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Figurative Language List


Figurative language is language that is used in ways that differ from the literal
connotations and definitions of individual words or phrases. Figurative language is used to imply concepts and
meanings that are more complicated than those that can be conveyed with literal language.
There are many different methods, called figurative devices or literary devices, by which figurative language can be
used. These are very often found in literature, and identifying figurative language is an integral part of literary
analysis. Furthermore, being familiar with figurative language and figurative devices is important for writing as
well as reading. This list of figurative devices will introduce you to figurative language.

Figurative Language
1. Imagery Imagery is broadly defined, usually in terms of writing, as the descriptive language used by an author
to provide an image in the readers mind, appealing to one of the five senses. Imagery is the use of any descriptive
words or phrases that result in a clearer mental picture of the person, place, thing, or situation being described. Many
other figurative language devices can qualify as imagery.
Forgive me; they were delicious, so sweet and so cold.
The scream reverberated through the silence of the neighborhood.
The jewels, emeralds, sapphires, rubies, sparkled at her throat.
She was overwhelmed by the sweet smell of the cookies when she walked in.
Getting into the bed was like crawling onto a soft, fluffy cloud.
2. Simile A simile is a comparison of two things that are not necessarily alike, using connecting a word to link the
comparison. The connecting word is most commonly like or as. Similes are usually used to make a description
more vivid or memorable, or to establish a certain characteristic of the thing being described.
He was courageous as a lion.
Her beauty is like a rose.
Seeing this play is like watching paint dry.

I slept like a log.

His dry skin was like sandpaper.
3. Metaphor A metaphor is a figure of speech used to compare two unlike things by claiming that one thing is
another. Unlike a simile, a metaphor does not use a connecting word such as like or as. It asserts that the two
things being compared are equal to one another. Like a simile, a metaphors purpose is to strengthen a description or
comparison, and make it more memorable or vivid.
The test was a breeze for him.
You are everything to me.
All the worlds a stage.
Time is a thief.
Love is a battlefield.
4. Alliteration Alliteration is the repetition of similar sounds within a sentence or a phrase. It is sometimes more
specifically defined as the repetition of sounds at the beginning of words, or in stressed syllables. Alliteration is used
a lot in poetry, but in prose as well, and its purpose is usually to call attention to that particular set of words, or to
contribute to the overall rhythm and flow of the writing.
She sells seashells by the seashore.

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.

Grandma gave us gravy and grapes.
Hopefully, Howards house has heat.
Bridget bought a blue bouquet.
5. Hyperbole Hyperbole is the use of extreme exaggeration or extravagant statements, meant to create a strong
impression, as well as to evoke or indicate strong feelings. Hyperbole is not meant or interpreted literally, but the
exaggeration contributes to the true meaning of what is being said.
Ive been waiting for this forever.
The kids were starving to death by the time they went to lunch.
Your luggage weighs a ton.
He thought he would die of embarrassment.
She felt like shed slept for years.
6. Personification Personification is a method of assigning human characteristics to any non-human object or
entity. Personification is often used to clarify or richen the description of something, or to emphasize a certain
characteristic of a non-human creature or object.

Opportunity will soon be knocking at your door.

The mountains were swallowed by the heavy clouds.
The stars danced around the night sky.
The big day really snuck up on her.
His book was so popular that copies flew off the shelves.
7. Onomatopoeia Onomatopoeia is defined as words whose spelling and pronunciation imitate natural sounds.
Onomatopoeia is used to intensify a description of a sound, and make it more effective with a word that represents
and resembles that sound.
The party guests murmured softly throughout the room.
The injured man moaned in pain.
The bus zipped quickly by.
The bees are buzzing in the garden.
He splashed happily in the pool.
8. Oxymoron An oxymoron is a phrase or term that consists of juxtaposed words (usually only two) that appear
to contradict one another. Oxymorons are sometimes used to produce a comedic effect, but are also often meant to
emphasize the contradictory or confusing nature of an emotion or situation.

The movie was a tragic comedy.
They found original copies of the book in the basement.
His mother was awfully nice.
There was a minor crisis at work earlier today.
She gave her friend the bigger half of the sandwich.
9. Allusion An allusion is a reference to a widely known person, place, or event. The subject of an allusion is
referred to rather than explained in detail. The purpose of an allusion is often to clarify an idea or concept by
referencing another idea that is universally recognized and understood.
He thinks hes such an Einstein anytime he answers a question correctly.
I didnt realize that by starting the conversation I had opened Pandoras box.
She would talk about almost anything, but this subject was her Achilles heel.
The backyard was so beautiful and peaceful that it felt like the Garden of Eden.
My mother was being a real Scrooge during the holidays.
10. Idiom An idiom is a phrase or group of words that have a figurative meaning that differs from their literal
meanings, and are understood by many due to common usage and repetition. Idioms exist in all languages, but

usually cannot be understood based on the literal definitions of the words involved. Idioms are used in writing to
convey a particular meaning or sentiment in a unique way.
Break a leg! I said to him before the show.
She really let the cat out of the bag when she revealed the secret plans.
The exam was challenging for some, but for others it was a piece of cake.
The story was so absurd that I was sure he was pulling my leg.
I told them to keep an eye out for the missing dog.
11. Pun A pun is a joke or phrase that takes advantage of words that have multiple definitions. Puns are almost
always used for comic purposes.
He was having trouble remembering how to fasten the seatbelt, but then it clicked.
She couldnt recall how to throw a boomerang, but it came back to her.
The vegetarian said theyd met, but hed never seen herbivore.
The scarecrow was promoted for being out standing in his field.
I was hit with a can of soda, but I was okay, because it was a soft drink.

Learning More
Now that youre familiar with some figurative language devices, you can put them to use in your own speech or
writing, and become better at identifying them when you read or hear them. A basic understanding of figurative
language, including those devices on this list and many more, and how it is used will improve the
way you write, the way you speak, and the way you interpret written and spoken words.
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