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Bibliografia sobre Demstenes (a tall dexemple):

. De Robertis, F.; Canfora, L. Per la storia del testo di Demostene: i papiri delle Filippiche. Bari:
Edizioni Dedalo, 2015.
. Dren, A. Die Rezeption des Demosthenes von den Anfngen bis ins 17. Jh. Bonn: Dr. Rudolf
Habelt GmbH, 2 vols., 2014.
. Wolfgang, W. Demosthenes. Darmstadt: Primus Verlag, 2013.
. Worthington, I. Demosthenes of Athens and the Fall of Classical Greece. New York: O. U. P.,
. MacDowell, D. M. Demosthenes the Orator. Oxford: O. U. P., 2009
. MacDowell, D. M. Demosthenes the Orator. Oxford: O. U. P., 2009.
. Wooten, C. A Commentary on Demostheness Philippic I. New York: O. U. P., 2008
. Pernot, L. Lombre du tigre: recherches sur la rception de Dmosthne. Napoli: M. DAuria
editore, 2006.
. Gibson, C. A. Interpreting a classic: Demosthenes and his Ancient Commentators.
Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002.
. Worthington, I. Demosthenes: Statesman and Orator. London: Routledge, 2000.
. Vlachos, G. K.
. Vlachos, G. K. Lide dhomme libre dans la Rpublique des Athniens: le tmoinage de Dmos.
Athnes: Editions Ant. N. Sakkoulas, 1994.
. Sealey, R. Demosthenes and his time: a study in dfeat. New York: O. U. P., 1993.
. Carlier, P. Dmosthne. Paris: Fayard, 1990.
. Jaeger, W. Demstenes. Mxico. F. C. E., 1976 (1 ed. 1938).
Informaci general sobre el segle IV:
. Gmez Espelosn, F. J. Introduccin a la Grecia Antigua. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.
Clsicos de Grcia y Roma. Biblioteca Temtica 8209, 2008, 1 ed. 1998, captol 4: El
siglo IV. Una poca de transicin?
Bibliografia sobre Histria de Grcia i sobre el segle IV (a tall dexemple):
. Ober, J. The Rise and Fall of Classical Greece. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2015.
. Howe, T.; Garvin, E.; Wrightson, G. Greece, Macedon and Persia: studies in social, political
and military history in honour of Waldemar Heckel. Oxford: Oxbow books, 2015.
. Parker, V. A History of Greece: 1300 to 30 BC. Chichester, England: Wiley Blackwell, 2014.
. Stuttard, D. A History of Ancient Greece in Fifty Lives. London: Thames & Hudson, 2014.
. Rhodes. P. J. A Short History of Ancient Greece. London: I. B. Tauris, 2014.
. Wood, P. Ancient Greece. London: Folens 2012.
. Roisman, J. Ancient Greece from Homer to Alexander: the Evidence. Oxford. WileyBlackwell, 2011.
. Doumanis, N. A History of Greece. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire; New York:
Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
. Gabriel, R. A. Philip II of Macedonia: Greater than Alexander. Washington, D. C.: Potomac
Books, 2010.
. Cartledge, P. Ancient Greece: a History in Eleven Cities. Oxford: O. U. P., 2009.

. Antela-Bernrdez, B. Pricles no hi s: breu histria de lantiga Grcia. Barcelona: UOC,

. Worthington, I. Philip II of Macedonia. New Haven; London: Yale University Press, 2008.
. Pascual Gonzlez, J. Grecia en el siglo IV a. C. Madrid: Sntesis, 1997.
. Tritle, L. A. The Greek World in the Fourth Century. London, 1997.
. Mayer, M. Histria del mn clssic: Grcia i Roma. Barcelona: UOC, 1997.
. Carlier, P. Le IV sicle jusqu la mort dAlexandre, Nouvelle Histoire de lAntiquit. Paris:
Seuil, 1995.
. Starr, Ch. G. Greek and Persians in the Fourth Century B.C.. A Study in Cultural
Contacts before Alexander. Iranica Antiqua 11, 1975, pp. 39-99 y 1977, pp. 49-115.
Retrica Grega, Retrica Clssica (a tall dexemple):
. Gunderson, E. The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Rhetoric. Cambridge: C. U. P., 2009
. Wothington, I. (ed.). A Companion to Greek Rhetoric. Malden, MA.: Blackwell, 2007.
. Carawan, E. (ed.). Oxford Readings in the Attic Orators. Oxford; New York: O. U. P., 2007.
. Schiappa, E. The Beginnings of Rhetorical Theory in Classical Greece. New Haven: Yale
University Press, 199.
. Wothington, I. (ed.). Persuasion: Greek Rhetoric in Action. London: Routledge, 1994.
. Cole, Th. The Origins of Rhetoric in Ancient Greece. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University
Press, 1991.

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