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Charles E.

August 3, 1916 - April 23,2001
Charles E.Phipps,84, was born August 3,1916
in Omaha,Nebraska. He attended Cincinnati Bible

Seminary from 1934-1941, receiving his AB degree

in 1939 and his Master's in 1941.

On Monday,April 23, Charles went home to be

with his Lord. Charles had been in the hospital at
Bari (Italy). He and Maxine, his wife, had been in
Italy about a month in order for him to see and em

brace again his brothers and sisters in Christ with

whom he had worked and witnessed for Christ.

Charles went to Italy in 1947 and

was one of the first missionaries who,
after the Second World War, had un


derstood the necessity and urgency of

Central P.O. Box

bringing the genuine message ofsalva

tion to Italy. He worked in Bari,

Latiano, Francavilla, Oria, Terracina



and Fondi.

Books t

Charles' last desire had been

My Di

granted. As he said,"Well, now I can

die in peace because I have been able
to visit the Italian churches again . . .
however, I wouldn't mind being able
to see them even again!"




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Agent: Ray Downen

telephone 417/782-0814
home - 164 Friendship Circle
Financial gifts should be sent to
Joplin MO 64801-8432


telephone 417/624-6914

PC Box 717

Joplin MO 64802-0717 fl


P 0 BOX 13111



April 23,2001-'

you already know, he and Maxine, his Pino Neglia (Lecce Christian

A Word from Ray Downen

wife, had been in Italy about a month Mission)

For several years nowIhave

been "forwarding agent" for Char
les Phipps. WhenIbegan, his wife

in order for him to see and embrace

was Ivia. After Ivia died, Charles

was alone for several years. Then he

and a long-time friend who each
had lost their mates began a re
newed friendship which led to their
marrying 10 months ago. Now

again his brothers and sisters in Christ

with whom he had worked and wit
nessed for Christ.

<< Any e-mail notes of

condolence might well be sent
to Maxine at this address

He came to Italy in 1947 and was ( pend

one of the first missionaries who, af
ter the Second World War, had un

ing her return to JopKn by way

ida and here in Joplin, but will
not be in a position to send for

We will miss him. Here's a note

derstood the necessity and urgency of

bringing the genuine message of sal
vation to our country. He worked in
Bari, Latiano, Francavilla, Oria, Ter-

from some in Italy with whom he

racina and Fondi.

Charles has left his widow, Maxine.

had worked in years past

He earnestly desired to bring his

of their home in Florida. She

has e-mail service both in Flor

mail from those services for a

time. Mail addressed to Maxine

at P O Box 717, Joplin MO

new wife, Maxine, to the country

64802-0717 will also reach her


where he had with enthusiasm and ar

wherever she is. >>

To: "Ray Downen"



From: "Chiesa di Cristo Lecce"


MISSION: Charles Phipps

Date sent: Mon, 23 Apr 2001

21:10:08 +0200



This afternoon, Monday, April

23rd, our dearest brother Charles

Phipps went to be with his Lord.

He had been in the hospital at Bari
(Italy) for a few days. As many of

dor spent his life serving his Lord and

Ray Downen
Soon Maxine will be in

His last desire has been granted. touch to let you know her plans
He said to me few days ago, joking (as for future mission work. As this
he always did with that sharp sense of is written, I've not yet been able
joy of living and with characteristic
to discuss with her any plans
irony): "Well, nowIcan die in peace even for memorial services or
becauseIhave been able to visit the
funeral arrangements. She will
Italian churches again....however,I
let us know how friends of
wouldn't mind being able to see them Charles can best provide ongo
even again!"
ing support to the work in Italy
Let us pray, pray, pray for Maxine that he loved.
to receive the comfort and peace of
We rejoice for Charles, and
God and let us sing with renewed
will miss his cheer and assis
feeling the many hymns Charles has tance in many ways!
left us to glorify our Lord and God.

Agent: Ray Downen


teleph^ne 417/782-0814

home -164 Friendship Circle

Financial gifts should be sent to
Joplln MO 64801-8432
telephone 417/624-6914

P O Box 7117

Joplin MO 648(^:^-0717

Mon,23 Apr 2001 20:49

tions during the night watch Now it
begins. The long slow countdown to
the end. The old hospital routine the
tests, the x-rays, the machines hum
ming and clicking, lights blinking,
measuring the life forces, the intermi
nable night vigils - all attempts to
prevent or delay the inevitable. The
body is wearing out,its functions
breaking down.

I knew when I signed on for this

commitment last year that the percent
ages were all stacked for this to occur.
There was the possibility, of course, of
a sudden fatal heart attack such as the

ones that took two of his brothers, or

the outside chance of an accident. But

this is the usual course: Tcan't say I

haven't had a great deal of practice more than I've wanted.

It is worse here, though. I am a

stranger in a strange land without
knowledge of the language. I cannot
understand what the doctors are say
ing when they discuss my husband's
condition. When I try to explain that I
do not speak Italian, they will repeat
what they just said, only a little louder,
as though my problem is one of hear
ing rather than comprehension.

The hospital is large, old, and well

worn, but clean, light and airy. And
the service is good,the doctors careful
and thorough. Posted visiting hours

feet; people come

and go pretty muclji as they please. Nor

seem to have little e

are there limits to the number of visitors,

I counted nine arouhd the bed of one

man in the ward.

And Italians ate noisy. They speak

fortissimo, with exp:avagant gestures.

Ordinary conversation often sounds like
quarreling. There are no posted signs
urging quiemess, and the nurses and or
derlies make more noise than any of the
visitors! They apparently operate on the
principle that loudness is beneficial. At
one o'clock in the cioming a group
down the hall wer^ holding forth in top

ftiends? The American missionar

ies and Italian Christians here have

been working beyond measure to

support and comfort us in our cri
sis. What a precious treasure is the
family of God!
This new husband of mine

has brought music,joy and laugh

ter into my life. Such a happy face
he wears! Yet behind the smile is

the broken and contrite heart of a

man who has experienced the

mercy and grace of God,and lives
a life of gratitude. Above all, he
has brought me love again. With

form - for a ball g^Qe! We are the only

the love comes tears, for in this

ones whispering, softly to each other

from time to time,"I love you." "I love
you, too."

fallen world there can be no love

without sorrow. God's love for us

cost Him the life of His Son. How

Has it been wcrth it? Only ten short infinitely^sad! Sadder still, not to

love at all. So we love on, with the

months to be togetiier. But, ah,such
wonderful months! Our travels have kept sure and certain hope of the resur

us on the go mostjof the time:from Mis

souri to south Florida to northern Michi

gan,out to Arizona then back to Florida

rection to life eternal, where fi

nally, finally, finally, love will be

without tears.

again. From there cn beyond to coun

tries abroad where we had lived and la

The above was written the

bored in the past Jamaica for me;Italy

night of April 22. Charles died
for him. The appeal of the open road,
aroimd 5 this afternoon (April 23)
the beauties of the countryside, the
in his sleep. The Lord was wise to
splendors of mountains and seas never let him leave this life in the land
fail to exalt the heart. But the foremost

reason for our sojpum was not the sce

nic but people - God's people, and the
renewal of friendstips. His added to

mine and new on^i made in between!

How do you measure the wealth of

and among the people he had


contaa via


(when in^JopiinP

Agent: Kay ud^en

home -164 Friendship Circle

Joplin MO 64801-8432

telephone 417/624-6914

telephone 417/782-0814
Financial gifts should be sent to



Joplin MO 64802-0717

his sake. Do not be concerned

P 0 BOX 13111

about me. The Lord has given me

peace about all these events
which in His providence He had



planned. As David Livingstone's

heart was buried in the heart of

From:MaxinePRippsin Italy
To: <outreach@sofnetxom>
Subject: Funeral plans for Charles
Date sent: Tue,24 Apr 2001 13:45
I am so thankful for the mes

sages of condolence and assurances

of prayer that have reached me
here. I am trying to get this infor
mation out to as many as I can.

Please forgive me that I cannot

write each of our friends individu

ally at this time.

wanted him also laid to rest in the

heart was" so Charles' heart will

same place.(We use that word
here. He himselfis in the arms
"encrypted" because the body is not
buried underground, but sealed into a of the Lord.
wall above ground). Bari is-on the
Phone number for Evelyn
eastern side of Italy, on what is called Jones whose guest I am just now:
the "boot heel" on the Adriatic Sea.
Graveside services will be held there
for the Christians in that area. Be

cause tomorrow is a holiday (similar

to our Labor Day) and no one will be

working, the actual burial won't take

place until the following morning. But
the casket will already have been

There is no embalming in Italy, sealed into a metal vault, which is re

so the body must be disposed of
quired by law here. Vitorio Italiano,
rather quickly. That is why there has also called Giuseppe, minister of the
been such a rush to make all the

Terracina church, will lead the service

plans ~ which are complicated be


cause Charles was an American vis

iting here. There will be visitation

this evening, which by custom takes
place at the hospital where he died.
Tomorrow morning, there will be a
funeral service at the Bari church at

9:30. Then the body will be trans

ported to Terracina, a five-hour
Terracina (Terra-chee-na) is a
town on the Mediterranean side of

Italy between Rome and Naples.

Charles lived there for several years
with both Mary Frances and then
Ivia. Mary Frances, to whom he
was married for 41 years, is en
crypted there, and that's why I

Africa,"because that's where his

The graveside service in Ter

racina will be Thursday morning at


I remain, amazed by His

amazing love,

<< Ray remarks ~ Equally

affected by this loss are Charles'
adopted family who are the chil
dren and grandchildren, etc. of
Ivia. Ron and linda Slaughter
made room in their home for

Charles to live with them after

Ivia died. Linda isJvia's oldest

daughter and is properly the for
warding agent for Charles, even
though I've done some of the

I am staying with Evelyn Jones,

work for him in recent years.
an American missionary, who has
been indispensable to me in being my Their address is 200 W North,
translator through all this. Her apart Neosho MO 64850. The tele
phone number is 417.451.5239.
ment is right across the street from
the church. Harold and Enid Fowler, We share in their sorrow.

more missionaries, will be driving

<< Memorial services for

down from the town of MateHca this

Charles will be held at least in

evening to be with me. Harold has

Toledo at Boulevard Christian

been like a son to Charles.

I am being well cared for by a

Church,in Joplin, and in Neosho,

at times to be announced. Memo

host of Christian friends here who

rial gifts may be made to Italian

loved Charles dearly, and love me for

Christian Mission.

Gordon R. Clymer,09:33 PM 4/24/01 -0400,[Fwd:[Fwd:[Fwd: Our friend Chartes Phipps is dead]]]


> -Thic afternoon. Monday, April 23rd, our deare&t

> brother Charles Phipps went to be with his Lord. He

> had been in the hospital at Bari (ltaly)/or o few

> days..Ao many of you already knowrll^ and Maxine,

> his wife, had been in Italy about a month in order
> for him to see and embrace again his brothers and
> sisters in Christ with whom he had worked and
> witnessed for Christ.

> He came to Italy in 1947 and was one of the first

> missionaries who, after the Second World War. had

> understood the necessity and urgency^f bringing

> the genuine message of salvation to our c^^tVy. He
> worked in Bari, Latiano, Francavilla, Oria,
> Terracina and Fondi.

> No aamactiy d'='gir'?d to bring his new wife. Maxine.

> ardor spent his lifc sorving-his Lord and-Savfour.


<x/> La- s c-cC j

> His last desire has been granted.'

> irony): "Well, now I can die in peace because I

> ha\ been able to visit the Italian churches

> again....however, I wouldn't mind being able to see

> them e\en againi"

> Let us pray, pray, pray for Maxine to recei> the
> comfort and peace of God and

> let us sing with renewed feeling the many hymns Charles has left US to giorily
> our Lord and God. - Pino Neglia (Lecce Christian Mission)

> Any e-mail notes of condolence might well be

> sent to Maxine at this address pending her retum
> to Joplin by way of their home in Florida. She has
> e-mail service both in Florida and here in Joplin,
> but will not be in a position to send for mail from

> those services for a time. Their Joplin address is

> 164 Friendship Circle, Joplin MO 64801-8432. Mai)
> addressed to Maxine at P O Box 717, Joplin MO 64802> 0717 will also reach her where\r she is.

> from Ray Downen respectfully on this day of the Lord.

> 417/782-0814 2228 Porter Joplin Mission Outreach.

> Mail address is P O Box 1065 Joplin MO 64802-1065.

> Internet home page addr =

Printed for Mission Services Association <msa@mlssionservice...

'3^'H I

From: Maxine Phipps in Italy

To: <>


Date sent: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 20:49:03 +0200
LOVE'S TEARS - Contemplations during the night

Now it begins. The long slow countdown to the end.

The old hospital routine - the tests, the xrays,
the machines humming and clicking, lights blinking,

measuring the lite forces, the interminable night

vigils - all attempts to prevent or delay the
inevitable. The body is wearing out, its functions
breaking dovm.

I knew when I signed on for this commitment last

year that the percentages were all stacked for this

Printed for Mission Services Association <msa@mlsslonservlce.,

Gordon R. Clymer,09:32 PM 4/24/01 -0400,[Fwd:[Fwd: Fwd: Charles Phipps]]

to occur. TTiere was the possibility, of course, of
a sudden fatal heartattack such as the ones that

took two of his brothers, or the outside chance of

an accident. But this is the usual course. I can t

say I ha\en t had a great deal of practice - more

than I va wanted.

It is worse here, though. I am a stranger in a

strange land without knowledge of the language. I
cannot understand what the doctors are saying when
they discuss my husband s condition. When I try to
explain that I do not speak Italian, they will

repeat what they just said, only a little louder,

as though my problem is one of hearing rather than
The hospital is large, old, and well wom, but
clean, light and airy. And the service is good, the
doctors careful and thorough. Posted visiting hours
seem to have little effect; people come and go
pretty much as they please. Nor are there limits to
the number of visitors. I counted nine around the

bed of one man in the ward. And Italians are noisy.

They speak fortissimo, with extravagant gestures.
Ordinary conNersation often sounds like quarreling.
There are no posted signs urging quietness, and the
nurses and orderlies make more noise than any of
the visitors! They apparently operate on the
principle that loudness is beneficial. At one
0 clock in the moming a group down the hall were
holding forth in top form - for a ball game! We are

the only ones whispering, softly to each other from

time to time, "1 Ioms you." "I love you, too."
Has it been worth it? Only ten short months to be
together. But, ah, such wonderful months! Our
travels haws kept us on the go most of the time:
from Missouri to south Florida to northem

Michigan, out to Arizona then back to Florida

again. From there on beyond to countries abroad
where we had lived and labored in the past -

Jamaica for me; Italy for him. The appeal of the

open road, the beauties of the countryside, the
splendors of mountains and seas ne\er fail to exalt

tfie heart. But the foremost reason for our sojoum

was not the scenic but people - God s people, and
the renewal of friendships. His added to mine and
new ones made in between! How do you measure the
wealth of friends? The American missionaries and

Italian Christians here ha>e been working beyond

measure to support and comfort us in our crisis.

Printed for Mission Services Association <msa@missionservice...

Gordon R. Clymer,09:32 PM 4/24/01 -0400,[Fwd:[Fwd: Fwd: Charles Phipps]]

What a precious treasure Is the femily of God!
This new husband of mine has brought music, joy and
laughter Into my life. Such a happy face he wears!
Yet behind the smile Is the broken and contrite

heart of a man who has experienced the mercy and

grace of God, and lives a life of gratitude. Abo>e

all, he has brought me love again. With the love

comes tears, for In this fallen world there can be
no lo\e without sorrow. God s love for us cost Him

the life of His Son. How Infinitely sad! Sadder

still, not to love at all. So we love on, with the

sure and certain hope of the resurrection to life

etemal, where finally, finally, finally, lo\e will
be without tears.

The abo>e was written the night of April 22.

Charles died around 5 this aftemoon In his sleep.
The Lord was wise to let him leave this life In the

land and among the people he had loved.

End offbn/varded message

Carlo&MaxIne Phioos f2).iDQ


Printed for Mission Services Association <msa@missionservice...

RE: More news concerning Charles Phipps

From: Maxine Phipps in Italy

To: <>
Subject: Funeral plans

Date sent: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 13:45:40 +0200

I am so thankful for the messages of condolence and
assurances of prayer that have reached me here. I
am trying to get this information out to as many as
I can. Please forgive me that I cannot write each
of our filends individually at this time.

There is no embalming in Italy, so the body must be

disposed of rather quickly. That is why there has
been such a rush to make all the plans - which are
complicated because Charles was an American
visiting here. There will be visitation this
evening, which by custom takes place at the

Printed for Mission Services Association <msa@missionservice.<

Gordon R. Clymer,09:32 PM 4/24/01 -0400,[Fwd:[Fwd: Fwd: More news concerning Charles Phipps]]
hospital where he died. Tomorrow moming, there
will be a fiineral servce at the Bari church at

9:30. Tben the body will be transported to

Terracina, a fi\-hour trip.
Terraclna (Terra-chee-na) Is a town on the

Mediterranean side of Italy between Rome and

Naples. Charles ll\ed there for sevsral years with
both Mary Frances and then Ivia. Mary Frances, to
whom he was mam'ed fbr 41 years, Is encrypted
there, and that's why I wanted him also laid to
rest In the same place.(We use that word

"encrypted" because the body Is not buried

underground, but sealed Into a wall above ground).
Bari Is on the eastem side of Italy, on what is
called the "boot heel" on the Adriatic Sea.

Gra\eslde services will be held there fbr the

Christians in that area. Because tomorrow is a

holiday (similar to our Labor Day) and no one will

be working, the actual burial wont take place
until the fbllowing moming. But the casket will
already have been sealed Into a metal vault, which
Is required by law here. Vltorio Itallano, also
called Giuseppe, minister of the Terraclna church,
will lead the service there. The gra\eslde service
In Terraclna will be Thursday moming at 9:30.
I am staying with Evelyn Jones, an American
missionary, who has been Indispensable to me In
being my translator through all this. Her apartment
Is right across the street from the church. Harold
and Enid Fowler, more missionaries, will be driving
down fiom the town of Matelica this evening to be
with me. Harold has been like a son to Charles. I

am being well cared fbr by a host of Christian

friends here who loved Charles dearly, and love me
fbr his sake. Do not be concemed about me. The

Lord has gl>n me peace about all these events

which In His providence He had planned. As David

Livingstone's heart was buried In the heart of
Africa, "because that's where his heart was" so
Charles' heart will be here. He himself is in the
arms of the Lord.

Evelyn's e-mail address Is:

Phone number. 011-39-080-553-1598

I remain, amazed by His amazing love,


Ray Downen remarks - Equally affected by this loss are

Printed for Mission Services Association <msa@nnissionservice...

Gordon R. Clymer,09:32 PM 4/24/01 -0400,[Fwd:[Fwd: Fwd: More news concerning Charles Phipps]]
Charles' adopted fiamily who are the children and
grandchildren, etc. of Ivia. Ron and Linda
Slaughter made room in their home for Charles to
live with them after ivia died. Linda is Ivia's

oldest daughter and is properly the fonvarding

agent for Charles, even though I've done some of
the work for him in recent years. Their address is

200 W North, Neosho MO 64850. The telephone number

is 417.451.5239. We share in their sorrow.

Ray Downen for Charles and Maxine Phipps You can see recent news from ICM (M2M)on the intemet at
httD:// . I'll forward to the

Phipps any e-mail notes you send clearly for them to


Printed for Mission Services Association <msa@missionservice...

tTliSSiiOnOry WQS telephone

Agent was417/782-0814
Ray Oownen

Telephone 417/364-7643

Charles Phipps

Financial gifts should be sent to

P O Box 2233

Joplin MO 64803-2233

P 0 BOX 13111


Ray remarks I thought you

might be interested in an update on
the work in Mexico Charles had begun
helping prior to his marriage to

He had accompanied an evangel

istic group led by Nita Reardon to
works they had begun, and then went
into villages where other evangelists
had not yet gone. Several of Charles'
friends began to support the work be
ing done in Mexico. Charles adopted
the name Mission 2 Mexico for this

Nita is to leave this Saturday, May

26th to visit the church building some
of us have helped furnish funds to
construct at Cinco de Mayo. This is a
brief visit rather than an evangelistic
effort of several weeks seeking new
converts. She will return with a photo
of the church building as it now looks
at Cinco de Mayo.

The picture below was included in

an earlier report letter sent out by Char

also deliver a gift from Boulevard

Church in Sylvania (Toledo) Ohio

les. Nita will visit this work and plans to

to assist the work in Cinco de

return with a picture of the building with Mayo.

some of the people as it and they now
If you want to help Nita in
this work, gifts may be addressed
She invites your help in continuing to her (Nita Reardon) at the ad
dress above (P O Box 2233,Joplin
support for the evangelist at this new
work. He also preaches in three nearby MO 64803-2233). Gifts for Mexi
villages at two of them on Sunday, at can evangelism will be directed to
one on Saturday, and visits other nearby central Mexico where several mis
village works as time permits. He plans sion churches have been started,
and where Christian work contin
to evangelize in each of these four vil
ues. Thanks.
lages one day each week.
Nita invites your help in building
churches and Christians in Mexico. She

does not spend all her time in Mexico,

but has in the past and will again in fu


Kay VowneAO/
Maxine Phipps reports a

good memorial service was held

ture days spend several weeks at a time at May 20th at Boulevard church,
with more than $1,100 given to
the central mission point out of which

village evangelism is being conducted.

Both she and Charles were in Tula for

several months two years ago.

ward the Charles Phipps Memo

rial Missionary Scholarship fund

at Ozark Christian College. This
fund is for training future mission

This visit is to encour- aries to work as Charles did for

Qnco de


bidding at

evangelists including
Alicia Molina at Tula

and Tamaulipas. With

co-workers on this

many years in Italy and elsewhere.

Gifts for this fund should be made
in the name of Ozark Christian

College and sent to Maxine at 164

Friendship Circle,Joplin MO

64801. You can telephone Maxine

at 417.624.6914. She misses Char

trip Nita will take sup les very much!

plies into Mexico and
hold services of en

couragement at vari
ous churches they've
helped establish in


Agent: Ray Downen

home - 164 Friendship Circle
Financial gifts should be sent to
Joplin MO 64801-8432


teleDhone 417/624-6914

PO Box 717

Joplin MO 64802-0717 iH

P 0 BOX 13111


missionary work in Italy should be

addressed to another of the fine

; May 7,2001- Charles Phipps

Is Gone -

A Word from Ray Downen

For several years now I have been

for Christ.

He came to Italy in 1947 and was

one of the first missionaries who, after
the Second World War, had understood

missionaries in Italy. One of the

young Italian men now seeking
support to evangelize in Italy is
Andrea Gentile. His e-mail ad

dress is <>.
"forwarding agent" for Charles Phipps. the necessity and urgency of bringing the In the "team" working with An
When I began his wife was Ivia. After
Ivia died, Charles was alone for several

years. Then he and a long-time friend

who each had lost their mates began a
renewed friendship which led to their
marrying 10 months ago. Now Charles
has left his widow, Maxine. We wiH

genuine message of salvation to our

country. He worked in Bari, Latiano,

couples who are friends of Char

les. "Daniel/Amy Cormode"
He earnesdy desired to bring his
new wife, Maxine, to the country where and Jason/Heather Casey
he had with enthusiasm and ardor spent <>.
They had invited Charles and
his life serving his Lord and Saviour.

FrancaviUa, Oria, Terracina and Fondi.

miss him. Here's a note from some in

Italy with whom he had worked in

years past -->>
From: "Chiesa di Cristo Lecce"


To:"Ray Downen"

MISSION: Charles Phipps

Date sent: Mon,23 Apr 2001
21:10:08 +0200


Maxine to come work with them

His last desire has been granted. He in the future.

said to me few days ago,joking (as he
<< Our thanks indeed for
always did with that sharp sense ofjoy of
and generous support for
living and with characteristic irony):
"Well, now I can die in peace because I Charles in his work these many
years. He was in touch with Jim /
have been able to visit the Italian
Hosken, 705 Martens Ct,
churches again....however, I wouldn't
mind being able to see them even again!" Ste 16-450, Laredo TX 780416010, and planned that he and
Let us pray, pray, pray for Maxine to
Maxine would visit them soon
receive the comfort and peace of God
where they're located in Mexico.
and let us sing with renewed feehng the The Texas address is an accomomany hymns Charles has left us to glorify
dation address to enable contact
our Lord and God. ~ Pino Neglia (Lecce
less expensively than mailing di
Christian Mission)
rect to Mexico. Their e-mail ad

This afternoon, Monday, April

dress is <>.

23rd, our dearest brother Charles

Phipps went to be with his Lord. He

had been in the hospital at Bari (Italy)

for a few days. As many of you already
know, he and Maxine, his wife, had
been in Italy about a month in order
for him to see and embrace again his
brothers and sisters in Christ with
whom he had worked and witnessed

drea and his wife are two other

<< Any e-mail notes of condolence

might well be sent to Maxine directly at

<>. Her Joplin
address is 164 Friendship Circle,Joplin
MO 64801-8432 (telephone
417.624.6914). Mail for Maxine should
be addressed to her at that address.

<< She suggests that future gifts for

<< Memorial services for

Charles are planned at 7 p.m.

Thursday, May 10th at College
Heights church in Joplin, and at 4
p.m. Sunday, May 20th at Sylvania
OH Boulevard Church of Christ

(telephone 419.841.3061). >>

Ray Downen


contact via

(when in Joplln)
home -164 Friendship Circle

Jopiin MO 64801-8432
telephone 417/624-6914

<< 5/7/01 - Maxirie requests that memj)rial gifts for Charles

be given in his name to a scholarship fi^iid at Ozark Christian
College. Gift checks for this purpose shciuld be made to Ozark
Christian College and may be sent to M ixine at her address

A NOTE-4/24/01

From: Maxine Phipps in Italy

To: <>
Subject: Funeral plans for Charles
Date sent: Tue,24 Apr 2001 13:45
I am so thankful for the messages
of condolence and assurances of

prayer that have reached me here. I am

trying to get this information out to as
many as I can. Please forgive me that I
cannot write each of our friends indi

vidually at this time.

em side of Italy, o 1 what is called the

whose guest I am just now:011-

"boot heel" on th Adriatic Sea. Grave-


side services will pe held there for the

I remain, amazed by His

Christians in that!irea. Because tomor- amazing love,
row is a holiday (ikmilar to our Labor
Day)and no one > still be working, the actual burial won't tiike place until the following morning, But the casket will al<< Ray remarks ~ Equally af
ready have been s^aled into a metal vault, fected by this loss are Charles'
which is required Dy law here. Vitorio
adopted family who are the chil
Italiano, also callejl Giuseppe, minister dren and grandchildren, etc. of
of the Terracina c lurch, will lead the
Ivia. Ron and Linda Slaughter
service there.

There is no embalming in Italy, so

the body must be disposed of rather
quickly. That is why there has been
such a rush to make all the plans ~
which are complicated because Char
les was an American visiting here.
There will be visitation this evening,
which by custom takes place^tihe
hospital where he died. Tomorrow
morning, there will be a funeral service

made room in their home for

The graveside service in Terracina

will be Thursday inoming at 9:30.
I am staying ^vith Evelyn Jones, an
American missionary, who has been in-

Charles to live with them after Ivia

died. Linda is Ivia's oldest daugh

ter and is properly the forwarding
agent for Charles, even though

dispensable to m in being my translator I've done some of the work for

him in recent years. Their address
through all this er apartment is right
across the streetifromlheTchurch. Harold is 200 W North, Neosho MO

and Enid Fowler, more missionaries, wdl 64850. The telephone number is

be driving down from the town of Ma-

417.451.5239. We share in their

at the Ban church at 9:30. Then the

telica this evening to be with me. Harold


body wiU. be transported to Terracina,

a five-hour trip.

has been like a son to Charles.

Terracina (Terra-chee-na) is a

I am being well cared for by a host

of Christian friends here who loved

town on the Mediterranean side of It

Charles dearly, and love me for his sake.

aly between Rome and Naples. Charles

lived there for several years with both
Mary Frances and then Ivia. Mary

Do not be concerned about me. The

Lord has given me peace about all these

events which in ms providence He had

Frances, to whom he was married for

planned. As David Livingstone's heart

41 years, is encrypted there, and that's

why I wanted him also rest in

"because that's w lere his heart was" so

the same place.(We use that word

"encrypted" because the body is not
buried undergroimd, but sealed into a
wall above ground). Bari is on the east-

was buried in the heart of Africa,

Charles' heart

be here. He himself is

in the arms of thi Lord.

Phone number for Evelyn Jones



Spring 2001
Volume 34, No.2

Phipp^t home with the Lord

The events of life are often beyond explana

tion and sometimes sad situations contain

coincidences that, for the Christian, are direct

expressions of God's loving care. What hap

pened to Charles Phipps, 84, veteran mission
ary to Italy, is a clear demonstration that even
dramatic events can be amazingly joyful. Man
of indomitable faith, he has carried on mission
ary work in Italy and Mexico (I) for almost 50
years. To Harold and Enid, he was a dear

brethren sang, as Charles would have, with

glorious conviction:"Let the Lower Lights Be
Burning," "It is Well with my Soul", and "Amaz
ing Grace," all so expressive of Charles' faith.
For those who shared his faith and were

warmed by his love, his passing carried many

messages, among which:"So live as to be
able to celebrate your departure with joy."

friend with invincible good humor, stimulating

Bible student and missionary mentor, com
poser of hymns in English and Italian. He even
composed the song Harold sang to Enid at
their wedding.
During a recent trip to Italy with his wife,
Maxine,they revisited the Christians among
whom he had labored. As they prepared to
return to the States, on April 24, a sudden
illness took Charles into the Lord's presence.
Maxine expressed the desire that Charles be
interred in Italy:'The Lord has given me peace
about all these events which in His providence
He had planned. As David Livingstone's heart
was buried in the heart of Africa,'because
that's where his heart was,' so Charles' heart
will be here. He himself is in the arms of the

Lord." Harold and Enid were privileged to

share in his memorial service with many Italian
Christians who were equally blessed by
Charles' loving ministry. Young people and old
testified to the powerful witness he left. The

Charles is at home with the Lord now,

because he was at home with the Lord

before he left!

Seminar in Rome
The Viale lonio Church of Christ(non-instrumental), invited Harold to present the apostle
Matthew's exposition of Jesus. He emphasized the Lord's approach to righteousness and the
motivations to be the new kind of people he is creating. They invited Enid to teach the children
too. This vibrant church is noted for its balanced emphasis and moderate spirit. If we may judge
the Lord by looking at His people, we must conclude that He does excellent work!

Page 2 of 4

...interesting that the

Women's retreat

women had such a

hunger for fellowship

and learning."

Enid, Giovanna(one of the

Matelica ladies), Krista
Miiliser (one of our new
missionaries in language
schooi at Perugia), partici
pated in the annuai women's
retreat, held this year at

found It interesting that the

women had such a hunger
forfeilowship and learning.

Naples. The theme:'The

churches chauffeured the

Power of Christ in the Chris

women to the rally site.

Harold went along as driver
and enjoyed a rich time of
feiiowship with these

tian Woman."They shared

with 54 Christian women
Ladies' Retreat at Naples

from ali over Italy, develop

ing fellowship and friend
ships, praying together. Enid

Because the retreat was

heid at Napies, known for

its criminal elements,
several men from the


Ancona project moving forward

We asked you to pray for the
NOW FOUR missionary families in

language study at Perugia, that

they may be able to speak good
Italian and gain permission to
remain and work in Italy as mis

Ancona. This has been neces

sary, because they needed to

learn to communicate before

being able to proclaim the living

Word to anyone.
Their patience has paid off. Now
one family has already moved to


They are beginning to speak

excellent Italian, because they
continued to study even though
they wanted to get started at

Ancona; another is to move in

September. Piease, continue to

pray for the Lord's work there.

Unity Rally In South Italy

Unity rally participants

Members from several different

theme:"The Unity of the

churches shared in the 2001

Believers" based on

Restoration Workshop forum in

south Italy led by the church in
Lecce under the leadership of
Pino Neglia. Christians came

Ephesians 4. The encouraging

preaching and feiiowship
warmed our hearts and sent us

from aii over Italy to encourage

home singing! We are praying

that many more churches may

one another in love, around the

catch this spirit!

Page 3 of 4

Fourth Unity Rally a Joyful Meeting

Enid photocopied and bound
many copies of Bible studies
for a rally in May and for this
one in June. Some churches

Studying the Word together

purchased copies of almost

everything we publish. Now
she's producing books much
faster, thanks to the new
Worshipping together

Harold printed his 200-page

anthology on Christian Unity just
in time for presentation at the
Unity forum in June. Pray that this
book may contribute positively to
a climate of loving, gracious
cooperation among ail the believ
ers here.

Mark Miiler baptizing

Erica at Unity Rally

It's twins!
You prayed for Marta and her
difficult pregnancy, and now the
news is that she had twin girls:
Michela and Simona (the femi
nine forms of Michael and


Her brother's

wife, Rosella,
gave birth to a
little boy, Gioele
(= Joel).
Everyone is
doing splendidly.
Now,on any

given Sunday,

meeting place
looks like a

parking lot with

baby carriages
lining the aisle!*

Our church meeting

place looks like a
parking lot!

Growing Church Families

Europe For Christ

These are your


brothers and sisters

P.O. Box 1403

in Christ. They have

grown up in the

Lebanon, MO.65536


Matelica church and


are now raising their


own children in the

knowledge of the
Lord. Rejoice with us
in their maturity and
pray that they may

Harold's E-Mail;

take the Gospel

Enid's E-mail:

message and lead

many more people to

the Lord.

IVe're on the Web!

Tommy and Rosella DiLevrano

Download Harold's studies in Italian.

Desiree and Gioele

Amedeo and Marta Riccardi,

with Valentina, Cristiana,
Michela and Simona

Find them at:

Southern Heights Christian Church

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