanian. After the end of the war, the factory
complex was taken over by the state. Due to the top
secret production of explosive materials, the entire
area was fenced and made inaccessible, even though
the majority of former factory buildings have been
abandoned. In 2004 Bydgoszcz Industrial Park was


established. New development required pulling down

many post-German buildings. Jarosaw Budkiewicz of
the Bunkier Association of National Heritage Lovers
and Robert Grochowski, an archaeologist, two young
enthusiasts of local history, protested against this
decision and proposed to set up an underground tourist route within the postindustrial complex. The local
authorities were in favour of the idea, and appointed
the Regional Museum in Bydgoszcz to deliver an
exhibition scenario to be implemented in the future.
28 year old Micha Pszczkowski of the Industrial
Architecture Department, yet another young fanatic
of technology monuments in Bydgoszcz, was assigned
to lead the project. Pszczkowski managed to get
in touch with Professor Johannes Preuss from the
University of Mainz, who wrote his doctoral thesis
on the DAG factory. Preuss donated over a thousand
documents to the museum; they formed a basis for
reconstruction of the comprehensive history of the
factory. Exploseum the Centre of War Technique
of DAG Fabrik Bromberg, the first open-air museum
of industrial architecture in Poland, was opened in
2011. It consists of 27 reinforced concrete buildings
linked by a network of over- and underground tunnels of total length of almost 2 kilometres. So far,
only one of the two technological lines has been
opened to visitors the nitro-glycerine production
zone which comprises 8 buildings. An exposition
dedicated to the history of the site can be viewed
inside, along with the section devoted to Alfred
Nobel, the founder of the dynamite factory, which
was later transformed into DAG Fabrik. In 2015
Exploseum was included in the European Industrial
Heritage Trail as a site of international importance.


The buildings of this

unique complex have
been given a strictly
restoration treatment,
namely cleaning the
elevations and interior
walls as well as reinforcing construction elements. Crucial addenda
and new elements were
designed in industrial
Micha Pszczkowski





Facing the
river again
of the Myska

Bydgoszcz is the first town in Poland to take advantage of being located on the river during the
revitalisation process. In 1998 bank headquarters,
nowadays considered an iconic building, designed by
Bulanda, Mucha Architekci, a Polish architectural
studio, sprang up on the Brda riverbank in the north
part of the old town. Erecting a structure in the
form of semi-detached granaries made of glass and
brick soon became part of the founding myth of
a modern town facing the river. First revitalisation
programme for specific sections of Brda River was
enacted two years later. Its main objective was
to purify the water and applying a recreational
function to the neglected Myska Island located
in the proximity of the town centre. The island
was full of historic warehouses, mills and granaries
which had been in a state of gradual decay since


the end of the Second World War. In 2005 the

island was included in the Local Revitalisation
Programme, which allowed for refurbishment of one
of the historic buildings for Centre for Labour and
Entrepreneurship, construction of three pedestrian
bridges as well as reconstruction of the canal route,
backfilled in the 1960s, in the form of a picturesque
cascade. Soon, five more post-industrial buildings
were renovated on the island; they accommodated
i.a. archaeological museum, European Money Centre
and art museum. The developments last phase of
envisaged footpaths, bicycle routes, amphitheatre
and playground, as well as a marina for yachts with
a hotel and food & drink facilities base which have
been granted numerous awards. It was by no means
the end of riverbank development in town. In 2006
the revitalisation programme for the Bydgoszcz
Water Junction was prepared; it demonstrated the
potential of the sites further development based
on its location on the E-70 international water
route connecting Western Europe with Russia. The
Myska Island became a favourite recreational
spot for town residents and one of the main tourist attractions.




The main goals of the

revitalisation program
developed in the year
2000 were: making
Brda the crucial element
of urban layout and
improving the riverside
Anna Rembowicz-Dziekciowska,
director of the urban planning
municipal studio



Within a relatively short time, d has

acquired status of the revitalisation capital of Poland. It is mainly due to a hugely
successful program called Mia100 Kamienic
(A City of Tenements). More than 170
buildings were renovated over a period
of 4 years as part of the program. It was
not a mere surface-deep upgrade: in addition to historic faades that were brought
to their former glory, all service installations were replaced and courtyards organized anew. The citys consistent leasing
strategy has proved a success: vacant
premises along the main street are being
let out at preferential rates to start-ups
from the so-called creative industry while
other units are taken over by owners of
hostels, restaurants and cafes. Social revitalisation of the city centre is also at work:
civic centres, reintegration centres and
communal centres are being opened in the
revitalised areas.

Top of the class

at revitalisation
in d

of Zabocie,

For years, Krakw was most popular amongst tourists for its preserved medieval urban layout of the
Old Town and for Wawel, a historic residence of
Polish kings. In the mid-1990s Kazimierz appeared
on the tourist map of Europe a picturesque former Jewish quarter, nowadays famous for its atmospheric cafes and restaurants, hostels, galleries
and private theatres. Now the time has come for
the post-industrial quarter of Zabocie on the opposite bank of Wisa River. Revival of the 150ha
area, crammed with assorted manufacturing plants
of various sizes and dilapidated tenement houses,
commenced in 2006. That is when the City Council
passed two resolutions of vital importance for
Zabocie: the local urban development plan and
pilot revitalisation scheme prepared at the Institute
of Ecology for Industrialised Areas in Katowice.


Hotels and office buildings were planned in the sites

eastern section of the area whereas residential and
service area was to be situated in the west. Local
culture centre housed at the former enamelware
factory, made famous in 2003 by Steven Spielbergs
The Shindlers List, was supposed to act as a transformation catalyst. MOCAK, Contemporary Art
Museum, was located in the refurbished production
halls, while the former office block became a home
for the permanent exhibition devoted to Krakw at
the time of German occupation in the years 19391945. In 2010, a pedestrian and bicycle bridge was
built between Kazimierz and nearby Podgrze. Since
the very first day, it has been extremely popular and
as such contributes to the revival of the district as
well as the boulevards on both sides of the river.
Developers soon followed tourists to Zabocie. New
mainly residential developments keep springing up
on the site vacated by pulled down halls and warehouses. The revitalisation served as a transformation
stimulus for the adjacent areas. Cricoteka, Tadeusz
Kantors Museum dedicated to the distinguished
theatre director, painter and performance artist,
was opened in 2014 at the riverside and intends
to maintain the revitalisation effect achieved so far.


One-time makeover
of space will not turn
Zabocie into a vibrant
place. It is also crucial
that the changes create
an impact to revitalise
the adjacent areas by
way of the so-called
spill-over effect.
Elbieta Koterba, krakws deputy mayor for
the city development





Wild river in
the capital
The wisa river
path, Warsaw

The right bank of Wisa River in Warsaw, semi-wild

and overgrown with impenetrable greenery, has for
years been considered a symbol of backwardness.
Today it renders Warsaw an avant-garde of wellbalanced cities, its image shaped around the idea
of ecology and generating resident-friendly public
spaces. The 8-kilometre long footpath and cycle
route which connects three municipal beaches is
closely related to Marek Piwowarski, landscape architect, currently City Plenipotentiary for the Wisa
Riverbank. He himself insists that the entreprise
owes its success to a large group of enthusiastic
specialists as well as thousands of people who
use the path on a daily basis. Mr Piwowarskis
mobile phone holds several thousand contacts;
he represents the type of a municipal official who
thoroughly understands what public service entails.


He always finds the time to listen to all possible

opinions and is not afraid to make risky or unpopular decisions, such as the one to clear-cut 1,500
self-seeding Box Elder maples in order to construct
the path. He came up with the idea of a footpath
while reconstructing municipal beaches. Hence the
picturesque route along the river; it allows for close
contact with nature and provides an opportunity
to admire the city centre panorama across the
river. There are several seasonal clubs and cafes
along the path, each offering sport activities during daytime and concerts as well as dance parties
at nights. There are allocated spots for barbecue,
volleyball and badminton courts and a ramp for
skateboarders. For the majority of local governments, the riverbank path serves as an excellent
proof that revitalising public spaces does not have
to equal costly investments. In this particular case,
all it took was several tons of sand as the surface
finish and branches to weave a low fence retaining
the waterside.


Investments worth 1% of
all operations have potential to change reality in
80%. The project has to
take maximum advantage
of the highest value of
a given place. There is no
need to create alternative
worlds. It is enough to
discover what is already
Marek Piwowarski, mayor of warsaws
plenipotentiary for the wisa
riverfront development





Start with defining the problem, propose

a solution and then seek partners who will
help you execute the project this has been
the mantra of Warsaw-based activists for
several years now. In 2010, a young activist
Grzegorz Gdek invited several architects
to participate in a project to convert an
existing empty square vacated by retail pavilions into a multi-use space suitable for various sport activities as diverse as skateboarding and boules. Soon they were joined by
artists, sportsmen, administration and public
relations specialists. The team consulted the
residents of neighbouring housing estates as
well as pupils of 19 Warsaw schools regarding ways of improving the existing space in
order to make it attractive for both youth
and seniors. Thus a universal concept project
for a Municipal Sports Square, applicable at
various locations, was born. The administration of Bemowo, a district of Warsaw, was
the first to realise the concept.

An idea for
Sports Square
in Warsaw

Church for
St. Hyacinth
Parish, Bytom

Bytom, industrial town in Upper Silesia, has so

far been known mainly for its many coalmines
and steelworks. Today, it is often associated with
avant-garde architecture and design. The most
famous single-family house in Poland is located
here. Built over 10 years ago by Przemo ukasik,
a young architect, co-founder of medusagroup, one
of the most recognized architecture practices in
Silesia, the house clearly alludes to the identity
and post-industrial heritage of the region. It was
a refurbishment project of a former lamp depot
elevated on pillars several metres over the ground
level that functions today as the main attraction
of the tourist map of Bytom. Popularity of iconic
architecture and its power to affect its surroundings
was put into practice by Tadeusz Paluch, provost
of the local St. Hyacinth Parish. The energetic


priest began his service by renovating the neoRoman church and tidying up the historic cemetery. He soon decided to change the churchs
image by erecting a multi-functional parish house,
which was to house, amongst other facilities, the
long-standing music workshop for persons with
disabilities. He commissioned medusagroup studio
to prepare a project. The architects belong to the
St Hyacinth Parish, so they accepted the job enthusiastically. A unique rosary garden with street
furniture referring to local history was designed
around the church. 20 spherical lamps draw attention after dusk, their quantity corresponding to the
number of Mysteries of the Rosary. Next to the
garden the educational-cultural centre building
was constructed; its roof overgrown with grass and
sliding walls which when opened allow people
gathered outside to watch performances staged
inside. Tidying up the space offers encouragement
to the residents to tidy up their souls said Rev.
Paluch in one of the interviews.






Life is back
on the street
taczaka Street

Small Taczaka Street in the centre of Pozna runs

parallel to the main historic city thoroughfare. Over
a dozen cafes and pubs are located on the ground
floor, especially popular amongst students of the
nearby university. Until recently the pavement
was permanently blocked by cars. There was no
greenery or benches, and the road itself was full
of holes. In 2012, Micha Marcinkowski, a young
entrepreneur who managed a fashionable club on
Taczaka Street, issued an appeal on the facebook
account of a nearby estate to its residents to financially support revitalising the space. The response
was instantaneous. Owners of other clubs joined
in, soon followed by the district administration.
In 2013 the so-called residence zone was established on Taczaka Street. It thus became an area
where pedestrians and cyclists had a right of way


between May and September while maximum speed

for the cars was set at 20km per hour. Caf gardens,
benches and pots with plants soon appeared along
the street. The following year Municipal Road
Management in cooperation with the Association
of Polish Architects organized a competition for
the street overhaul which would transform it into
a friendly space for all users. Micha Marcinkowski
was a representative of the local community on the
jury. Since it was impossible to eliminate traffic
completely, the winning entry postulates its significant calming. The architects proposed i.a. local
narrowing of road lanes, raising pedestrian crossings
to pavement level, creating the so-called chicanes
by alternating right-left location of parking spaces
and, finally, introducing more greenery.

As owners of gastronomical venues, we have

realized that we are not
a competition to one
Micha Marcinkowski, local entrepreneur





The Dutch word woonerf is used to describe

a space which functions both as a road
and pedestrian passage. Even though
vehicular traffic is permitted, it is essentially a pedestrians and cyclists priority
zone often dotted with greenery, street
furniture and sometimes even small playgrounds. Recently more and more Polish
towns have been transforming streets into
woonerfs. An exemplary project came from
d, where a small street in the city centre was reconstructed according to these
principles in 2014. A wide two-way road
lined up with narrow pavements once used
to serve the needs of drivers alone; nowadays, it constitutes an attractive space
available for all users. At present similar
overhaul projects are carried out in other
areas of d.


Everyone has
the right to
use a street
woonerfs in

To boost
the residents
Ksiy Myn

Ksiy Myn is a former industrial empire of Karol

Scheibler, one of the greatest industrialists from
d, which stretches over the area of several dozen
hectares. In the second half of the 19th century the
workers housing, school, hospital, fire station and
railway siding were built next to enormous edifices
holding spinning mills and weaving plants. It is
a true city within a city, an industrial settlement,
nowadays surrounded by a ring of contemporary
estate in the centre of d. The whole complex
has been listed in the historic buildings register and
nominated for the UNESCO World Heritage Sites
list. Post-industrial facilities were sold to private
investors already in 2003. The building of the former
spinning mill was converted into loft apartments,
while the fire station building and warehouses
accommodated office space. Currently the former


school is being altered to house the Design Centre

of the d Academy of Fine Arts. Dilapidated
workers houses with no central heating posed the
biggest problem for the city authorities. In 2012,
the City Council of d undertook an unprecedented task. Following extensive consultations
with the residents, it has been decided that the
6 ha Ksiy Myn estate will be thoroughly revitalised. Arkadiusz Bogusawski, who had previously
managed a similar project in neighbouring Zgierz,
was made responsible for executing the revitalisation plan. Bogusawski was fully aware that the
enterprise success was due to good relations with
all interested parties. He therefore invited local
residents, entrepreneurs, activists and members of
artistic milieus to cooperate. Together they reached
a decision that some space in the renovated houses
will be rented as artists studios, while the Ksiy
Myn Club and Tourists House will be established
on the estate and will provide quarters for an organization responsible for the districts animation
and marketing. At present more buildings are being
restored, public spaces have been arranged anew,
mains water and sewage systems have been replaced
and heat pipeline has been installed.


Experts are not there to

tell people how to live.
It is for residents themselves to talk about it.
Arkadiusz Bogusawski, social affairs
department, d city council





Tykocin and vicinity wooden

Podlasie is one of the least densely populated

regions in Poland. Approximately one third of its
area is covered by scenic woods and bodies of
water, including as many as four national parks.
For centuries, various nationalities and denominations populated the region. Aside from the Polish
populace, Podlasie is a home for Belarussians,
Lithuanians, Tatars, Ukrainians and Jews; traces
of their centuries-long presence are tangible in every
corner. A small town of Tykocin is most famous for
the preserved Baroque synagogue, which is one of
the most precious monuments of Judaic culture in
Europe. It also boast a historic urban plan, typical
for pre-war Jewish shtetls. Majority of masonry
buildings are under care of a conservation officer;
there are however many examples of wooden architecture in the town and its vicinity, which until


recently were left unattended. With time, some

of them were demolished, others clad with plastic
finishes and jarring roof tiles. In 2010 a group of
local history enthusiasts decided they ought to take
care of the situation. Together they established
a foundation called the Center for Studies on the
History and Culture of Small Towns which commenced its activity by model renovation of one of
the wooden bourgeois houses built in 1885 at the
Tykocin market square. The modernised building now
accommodates information point dedicated to the
history of the town and region, as well as two exhibitions which serve as an introduction to the subject
matter. The foundations second project aimed at
creating a trail of wooden architecture along which
visitors can encounter numerous mementos left
behind by the Jewish population exterminated by
the Nazi Germans. The social activists chose 13 most
precious buildings and published a guide offering
detailed description of the buildings themselves and
of families that had once inhabited them. Owing
to involvement of local residents, all houses can be
toured, their interiors available to visitors. Often
there are original objects and tools there once
used by former residents, such as bakers, tailors or
photographers. Currently, foundation is undertaking
endeavours to acquire a monument of history status
for the entire town of Tykocin. It is a prestigious
title granted by the President of Poland to the
most precious edifices and urban complexes in
the country. The status would both prevent the
town fabric from incompetent refurbishments and
enhance promotion of this special place.






In the
footsteps of
Polish Jews
of the
synagogue in
Zamo and
a Hasidic trail
Zamo and

Jewish population arrived in the Polish land 1000

years ago. Over the centuries, Jews developed a culture, religious thought and spiritual values, all the
while exerting a significant influence on Polish
culture. Hasidism, one of the most vital movements
in Judaism, was born in the eastern territories of the
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 18th century. Despite the extermination of Jewish population by the hands of Nazi Germans, numerous traces
of the tsaddikim, Hasidic scholars and mystics, can
still be found in these areas, nowadays within the
borders of Poland and Ukraine. Graves of the tsaddikim are the destination of Hasidic pilgrimages from
all over the globe. In 2006 the Foundation for the
Preservation of Jewish Heritage, established by the
Union of Jewish Religious Communities in Poland
and the World Jewish Organization for Restitution,


got engaged in preserving relics of the Hasidim

(Hasids). Together with local authorities and nongovernmental organizations, it initiated a project for
the Hasidic Trail, which today covers 28 localities
in the Podkarpacie and Lublin regions. This over
1000-kilometre long route leading through scenic
landscape of south-eastern Poland connects centres
which boast old synagogues, prayer houses, mikvaot
(ritual baths) or Jewish cemeteries. The Foundation
supports operations of local governments aimed at
preservation and promotion of Jewish heritage. The
Renaissance synagogue in the Old Town of Zamo,
which is owned by the Foundation, was thoroughly
renovated in 2010, owing to the Norwegian Grant,
and opened to visitors. Tourist information point
on the Hasidic Trail and the museum of the history
of local Jewry have been located in the synagogue
building. Part of the building is occupied by nongovernmental organizations. Former synagogue has
been transformed into a vibrant centre of culture,
which provides space for exhibitions, concerts and
debates as well as conferences devoted to Jewish
themes. It continuously cooperates with, amongst
other places, local art gallery, Karol Namysowski
Orchestra, the oldest symphonic orchestra in Poland,
and fine arts high school.




We are proud of the

great culture which was
co-created by Polish
Jews. The synagogue in
Zamo is our common
heritage and can be
a source of inspiration
for us and for future
Monika Krawczyk, general director of the
foundation for the preservation
of jewish heritage



Centre for
concept for
of Wglowa,

Wglowa is a common name for a post-military

complex in Biaystok, which has been accommodated by non-governmental organizations, activists
and young entrepreneurs for over 10 years now.
Former warehouses became the home of: a private
museum opened by the local Old Automobiles
and Technique Club, skatepark, diving club and
Cross-border Cultural Centre, which cooperates
with similar centres in Belarus and Ukraine. Up
to Date Festival a club music event - has been
held on Wglowa for six years now. Today, the
complex comprises an area of 9 ha in the proximity
of the town centre, former railway siding and over
a dozen buildings, most of which date back to the
mid-1930s. Since the structures have not been
supplied with heating, Wglowa operates mainly
in the summer months. Municipal authorities had


been planning modernization of the complex for

years, but it was not until Kreatywne Podlasie
association presented social concept for buildings
adaptation that the town hall decided to act. It
took several months to prepare the project. It was
consulted with representatives of all involved parties present occupiers, town residents, officials,
experts and potential investors. The project entails
the buildings renovation, building communal sports
grounds with sanitary facilities as well as preparing an open-air concert venue of 15,000 audience
capacity. Post-military warehouses will also house
studios and offices for the creative sector, laboratories of the Biaystok Science and Technology
Park and a new cultural institution Museum of
Sybir Commemoration (it is the exact location of
the railway station from which Soviet authorities
deported approximately 20,000 Poles to Syberia
and Kazachstan during the Second World War).
The project has been phased. The activists have
submitted phase I for the participation fund in
which a lump of the city budget is decided through
residents vote. The project received 4,000 votes
and is currently being realised.


Working on the project

resulted in developing
a model of in-depth
participation. It corresponds to Biaystoks
local character and can
be used in other spheres
of a city life.
Damian Dworakowski, kreatywne podlasie
(creative podlasie)





Model social
Park Tysiclecia
(Park of
1000 years)
Zielona Gra

Over the course of its several hundred year history, Zielona Gra belonged successively to Poland,
Czechia, Prussia and Germany. It was returned
to Poland following the end of the Second World
War, became the province capital and a vital centre
of culture. The town was developing dynamically
and the population soon increased manifold. The
climax of an investment boom happened in the
1960s. It was then that a 9ha Tysiclecia Park was
founded in the area of a former cemetery. Today, all
that is left from the cemetery are densely growing
trees and scarce relics such as a tombstone of the
local industrialist or a building of a crematorium
which currently houses entrepreneurship incubator. Despite being located in the very centre of the
town, so far the Park seemed unwelcoming and
dangerous. In 2012 a group of activists from the


local Salony Foundation decided to change this

situation. Together with a local contemporary art
gallery and the city council, it ran a project thus
far unprecedented in Poland - of social consultations,
by way of which it developed model solutions, now
used by more and more non-governmental organizations. More than a dozen meetings and workshops
with various groups of residents were run within the
framework of the project, such as young mothers,
students of local schools as senior residents. The
report produced on the basis of these meetings was
used in the process of planning redevelopment of
the park. Zielona Gra city council invited young
architects of the BudCud studio to work on the
project, which included i.a. constructing a network
of footpaths and spots dedicated to various users:
playgrounds, sports grounds and relaxation zones.
While working on the project, the architects organized a series of meetings with the residents in order
to listen to their comments and proposals. They
consulted the project with skateboarders, skaters,
cyclists and persons with disabilities. Future changes
are heralded by art performances in the park area
such as Cure for the earth in which a group of
Dutch designers along with local residents tidied
up the area, or See-saw, lets go! project of the
Serbian Skart art collective which designed a wooden
see-saw, so large and heavy that it required cooperation of the people intending to use it. A small pavilion designed by Barbara Niemiec, a young architect
from Zielona Gra, was constructed in the park; the
concept for park development is exhibited inside the
pavilion. Revitalisation of Park Tysiclecia began in
2015 and will continue for the next several years.


The main goal of

Tysiclecia Park revitalisation process was
provoking debate on the
town and engaging residents in decision-making
in matters relating to
their surroundings.
Marta Gendera, salony foundation





houses eyes
The Rose
Arcade, d

In 2006, the largest shopping centre in Poland

was opened in the complex of the former Israel
Poznaski factory in d. Both the residents and
local authorities were thrilled. One of the most
precious post-industrial listed buildings acquired
new functions: total of 90,000 square metres
of historic interiors was renovated and a 3 ha
large central square was created, surrounded by
600 trees. The investor promoted the place as the
new heart of the city. Meanwhile, the old heart,
Piotrkowska Street, the longest shopping street in
Europe, gradually lost its prominence. Today local
authorities make efforts to reverse the situation:
road surface was upgraded, street furniture introduced and a long section of the street was converted
into a pedestrian passage. Above all, a consistent
rental policy has been introduced: empty premises


are let to young companies from the so-called creative industry on preferential terms. The Tenement
City program is crucial, too. Owing to it, 170
buildings have been renovated since 2011 all over
d. Historic elevations were returned to their
former glory, all installations were replaced and the
courtyards arranged afresh. The tenement house at
3 Piotrkowska Street was modernized as part of the
program. Joanna Rajkowska, a well-known artist,
was invited to participate in the process. Together
with the buildings residents and students of the
Academy of Fine Arts in d, Rajkowska cladded
the walls of the adjacent annexes with a mosaic
of randomly cut mirrors. A unique arcade was thus
created, linking the main street leading to the shopping centre with Piotrkowska Street. The project
envisaged a change of the way people perceive the
place which suddenly acquired a whole new meaning.
The space created was intended to draw peoples
attention off the enormous shopping centre and
focus it on Piotrkowska Street. On the symbolic
level, the artist referred to a very personal story
related to her daughters illness and to reflecting
on the sense of sight and the power of human brain.




Rosas Arcade incorporates

private and public narratives. It is a story of my
daughter Ras illness
and convalescence. In 2012
she had been diagnosed
with eye cancer; the story
of revitalisation, namely
convalescing, is the story
of a building which started
to see again.
Joanna Rajkowska, artist



For those
in nature
Zoom Natury
(Nature Zoom)
Park, Janw

Janw Lubelski is a small town on Biaka River,

located in the picturesque region of south-eastern
Poland. Polish, Ukrainian, Tatar and Jewish traditions used to coexist here throughout the centuries; the town itself was recognized as a centre of
drapery. Janw started to develop rapidly after
the Second World War, numerous industrial plants
were opened. In the 1960s, a man-made reservoir
was created near Janw; it was supposed to help
reclaim the valley of Biaka and improve fertility
of the surrounding farmland. The area around the
reservoir remained undeveloped for many years, but
it turned into a favourite recreational spot for the
local community. The political change of 1989 and
decline of state-owned industry posed a new challenge for the town administration. Much time was
spent debating how to attract investors to Janw


and provide jobs for the residents. The revolution began in 1998 when 33-year-old Krzysztof
Koty became a mayor. Born in Janw, the young
mayor has retained the post until today. He decided to focus on tourism and was one of the first
representatives of local governments in Poland
to consult the project of regional development
with the residents. He started with the premise
that the priority for the county is to protect it
nature values; he began with modernising sewage
works and building a modern plant for utilization
of municipal waste. Owing to the EU funds, many
historic buildings in town have been renovated
and recreational infrastructure has been expanded.
Zoom Natury (Zoom on Nature) educational park,
the first in Poland interactive science centre devoted
to ecology realised near Zalew Janowski reservoir
in 2010, is one of the flagship projects. A ropes
course for users of all ages, 11-metre tall observation
tower and six pavilions housing modern laboratories
dedicated to botany, zoology and natural history
as well as ecology and recycling were opened as
part of the project. The project for developing the
park and designing exposition in respective pavilions
was prepared by Nizio Design International, which
had previously worked on many modern, multimedia
exhibitions in museums all over Poland. In this way,
a small town gained attraction which draws crowds
of tourist from the furthest corners of the country.


We were fully aware

that there was an urgent
need for effective action
on the part of local
self-government which
would put the town
back on the tourist map
of Poland.
Krzysztof Koty, town mayor





Poland was
born here
of rdka,

rdka is a charming district of Pozna which for

the most part boasts 19th century tenement houses.
Despite its close proximity to Ostrw Tumski
a historic island with a cathedral, crammed with
monuments, which was the location of baptism
of the first ruler of Poland, until recently rdka
was rarely visited not only by tourists but also the
residents of other city quarters. At the turn of the
1960s and 1970s, a busy communication artery
was delineated through rdka, which resulted
in marginalization of the district and effectively
impeded access to Ostrw Tumski. Since 2005, the
authorities of the city of Pozna have done a great
deal to incorporate the district back into the city
fabric. A pilot programme for revitalisation was
developed; it proposed social and cultural actions in
co-operation with non-governmental organisations,


with emphasis on reconstruction of the former access onto the island. In 2013 yet another bridge
was built nearby. It was built into a structure that
houses an exhibition on the beginnings of the
Polish statehood. It is an Interactive Centre for the
History of Ostrw Tumski, also known as the Gate
to Pozna, which aims at introducing tourists to the
history of the former stronghold on the island
and its monuments, some preserved until today.
rdka is slowly becoming a place of interest for
the investors, tenements are being renovated and
empty plots are being built over with new developments. Non-governmental organisations continue
to actively participate in the districts revitalisation.
One of the most interesting initiatives was undertaken by the Improve Pozna Association, which
ran workshops for representatives of local businesses in an attempt to attract new entrepreneurs
to rdka. Together, they developed a marketing
strategy and created loyalty program for regular
clients. 83 persons from rdmiecie are currently
participating in the project, small bookshops and
antique shops, restaurants, pubs, stalls with clothing and family-run grocery stores amongst them.






Index of
poeple and

arkadiusz bogusawski

elbieta koterba,

foundation for the preservation

department of social affairs at

deputy mayor for the city of

of jewish heritage

the d city council (departa-

krakw development

2 Grzybowska St., Warszawa

ment spraw spoecznych urzdu

Krakw City Centre

tel. no. +48 (22) 436 60 00

miasta odzi)

3-4 Wszystkich witych Square

113 Piotrkowska St., 90-430 d

31-004 Krakw, room 102

tel. no. +48 (42) 638 41 00

tel. no. +48 (12) 616 13 05


salony foundation

13b Fabryczna St.,

ichot gate to pozna

65-410 Zielona Gra

(brama poznania ichot)

european solidarity centre

tel. no. +48 608 600 403

2 Gdaska St., 61-123 Pozna

(europejskie centrum

tel. no. + 48 (61) 647 76 34


1 Solidarnoci St., 80-863 Gdask

tel. no. +48 (58) 768 23 13 /

wyspa progress foundation

centre for studies on the history

+48 (58) 772 40 00 / 506 195 673

Wyspa Institute of Art

and culture of small towns

1/145 B Doki St. , 80-958 Gdask

(centrum bada nad histori

tel. no. +48 (58) 718 44 46

ikultur maych miast)

+48 (58) 320 44 46

10 Stefana Czarnieckiego Square,

12 kamienica foundation

16-080 Tykocin

7 Poznaska St., 85-129 Bydgoszcz

tel. no. +48 (85) 718 17 11 /

+48 505 029 310 / +48 505 029 309

joanna rajkowska


normalne miasto fenomen


20 taczaka cafe

the synagogue centre

12a Wigury St., 90-301 d

20 Taczaka St., 60-995 Pozna

(centrum synagoga)

adress for corespondence:

tel. no. +48 509 825 445

14 Pereca St., 22-400 Zamo

mailbox 14, 90-435, d 36

tel. no. +48 (84)639 00 54

tel. no. +48 531 157 000


marek piwowarski,

off piotrkowska in d

sluew culture centre

town council in janw lubelski

mayor of warsaws

138/140 Piotrkowska St., 90-062 d

15Bacha St., 02-743 Warszawa

(urzd miejski w janowie

plenipotentiary for the wisa

tel. no. +48 (42) 272 30 72

tel. no. +48 (22) 843 91 01 /


riverfront Development

+48 (22) 397 72 71

59 Jana Zamoyskiego St.,

23-300 Janw Lubelski

burmistrz Krzysztof Koty
cricoteka centre for the

tel. no. +48 (15) 872 43 30

miejska pracownia

documentation of the art

urbanistyczna w bydgoszczy

of tadeuszkantor

9-15 Grudzidzka St., 85-130 Bydgoszcz

2-4 Nadwilaska St., 30-527 Krakw


tel. no. (52) 585 81 05

tel. no. (12)442 77 70

15 Ludwika Zamenhofa St.,

city of warsaw treasury

15-435 Biaystok

property board

tel. no. +48 608 532 074

Wisa Riverfront Development Division

(Zarzd Mienia Warszawy, Dzia

creative podlasie association

(stowarzyszenie kreatywne

mocak museum of contemporary

st. hiacynth parish in bytom

ds. zagospodarowania nabrzea Wisy)

art in krakow

1 Matejki St., 41-902 Bytom

62 Jana Kazimierza St.,

4 Lipowa St., 30-702 Krakw

tel. no. +48 (32) 282 47 80

tel. no. +48 12 263 40 03

un-block association for the

tel. no. +48 (22) 836 81 03,

fax +48 12 257 10 34

improvement of residential

(22) 877 15 86

environment (stowarzyszenie

na rzecz poprawy rodowiska,
nature zoom (zoom natury)

01-268 Warszawa

museum of sybir commemoration,

Recreational Park

mieszkalnego odblokuj)

division of army museum

41 wierdzowa St.,

in biaystok

23-300 Janw Lubelski

7 J. Kiliskiego St., 15-098 Biaystok

tel. no. +48 (85) 741 54 48

exploseum industrial

architecture open-air museum

improve poznan association

(stowarzyszenie ulepsz pozna)
16/6 Kosiskiego St., 61-519 Pozna

Alfreda Nobla St., Bygdoszcz

museum of contemporary

tel. no. +48 883 366 056

art in warsaw

3 Paska St., 00-124 Warszawa

tel. no. +48 (22) 596 40 10







photo: Odblokuj Association Archive

photo: Mariusz Cieszewski / Ministry

photo: Mateusz Bzwka 100.

20, 21, 22.

of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of

photo: Foundation for the

fot. Albert Zawada/Agencja Gazeta 20.

Poland / CC BY-ND 2.0 60.

Preservation of Jewish Culture 102.

photo: Weronika Szmuc /


ArtBoom Festival 62.


photo: 12 Kamienica 26, 27, 28.

photo: Rafa Sosin / MOCAK

photo: Natalia Kalina / Up To Date

The Museum of Contemporary

Festival Biaystok 106.

Art in Krakow 63.

photo: Kasia Znana / Up To Date


Festival / Biaystok 108.

photo: Off Piotrkowska Center

32, 34, 35

photo: Warsaw City Council 66.



photo: Mariusz Cieszewski /

photo: Tomasz Pastyrczyk 112, 114.

Rirkrit Tiravanija, overturned tea

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

house with a coffee machine, 2010,

of the Republic of Poland /


photo: Bartosz Stawiarski 38.

CC BY-ND 2.0 68.

photo: d of Four Cultures Festival

Pawe Althamer Brdno 2000, pho-

Piotr Kostur bs smith grind

Archive 118, 119.

to: Jerzy Jacek Gadykowski, courtesy

photo: Miosz Rebe 71.

photo: Mateusz Bzwka 120.

photo: Marek Szymaski / Urban



Forms Foundation 43.

photo: Miosz Jaksik 74, 75.


photo: Tomasz Zakrzewski 76, 77.


of Foksal Gallery Foundation 40.



photo: Robert Sawicki / UM


photo: Przemysaw Koty/ Nature

Bydgoszczy 46.

photo: Anna Kamiska 80, 82.

Zoom Recreational Park 126, 127.

photo: Wojciech Woniak /

d City Council 85.



EXPLOSEUM / Leon Wyczkowski

photo: PAP / Jan Morek 8.

Regional Museum in Bydgoszcz 47.


photo: ukasz Gdak / ICHOT 130, 131.

photo: ECS Archive 9.

photo: Tymon Markowski / Agencja

d City Council 88, 90.

photo: Wojciech Owczarzak /

photo: Jarosaw Bartoowicz

Gazeta 48. 132.

(Wyspa Institute of Art) 10.


photo: Centre for Study of the


photo: Robert Sawicki / UM

History and Culture of Small Towns

photo: Joanna Kinowska /

Bydgoszczy 52, 54.

in Tykocin 94.

Suew Culture Centre 13, 14, 15.

photo: UM d 57.

photo: Tykocin Town Council 96.



of Contents

36 6. Art world amongst residential blocks

Sculpture Park in Brdno, Warsaw

Positive example block estates in Poland

44 7. The disarmed factory

Exploseum industrial architecture
open-air museum, Bydgoszcz
50 8. Facing the river again
Revitalisation of the Myska
Island, Bydgoszcz

Top of the class at revitalisation
municipal programs in d


6 1. Artists at the shipyard

Shipyard, Gdask
12 2. Village in the city
Suew Culture Centre, Warsaw
18 3. Neighbours are it!
Odblokuj (Un-block) Association
in Action, Warsaw
24 4. More than just beer
12 Kamienica Foundation
in Action, Bydgoszcz
30 5. The young and the city
OFF Piotrkowska, d


58 9. Culture post-industry

Revitalisation of Zabocie, Krakow
64 10. Wild river in the capital city
The wisa river path, Warsaw
An idea for wasteland Municipal Sports
Square in Warsaw
72 11. Church for everybody
St. Hyacinth Parish, Bytom
78 12. Life is back on the street
taczaka Street overhaul
Everyone has the right to use a street
woonerfs in d


86 13. To boost the residents confidence

Ksiy Myn revitalisation, d
92 14. Old multicultural towna
Tykocin and vicinity wooden
architecture trail
98 15. In the footsteps of Polish Jews
Refurbishment of the synagogue in Zamo
and building a Hasidic trail Zamo and
south-east Poland
104 16. Centre for Independent Culture
Social concept for revitalisation
of Wglowa, Biaystok
110 17. Model social consultations
Park Tysiclecia (Park of 1000 years)
renovation, Zielona Gra
116 18. Tenement houses eyes
The Rose Arcade, d
122 19. For those interested in nature
Zoom Natury (Nature Zoom) Recreational
Park, Janw Lubelski
128 20. Poland was born here
Revitalisation of rdka, Pozna



Polska. New Public Life

Tomasz ylski / Architektura-murator
graphic design:
Edgar Bk Studio /
Edgar Bk, Damian Chomtowski,
Micha Loba, Szymon Pako,
Ida Jankowska
english translation:
Zosia Sochaska
photo editor:
Mateusz Bzwka
managing editor:
Agnieszka Rasmus-Zgorzelska
Centrum Architektury Foundation
Zakad poligraficzny Mo & uczak
Warszawa, 2015

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