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No. 100


The 5 most common errors related to the OCTOPUS 101


Sales and Service Departments





Below is a list of the most common errors in regard to the OCTOPUS 101. If you encounter one of
the errors below then please proceed as described.

Error message 153 - Radius limit exceeded (probably lamp defect)

Description: This error will be displayed on the LCD screen of the OCTOPUS 101, usually
during the calibration process. During calibration the stimulus intensity needs to be calibrated.
For this procedure the stimulus light is deflected by the mirror on the mirror unit towards the
centre of the cupola, where the hole is situated for the stimulus light to shine through onto the
photo sensor. If the sensor does not detect the correct amount of light intensity (checked up to
three times) then the error message 153 will be displayed.
Proceed as follows:
1. Check the stimulus lamp. Is the stimulus lamp on during calibration?
YES: Proceed to step 2.
NO: Replace the stimulus lamp (see Service Manual or Service News No. 94), calibrate
again. If the lamp still does not turn on, check the power input to the Philips power module
(Part No. 4-0600-0618, only on B/Y perimeters). NOTE: Do not measure the pulsed power
output with a multimeter going from the power module to the metal halide lamp. If the power
input to the Philips power module of 220V AC is ok, replace the Philips power module. If there
is still no light after the lamp and the power module have been changed, contact Service
Department at INTERZEAG AG.
2. During calibration watch the movement of the stimulus light as soon as it appears. It will move
towards the center of the cupola, then continues in a spiral movement until it has hit the
photosensor. Does the stimulus spot hit the photosensor?
YES: Proceed to step 3.
NO: Check the version of Slave B controller, if the version is below V4.02, order a new
Slave B controller chip (see spare parts list). If the controller chip is V4.02 or higher, replace
the mirror unit. Run the calibration procedure again to be sure the problem is solved.
3. Check the maximum intensity of the stimulus light (see Service News No. 94, pt. 8 - 10). Is the
maximum light intensity sufficient?
YES: Calibrate the perimeter again, the error should not appear. If the error still occurs and
you have gone through the above mentioned steps, contact Service Department at
NO: Check and clean the optical components such as the mirror on the mirror unit, grey
wedge module, lenses and deflecting mirror. Allign the stimulus lamp according to Service
News No. 94. If the maximum light is still not sufficient, contact Service Department at

No. 100


The 5 most common errors related to the OCTOPUS 101


2) Error message 166 - Intensity not reached

Error message 169 - Background light defective
Description: The background sensor can not detect enough background light inside the
cupola. The error usually shows up during the calibration procedure.
Proceed as follows:
1. Check and see if the background lamp(s) turn on. This can easily be done by going into the
Test Program (see OCTOPUS 101 Service Manual, page 50) by going into the menu Lamps
(Service Manual, page 59). If you have a OCTOPUS 101 with B/Y option check both
background lamps to determine which lamp is causing the problem. Does the background
lamp(s) turn on?
YES: Proceed to step 2.
NO: Replace the defective background lamp and check if it turns on. If it still does not turn
on, check for any damaged contacts on the lamp socket. If the lamp has been switched on in
the Test Program, measure 12V DC on the lamp socket.
2. In the Test Program turn on the background lamp as mentioned in step 1, then proceed to
menu Mainboard Photosensors. Measure the maximum sensor frequency for the
background lamp. The flap on the lamphouse can easily be opened manually to its maximum
opening it up towards the top part of the cupola.
Compare the background intensity value to the values on the calibration protocol sheet (inside
the perimeter, next to the processor module). The measured value MUST be higher than the
maximum background value mentioned on the calibration protocol sheet.
Is the maximum light intensity sufficient?
YES: Proceed to step 3.
NO: Remove any dust which has accumulated in and on the lamphouse. Remove any dust
particles inside the cupola. Also check the top part of the cupola where the light comes out of
the lamphouse. If the light intensity frequency [Hz] is still not sufficient, replace the lamp and
check the maximum light intensity again. If the light intensity is still too low, contact Service
Department at INTERZEAG AG.
3. If the light intensity is sufficient, observe the measurement (as done in step 2) which must be
set to continuous. If the frequency value [Hz] changes abruptly by a few hundred Hz or even
drops down to the value 0 for short periods of time, the background sensor is defective and
needs to be replaced.

No. 100


The 5 most common errors related to the OCTOPUS 101


3) No eye image on monitor of PC


No eye image is seen on the monitor of the PC.

Proceed as follows:
1. Start an examination to see whether their is an eye image on the LCD screen of the
OCTOPUS 101. Is their an eye image on the LCD screen?
YES: Proceed to step 2.
NO: Check IR illumination and camera. The easiest way to check whether the IR
illumination or camera is defective is by doing the following: In the Test Programs switch on
the camera (Mainboard CCD Camera) and shine light into the cupola by means of a flash
light. If the LCD screen does not light up then it is most likely that the camera is defective and
needs replacement (see Service News No. 93). If however the LCD screen lights up then the
camera is recognizing the light. This means that the IR panels are defective and need to be
After replacement check that the eye image is visible both on the LCD screen as well as on
the monitor of the PC.
2. In Perimetry Programs (on the PC) check that the video interface (Definitions Setup) is
activated, if a Frame Grabber Board is being used. It must be deactivated if the USB function
is being used. Check the video cable (USB cable on perimeters as from Serial No. 940).
Note: It is quite common that video cables have been disconnected by moving the PC or that
the cable has been damaged, therefore check the cable carefully. Is it connected correctly?
YES: Proceed to step 3.
NO: Connect the cable, check for any damages and run an examination to check that the
eye image is displayed on the monitor of the PC.
3. On Perimeters running with a Frame Grabber Board: Check the setup of the Frame
Grabber Board (video board inside the PC). If the setup is ok, it is most likely that the Frame
Grabber Board is defective and needs to be replaced. Replace the Frame Grabber Board and
install the correct software for the Frame Grabber Board as described in the Service Manual.
Run an examination to check that the eye image is displayed on the monitor of the PC.
On Perimeters running with the USB function: Check the installation, see Service News
No. 95 from pt. 9 - 11. Also check the settings described in Service News No. 96 and No. 97.
After the settings have been made, run an examination and check if the eye image is
displayed on the monitor of the PC. If the error still occurs, contact Service Department at

No. 100


The 5 most common errors related to the OCTOPUS 101


4) Error message: Patient rests

Description: The error message can occur due to a number of reasons, usually the patient is
holding down the patient response button or the patient's eye is closed. Other reasons for the
error are described below.
Proceed as follows:
1. If the error occurs even though the patient is seated correctly (with open eye), always first
check if the patient is pressing the patient response button permanently. Is the patient
pressing the response button?
YES: The patient is most probably not relaxed, make sure the patient is relaxed and explain
that the patient response button should only be pressed if a stimulus is seen (for a short
period of time of not more than a second). As soon as the patient has released the response
button, the error should disappear.
NO: The patient response button is probably damaged or has a loose connection. In this
case the response button needs to be replaced. Note: If it is a loose contact the error might
show up occasionally and then suddenly disappear. Replace the patient response button and
check if the error still occurs. If it still occurs proceed to step 2.
2. Check the focus of the camera. If the focus is poor, the camera will not detect the contrast
between pupil and iris. Also the pupil size is not measured correctly. Note: Check focus
without a correction lens inserted in the lensholder. See Service News No. 93, pt. 10. If the
error still occurs, contact Service Department at INTERZEAG AG.

No. 100


The 5 most common errors related to the OCTOPUS 101



Error message 301 - No response from PC

Communication problems

Communication between OCTOPUS 101 and PC is not possible.

Proceed as follows:
1. Open Perimetry Programs V3.16 or higher (on PC) and check in Definitions Setup that the
correct COM port has been selected, it must be the one to which the connection cable to the
OCTOPUS 101 is connected (usually COM1).
Is the setting correct?
YES: Proceed to step 2.
NO: Choose the correct COM port in the program and check that the cable is connected to
the correct port. Run an examination to be sure that the connection is correct.
2. Check that no patient file (*.PVD) has more than 1000 examinations. If files have close to
1000 examinations stored in it, the file should be split up. Too large files can prevent an
examination from being downloaded from the OCTOPUS 101 perimeter to the PC. The result
will be an error message which can also refer to a communication problem. Are any files too
YES: Split up all the large files into smaller files. Run an examination and save it in the new
file. If their is still a communication error, proceed to step 3.
NO: Proceed to step 3.
3. Reset the perimeter by doing the following:
Switch the OCTOPUS 101 off
Press and hold down the patient response button
Switch the OCTOPUS 101 on (response button is still pressed)
After 1 or 2 short beeps (about 2 seconds after turning the OCTOPUS 101 on), release
the patient response button
Run calibration procedure and start an examination. Does the error still occur?
YES: Proceed to step 4.
NO: Problem has been solved.
4. Check the serial RS 232 interface communication on the OCTOPUS 101 without the PC. To
do this follow the steps described in the Service Manual on page 57 under pt. 7.6.1. Note: If
you do not have a test plug you can connect pins 2 and 3 together, as well as pins 7 and 8.
Are 'Sent' and 'Received' messages (abcdefghijkl......) identical?
YES: Proceed to step 5
NO: There is an internal problem. First check the 5V DC and 12V DC on the power
distribution board which goes to the connector panel via J13 (J13: Pin 1 = 5V, Pin 2 = GND,
Pin 3 = 12V). If the voltage is not present (obviously the perimeter is switched on during the
measurement), the power distribution board needs to be replaced.

No. 100


The 5 most common errors related to the OCTOPUS 101


If the voltage is present, the connector panel needs to be replaced. After replacement check
the communication again.
5. If the function of the internal RS232 interface communication is correct, do the same
communication test as described in pt. 4 but this time connect the test plug to the end of the
cable (computer side). If the 'Sent' message does not appear under 'Received, replace the
RS232 cable. If the above mentioned points have been checked but you still have a
communication error, contact Service Department at INTERZEAG AG.


Before contacting the Service Department at INTERZEAG AG due to a problem with

the OCTOPUS 101, make sure that you can provide the following information:

Perimetry Programs software version

Flash software version
Serial No. of the OCTOPUS 101
Controller versions for slave A, B, C and M (seen on the LCD screen after selftest
is completed)
5. PC type used with the OCTOPUS 101

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