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The Process of making Tomato Ketchup

Woekrrs msut konw how to csoohe tootames wcihh are fhsely as sdees are not uesd in the
protcudion of ttamoo kehctup. Aetfr the seitcelon of tootames, the nxet setp is waihsng.
Smoe ttamoo are reriuqed to be sekaod for auobt fvie mitunes. Tihs is fowolled by
spiyarng to erusne taht erevy prat of the suafrce is caeln and peicitsde-fere.
The wehsad tootames are tehn rdaey for peileng. Manrutcafuers hvae got rnuod tihs
difuciflty of peileng by subtcejing the tootames to a qciuk heitang.
Beggir fairotces mkae use of a sopacitsihted saetm jatekced eqempiunt wlihe in smllaer
fairotces, the tootames are ledaod itno a wrie beksat wcihh is tehn deppid itno boiling
wetar for one mtunie. Tehn the fiurt is qukcily spyared wtih clod wetar to dcateh the sikn
form the fselh. Peileng is dnoe by hnad, form the bottom to the top of the fiurt.
As soon as the tootames are peleed, tehy are immtaideely snet for puiplng. In the peplur,
sdees, csraoe frebis and the reiniamng frnemgats of sikn are revomed spideely. Gsals or
stelniass seetl bknas are uesd for stirong the tootames to erusne taht the peleed tootames
do not cmoe itno coatnct wtih iorn afitcefng the cuolor of the ttamoo plup. Aetfr puiplng,
the tootames bmocee cyolcne jciue.
The fanil setp is the flirovang of the ttamoo kehctup. Balacisly, the esitnesal ingeidernts are
sagur, a llttie slat, cevols, ooinn, gilrac and vigenar. Tsehe ingeidernts are cekood wtih the
cyolcne jciue, gnivig rsie to a conartnected miutxre wcihh is in fcat ttamoo kehctup.
The fanil setp in the protcudion of ttamoo kehctup is paigakcng. Caelr bolttes are fellid wtih
ttamoo kehctup, ceppad, selaed and lalebed. The bolttes of ttamoo kehctup are tehn
pekcad itno caaobdrrd bexos, rdaey for loidang otno tkcurs for distubirtion to the whaselole
and riatel oueltts.


Workers must know how to choose tomatoes which are fleshy as seeds are not used in the
production of tomato ketchup. After the selection of tomatoes, the next step is washing.
Some tomato are required to be soaked for about five minutes. This is followed by
spraying to ensure that every part of the surface is clean and pesticide-free.
The washed tomatoes are then ready for peeling. Manufacturers have got round this
difficulty of peeling by subjecting the tomatoes to a quick heating.
Bigger factories make use of a sophisticated steam jacketed equipment while in smaller
factories, the tomatoes are loaded into a wire basket which is then dipped into boiling
water for one minute. Then the fruit is quickly sprayed with cold water to detach the skin
from the flesh. Peeling is done by hand, from the bottom to the top of the fruit.
As soon as the tomatoes are peeled, they are immediately sent for pulping. In the pulper,
seeds, coarse fibers and the remaining fragments of skin are removed speedily. Glass or
stainless steel banks are used for storing the tomatoes to ensure that the peeled tomatoes
do not come into contact with iron affecting the colour of the tomato pulp. After pulping,
the tomatoes become cyclone juice.
The final step is the flavoring of the tomato ketchup. Basically, the essential ingredients are
sugar, a little salt, cloves, onion, garlic and vinegar. These ingredients are cooked with the
cyclone juice, giving rise to a concentrated mixture which is in fact tomato ketchup.
The final step in the production of tomato ketchup is packaging. Clear bottles are filled with
tomato ketchup, capped, sealed and labeled. The bottles of tomato ketchup are then
packed into cardboard boxes, ready for loading onto trucks for distribution to the wholesale
and retail outlets.

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