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Definition of Qada

Belief in Articles of faith

Belief in Qada and Qadar

Definition of Qada
2 Conclusion or completion

The word Qada, appears with its derivatives

over sixty times in the Quran. It comes with
the following meanings:
1 Ruling or legislation

Your Lord has decreed that you worship none
but Him, and that you be kind to

Definition of Qada
3- Allahs decision or decree
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Then He completed from their creation as
seven heavens in two Days (41:12)

Definition of Qadar
The word qadar, together with its derivates,
appears more than a hundred times in the Quran.
It comes with the following meanings:
1- Measure or amount
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And We send it not down except in a known
measure. (15:21)

and it is a matter already decreed(by Allah).


Definition of Qadr
2- Value or esteem
They have not esteemed Allah the true esteem

Definition of Qadar
3- Capability or power
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Certainly, Allah has power over all things. (2:20)

Summary of Definitions
Qada and Qadar are interrelated and
sometimes used interchangeably. Qadar leads
to Qada because Allahs qadar
(predestination) results in His Qada (decree or
Likewise , Qada leads to the meaning of Qadar
because a Qada (decree) from Allah must
have been proceeded by His

Pillars of Belief in Al-Qadar

2- Belief that Allah has written everything in the
preserved tablet
Do you not know that Allah knows what is in
the heaven and earth? Indeed that is in a
Record. (22:70)
The Prophet (S) said: Allah recorded the
measurement of all matters pertaining to
creation fifty thousand years before He
created the heavens and earth. [Muslim]

Definition of Qadar
4- Allahs predestination
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Verily, We have created all things with Qadar
(Divine Preordainments of all things before
their creation). (54:49)

Pillars of Belief in Al-Qadar

1 Belief in the all encompassing knowledge of
Allah knows what was and what is yet to
come, with regard to that which does not
happen, if it were to happen, he knows how it
would be.
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and that Allah surrounds (comprehends) all
things in (His) Knowledge

Pillars of Belief in Al-Qadar

3- The belief that nothing can occur without
Allahs permission.
Whatever Allah wills happens, and whatever
he does not will does not happen.
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If Allah willed, He would have made you one
nation (5:48)

Pillars of belief in Al-Qadar

Miscellaneous Issues concerning


4-The belief that Allah created all creation

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Allah is the Creator of all things (39:62)
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He has created each thing and determined it
with [precise] determination. (25:2)

Benefits of Belief in Al-Qadar

Creation of Evil
Creation of Satan
Clarification of some misconcepts


Completion of faith
True reliance on Allah
Removes arrogance and shows gratitude
Brings about tranquility and security
One avoids laziness
Brings about submission

Moral Code & Good Character in Islam

Foundation of Moral code
Importance of Good Character
Virtue of Good Character in Islam

Connection Between Faith and

1 The Muslim who believes that Allah can hear
him and see him and knows his secrets, and
that belief is very strong in him, will be
affected by this in contrast to a person whose
belief in these matters is weak might do.

Connection Between Faith and


Connection Between Faith and


2 The Muslim who believes in the promises

and warnings of Allah will be motivated by
that belief to do that which is beloved to
Allah, and to keep away from everything that
is hated by Him.

3 Islam urges us to do a great deal of good

deeds, confirming their connection to belief in
Allah and the Last Day, and it forbids sins and
deeds that incur punishment by reminding us
of belief in Allah and the Last Day

Connection Between Faith and


Connection Between Faith and


4 Belief in Qada and Qadar prevents many

aspects of bad character and sins, such as g
anger, cursing and wailing. Faith in Qada and
Qadar also calls a person to acquire the best
of attitudes, such as patience, acceptance and
seeking reward.

5 The Prophet (S) explained in his Sunnah that

false belief, such as hypocrisy, leads to bad
attitudes and bad deeds.


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