Am Worship Sunday: S - D ' E C T B T M 13, 2016

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Sunday, May 15 Pentecost, one service, 9 am, Mother Johanna
Wednesday, May 18 Feast of St. Dunstan, 6 pm, Mother Johanna
Sunday, May 22 Trinity Sunday, Morning Prayer with Communion, 8am and 10am, Liz Graves, Homilist
Wednesday, May 25 Feast of Bede, the Venerable, Priest and Monk, 6 pm, Mother Johanna
Sunday, May 29 Morning Prayer, 8 and 10 am, Dianne Kelley, officiant
Wednesday, June 1 Justin, Martyr at Rome, 6 pm, Mother Johanna
Sunday, June 5 Holy Eucharist, 8 and 10am, Mother Johanna
Saturday, May 14 Parish Cleanup Day, 9ish to 1ish
Sunday, May 15 Vestry Meeting
Sunday, June 5 Housewarming for the Chattin family
Sunday, June 12 Vestry Meeting
Sunday, June 19 ECW Meeting
The 6 pm Mid-Week Eucharists continue. Our worship on Wednesdays has taken on a more
relaxed, contemplative shape. If you have not yet made use of this spiritual practice, please give it a
try. This Wednesday we celebrate our patron saint, Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury, 988.
From Mother Johanna:
In April, I was approached by a family requesting the rededication of a desecrated, colonial, community cemetery in
Trenton. It was severely desecrated in the early 1900s. However, a gravestone was found, belonging to one William
Norris, a veteran of the War of 1812. Now believed to be the oldest cemetery in Trenton, ground penetrating radar will
be used to locate graves of Revolutionary War, the War of 1812 and the Civil War Veterans. To save this cemetery, the
Whittaker/Vining family has purchased the entire 90 acre lot in which the cemetery is located. I have been asked to
preside at a rededication and blessing of the cemetery. This will take place on one of the first three days of June. The
family requests participation of the VFW, a color guard and any veterans who wish to attend. It would be appropriate
for me to be accompanied to this event by a vested crucifer and perhaps someone to transport holy water. If you would
like to volunteer (rain or shine) please let me know.
Sunday School:This week, Sunday School will be offered at the 9am service! Barbara Clark and Liz Carter in charge!
Pentecost Expanded Coffee Hour
Join us after the joint 9 AM service on May 15 for an expanded coffee hour. A sign-up sheet is available downstairs by
the door if you would like to bring in an item to share.

St Dunstan's Spring Clean Up Day, Saturday May 14, 2016.

The work will include the following: Spruce up the grounds and parking area, clean and replant some
gardens, rake lawns, clean undercroft, sanctuary, and bell tower.
A substantial lunch and cold drinks will be provided.
Please bring favorite hand tools or special cleaning items.
We are hopeful for a good turnout of volunteers and know that many hands will ensure a success.
Please contact Dan DeLong at if you have any questions.
We are off to a very busy and successful start at the Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry. On Monday and Wednesday
during our first week, 11 different parishioners and 1 walk on from another church served 45 families representing
95 persons. Our signups for the opportunity to assist others is going well. Be sure to check the neon red poster
to lock in your opportunity to help out at the Pantry. If you would like to learn more about what we do at the
Pantry, you my talk to either Harvey Kelley or Joe Stockbridge or any parishioner who has volunteered this year.
Thanks to all who have signed up to date. Joe

The Holy Garage on Spruce Street, where years ago, St. Dunstans held her first church services, was razed to the
ground this past Monday. Herein, we take note of its passing.
Summertime and The Livin' Is Easy - EZ Coffee Hours Introduced starting May 22
To celebrate the ease of summer, we are introducing a lighter approach to our coffee hours. Gone are the sign-ups to
host or cohost. Retired is the idea that one or two people sponsor an entire coffee hour on a weekly basis. Instead,
beginning May 22nd, if you have something you wish to bring in to share, please do so on any given Sunday.
Anything brought in will accompany our coffee, tea and juice which will always be provided by the church. Some weeks
we may have much and some weeks we may have little, but we will give it a try through June and see how this works.
If you wish to be a "barista" and help put the coffee on, come around 930 a.m. any Sunday to join in the fun in the
kitchen and help with light set up.
Retreat! Retreat!
ECW members are considering hosting a retreat during 2016 for any and all women. If you have any suggestions or
ideas, please fill out a brief survey form so that it can be considered during our May meeting. Survey forms have been
distributed via email and they are also available in the Narthex. A basket to collect completed forms is also available in
the Narthex. Questions? Please contact Leslie.
Rectors Discretionary Fund
St. Dunstans has a Rectors Discretionary Fund (RDF) for the use of our priest. These funds are used for outreach
expenses deemed appropriate. Your donations by cash or check to Mother Johannas RDF are welcome at any time.
Undesignated cash donations from the offering the first Sunday of each month will be directed to the RDF. Your
generosity is greatly appreciated.
The Alcyon Center is an experience of being welcomed body, soul and spirit into the life of a small, practicing
contemplative community. The vision for the Center is rooted in a desire for bold and practical ways to meet the
spiritual hunger of our times. As well as the events listed below, the Center is open for personal or group retreats. For
more information and directions go to our website at; phone (207) 244-1060; email:; write PO Box 40, Seal Cove ME 04674.

Remember to wear your nametags each Sunday!

Marian Wells
Jan Newett
8 am Service
Mother Johanna
George Stevens
9 am Service
10 am Service
Mother Johanna
Mother Johanna
Chalice Bearer
Diana Gazis
Dave Wells
Lay Readers
Diana Gazis, Andrew Chattin, Jim Newett
Dianne Kelley, Marian Wells, Muffet Stewart
Andrew Chattin
Jerry Whitney
Jim Newett
Dianne Kelley
Dave and Marian Wells
Harvey Kelley and Joe Stockbridge
Coffee Hour
Pentecost Expanded Coffee Hour
EZ Coffee Hour
If you should have an emergency, you may contact: Reverend Johanna-Karen Johannson, Priest 902-1013; Senior
WardenDave Wells at 667-6206 (h), 610-3709 (c); Junior WardenDan DeLong at (h) 667-9019. For pastoral needs:
DeaconRev. Joan Preble at 667-4068. Ann is in the office on Thursdays from 9am-3pm.
Our email address is:
Lay Ministers:

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