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Start Count: 39 Persons

End Count: _____ Persons
Anyone Can Fall
-Talk a bit to make everyone comfortable, talk about
Mostly have you guys teach me and talk with each other; keep you as
indepdendent as possible, the more you can do for yourself the better you
will feel. If you have fallen before, may be harder to do things dfor yourself;
really important to think about what we can do.
When Im talking, if there is any questions; just ask anytime instead of
saving it to the end.
Theres a guess; theyre all celebs; theyve all fallen; all had serious
injurty from a fall; castro fell and broke his elbow at daughters gradu; never
had the same function in that arm since. Hillary Clinton broke her ; her
mother had a couple of hip placements;
Theory; the hip breaks and then the person falls; whast they have
discovered is that it is not as common; occasionally if you have really weak
bones; they may go down 95% of hip factures are from a fall; fall and then
How may have you had a fall or trip; about a third of people in this
room; anyone want to share a story
Im wondering if you have a story; ? And is there a certain time of
day? Any patterns? THANK YOU, thank you; anyone else? YES! When the fall
actually happened, what were you doing? There you go, thank you very
much. I have a story I can share too; I did everything I tell people not to do,
not doing what I tell other people tell me to do; when we left toys are us;
short bike rack; until stepped on itl and down I went; I did live to tell about
One last story; fallen within our suits; had about three falls; but we
have got linoneum; underrug; Thats a good point; moving from one surface
to another;

Why? There is whatever it is that caused the fall that is not

addressed is likely to cause subsequent falls; change in medication; new
environment; so now when I know every time I go; I can recognize the bike
Women are more likely to be hospitalized for a fall because women
have weaker bones; not that men cant have it; but
They key things I want to remember is not stats; but the key is that
Q: does the season make a difference; it can make a difference; the
question is; can there be more times in the year where calls can happen; but
what we do know is that people who are more active; falls are more outside,
versus people who are inactive; falls inside;
This just shows that (probably cant see the number) over 65% are
because of a fall; for injury; there are very few in number compared to falls;
What happens after a fall?
-They might not go out as often, especially in the winter; icy, snowy,
dont want to wipe out again; then its a spiral; not going out as often, not
moving as often; not as strong, makes it more likely more of us can fall;
does that make sense?
I like a little humor; the caption reads: --- the point of this is that
what are the things that cause a fall
----If you think about wht we talked about earlier; this lady, this
gentleman; this lady, this person - - - what made them fall? Osteroposis
thinner bones; there are things you can do to control that; sometimes you
need meds, some times you dont
If you think back to my fall, what contributed to my fall? Talking to
kids, distracted; not knowing where it is;
---Some times you know, we are rushing to the phone, well remember
that the thing is there; BUT if we are in a rush, it may be a tripping hazard;

Did you know that as you get older, we need more lights to see; 60X more
light than a teenager; thats a big chunck of why that is; vision, lighting; is a
big issue; can use a child night light;
I have this picture with all the puzzle pieces on it;
Medication: side effects or medication itself; sometimes its foodware;
kidney bloodpresure or fizziness; storke, parkinsons, nutrition; what do you
thin kabout nutrition; if you dont eat properly affects how you walk; fluid
intake, what do you think; so the trick is to drink earlier in the day; drinking
enough through the day; if youre feeling thirsty, you know youre already
dehydrated; tea and coffee still counts; when you get dehydrates; it changes
electrolytes and we get dizzy;
Risk taking; having an ego; well take risks that we might not other
wise do; think about risk; mother in law; takes out cane; what do you we by
home safety; the life line; calling life line to call for help; depression;
Ifwere feeling blue, not getting outm not getting down to have meals
with people; depression can contribute to falls; when were depressed, nto
eating as well; sometimes the medications froe depression can contribute as
well; some of these things you cant change; then its a question of how do I
work with what we have.
And well get to that in a couple of minutes; baby gates up so we dont
fall off the stairs; wont wipe out; did these kinds of things for little kids,
things that we can fall proof
This picture of woman shes holding books, some of us only has
problems; and the more problems or books she holds, the more likely you re
to fall; the ore risk factors, the more likely you are to fall; in an case, there
are some things thankfully we can do to prevent a fall;
The first thing we recommend is that: -- checking your medication;
The second . . .
The third. . .
We will start with medications; reviwed once a year, can double check
it doesnt interact with each other and those kinds of things; can contribute
to a fall; sometimes its good to let them know about prescriptions; over the
counter medications;

---Then ask: any questions about the medications?

How many of us have never heard? Anyone body have not heard these
messages? But hard to do? Some people feel like, Ive worked hard all my
life; I dont want to run a marathon anymore; if you have a walker; have
difficulty getting around;
Maybe I can ask you guys for some examples about what to do to stay
active? And is there anything that you do to stay active? Any other
The one that I like to emphasize is that you are never too old to get
active; I know 98 year olds who have started something new and love it to
get active;
I dont want to have heart concerns, to get cancer; etc; but THIS
impact our minds, bones, general health etc; its quite important; this is
more common;
The third message s: watch your step; not to look just infront of you;
ETS buses can lower; the other thing I know is when you pull theuzzer;
when you get on, they take off before youre sitting down, thats a hazard;
some people will get up before the bus stops;
Sometimes, its not rocket science, but its just nice to be reminded
sometimes; so having meds checked, but vision is important to get checked
every year; dont forget to wash your glasses; the caption is. . .
Want to check your footware; not going to look; but I find these really
good to wear; like a sandle; a lot fo sandles and lfip flops, etc need to have
the strap at the back; anything slip on and walk around like a slipper in the
house not recommended
Thats great; thank you for showing these;
Wearing boots today; no shoe laces to trip on; how high is the heel;
across the toe; what about the heel on this; its a little low; no strap to hold
htem on;
So my question is: can you twist it; the twist test; can it twist? If yes,
then its bad; whats a good heel height?

What makes a good shoe? Quarter inch oo one inch height. Heel at the
back is rounded; if that edge catches, then it can slide, having a round can
be bad, want to look for shoes where they are tall and wide, therefore, it can
accommodate; if you have squicshy shoes you get foot pain, if you have foot
pain; dont want to cause more pain?
Edmonton is a town that love slippers; I would not recommend; crocs
swim around in them, not good; as comfortable as they are; some handouts
in the back tables as well; they are non-slip socks; if you like to do that r
like to take a nap in the afternoon; this white thing is sticky o nthe floor, it
will give some grip; not selling them, but can tell you later where you can
guy them from; socks can slip around; part of it can touch the floor
Some streets are really wide, the lights dont give you enough tiem to
get across; but if youre pressing the button, if you get to the corner, and
the hand is already up, wait until it gets fresh; anot other suggestions; I
make sure they see me; visibility is important; wait until they stop; honk
and honk back; some people are impatient; maps can be a challenge; in the
fdoor; kitchen, curl up and down we go; want to make sure that the rubber
on the bottom can wear off;
I understand some of them are non-slip; and some of them are not.
Have you heard of reachers? Of bars?
Have them do it with you lying down and then standing upl if you to
stand up too fast and you feel dizzy, thats what that tests for; they know
how to do that; you can ask them to check for that;
Does anyone get that? And what do you do? And wait until circulation;
blood starts flowing and start again; if the phone is ringing when youre lying
down, let it ring
What have any of you done to get help? Get help, press your button, I
love tht idea; if you are down here, the staff will not be able to help; every
building does that a bit differently, and theres a reason for help; so you are
not lying down for a long time; if theres not anyone then what? Who has a
cell phone in the room; call for help;

Electric toilet seats a lot of equiptment ; there are higher toiler seats
easier to get on and off; occupational therapists can assess what is best for
you; getting in and out of the tub; there is a water pressed tseats; ait will
lower ad rise you up; those kinds of equptiment in the city; in the icty its
not a problem. If you like to soak, and you cant get into the bottom of the
tub; probided through the alberta aids program.
Any other comments or balance? trouble with drapes; So how do you
do it now? Want that pull? You use a cane, Im glad you raised that point;
somethimes when you look up, etc;
How can vitamins make people more prone to falling?

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