Analyze The Causes and Effects of The European Alliance System

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Analyze the causes and effects of the European alliance system

This system led to the division of Europe into two antagonistic power blocs, its degree of secrecy
led to fear and suspicion between nations, and it transformed local disputes into a general
conflict. While other arguments point to factors such as militarism, economic rivalries, and
domestic issues as the major causes of the war, these causes would not have been as significant
except within the context of the alliance system.

Understand why a stalemate developed on the western front:

Stalemate developed along the Western Front because the tactics of offensive warfare had not
developed while the technology of defensive warfare had. The invention of the machine gun,
especially, had made it so that headlong charges of masses of soldiers were suicidal. But the
heads of the armies had not figured out any ways to attack that did not involve frontal assaults.
Because of this, they got bogged down in the trenches with no way to maneuver around the
enemy and no way to break through the enemy.

Summarize how colonies fought in the war:

.Analyze the causes and effects of American entry into the war:
The immediate cause of America's entry into World War I in April 1917 was the German
announcement of unrestricted submarine warfare, and the subsequent sinking of ships with
Americans on board (the Lusitania.). Another reason was the telegram from Germany to

Explain why many people were dissatisfied with the Treaty of Versailles and the
other peace settlements: 1)
Germany thought the terms were harsh (money being due, land being taken away) and
unreasonable and they were not allowed to negotiate. 2) For the United States Woodrow Wilson
was an idealist and wanted to build a better and more powerful world from the ruins of the first
world war. He was worried that if they treated Germany too harshly, then Germany would
someday get revenge. Woodrow Wilson believed that all nations should agree and cooperate to
achieve world peace. 3) At the Paris Peace Conference the Italians were more or less excluded
from the decision making process, gaining only a small piece of territory on their northeast
border.The territory they had been promised back in 1915 went, instead, partly to the newly
constituted Hungary, but mostly to Serbia.

Describe the goals of Lenin and the Bolsheviks in the November Revolution

Lenin and the Bolsheviks decided to launch the November Revolution because they wanted to
overthrow the people that they thought were in an elite class. It is believed that the revolution
was successful because it was well organized, the Bolshevik army was powerful, Lenin was a
great leader, German financed it, the propaganda was well done, and the previous government
was weak and disliked by most citizens at the time. All of the conditions were right for the
revolution to go smoothly.

Describe how international rivalries and nationalism pushes Europe towards

During the time right before WWI nations were evolving some what in weaponry and it was
almost like a race to see who had the fastest planes and most powerful guns. The countries felt
pride in this and had a greater sense of nationalism and wanted to see their country win. but the
race got out of control and got violent creating the start of WWI.

Same as question #6

Outline how the communists defeated their opponent in Russia's civil war:
communists shot the former tsar and tsarina and their five children in July 1918 to keep them
from becoming a rallying symbol for counterrevolutionary forces.The communists used terror
not only against the Whites, but also to control their own people. They organized the Cheka, a
secret police force much like the tsar's.

Analyze the effects of nationalism in Latin America in the 1920's and 1930's:
Economic nationalism: emphasis on home control of the economy. The purpose was to not have
to buy so many products from other countries. Local entrepreneurs set up factories, governments
raised tariffs, some nations took over foreign-owned assets. Unequal distribution of wealth held
back economic development. Moved to political nationalism: economic crisis caused people to
lose faith in the ruling oligarchies and the ideas of liberal government. Liberalism was a
European theory, that people felt did not work in Latin America. People wanted command

Identify the causes and effects of the Mexican Revolution

Causes:Mexicans were tired of the government they had in the early 1900s. There was economic
inequality among Mexicans. The government was being really abusive with the people. Porfirio
Daz's imprisonment of his electoral opponent.The dictatorial rule of Porfirio Daz. They decided
to start the revolution in 1910. Effects: Reorganization of the government (ie: no more re
elections for president) Land was redistributed among people (known as communal or ejido

Explain how Turkey and Persia modernized

Turkey= Ottoman sultan signed Treaty of Secres which meant they lost Arab and African lands.
Turkish Nationalist lead by Mustafa Kemal overthrew the Sultan and declared Turkey a republic.
His goal was to modernize turkey and separate religion from the government. The government
build railroads and factories
Persia= Reza Khan overthrew the shah and set up his own dynasty with himself as shah. He build
roads, railroads, factories and set up schools. He forced his people to wear western clothes.

Analyze how Mohandas Gandhi influenced the independence movement.

Gandhi influenced the independence movement by showing indians that they didn't have to be
dependent on the British rule. He did this by a Salt March, burning his pass books in Africa, ect.
In the end he was able to free India from British rule by creating boycotts and by peace full

Explain the effects of liberal changes in Japan during the 1920s

Japan moved toward more widespread democracy. Political parties grew stronger. The zaibatsu
(Japan's powerful business leaders) influenced the government through donations to political
parties. They pushed for policies that favored international trade and their own interests. To
protect relations with the western powers, moderate japanese politicians decided to slow down
foreign expansion.

Describe how the militarists used their power in the 1930s

In Japan they assassinated opponents and socialists, removing democratic freedoms, revived
ancient warrior values, cult of personality. They also used propaganda.
In Italy the state control of the economy, dictatorship upheld by terror
Use of schools and youth organizations to spread ideology to children

Analyze how nationalism grew in Africa

pan-african congress in 1919 in Paris, forced western powers to approve a charter of rights for
Africans, also established cooperation among African and African American leaders
negritude movement= pride in Africa's rich cultural heritage
Pan-Africanism: unity of Africans and people of African descent worldwide
ANC protested unfair laws and built a framework for political action in later years

Explain the key challenges faced by the Chinese republic in the early 1900s
warlords seized power in the provinces, which caused economy to collapse and peasants suffered
terrible hardships
-foreign powers had great influence over Chinese affairs, foreign merchants, missionaries, and
soldiers dominated Chinese ports
-WWI: Japanese officials presented Yuan Shikai (leader of China) with the Twenty One

Demands, a list of demands that sought to make China a Japanese protectorate, Yuan gave in
-1919 Paris Peace Conference: Allies gave Japan control over some former German possessions
in China, which infuriated Chinese Nationalists

Explain what motivated the Indian independence movement after WWI

Amritsar massacre: British troops fired on an unarmed crowd of Indians, which proved that India
needed to govern itself. Britain promised Indians greater self government for Indians serving
overseas, but only gave limited reforms

Analyze the struggle between two rival parties as they fought to control China

Analyze how Western Society changed after WWI

Women were moving into paid employment and the professions, and there were feminist
movements demanding the right to vote. The lower classes were increasingly finding education
and improved life chances a possibility. Conditions in the workplace were changing for
everyone, but in particular, skilled workers (especially in the new engineering and electrical
applications) were gaining status and recognition: a technician class was in the making.

Describe how the Great Depression began and spread and how Britain, France
and the US tried to address it.
Began when stock market crashed. It spread because American banks stopped making loans
abroad and demanded repayment of foreign loans. Germany suffered and could not pay
reparations. Britain, France, and the US tried to address it many ways. Britain set up a coalition
government made up of leaders from all 3 of its major political parties. This provided some jobs.
In France, leader Leon Blum helped to solve labor problems. In the US, FDR introduced the
New Deal which helped the people a lot.

Understand the values and goals of fascist ideology.

They were extreme nationalists that glorified action, violence, discipline, and blind loyalty to the
state. They rejected equality and liberty. They emphasized the supremacy of the state.

Describe the effects of Stalin's five-year plans.

Stalin's 5 year plan aimed at building heavy industry, improving transportation, and increasing
farm output. This created many large factories, hydroelectric power stations, and huge industrial
complexes. Oil, coal, and steel production grew. Mining expanded, and more railroads were
built. On the down side, the standard of living remained low. Managers turned out with a lot of
low quality goods. The production of things like clothing, cars, and refrigerators were scarce.

Explain how Stalin tried to control how people thought in the Soviet Union
Stalin ruled out of fear. He used secret police, torture, and violent purges to ensure obedience.
Police spies opened up private letters and planted listening devices. Critics of Stalin were also
sent to the Gulag (brutal labor camps) where most died. This forced people to follow Stalin and
agree with his ideas.

Describe the Nazi party's political, social, economic, and cultural policies.
The Nazi Party suspended civil rights, destroyed the socialists and communists, and didn't allow
any other political parties. Nazi's controlled everything, government, religion, education, and
everything inbetween. Anyone against Hitler was killed or simply stayed quiet to stay safe.
Nazi's and Hitler set out to drive Jew's out of Germany. They beat and robbed Jews. Many Jews
fled to find safety in other countries.

List several advances in modern scientific thought.

New telephones
motion picture

Summarize how Mussolini changed Italy.

He changed Italy into a fascist country. He made everyone put the state over their own individual
goals. He told the people that he would end corruption and replace turmoil with order. He also
said that he would turn the Mediterranean into the "Roman Lake" once again. Mussolini formed
a government as prime minister, after being asked by King Victor Emmanuel III in fear of a civil
war, and came back triumphantly. He was now appointed to lead Italy and from there turned Italy
into a fascist country.

List communist changes to Soviet society

controlled what books were published, what music was heard, which works of art were displayed
destroyed the peoples religious faith
tried to replace religion with own ideology
destroyed social order
all children had to attend communist build schools
free medical care
women won equality under law

Describe how the Spanish Civil War was a dress rehearsal for WW2
Because it came right before World War 2 and during the Spanish Civil war maybe tactics and
weaponry were practiced for WW2.

Summarize Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union

Called Operation Barbarossa, Germany invaded the Soviet Union because he wanted more land
and resources, and he wanted to crush communism and his powerful rival, Stalin.

Summarize how the allies began to push back the Japanese in the Pacific:
The US used a technique called island hopping, this would destroy any islands run by the
japanese who would shoot down airlines going above it, this way they could drop the atomic

Describe the issues faced by the Allies after World War II:
they faced the cold war and united nations

Summarize the ways in which continuing Nazi aggression led Europe to war:
Hitler's aggressive foreign policy is the reason to the broke out of war in Europe,Hitler's aim of
taking away the land that belonged to other countries make the breakout of war more likely and
the nazi soviet pact is important b/c hitler always worried that he would have to fight on two
front when taking over Poland,he do not want to fight with Russia and the british, so by signing
agreement with Russia will give Germany a greater possibility to take over Poland,because
Russia promised to stay neutral,this will lead to the war in Europe because this actually
embolden Hitler's aggression

Describe how the axis powers came to control much of europe, but failed to
conquer Britain:
The German luftwaffe lost the Battle of Britain, therefore failed to gain control of Britain's
airspace and crucially - air superiority over the English channel..Germany could not risk carrying
out an invasion without crippling the Royal Air Force, because if the Royal Air Force could
intervene in the English channel, it could have wiped out the German invasion forces.

Describe the role of the US before and after joining WWII:

Before WW2 the US tried to stay neutral to minimize deaths.

36. Understand how nations devoted all of their resources into fighting WWII:
this was called "total war" germany was a country who used all their resources in war and ended
up losing in the end anyways, so they lost all their resources.

.Explain the american strategy for ending the war against Japan and the
consequences of that strategy

The atomic bomb planted on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, this was a devastation to japan, killed a
lot of people and caused mass destruction, japan surrendered

Analyze how new conflicts developed between the former allies in the years
following WWII:

Learn how nuclear weapons threatened the world

Nuclear weapons destroy everything near where its dropped and can kill many people, but it can
also leave radioactive material which would kill anyone who survived

Compare and contrast the soviet union and the US in the cold war:

Understand how the United States prospered and expanded opportunities

Free market/capitalism/democracy, aided other countries and became a national leader,
suburbanization, and sunbelt (people moving to south for jobs)

Explain how western europe rebuilt its economy after WWII

U.S. aid through the Marshall Plan as well as a welfare state to secure economy (not for long),
and European Community

Analyze China's communist Revolution

Mao Zedong fought civil war against nationalists and won (many nationalists fled to Taiwan0
Communism became more popular, collectivization (forced pooling of peasant land and labor),
Great Leap Forward (failed), Cultural Revolution (purge of bourgeois tendencies)

Analyze the changes that transformed Eastern Europe

People that fought against Soviet domination, resent to communism, Russia crumbled, tear down
of Berlin Wall, free elections, no longer division of Germany, no more communist leaders

Explain how war came to Korea and how the two Koreas followed different
the two Koreas found themselves on opposite sides of the Cold War, both leaders wanted to rule
entire country and North Korea attacked South Korea

Understand how the two sides faced off in Europe during the Cold War

Communist/command economy vs. Capitalism/ Free Market, arms race

Understand how the U.S. prospered and expanded opportunity

capitalism, free market

Learn how America entered the Vietnam War

Domino theory (trying to protect South Vietnam from communism in the north)

Understand how the Soviet Union declined

Command economy could no longer compete against market economy and could not keep up
with arms race. Afghanistan War did not help with economy/military costs, Gorbachev tried
more towards market economy, but failed, leading to much unemployment and other detrimental

Explain how communism declined worldwide and the U.S. became the sole
With the Unites States' main rival collapsed, the U.S. became recognized as the world leader.
Everyone accepted and realized that they could not become stronger than the U.S. and eventually
adopted the name of the "world policemen."

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