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Performance Tuning

Last modification: 18-Aug-11


- Installation and Top Init.ora Parameters

- Oracle Performance Checklist
- Instance Tuning
- Application and SQL Tuning
- Distribution of Disk I/O
- Working with UNDO
- Indexes on Foreign Keys (FK)
- Rebuild Indexes
- Hints
- Nologging
- CBO Options (Optimizer Mode)
- Connect using IPC to Local Databases
- Space used per block

Memory Tuning
The total available memory on a system should be configured in such a manner, that all components of the system function at optimum
levels. The following is a rule-of-thumb breakdown to help assist in memory allocation for the various components in a system with an
Oracle back-end.
Oracle SGA Components
Operating System +Related Components
User Memory

~ 50%
~ 35%

The following is a rule-of-thumb breakdown of the ~50% of memory that is allocated for an Oracle SGA. These are good starting numbers
and will potentially require fine-tuning, when the nature and access patterns of the application is determined.


Database Buffer Cache
Shared Pool Area
Fixed Size + Misc
Redo Log Buffer


The following is an example to illustrate the above guidelines. In the following example, it is assumed that the system is configured with 2 GB
of memory, with an average of 100 concurrent sessions at any given time. The application requires response times within a few seconds and
is mainly transactional. But it does support batch reports at regular intervals.
Oracle SGA Components
Operating System +Related Components
User Memory



In the aforementioned breakdown, approximately 694MB of memory will be available for Program Global Areas (PGA) of all Oracle Server
processes. Again, assuming 100 concurrent sessions, the average memory consumption for a given PGA should not exceed ~7MB. It should
be noted that SORT_AREA_SIZE is part of the PGA.
Database Buffer Cache



Shared Pool Area

Fixed Size + Misc

~128 - 188

Redo Log Buffer

~ 1 (average size 512K)

Anot her Example

Let's assume that we have a high water mark of 100 connects sessions to our Oracle database server. We multiply 100 by the total area for
each PGA memory region, and we can now determine the maximum size of our SGA:
The total RAM demands for Oracle is 20 percent of total RAM for MS-Windows, 10% of RAM for UNIX
Here we can see the values for sort_area_size and hash_area_size for our Oracle database. To compute the value for the size of each
PGA RAM region, we can write a quick data dictionary query against the v$parameter view :
set pages 999;
column pga_size format 999,999,999

2048576 + a.value + b.value pga_size

from v$parameter a, v$parameter b
where = 'sort_area_size'
and = 'hash_area_size';
The output from this data dictionary query shows that every connected Oracle session will use 3.6 megabytes of RAM memory for the
Oracle PGA. Now, if we were to multiply the number of connected users by the total PGA demands for each connected user, we will know
exactly how much RAM memory in order to reserve for connected sessions.
Total RAM on Windows Server
1250 MB
Total PGA regions for 100 users:
362 MB
RAM reserved for Windows (20 percent) 500 MB
---------862 MB

Hence, we would want to adjust the RAM to the data buffers in order to make the SGA size less than 388 MB (that is 1250MB - 862 MB).
Any SGA size greater than 388 MB, and the server will start RAM paging, adversely affecting the performance of the entire server. The final
task is to size the Oracle SGA such that the total memory involved does not exceed 388 MB.
Examples f or UNIX Environment s
0) for super machines with 4 GB of ram & swap 12 GB
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=3221225471
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmin=1
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmni=1024
set shmsys:shminfo_shmseg=100
set semsys:seminfo_semmni=1024
set semsys:seminfo_semmns=163840
set semsys:seminfo_semmsl=160
set semsys:seminfo_semmap=163840
set semsys:seminfo_semmnu=163840
set msgsys:msginfo_msgmap=163840
set msgsys:msginfo_msgmax=6144
set msgsys:msginfo_msgmni=640
set msgsys:msginfo_msgssz=64
set msgsys:msginfo_msgtql=640
set msgsys:msginfo_msgseg=32768

1) For high end machines with 2 GB of RAM & 6 GB of swap, we recommend the following:
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=1073741824
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmin=1
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmni=250
set shmsys:shminfo_shmseg=100
set semsys:seminfo_semmni=750
set semsys:seminfo_semmns=75000
set semsys:seminfo_semmsl=100
set semsys:seminfo_semmap=75000
set semsys:seminfo_semmnu=75000
set msgsys:msginfo_msgmap=75000
set msgsys:msginfo_msgmax=6144
set msgsys:msginfo_msgmni=640
set msgsys:msginfo_msgssz=64
set msgsys:msginfo_msgtql=640
set msgsys:msginfo_msgseg=32768
2) For medium end machines with 1 GB of RAM & 3 GB of swap we recommend the following:
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=536870912
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmin=1
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmni=150
set shmsys:shminfo_shmseg=50
set semsys:seminfo_semmni=500
set semsys:seminfo_semmns=50000
set semsys:seminfo_semmsl=100
set semsys:seminfo_semmap=50000
set semsys:seminfo_semmnu=50000
set msgsys:msginfo_msgmap=50000
set msgsys:msginfo_msgmax=2048
set msgsys:msginfo_msgmni=512
set msgsys:msginfo_msgssz=32
set msgsys:msginfo_msgtql=512
set msgsys:msginfo_msgseg=16384

Top Oracle Init .ora's Paramet ers

BUFFER_POOL_KEEP - How many buffers to have for pinned objects that you need
BUFFER_POOL_RECYCLE - How many buffers to have for new stuff that will get pushed out
CHECKPOINT_PROCESS = True (starts CKPT process for better performance at checkpoints)

CLOSED_CACHED_OPEN_CURSORS = Indicates if the cursors must be closed immediatly after the committ. If you are using a lot of
cursors or Developer 2000, use FALSE
COMPATIBLE - Set for correct version and features
CPU_COUNT = number of CPUs on your system.
DB_CACHE_SIZE = This parameter determines the number of blocks in the database buffer cache in the SGA. The buffer cache is a
holding area in memory for database blocks retrieved from disk. Oracle will typically check for the existence of a needed data block
before performing an I/O operation to retrieve it. Increment if the hit ratio < 95%. If this value is too low, then the data will be flushed
from memory, if it is too high then Swapping. Suggestion: 40% or 50% of the total SGA size (for the main application). The standard
interpretation of this value is that we don't have enough buffers in memory if the ratio is less than 90. In this case, almost &frac12; of
the time that we request a buffer we need to go to the disk to find it.
*Determine if DB_CACHE_SIZE is high enough (Goal > 98% for web systems, 95% for others)
select 100-(sum(decode(name, 'physical reads', value,0))/
(sum(decode(name, 'db block gets', value,0)) +
(sum(decode(name, 'consistent gets', value,0))))) * 100
"Read Hit Ratio"
from v$sysstat;
Per Buffer
Another way to see this ratio, as of V8.1, is per pool from the V_BUFFER_POOL_STATISTICS view. This does not include the direct
physical reads, so per pool we would have:
select name,(1-(physical_reads/(db_block_gets+consistent_gets)))*100 cache_hit_ratio
from v$buffer_pool_statistics;


Now logically, we don't care about the hit ration in the RECYCLE pool since this is for buffers that we think will only be used once and
then flushed out. The KEEP and DEFAULT pools still have a much smaller hit ratio than we are told we need. So if we followed the
guidelines we would add more buffers.
A Different Approach
We can ask the question the other way around. Instead of 'Do we need more?' we can as 'Do we have more than we need?' No matter
what the hit ratio is, if we are not using all of the buffers that have been allocated, there is no advantage in allocating more. In fact, this
could slow us down by forcing more swapping at the OS level. So we can just check if there are free buffers:
select count(1) from v$bh where status='free';

This is from the same instance in which I have the 56 percent hit ratio. Here I see that increasing the number of buffers will not impact
the hit ratio at all since I have free buffers right now. But I might want to shift my allocation of buffers between the pools. I want the
highest hit ratio in my keep pool since I know that I am going to be reusing this data. Ideally, I have one buffer free all the time. This
would tell me that I have not over-allocated and that I have exactly what is needed. At the same time I will want to check my paging on
the server. I might make the instance faster by decreasing the size of my SGA. Of course, there are other factors in memory
consumption and you will want to take all into account.

DB_BLOCK_SIZE - Size of the blocks (db_block_size x db_cache_size=bytes for data). Setup on database creation. Generally 8K, for
DW 16K
DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT= DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT controls the number of data blocks read for each
read request during a full table scan. If you are using LVM or striping, this parameter should be set so that
DB_BLOCK_SIZE * DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT is a multiple of the LVM stripe size. If you are not using LVM or striping,
DB_BLOCK_SIZE * DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT should equal the maximum operating system read buffer. On many UNIX
systems and Windows systems this is 64 KB. In any case, DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT cannot be larger than
The maximum read buffer is generally higher on raw file systems. It varies from 64 KB (on AIX) to 128 KB (on Solaris) to 1 MB (HP-UX).
On a UNIX file system, it is usually only possible to read one buffer per I/O, usually 8KB. On 32-bit Windows, the buffer is 256KB.
This parameter will significantly increase the performance of a reorganization if properly tuned. For example, suppose the OS read
buffer is 64 KB, the database block size is 4 KB and DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT is set to eight. During a full table scan,
each I/O operation will read only 32 KB. If DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT is reset to 16, performance will almost double
because twice as much data can be read by each I/O operation.
DB_WRITERS = In Oracle 8.0 and up this parameter has been de-supported and replaced by 2 other parameters namely
The DB_WRITER_PROCESSES parameter supported on Windows NT/Windows 2000?
The Oracle8i documentation and [BUG:925955] incorrectly state that this parameter is not supported on Windows NT/2000.
Multiple DBWR processes are mainly used to simulate asynchronous I/O when the operating system does not support it. Since
Windows NT and Windows 2000 use asynchronous I/O by default, using multiple DBWR processes may not necessarily improve
performance. Increasing this parameter is also likely to have minimal effect on single-CPU systems. Increasing this parameter could, in
fact, reduce performance on systems where the CPU's are already over burdened. In cases where the main performance bottleneck is
that a single DBWR process cannot keep up with the work load, then increasing the value for DB_WRITER_PROCESSES may improve
When increasing DB_WRITER_PROCESSES it may also be necessary to increase the DB_BLOCK_LRU_LATCHES parameter, as each
DBWR process requires an LRU latch.
Reference for setting DB_BLOCK_LRU_LATCHES parameter
Default value: 1/2 the # of CPU's

MAX Value: Min 1, Max about 6 * max(# cpu's,# processor groups)

1)Oracle has found that a optimal value for this would be 2 X # CPU's and would recommend testing at this level.
2)Also setting this parameter to a multiple of # CPU's is important for Oracle to properly allocate and utilize working sets.
3)This value is hard coded in 9i
Increasing this parameter greater than 2 X # CPU's may have a negative impact on the system.
You have just upgraded to 8.0 or 8.1 and have found that there are 2 new parameters regarding DBWR. You are wondering what
the differences are and which one you should use.
In Oracle7, the multiple DBWR processes were simple slave processes; i.e., unable to perform async I/O calls. In Oracle80, true
asynchronous I/O is provided to the slave processes, if available. This feature is implemented via the init.ora parameter
dbwr_io_slaves. With dbwr_io_slaves, there is still a master DBWR process and its slave processes. This feature is very similar to
the db_writers in Oracle7, except the IO slaves are now capable of asynchronous I/O on systems that provide native async I/O,
thus allowing for much better throughput as slaves are not blocked after the I/O call. I/O slaves for DBWR are allocated
immediately following database open when the first I/O request is made.
Multiple database writers is implemented via the init.ora parameter db_writer_processes. This feature was enabled in Oracle8.0.4,
and allows true database writers; i.e., no master-slave relationship. With Oracle8 db_writer_processes, each writer process is
assigned to a LRU latch set. Thus, it is recommended to set db_writer_processes equal to the number of LRU latches
(db_block_lru_latches) and not exceed the number of CPUs on the system. For example, if db_writer_processes was set to four
and db_lru_latches=4, then each writer process will manage its corresponding set.
Things to know and watch out for....
1. Multiple DBWRs and DBWR IO slaves cannot coexist. If both are enabled, then the following error message is produced:
ksdwra("Cannot start multiple dbwrs when using I/O slaves.\n"); Moreover, if both parameters are enabled, dbwr_io_slaves will
take precedence.
2. The number of DBWRs cannot exceed the number of db_block_lru_latches. If it does, then the number of DBWRs will be
minimized to equal the number of db_block_lru_latches and the following message is produced in the alert.log during startup:
("Cannot start more dbwrs than db_block_lru_latches.\n"); However, the number of lru latches can exceed the number of
3. dbwr_io_slaves are not restricted to the db_block_lru_latches; i.e., dbwr_io_slaves >= db_block_lru_latches.
Although both implementations of DBWR processes may be beneficial, the general rule, on which option to use, depends on the
following :
1) the amount write activity;
2) the number of CPUs (the number of CPUs is also indirectly related to the number LRU latch sets);
3) the size of the buffer cache;

4) the availability of asynchronous I/O (from the OS).

There is NOT a definite answer to this question but here are some considerations to have when making your choice. Please note
that it is recommended to try BOTH (not simultaneously) against your system to determine which best fits the environment.
-- If the buffer cache is very large (100,000 buffers and up) and the application is write intensive, then db_writer_processes may
be beneficial. Note, the number of writer processes should not exceed the number of CPUs.
-- If the application is not very write intensive (or even a DSS system) and async I/O is available, then consider a single DBWR
writer process; If async I/O is not available then use dbwr_io_slaves.
-- If the system is a uniprocessor(1 CPU) then implement may want to use dbwr_io_slaves.
Implementing db_io_slaves or db_writer_processes comes with some overhead cost. Multiple writer processes and IO slaves are
advanced features, meant for high IO throughput. Implement this feature only if the database environment requires such IO
throughput. In some cases, it may be acceptable to disable I/O slaves and run with a single DBWR process.
Other Ways to Tune DBWR Processes
It can be easily seen that reducing buffer operations will be a direct benefit to DBWR and also help overall database performance.
Buffer operations can be reduced by:
1) using dedicated temporary tablespaces
2) direct sort reads
3) direct Sqlloads
4) performing direct exports.
In addition, keeping a high buffer cache hit ratio will be extremely beneficial not only to the response time of applications, but the
DBWR as well.
DML_LOCKS = Concurrent Users * 10
LOG_BUFFER = Size in Bytes for Redo Logs Buffer. Increasing the size of this parameter can increase I/O efficiency, when the
transactions are long and/or numerous. Generally = 512K. Size over 1 MB is not good.
LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL = This value forces checkpoints to occur only at log file switches.
LOG_ENTRY_PREBUILD_THRESOLD= 2048. On multiple CPU machines only.
LOG_SMALL_ENTRY_MAX_SIZE = 50 . On multiple CPU machines only.
OPEN_CURSORS = Give it a big value, at least 100
OPTIMIZER_FEATURES_ENABLED - Don't miss out on features
OPTIMIZER_MODE - Choose, Rule, First_Rows or All_Rows (More information HERE)
PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS = This value specifies the minimum number of query servers that will be active on the instance. There
are system resources involved in starting a query server, and having the query server started and waiting for requests will accelerate

processing. The recommended value is:

2 * max_degree * number_of_concurrent_users.
If the value for the statistics, "Servers Busy" is high, increase PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS
PARALLEL_MIN_SERVERS = This parameter sets the number of query server processes that are started when the instance starts,
thus eliminating the performance penalties of frequent query server process startups and shutdowns
PROCESSES = Increase this parameter, default is 50
ROLLBACK_SEGMENTS = The general rule is to put # of concurrent users / 4. Create at least 2 tablespaces for rollbacks.
SHARED_POOL_RESERVED_SIZE - Memory held for future big PL/SQL or ORA-error
SHARED_POOL_SIZE - Memory allocated for data dictionary and SQL & PL/SQL and reusable objects (library cache and the data
dictionary cache). Increment it if CACHE hit ratio < 95%. 40% of the total SGA size. If we need to duplicate the SHARED_POOL_SIZE
also we need to increment MAXDATAFILES. You can query v$sgastat to show the available free memory. This will tell you memory is
being wasted. As an example:
select pool, name, bytes/1024/1024 "Size in MB"
from v$sgastat
where name='free memory';
You should see output similar to the following:
Free memory

Size in MB

What this return would tell you is that there is 39 M of free memory in the shared pool, which would mean that the shared pool is being
under utilized. If the shared pool was 70 M, over half of it would be under utilized. This memory could be allocated elsewhere.
*DATA DICTIONARY cache miss ratio (Goal > 90%, increase SHARED_POOL)
Preparsed database procedures
Preparsed database triggers
Recently parsed SQL & PL/SQL requests
This is the memory allocated for the library and data dictionary cache
select sum(gets) Gets, sum(getmisses) Misses,
(1 - (sum(getmisses) / (sum(gets) +
sum(getmisses))))*100 HitRatio
from v$rowcache;
* El HIT RATIO del SHARED_POOL_SIZE (LIBRARY CACHE hit rat io) debe ser superior al 99%
column namespace
column gets
column gethitratio
column pins
column pinhitratio
column reloads
column invalidations
column db format a10
set pages 58 lines 80


heading "Library Object"

9,999,999 heading "Gets"
heading "Get Hit%"
9,999,999 heading "Pins"
heading "Pin Hit%"
heading "Reloads"
heading "Invalid"

select namespace, gets, gethitratio*100 gethitratio,

pins, pinhitratio*100 pinhitratio, RELOADS, INVALIDATIONS
from v$librarycache

If all Get Hit% (gethitratio in the view) except for indexes are greater than 80-90 percent, this is the desired state; the value for indexes
is low because of the few accesses of that type of object. Notice that the Pin Hit% should ve also greater than 90% (except for
indexes). The other goals of tuning this area are to reduce reloads to as small a value as possible (this is done by proper sizing and
pinning) and to reduce invalidations. Invalidations happen when for one reason or another an object becomes unusable.
Guideline: In a system where there is no flushing increase the shared pool size in 20% increments to reduce reloads and invalidations
and increase hit ratios.
select sum(pins) Executions, sum(pinhits) Execution_Hits,
((sum(pinhits) / sum(pins)) * 100) phitrat,
sum(reloads) Misses,
((sum(pins) / (sum(pins) + sum(reloads))) * 100) RELOAD_hitrat
from v$librarycache;
* How much memory is lef t f or SHARED_POOL_SIZE
col value for 999,999,999,999 heading "Shared Pool Size"
col bytes for 999,999,999,999 heading "Free Bytes"
select to_number(v$parameter.value) value, v$sgastat.bytes,
(v$sgastat.bytes/v$parameter.value)*100 "Percent Free"
from v$sgastat, v$parameter
where v$ = 'free memory'
and v$parameter .name = 'shared_pool_size';
A better query:
select sum(ksmchsiz) Bytes, ksmchcls Status
from SYS.x$ksmsp
group by ksmchcls;
If there is free memory then there is no need to increase this parameter.
* Identifying object s reloaded int o t he SHARED POOL again and again
select substr(owner,1,10) owner,substr(name,1,25) name, substr(type,1,15) type, loads, sharable_mem
from v$db_object_cache
-- where owner not in ('SYS','SYSTEM') and
where loads > 1 and type in ('PACKAGE','PACKAGE BODY','FUNCTION','PROCEDURE')
order by loads DESC;
* Large Object s NOT 'pinned' in Shared Pool
To determine what large PL/SQL objects are currently loaded in the shared pool and are not marked 'kept' (NOT pinned) and therefore

may causing a problem, execute the following query:

select name, sharable_mem
from v$db_object_cache
where sharable_mem > 10000
and (type = 'PACKAGE' or type = 'PACKAGE BODY' or type = 'FUNCTION'
or type = 'PROCEDURE')
and kept = 'NO';
SORT_AREA_SIZE = Indica la cantidad de memoria reservada para sorts en bytes. Deberia haber pocos valores (especialmente en
disco), si no es asi, entonces incrementar SORT_AREA_SIZE. Para saber si debo incrementar o no el parametro uso:
select name, value from v$sysstat where name like '%sort%';
SORT_AREA_RETAINED_SIZE = is the size that the SORT_AREA_SIZE is actually reduced to once the sort is complete. This
parameter should be set less than or equal to SORT_AREA_SIZE. If we are going to make a big import or use several batch processes,
increase it. Just use ALTER SESSION (for batch) or ALTER SYSTEM DEFERRED (for imports). Remember to put back to its original
value. Sorts (memory) tells you the number of sorts done entirely in memory. Sorts (disk) indicates the number of sorts that required
access to disk. The recommended setting for this parameter and SORT_AREA_SIZE is 65K-1MB.
SORT_DIRECT_WRITES = Setting SORT_DIRECT_WRITES to true allows Oracle to bypass the buffer cache for the writing of sort
runs to the temporary tablespace. This can improve the performance by a factor of three or more. Be sure to also set
SORT_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE are obsoleted in 8.1.3. The same considerations for SORT_AREA_SIZE apply to
SORT_DIRECT_WRITES when using the parallel query option. Under Oracle8i, sorts always use direct writes and automatically
configure the number and size of the direct write buffers.
Oracle Perf ormance Checklist
As a consultant, I follow a standard procedure when I come into a new shop with a database that I have never seen before. My goal is to
quickly identify and correct performance problems. Here is a summary of the things that I look at first:
1 - Install STATSPACK first, and get hourly snaps working.
2 - Get an SQL access report, a spreport during peak times, and statspack_alert.sql output.
3 - Look for silver bullets:
- partial schema stats
- missing indexes
# 10-15 for OLTP systems, 50 for DW # This adjusts the optimizer to favor index access
-optimizer_index_caching=85 (depending on RAM for index caching, around 85)
- optimizer_mode=first_rows (for OLTP) # More information, HERE
- hash_area_size too small (too many nested loop joins)
- parallel_automatic_tuning=TRUE When set to "on", this parameter parallelizes full-table scans . Because parallel full-table scans are
very fast, the CBO will give a higher cost to index access and be friendlier to full-table scans.
4 - Fully utilize server RAM - On a dedicated Oracle server, use all extra RAM for db_cache_size less PGA's and 20% RAM reserve for OS.
5 - Get the bottlenecks - See STATSPACK top 5 wait events - OEM performance pack reports - TOAD reports

6 - Look for Buffer Busy Waits resulting from table/index freelist shortages
7 - See if large-table full-table scans can be removed with well-placed indexes
8 - If tables are low volatility, seek an MV that can pre-join/pre-aggregate common queries. Turn-on automatic query rewrite
9 - Look for non-reentrant SQL - (literals values inside SQL from v$sql) - If so, set cursor_sharing=force
10 - Monitor over time - The ongoing STATSPACK reports should show any new performance problems.

1) Library Cache Hit Rat io:
In the most basic terms, the library cache is a memory structure that holds the parsed (ie. already examined to determine syntax correctness,
security privileges, execution plan, etc.) versions of SQL statements that have been executed at least once. As new SQL statements arrive,
older SQL statements will be pushed from the memory structure to provide space for the new statements. If the older SQL statements need
to be re-executed, they will now have to be re-parsed. Also, a SQL statement that is not exactly the same as an already parsed statement
(including even capitalization) will be reparsed even though it may perform the exact same operation. Parsing is an expensive operation, so
the objective is to make the memory structure large enough to hold enough parsed SQL statements to avoid a large percentage of reparsing.
Target : 99% or greater.
Value: SELECT (1 - SUM(reloads)/SUM(pins)) FROM v$librarycache;
Correct ion: Increase the SHARED_POOL_SIZE parameter (in bytes) in the INIT.ORA file.
2) Dict ionary Cache Hit Rat io:
The dictionary cache is the memory structure that holds the most recently used contents of ORACLE's data dictionary, such as security
privileges, table structures, column data types, etc. This data dictionary information is necessary for each and every parsing of a SQL
statement. Recalling that memory is around 300 times faster than disk, it is needless to say that performance is improved by holding enough
data dictionary information in memory to significantly minimize disk accesses.
Target : 90%
Value: SELECT (1 - SUM(getmisses)/SUM(gets)) FROM v$rowcache;
Correct ion: Increase the SHARED_POOL_SIZE parameter (in bytes) in the INIT.ORA file.
3) Buf f er Cache Hit Rat io:
The buffer cache is the memory structure that holds the most recently used blocks read from disk, whether table, index, or other segment
type. As new data is read into the buffer cache, data that hasn't been recently used is pushed out. Again recalling that memory is
approximately 300 times faster than disk, the objective is to hold enough data in memory to minimize disk accesses. Note that data read
from tables through the use of indexes is held in the buffer cache much longer than data read via full-table scans.
Target : 90% (although some shops find 80% or even 70% acceptable)
SELECT value FROM v$sysstat WHERE name = 'consistent gets';
SELECT value FROM v$sysstat WHERE name = 'db block gets';
SELECT value FROM v$sysstat WHERE name = 'physical reads';
Buffer cache hit ratio = 1 - physical reads/(consistent gets + db block gets)
Correct ion: Increase the DB_CACHE_SIZE parameter in the INIT.ORA file.
Ot her not es:

- Compare the values for "table scans" and "table access by rowid" in the v$sysstat table to gain general insight into whether additional
indexing is needed. Tuning specific applications via indexing will increase the "table access by rowid" value (ie. tables read through the use of
indexes) and decrease the "table scans" values. This effect tends to improve the buffer cache hit ratio since a smaller volume of data is read
into the buffer cache from disk, so less previously cached data is pushed out. (See the article on application tuning for more details
regarding indexing.)
- A low buffer cache hit ratio can very quickly lead to an I/O bound situation, as more reads are required per period of time to provide the
requested data. When the reads/time period exceed the workload supported by the disk subsystem, exponential performance degradations
can occur. (Please see the section on Operating System tuning.)
- Since the buffer cache will typically be the largest memory structure allocated in the ORACLE instance, it is the structure most likely to
contribute to O/S paging. If the buffer cache is sized such that the hit ratio is 90%, but excessive paging occurs at this setting, performance
may be better if the buffer cache were sized to achieve an 85% hit ratio. Careful analysis is necessary to balance the buffer cache hit ratio
with the O/S paging rate.
4) Sort Area Hit Rat io:
Sorts that are too large to be performed in memory are written to disk. Once again, memory is about 300 times faster than disk, so for
instances where a large volume of sorting occurs (such as decision support systems or data warehouses), sorting on disk can degrade
performance. The objective, of course, is to allow a significant percentage of sorts to occur in memory.
Target : 90% (although many shops find 80% or less acceptable)
SELECT value FROM v$sysstat WHERE name = 'sorts (memory)';
SELECT value FROM v$sysstat WHERE name = 'sorts (disk)';
Sort area hit ratio = 1 - disk sorts/(memory sorts + disk sorts);
Correct ion: Increase the SORT_AREA_SIZE parameter (in bytes) in the INIT.ORA file.
Ot her not es:
- With release 7.3 and above, setting the SORT_DIRECT_WRITES = TRUE initialization parameter causes sorts to disk to bypass the buffer
cache, thus improving the buffer cache hit ratio.
- As with buffer cache hit ratio, examine the values for "table scans" and "table access by rowid" in the v$sysstat table to determine if
additional indexing is needed. In some cases, the optimizer will choose to retrieve the rows in the correct order by using the index, thus
avoiding a sort. In other cases, retrieval by index rather than full-table scan tends to collect a smaller quantity of rows to be sorted, thus
increasing the probability that the sort can occur in memory, which also tends to improve the sort area hit ratio.
- Also, as with buffer cache hit ratio, sort area size (if very large) can contribute to O/S paging. In general, sorting on disk should be favored
over excessive paging, as paging effects all memory structures (ORACLE and non-ORACLE) while sorting on disk only effects sorts
performed by the ORACLE instance.
5) Redo Log Space Request s:
Redo logs (and archive logs if the ORACLE instance is run in ARCHIVELOG mode) are transaction logs involving a variety of structures. The
redo log buffer is a memory structure into which changes are recorded as they are applied to blocks in the buffer cache (including data,
index, rollback segments, etc.). Committed changes are synchronously flushed to redo log file members on disk, while uncommited changes
are asynchronously written to redo log files. (This approach makes perfect sense on inspection. If an instance crash occurs, commited
changes are already written to the redo logs on disk and are applied during instance recovery. Uncommited changes in the redo log buffer
not yet written to disk are lost, and any uncommited changes that have been written to disk are rolled-back during instance recovery.) A

session performing an update and an immediate commit will not return until the committed change has been written to the redo log buffer
and flushed to the redo log files on disk. Redo log groups are written to in a round-robin manner. When the mirrored members of a redo log
group become full, a log switch occurs, thus archiving one member of the redo log group (if ARCHIVELOG mode is TRUE), then clearing the
members of that redo log group. Note that a checkpoint also occurs at least on each redo log switch. In most basic form, the redo log buffer
should be large enough that no waits for available space in the memory structure occur while changes are written to redo log files. The redo
log file size should be large enough that the redo log buffer does not fill during a redo log switch. Finally, there should be enough redo log
groups that the archiving and clearing of filled redo logs does not cause waits for redo log switches, thus causing the redo log buffer to fill.
The inability to write changes to the redo log buffer because it is full is reported as redo log space requests in the v$sysstat table.
Target : 0
Value: SELECT value FROM v$sysstat WHERE name = 'redo log space requests';
Correct ion:
- Increase the LOG_BUFFER parameter (in bytes) in the INIT.ORA file.
- Increase the redo log size.
- Increase the number of redo log groups.
Ot her not es:
- The default configuration of small redo log size and two redo log groups is seldom sufficient. Between 4 and 10 groups typically yields
adequate results, depending on the particular archive log destination (whether a single disk, RAID array, or tape). Size will be very dependent
upon the specific application characteristics and throughput requirements, and can range from less than 10 Mb to 500 Mb or greater.
- Since redo log sizes and groups can be changed without a shutdown/restart of the instance, increasing the redo log size and number of
groups is typically the best area to start tuning for reduction of redo log space requests. If increasing the redo log size and number of
groups appears to have little impact on redo log space requests, then increase the LOG_BUFFER initialization parameter.
6) Redo Buf f er Lat ch Miss Rat io:
One of the two types of memory structure locking mechanisms used by an ORACLE instance is the latch. A latch is a locking mechanism that
is implemented entirely within the executable code of the instance (as opposed to an enqueue, see below). Latch mechanisms most likely to
suffer from contention involve requests to write data into the redo log buffer. To serve the intended purpose, writes to the redo log buffer
must be serialized (ie. one process locks the buffer, writes to it, then unlocks it, a second process locks, writes, and unlocks, etc., while other
processes wait for their chance to acquire these same locks). There are four different groupings applicable to redo buffer latches: redo
allocation latches and redo copy latches, each with immediate and willing-to-wait priorities. Redo allocation latches are acquired by small
redo entries (having an entry size smaller than or equal to the LOG_SMALL_ENTRY_MAX_SIZE initialization parameter) and utilize only a
single CPU's resources for execution. Redo copy latches are requested by larger redo entries (entry size larger than the
LOG_SMALL_ENTRY_MAX_SIZE), and take advantage of multiple CPU's for execution. Recall from above that committed changes are
synchronously written to redo logs on disk: these entries require an immediate latch of the appropriate type. Uncommitted changes are
asynchronously written to redo log files, thus they attempt to acquire a willing-to-wait latch of the appropriate type. Below, each category of
redo buffer latch will be considered seperately.
- Redo allocation immediate and willing-to-wait latches:
Target : 1% or less
Value (immediate):
SELECT a.immediate_misses/(a.immediate_gets + a.immediate_misses + 0.000001)
FROM v$latch a, v$latchname b
WHERE = 'redo allocation' AND b.latch# = a.latch# ;
Value (willing-to-wait):

SELECT a.misses/(a.gets + 0.000001)

FROM v$latch a, v$latchname b
WHERE = 'redo allocation' AND b.latch# = a.latch# ;
Correct ion: Decrease the LOG_SMALL_ENTRY_MAX_SIZE parameter in the INIT.ORA file.
Ot her not es:
- By making the max size for a redo allocation latch smaller, more redo log buffer writes qualify for a redo copy latch instead, thus better
utilizing multiple CPU's for the redo log buffer writes. Even though memory structure manipulation times are measured in nanoseconds, a
larger write still takes longer than a smaller write. If the size for remaining writes done via redo allocation latches is small enough, they can be
completed with little or no redo allocation latch contention.
- On a single CPU node, all log buffer writes are done via redo allocation latches. If log buffer latches are a significant bottleneck,
performance can benefit from additional CPU's (thus enabling redo copy latches) even if the CPU utilization is not an O/S level bottleneck.
- In the SELECT statements above, an extremely small value is added to the divisor to eliminate potential divide-by-zero errors.
- Redo copy immediat e and willing-t o-wait lat ches:
Target : 1% or less
Value (immediate):
SELECT a.immediate_misses/(a.immediate_gets + a.immediate_misses + 0.000001)
FROM v$latch a, v$latchname b
WHERE = 'redo copy' AND b.latch# = a.latch# ;
Value (willing-to-wait):
SELECT a.misses/(a.gets + 0.000001)
FROM v$latch a, v$latchname b
WHERE = 'redo copy' AND b.latch# = a.latch# ;
Correct ion: Increase the LOG_SIMULTANEOUS_COPIES parameter in the INIT.ORA file.
Ot her Not es:
- Essentially, this initialization parameter is the number of redo copy latches available. It defaults to the number of CPU's (assuming a
multiple CPU node). Oracle Corporation recommends setting it as large as 2 times the number of CPU's on the particular node, although
quite a bit of experimentation may be required to get the value adjusted in a suitable manner for any particular instance's workload.
Depending on CPU capability and utilization, it may be beneficial to set this initialization parameter smaller or larger than 2 X # CPU's.
- Recall that the assignment of log buffer writes to either redo allocation latches or redo copy latches is controlled by the maximum log
buffer write size allowed for a redo allocation latch, and is specified in the LOG_SMALL_ENTRY_MAX_SIZE initialization parameter. Recall
also that redo copy latches apply only to multiple CPU hosts.
7) Enqueue Wait s:
The second of the two types of memory structure locking mechanisms used by an ORACLE instance is the enqueue. As opposed to a latch,
an enqueue is a lock implemented through the use of an operating system call, rather than entirely within the Instance's executable code.
Exactly what operations use locks via enqueues is not made sufficiently clear from any Oracle documentation (or at least none that the
author has seen), but the fact that enqueues waits do degrade instance performance is reasonably clear. Luckily, tuning enqueues is very
Target : 0
Value: SELECT value FROM v$sysstat WHERE name = 'enqueue waits';
Correct ion: Increase the ENQUEUE_RESOURCES parameter in the INIT.ORA file.

8) Checkpoint Cont ent ion:

A checkpoint is the process of flushing all changed data blocks (table, index, rollback segments, etc.) held in the buffer cache to their
corresponding datafiles on disk. This process occurs during each redo log switch, each time the number of database blocks specified in the
LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL initialization parameter is reached, and each time the number of seconds specified in the
LOG_CHECKPOINT_TIMEOUT is reached. (Also, checkpoints occur during a NORMAL or IMMEDIATE SHUTDOWN, when a tablespace is
placed in BACKUP mode, or when an ALTER SYSTEM CHECKPOINT is manually issued, but these occurrences are usually outside the scope
of normal daytime operation.) Depending on the number of changed blocks in the buffer cache, a checkpoint can take considerable time to
complete. Since this process is essentially done asynchronously, user sessions performing work will typically not have to wait for a
checkpoint to complete. However checkpoints can effect overall system performance since they are fairly resource intensive operations,
even though they occur in the background. Checkpoints are, of course, absolutely necessary, but it is quite possible for one checkpoint to
begin (because of LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL or LOG_CHECKPOINT_TIMEOUT settings) and partially complete, then be rolled-back
because another checkpoint was issued (perhaps because of a redo log switch). It is desirable to avoid this checkpoint contention because
it wastes considerable resources that can be used by other processes. Checkpointing statistics are readily available in the v$sysstat table,
and the contention is fairly simple to determine.
Target : 1 or less
SELECT value FROM v$sysstat WHERE name = 'background checkpoints started';
SELECT value FROM v$sysstat WHERE name = 'background checkpoints completed';
Checkpoints rolled-back = checkpoints started - checkpoints completed;
Correct ion:
- Increase the LOG_CHECKPOINT_TIMEOUT parameter (in seconds) in the INIT.ORA file, or set it to 0 to disable time-based checkpointing.
If time-based checkpointing is not disabled, set it to checkpoint once per hour or more.
- Increase the LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL parameter (in db blocks) in the INIT.ORA file, or set it to an arbitrarily large value so that
change-based checkpoints will only occur during a redo log switch.
- Examine the redo log size and the resulting frequency of redo log switches.
Ot her not es: Note that regardless of the checkpoint frequency, no data is lost in the event of an instance crash. All changes are recorded
to the redo logs and would be applied during instance recovery on the next startup, so checkpoint frequency will impact the time required for
instance recovery. Presented below is a typical scenario:
- Set the LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL to an arbitrarily large value, set the LOG_CHECKPOINT_TIMEOUT to 2 hours, and size the redo
logs so that a log switch will normally occur once per hour. During times of heavy OLTP activity, a change-based log switch will occur
approximately once per hour, and no time-based checkpoints will occur. During periods of light OLTP activity, a time-based checkpoint will
occur at least once every two hours, regardless of the number of changes. Setting the LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL arbitrarily large
allows change-based checkpoint frequency to be adjusted during periods of heavy use by re-sizing the redo logs on-line rather than
adjusting the initialization parameter and performing an instance shutdown/restart.
9) Rollback Segment Cont ent ion:
Rollback segments are the structures into which undo information for uncommited changes are temporarily stored. This behavior serves two
purposes. First, a session can remove a change that was just issued by simply issuing a ROLLBACK rather than a COMMIT. Second, read
consistency is established because a long-running SELECT statement against a table that is constantly being updated (for example) will get
data that is consistent with the start time of the SELECT statement by reading undo information from the appropriate rollback segment.
(Otherwise, the answer returned by the long-running SELECT would vary depending on whether that particular block was read before the
update occurred, or after.) Rollback segments become a bottleneck when there are not enough to handle the load of concurrent activity, in

which case, sessions will wait for write access to an available rollback segment. Some waits for rollback segment data blocks or header
blocks (usually header blocks) will always occur, so criteria for tuning is to limit the waits to a very small percentage of the total number of all
data blocks requested. Note that rollback segments function exactly like table segments or index segments: they are cached in the buffer
cache, and periodically checkpointed to disk.
Target : 1% or less
Rollback waits = SELECT max(count) FROM v$waitstat
WHERE class IN ('system undo header', 'system undo block','undo header', 'undo block')
GROUP BY class;
Block gets = SELECT sum(value) FROM v$sysstat WHERE name IN ('consistent gets','db block gets');
Rollback segment contention ratio = rollback waits / block gets
Correct ion: Create additional rollback segments.
10) Freelist cont ent ion:
In each table, index, or other segment type, the first one or more blocks contain one or more freelists. The freelist(s) identify the blocks in
that segment that have free space available and can accept more data. Any INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE activity will cause the freelist(s) to
be accessed. Change activity with a high level of concurrency may cause waits to access to these freelist(s). This is seldom a problem in
decision support systems or data warehouses (where updates are processed as nightly single-session batch jobs, for example), but can
become a bottleneck with OLTP systems supporting large numbers of users. Unfortunately, there are no initialization parameters or other
instance-wide settings to correct freelist contention: this must be corrected on a table by table basis by re-creating the table with additional
freelists and/or by modifying the PCT_USED parameter. (Please see the article on storage management.) However, freelist contention can
be measured at the instance level. Some freelist waits will always occur; the objective is to limit the freelist waits to a small percentage of the
total blocks requested.
Target : 1% or less
Freelist waits = SELECT count FROM v$waitstat WHERE class = 'free list';
Block gets = SELECT sum(value) FROM v$sysstat WHERE name IN ('consistent gets','db block gets');
Freelist contention ratio = Freelist waits / block gets
Correct ion: No method for instance-level correction. Please see the article on storage management.
11) Oracle Session hogs
If the complaint of poor performance is current, then the connected sessions are one of the first things to check to see which users are
impacting the system in undesirable ways. There are a couple of different avenues to take here. First, you can get an idea of the percentage
that each session is/has taken up with respect to I/O. One rule of thumb is that if any session is currently consuming 50% or more of the
total I/O, then that session and its SQL need to be investigated further to determine what activity it is engaged in. If you are a DBA that is
just concerned with physical I/O, then the physpctio.sql query will provide the information you need:
This script queries the sys.v_$statname, sys.v_$sesstat, sys.v_$session, and sys.v_$bgprocess views.
select sid, username,
round(100 * total_user_io/total_io,2) tot_io_pct
from (select b.sid sid,nvl(b.username, username,
sum(value) total_user_io
from sys.v_$statname c, sys.v_$sesstat a,

sys.v_$session b, sys.v_$bgprocess p
where a.statistic#=c.statistic# and
p.paddr (+) = b.paddr and
b.sid=a.sid and in ('physical reads',
'physical writes',
'physical writes direct',
'physical reads direct',
'physical writes direct (lob)',
'physical reads direct (lob)')
group by b.sid, nvl(b.username,,
(select sum(value) total_io
from sys.v_$statname c, sys.v_$sesstat a
where a.statistic#=c.statistic# and in ('physical reads',
'physical writes',
'physical writes direct',
'physical reads direct',
'physical writes direct (lob)',
'physical reads direct (lob)'))
order by 3 desc;
Regardless of which query you use, the output might resemble something like the following:



In the above example, a DBA would be prudent to examine the USR1 session to see what SQL calls they are making. You can see that the
above queries are excellent weapons that you can use to quickly pinpoint problem I/O sessions.

Application and SQL Tuning

* Check DB Paramet ers

select substr(name,1,20), substr(value,1,40), isdefault, isses_modifiable, issys_modifiable

select substr(name,1,20), substr(value,1,40), isdefault, isses_modifiable, issys_modifiable

from v$parameter
where issys_modifiable <> 'FALSE'
or isses_modifiable <> 'FALSE'
order by name;

* The SQL sentences must be the same in order to re-use them in memory.
* Size of Dat abase

compute sum of bytes on report

break on report
Select tablespace_name, sum(bytes) bytes
From dba_data_files
Group by tablespace_name;

* How much Space is Lef t ?

compute sum of bytes on report

Select tablespace_name, sum(bytes) bytes
From dba_free_space
Group by tablespace_name;

* Memory Values.

select substr(name,1,35) name, substr(value,1,25) value

from v$parameter
where name in ('db_cache_size','db_block_size','shared_pool_size','sort_area_size');

* Identify the SQL responsible for the most BUFFER HITS and/or DISK READS. If I want to see what is on SQL AREA:
SELECT SUBSTR(sql_text,1,80) Text, disk_reads, buffer_gets, executions
FROM v$sqlarea
WHERE executions > 0
AND buffer_gets > 100000
and DISK_READS > 100000

The column BUFFER_GETS is the total number of times the SQL statement read a database block from the buffer cache in the SGA. Since
almost every SQL operation passes through the buffer cache, this value represents the best metric for determining how much work is being
performed. It is not perfect, as there are many direct-read operations in Oracle that completely bypass the buffer cache. So, supplementing
this information, the column DISK_READS is the total number times the SQL statement read database blocks from disk, either to satisfy a
logical read or to satisfy a direct-read. Thus, the formula:
is a very adequate metric of the amount of work being performed by a SQL statement. The weighting factor of 100 is completely arbitrary,
but it reflects the fact that DISK_READS are inherently more expensive than BUFFER_GETS to shared memory.
Patterns to look for
DISK_READS close to or equal to BUFFER_GETS This indicates that most (if not all) of the gets or logical reads of database blocks are
becoming physical reads against the disk drives. This generally indicates a full-table scan, which is usually not desirable but which usually can
be quite easy to fix.

* Finding t he t op 25 SQL

top25 number;
text1 varchar2(4000);
x number;
len1 number;
cursor c1 is
select buffer_gets, substr(sql_text,1,4000)
from v$sqlarea
order by buffer_gets desc;
' '||'----------------------');
open c1;
for i in 1..25 loop
fetch c1 into top25, text1;
' '||substr(text1,1,66));
while len1 > x-1 loop
end loop;
end loop;

* Displays the porcentage of SQL executed that did NOT incur an expensive hard parse. So a low number may indicate a lit eral SQL or
ot her sharing problem.
Ratio success is dependant on your development environment. OLTP should be 90 percent.
select 100 * (1-a.hard_parses/b.executions) noparse_hitratio
from (select value hard_parses
from v$sysstat
where name = 'parse count (hard)' ) a
,(select value executions
from v$sysstat
where name = 'execute count') b;


column HitRatio format 999.99

select substr(Username,1,15) username, Consistent_Gets,
Block_Gets, Physical_Reads, 100*(Consistent_Gets+Block_Gets-Physical_Reads)/(Consistent_Gets+Block_Gets) HitRatio

and (Consistent_Gets+Block_Gets)>0
and Username is not null;


select substr(DF.Name,1,40) File_Name,

FS.Phyblkrd Blocks_Read,
FS.Phyblkwrt Blocks_Written,
FS.Phyblkrd+FS.Phyblkwrt Total_IOs
where DF.File#=FS.File#
order by FS.Phyblkrd+FS.Phyblkwrt desc;

* Schema's Report

select substr(username,1,10) "Username", created "Created",

substr(granted_role,1,25) "Roles",
substr(default_tablespace,1,15) "Default TS",
substr(temporary_tablespace,1,15) "Temporary TS"
from sys.dba_users, sys.dba_role_privs
where username = grantee (+)
order by username;

* Free space on TABLESPACES:

select substr(a.tablespace_name,1,10) tablespace,

round(sum(a.total1)/1024/1024, 1) Total,
round(sum(a.total1)/1024/1024, 1)round(sum(a.sum1)/1024/1024, 1) used,
round(sum(a.sum1)/1024/1024, 1) Free,
round(sum(a.sum1)/1024/1024,1)*100/round(sum(a.total1)/1024/1024,1) porciento_fr,
round(sum(a.maxb)/1024/1024, 1) Largest,
max(a.cnt) Fragment
from (select tablespace_name, 0 total1, sum(bytes) sum1,
max(bytes) MAXB,count(bytes) cnt
from dba_free_space
group by tablespace_name
select tablespace_name, sum(bytes) total1, 0, 0, 0
from dba_data_files
group by tablespace_name) a
group by a.tablespace_name;

* Segment s whose next ext ent can't f it

select substr(owner,1,10) owner, substr(segment_name,1,40) segment_name, substr(segment_type,1,10) segment_type, next_extent

from dba_segments
where next_extent>
(select sum(bytes) from dba_free_space
where tablespace_name = dba_segments.tablespace_name);

* Find Tables/Indexes f ragment ed int o > 15 pieces

Select substr(owner,1,8) owner, substr(segment_name,1,42) segment_name, segment_type, extents

From dba_segments
Where extents > 15;

* COALESCING FREE SPACE = Los distintos bloques libres (chunks) que sean adjuntos se pueden juntar en uno mas grande. Inspecciono
select file_id, block_id, blocks, bytes from dba_free_space
where tablespace_name = 'xxx' order by 1,2;

Esto me devuelve una lista de resultados. Si file_id de 2 filas es igual y el block_id + blocks = Block_id de la fila siguiente, entonces los puedo
* Quick Script to coalesce all the tablespaces t ablespaces

set echo off pages 0 trimsp off feed off

spool coalesce.sql
select 'alter tablespace '||tablespace_name||' coalesce;'
from sys.dba_tablespaces
where tablespace_name not in ('TEMP','ROLLBACK');
spool off
host rm coalesce.sql

* Inf ormat ion about a Table

Select Table_Name, Initial_Extent, Next_Extent,

Pct_Free, Pct_Increase
From dba_tables
Where Table_Name = upper('&Table_name');

* Inf ormat ion about an Index:

Select Index_name, Initial_Extent, Next_Extent

From Dba_indexes
Where Index_Name = upper('&Index_name');

* Fixing Table Fragment at ion

Example: CUSTOMER Table is fragmented
Currently in 22 Extents of 1M each.
(Can be found by querying DBA_EXTENTS)
(Create all necessary privileges,grants, etc.)

* PINS and UNPIN objects:

execute dbms_shared_pool_keep('object_name','P o R o Q');
Use 'P' for procedure (or funcion), 'R' for trigger and 'Q' for sequence. Previously I should run the package dbmspool.sql y prvtpool.plb
located on $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin as sys or internal and grant execute on dbms_shared_pool.
exec dbms_shared_pool.unkeep('SCOTT.TEMP','P');
If you want to have a table in memory, add the CACHE word at the end of the creation script. You can also use the /*+ cache(table) */ hint.
To Load the code automatically on each startup::
1- Create the following Trigger

create or replace trigger pin_packs

after startup on database
--You can interrogate the v$db_object_cache view to see the most frequently used packages
-- Application-specific packages
-- Oracle-supplied software packages
-- Son usados estos?

2- Run the following Script to check pinned/unpinned packages

SELECT substr(owner,1,10)||'.'||substr(name,1,35) "Object Name",

' Type: '||substr(type,1,12)||
' size: '||sharable_mem ||
' execs: '||executions||
' loads: '||loads||
' Kept: '||kept
FROM v$db_object_cache
-AND executions > 0
ORDER BY executions desc,
loads desc,
sharable_mem desc;

* To find out chained rows
Then from DBA_TABLES,
This will give us the chained rows as a percentage of the total number of rows in that table. If this percentage is high near 5% and the row
doe not contain LONG or similar datatype or the row can be contained inside one single data block then PCTFREE should definitely be

Distribution of disk I/O

Locate the logfiles on their own disks and on the fastest-writing disks. Oracle writes to the redo logs frequently and sequentially. If
there are other files on the same disk, the disks heads have to move between the end of the logfile and the other files. This movement
increases the disk seek time, causing unnecessary delays in redo log I/O operations, and resulting in poor performance.
If easy manageability is your goal, use the UNIX file system.
If you are an experienced Unix and Oracle administrator, raw logical volumes can give you some performance benefits.
Don't put Logfiles and archived logfiles on the same disk as your datafiles
Allocate one disk for the User Data Tablespace.
Place Rollback, Index, and System Tablespaces on separate disks.
1- exec, index, redo logs, export files, control files
2- data, rollback segments, temp, archive log files, control files
Disk 1: SYSTEM tablespace, control file, redo log
Disk 2: INDEX tablespace, control file, redo log, ROLLBACK tablespace
Disk 3: DATA tablespace, control file, redo log
Disk 1: SYSTEM tablespace, control file, redo log
Disk 2: INDEX tablespace, control file, redo log
Disk 3: DATA tablespace, control file, redo log, ROLLBACK tablespace
1- exec, redo logs, export files, control files
2- data, temp, control files
3- indexes, control files
4- archive logs, rollback segs, control files

1- exec, redo logs, system tablespace, control files
2- data, temp, control files
3- indexes, control files
4- rollback segments, export, control files
5- archive, control files


Oracle Corporation strongly recommends that you use the DBMS_STATS package rather than ANALYZE to collect optimizer statistics.
That package lets you collect statistics in parallel, collect global statistics for partitioned objects, and fine tune your statistics collection in
other ways. Further, the cost-based optimizer will eventually use only statistics that have been collected by DBMS_STATS
However, you must use the ANALYZE statement rather than DBMS_STATS for statistics collection not related to the cost-based
optimizer, such as:
* To use the VALIDATE or LIST CHAINED ROWS clauses
* To collect information on freelist blocks
The DBMS_STATS package can gather statistics on indexes, tables, columns, and partitions, as well as statistics on all schema objects in a
schema or database. The statistics-gathering operations can run either serially or in parallel (DATABASE/SCHEMA/TABLE only)
Previous to 8i, you would be using the ANALYZE ... methods. However 8i onwards, using ANALYZE for this purpose is not recommended
because of various restrictions; for example:
1. ANALYZE always runs serially.
2. ANALYZE calculates global statistics for partitioned tables and indexes instead of gathering them directly. This can lead to inaccuracies
for some statistics, such as the number of distinct values.
3. ANALYZE cannot overwrite or delete some of the values of statistics that were gathered by DBMS_STATS.
4. Most importantly, in the future, ANALYZE will not collect statistics needed by the cost-based optimiser.
ANALYZE can gather additional information that is not used by the optimiser, such as information about chained rows and the structural
integrity of indexes, tables, and clusters. DBMS_STATS does not gather this information.
- In 10g statistics get gathered automatically
DML Monitoring
Used by dbms_stats to identify objects with "stale" statistics
- On by default in 10g, not in 9i
alter table <table_name> monitoring;
- 9i and 10g use 10% change as the threshold to gather stats

In Oracle 10g, Oracle automatically gathers index statistics whenever the index is created or rebuilt.
EXEC DBMS_STATS.gather_table_stats(USER, 'LOOKUP', cascade => TRUE);
execute dbms_stats.gather_table_stats
(ownname => 'SCOTT'
, tabname => 'DEPT'
, partname=> null
, estimate_percent => 20
, degree => 5
, cascade => true
, opt ions => 'GATHER AUTO');
execute dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats
(ownname => 'SCOTT'
, estimate_percent => 10
, degree => 5
, cascade => true);
execute dbms_stats.gather_database_stats
(estimate_percent => 20
, degree => 5
, cascade => true);
There are several values for the opt ions parameter that we need to know about:
- gather - re-analyzes the whole schema.
- gather empty - Only analyze tables that have no existing statistics.
- gather stale - Only re-analyze tables with more than 10% modifications (inserts, updates, deletes). The table should be in monitor status
- gather auto - This will re-analyze objects which currently have no statistics and objects with stale statistics.The table should be in
monitor status first.
Using gather auto is like combining gather stale and gather empty .
Note that both gather stale and gather auto require monitoring. If you issue the "alter table xxx monitoring" command, Oracle tracks changed
tables with the dba_tab_modifications view. Below we see that the exact number of inserts, updates and deletes are tracked since the last
analysis of statistics.
The most interesting of these options is the gather stale option. Because all statistics will become stale quickly in a robust OLTP database,
we must remember the rule for gather stale is > 10% row change (based on num_rows at statistics collection time).
Hence, almost every table except read-only tables will be re-analyzed with the gather stale option. Hence, the gather stale option is best for
systems that are largely read-only. For example, if only 5% of the database tables get significant updates, then only 5% of the tables will be
re-analyzed with the "gather stale" option.
The CASCADE => TRUE option causes all indexes for the tables to also be analyzed. In Oracle 10g, set CASCADE to AUTO_CASCADE to

let Oracle decide whether or not new index statistics are needed.
The DEGREE Opt ion
Note that you can also parallelize the collection of statistics because the CBO does full-table and full-index scans. When you set degree=x,
Oracle will invoke parallel query slave processes to speed up table access. Degree is usually about equal to the number of CPUs, minus 1 (for
the OPQ query coordinator).
In Oracle 10g, set DEGREE to DBMS_STATS.AUTO_DEGREE to let Oracle select the appropriate degree of parallelism.
Force St at ist ics t o a Table
You can use the following sentence to force statistics to a Table:
exec dbms_stats.set_table_stats( user, 'EMP', numrows => 1000000, numblks => 300000 );


New in Oracle Database 10g is the ability to gather statistics for the data dictionary. The objective is to enhance the performance of
queries. There are two basic types of dictionary base tables.
The statistics for normal base tables are gathered using GATHER_DICTIONARY STATISTICS. They may also be gathered using
GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS for the SYS schema. Oracle recommends gathering these statistics at a similar frequency as your other
database objects.
Statistics for fixed objects (the V$ views on the X$ tables) are gathered using the GATHER_FIXED_OBJECT_STATS procedure. The initial
collection of these statistics is normally sufficient. Repeat only if workload characteristics have changed dramatically. The SYSDBA privilege
or ANALYZE ANY DICTIONARY and ANALYZE ANY privileges are required to execute the procedures for gathering data dictionary statistics.
SQL Source - Dynamic Met hod
FOR tab_rec IN (SELECT owner,table_name
FROM all_tables WHERE owner like UPPER('&1') ) LOOP
sql_stmt := 'BEGIN dbms_stats.gather_table_stats
(ownname => :1,
=> :2,
=> null,
estimate_percent => 10,
degree => 3 ,
cascade => true); END;' ;
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt USING tab_rec.owner, tab_rec.table_name ;

* Some Dictionary Views

DBA_TABLES -> owner, table_name, num_rows, blocks, emptiy_blocks, avg_space, chain_cnt, avg_row_len, sample_size, last_analyzed
DBA_INDEXES -> owner, INDEX_name, leaf_blocks, distinct_keys, avg_leaf_blocks_per_key, avg_data_blocks_per_key.
More examples:

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE analyze_any_schema ( p_inOwner IN all_users.username%TYPE)

FOR v_tabs IN (SELECT owner, table_name
FROM all_tables
WHERE owner
AND temporary
<> 'Y')
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('EXEC DBMS_STATS.gather_table_stats('''||v_tabs.owner||
''','''||v_tabs.table_name||''',NULL,1);' );
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Analyzed '||v_tabs.owner||'.'||table_name||'... ');
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Exception on analysis of '||v_tabs.table_name||'!');
CREATE OR REPLACE Procedure DB_Maintenance_Weekly is
v_sess_user varchar2(30);
select sys_context('USERENV','SESSION_USER') into v_sess_user
from dual ;
--Analyze all Tables
FOR tab_rec IN (SELECT table_name
FROM all_tables
WHERE owner = v_sess_user
and table_name not like 'TEMP_%') LOOP
sql_stmt := 'BEGIN dbms_stats.gather_table_stats
(ownname => :1,
=> :2,
=> null,
estimate_percent => DBMS_STATS.AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE,
degree => 3 ,
cascade => true); END;' ;
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt USING v_sess_user, tab_rec.table_name ;


Analyze Options
- Estimate over all rows
- Estimate 20% of all rows for a specific Schema
- Estimate 20% of a table
DBMS_UTILITY.ANALYZE_SCHEMA('TABLE' , 'schema', 't_name', 'ESTIMATE',null,20);
- Estimate 20% of an index
- Estimate 1000 rows of all the tables for a schema
- Delete all stats

Working with UNDO Parameters

When you are working with UNDO Tablespace, there are two important things to consider:
The size of the UNDO tablespace
The UNDO_RETENTION parameter
To get information of your current settings you can use the following query:
set serveroutput on

retval BOOLEAN;
v_undo_size NUMBER(10);
select sum(a.bytes)/1024/1024 into v_undo_size
from v$datafile a, v$tablespace b, dba_tablespaces c
where c.contents = 'UNDO'
and c.status = 'ONLINE'
and = c.tablespace_name
and a.ts# = b.ts#;
retval := dbms_undo_adv.undo_info(tsn, tss, aex, unr, rgt);
dbms_output.put_line('UNDO Tablespace is
: ' || tsn);
dbms_output.put_line('UNDO Tablespace size is
: ' || TO_CHAR(v_undo_size) || ' MB');
dbms_output.put_line('Undo Autoextend is set to
dbms_output.put_line('Undo Autoextend is set to
dbms_output.put_line('Undo Retention is
dbms_output.put_line('Undo Guarantee is set to
dbms_output.put_line('Undo Guarantee is set to
UNDO Tablespace is
UNDO Tablespace size is
: 925 MB
Undo Autoextend is set to : TRUE
Undo Retention is
: 900
Undo Guarantee is set to

: TRUE');
: FALSE');
: ' || TO_CHAR(unr));
: TRUE');
: FALSE');

You can choose to allocate a specific size for the UNDO tablespace and then set the UNDO_RETENTION parameter to an optimal value
according to the UNDO size and the database activity. If your disk space is limited and you do not want to allocate more space than
necessary to the UNDO tablespace, this is the way to proceed. If you are not limited by disk space, then it would be better to choose the
UNDO_RETENTION time that is best for you (for FLASHBACK, etc.). Allocate the appropriate size to the UNDO tablespace according to the
database activity.
This tip help you get the information you need whatever the method you choose.
set serverout on size 1000000
set feedback off
set heading off
set lines 132

cursor get_undo_stat is
select d.undo_size/(1024*1024) "C1", substr(e.value,1,25)
(to_number(e.value) * to_number(f.value) * g.undo_block_per_sec) / (1024*1024) "C3",
round((d.undo_size / (to_number(f.value) * g.undo_block_per_sec)))
from (select sum(a.bytes) undo_size
from v$datafile a, v$tablespace b, dba_tablespaces c
where c.contents = 'UNDO'
and c.status = 'ONLINE'
and = c.tablespace_name
and a.ts# = b.ts#) d,
v$parameter e, v$parameter f,
(select max(undoblks/((end_time-begin_time)*3600*24)) undo_block_per_sec from v$undostat) g
where = 'undo_retention'
and = 'db_block_size';
dbms_output.put_line(chr(10)||chr(10)||chr(10)||chr(10) || 'To optimize UNDO you have two choices :');
dbms_output.put_line('====================================================' || chr(10));
for rec1 in get_undo_stat loop
dbms_output.put_line('A) Adjust UNDO tablespace size according to UNDO_RETENTION :' || chr(10));
dbms_output.put_line(rpad('ACTUAL UNDO SIZE ',60,'.')|| ' : ' || TO_CHAR(rec1.c1,'999999') || ' MB');
dbms_output.put_line(rpad('OPTIMAL UNDO SIZE WITH ACTUAL UNDO_RETENTION (' || ltrim(TO_CHAR(rec1.c2,'999999')) || '
SECONDS) ',60,'.') || ' : ' || TO_CHAR(rec1.c3,'999999') || ' MB');
dbms_output.put_line('B) Adjust UNDO_RETENTION according to UNDO tablespace size :' || chr(10));
dbms_output.put_line(rpad('ACTUAL UNDO RETENTION ',60,'.') || ' : ' || TO_CHAR(rec1.c2,'999999') || ' SECONDS');
dbms_output.put_line(rpad('OPTIMAL UNDO RETENTION WITH ACTUAL UNDO SIZE (' || ltrim(TO_CHAR(rec1.c1,'999999'))
|| ' MEGS) ',60,'.') || ' : ' || TO_CHAR(rec1.c4,'999999') || ' SECONDS');
end loop;
To optimize UNDO you have two choices :
A) Adjust UNDO tablespace size according to UNDO_RETENTION :
ACTUAL UNDO SIZE ........................................... :
B) Adjust UNDO_RETENTION according to UNDO tablespace size :
ACTUAL UNDO RETENTION ...................................... :

925 MB
82 MB

Undo Segment s
With the following query, we can check the segments of the UNDO:
SELECT, unexpired.unexpired, expired.expired
FROM (SELECT Sum(bytes / 1024 / 1024) AS unexpired
FROM dba_undo_extents

WHERE status = 'UNEXPIRED') unexpired,

(SELECT Sum(bytes / 1024 / 104) AS expired
FROM dba_undo_extents tr
WHERE status = 'EXPIRED') expired,
WHEN Count(status) = 0 THEN 0
ELSE Sum(bytes / 1024 / 1024)
END AS active
FROM dba_undo_extents
WHERE status = 'ACTIVE') active;
---------- ---------- ---------0
10 100.923077

ACTIVE = it means that those UNDO segments contains active transactions, so a commit was not executed yet.
UNEXPIRED = it means that those UNDO segments contains commited transactions, and those transactions are still required for
EXPIRED = it means that those UNDO segments are not required after the time defined under "undo_retention" parameter.
So when you execute an insert, you start using undo segments and those are in ACTIVE state until you fire the COMMIT.
Once the COMMIT is fired, they are on UNEXPIRED status (still using UNDO Tablespace) until they reach the "undo_retention" time.
Once that time is completed, they are moved to the EXPIRED status.
Monit ort ing Transact ions in UNDO
It's possible to monitor the transactions that are taking UNDO segments with the following query:

SELECT v$transaction.status AS status_transaccion, start_time, logon_time, blocking_session_status,

schemaname, machine, program, v$session.module, v$sqlarea.sql_text, serial#, sid, username,
v$session.status AS status_sesion, v$session.sql_id, prev_sql_id
FROM v$transaction INNER JOIN v$session ON v$transaction.ses_addr = v$session.saddr
LEFT JOIN v$sqlarea ON v$session.sql_id = v$sqlarea.sql_id;

If there are ACTIVE Transactions (not commited transactions) it will show:




08/16/11 09:08:40


8/16/2011 9:08:15










insert into state values (1111,













Where each value means:

LOGON_TIME = Date and time when the instruction was executed
BLOCKING_SESSION_STATUS = It says if this session is blocking another session
SCHEMANAME = Schema that executed the instruction.
MACHINE = Machine name that executed the instruction.
PROGRAM = Program Name that executed the instruction.
MODULE = Module that executed the instruction.
SQL_TEXT = Executed instruction.
SERIAL# = Serial number of the session that executed the instraction.
SID = ID Session that executed the instraction..
USERNAME = User that executed the instraction..
STATUS_SESION = Status of the that executed the instraction, ACTIVE if that is CURRENTLY performing any actions, INACTIVE if is not
performing and actions.
SQL_ID = Internal ID that executed the instraction.
PREV_SQL_ID = ID of the instructions previous to the current executed instraction.

Creating Indexes on Foreign Keys

Creating foreign keys constraints on tables increases the integrity of your data by preventing rows from being inserted into detail
(sometimes called child tables) table that do not have a matching row in a master (also called the parent table) table.
The following code creates two tables: "EMP" and "DEPT". Both tables declare a primary key and the table "EMP" declares a foreign
key constraint between "EMP" and "DEPT".




FOREIGN KEY (deptno)
REFERENCES dept (deptno);

Once this constraint is enabled, attempting to insert an "EMP" record with an invalid DEPTNO, or trying to delete a DEPTNO row that
has matching "EMP" records, will generate an error. However, in order to preserve integrity during the operation, Oracle needs to apply
a full "table-level" lock (as opposed to the usual row-level locks) to the child table when the parent table is modified.
Solut ion
By creating an index on the foreign key of the child table, these "table-level" locks can be avoided. (for instance, creating a foreign key
ON emp(deptno)

Keep in mind that you will often be creating an index on the foreign keys in order to optimize join and queries. However, if you fail to
create such a foreign key index and if the parent table is subject to updates, you may see heavy lock contention. If ever in doubt, it's
often safer to create indexes on ALL foreign keys, despite the possible overhead of maintaining unneeded indexes.
Having Unindexed foreign keys can be a performance issue. There are two issues associated with unindexed foreign keys. The first is
the fact that a table lock will result if you update the parent records primary key (very very unusual) or if you delete the parent record
and the child's foreign key is not indexed.
The second issue has to do with performance in general of a parent child relationship. Consider that if you have an on delete cascade
and have not indexed the child table (eg: EMP is child of DEPT. Delete deptno = 10 should cascade to EMP. If deptno in emp is not
indexed -- full table scan). This full scan is probably undesirable and if you delete many rows from the parent table, the child table will be
scanned once for each parent row deleted.
Also consider that for most (not all, most) parent child relationships, we query the objects from the 'master' table to the 'detail' table.
The glaring exception to this is a code table (short code to long description). For master/detail relationships, if you do not index the
foreign key, a full scan of the child table will result.
So, how do you easily discover if you have unindexed foreign keys in your schema? This script can help. When you run it, it will
generate a report such as:

------------------------------ -------------------- -------------------APPLICATION_INSTANCES





The **** in the first row shows me that I have an unindexed foreign key in the table APPLICATION_INSTANCES. The ok in the second
row shows me I have a table EMP with an indexed foreign key.
The script
column columns format a20 word_wrapped
column table_name format a30 word_wrapped
select decode( b.table_name, NULL, '****', 'ok' ) Status,
a.table_name, a.columns, b.columns
( select substr(a.table_name,1,30) table_name,
substr(a.constraint_name,1,30) constraint_name,
max(decode(position, 1,
substr(column_name,1,30),NULL)) ||
max(decode(position, 2,', '||substr(column_name,1,30),NULL)) ||
max(decode(position, 3,', '||substr(column_name,1,30),NULL)) ||
max(decode(position, 4,', '||substr(column_name,1,30),NULL)) ||
max(decode(position, 5,', '||substr(column_name,1,30),NULL)) ||
max(decode(position, 6,', '||substr(column_name,1,30),NULL)) ||
max(decode(position, 7,', '||substr(column_name,1,30),NULL)) ||
max(decode(position, 8,', '||substr(column_name,1,30),NULL)) ||
max(decode(position, 9,', '||substr(column_name,1,30),NULL)) ||
max(decode(position,10,', '||substr(column_name,1,30),NULL)) ||
max(decode(position,11,', '||substr(column_name,1,30),NULL)) ||
max(decode(position,12,', '||substr(column_name,1,30),NULL)) ||
max(decode(position,13,', '||substr(column_name,1,30),NULL)) ||
max(decode(position,14,', '||substr(column_name,1,30),NULL)) ||
max(decode(position,15,', '||substr(column_name,1,30),NULL)) ||
max(decode(position,16,', '||substr(column_name,1,30),NULL)) columns
from user_cons_columns a, user_constraints b
where a.constraint_name = b.constraint_name
and b.constraint_type = 'R'
group by substr(a.table_name,1,30), substr(a.constraint_name,1,30) ) a,
( select substr(table_name,1,30) table_name, substr(index_name,1,30) index_name,
max(decode(column_position, 1,
substr(column_name,1,30),NULL)) ||
max(decode(column_position, 2,', '||substr(column_name,1,30),NULL)) ||
max(decode(column_position, 3,', '||substr(column_name,1,30),NULL)) ||
max(decode(column_position, 4,', '||substr(column_name,1,30),NULL)) ||
max(decode(column_position, 5,', '||substr(column_name,1,30),NULL)) ||
max(decode(column_position, 6,', '||substr(column_name,1,30),NULL)) ||
max(decode(column_position, 7,', '||substr(column_name,1,30),NULL)) ||
max(decode(column_position, 8,', '||substr(column_name,1,30),NULL)) ||
max(decode(column_position, 9,', '||substr(column_name,1,30),NULL)) ||
max(decode(column_position,10,', '||substr(column_name,1,30),NULL)) ||
max(decode(column_position,11,', '||substr(column_name,1,30),NULL)) ||
max(decode(column_position,12,', '||substr(column_name,1,30),NULL)) ||
max(decode(column_position,13,', '||substr(column_name,1,30),NULL)) ||
max(decode(column_position,14,', '||substr(column_name,1,30),NULL)) ||

max(decode(column_position,14,', '||substr(column_name,1,30),NULL)) ||
max(decode(column_position,15,', '||substr(column_name,1,30),NULL)) ||
max(decode(column_position,16,', '||substr(column_name,1,30),NULL)) columns
from user_ind_columns
group by substr(table_name,1,30), substr(index_name,1,30) ) b
where a.table_name = b.table_name (+)
and b.columns (+) like a.columns || '%'

Rebuild Indexes
When I first started doing DBA work, I was thrilled to find the "analyze index .... validate structure" command. This command puts
information about a specific index in the view index_stats. The problem with using this command is that while the analyze is running,
the index is locked. This prompted me look for other signs that an index needs to be rebuilt. Now that I am working under a tight space
constraint, I've come back to that first "cool" command I learned.
This tells a lot about the index, but what interests me is the space the index is taking, what percentage of that is really being used, and
what space is unusable because of delete actions. Remember that when rows are deleted, the space is not re-used in the index. Let's
check one:
analyze index john.APPTHIST_CURR_STAT_FK validate structure;
select btree_space,pct_used,del_lf_rows_len from index_stats;

---------- --------------43

So we see this index is only using 43 percent of the almost 19M allocated to it and that it holds over 5M of space that it cannot use
because of deletes. This is a candidate to rebuild. Of course, we don't want to rebuild one at a time. You can use the following script to
rebuild all of them automatically::
set serveroutput on
v_MaxHeight integer := 3;
v_MaxLeafsDeleted integer := 20;
v_Count integer := 0;
--Cursor to Manage NON-Partitioned Indexes
cursor cur_Global_Indexes is
select index_name, tablespace_name
from user_indexes
where partitioned = 'NO';
--Cursor to Manage Current Index
cursor cur_IndexStats is
select name, height, lf_rows as leafRows, del_lf_rows as leafRowsDeleted

select name, height, lf_rows as leafRows, del_lf_rows as leafRowsDeleted

from index_stats;
v_IndexStats cur_IndexStats%rowtype;
--Cursor to Manage Partitioned Indexes
cursor cur_Local_Indexes is
select index_name, partition_name, tablespace_name
from user_ind_partitions
where status = 'USABLE';
/* Global or Standard Indexes Section */
for v_IndexRec in cur_Global_Indexes
dbms_output.put_line('before analyze ' || v_IndexRec.index_name);
execute immediate 'analyze index ' || v_IndexRec.index_name || ' validate structure';
dbms_output.put_line('After analyze ');
open cur_IndexStats;
fetch cur_IndexStats into v_IndexStats;
if cur_IndexStats%found then
if (v_IndexStats.height > v_MaxHeight) OR
(v_IndexStats.leafRows > 0 AND v_IndexStats.leafRowsDeleted > 0 AND
(v_IndexStats.leafRowsDeleted * 100 / v_IndexStats.leafRows) > v_MaxLeafsDeleted) then
dbms_output.put_line('Rebuilding index ' || v_IndexRec.index_name || ' with '
|| to_char(v_IndexStats.height) || ' height and '
|| to_char(trunc(v_IndexStats.leafRowsDeleted * 100 / v_IndexStats.leafRows)) || ' % LeafRows');
--- Commented line was needed for Oracle 9i
--- On 10g Oracle now automatically collects statistics during index creation and rebuild
execute immediate 'alter index ' || v_IndexRec.index_name ||
' rebuild' ||
' parallel nologging compute statistics' ||
' tablespace ' || v_IndexRec.tablespace_name;
execute immediate 'alter index ' || v_IndexRec.index_name ||
' rebuild parallel nologging tablespace ' || v_IndexRec.tablespace_name;
v_Count := v_Count + 1;
when OTHERS then
dbms_output.put_line('The index ' || v_IndexRec.index_name || ' WAS NOT rebuilt');
end if;
end if;
close cur_IndexStats;
when OTHERS then
dbms_output.put_line('The index ' || v_IndexRec.index_name || ' WAS NOT ANALYZED');

dbms_output.put_line('The index ' || v_IndexRec.index_name || ' WAS NOT ANALYZED');

end loop;
dbms_output.put_line('Global or Standard Indexes Rebuilt: ' || to_char(v_Count));
v_Count := 0;
/* Local indexes Section */
for v_IndexRec in cur_Local_Indexes
execute immediate 'analyze index ' || v_IndexRec.index_name ||
' partition (' || v_IndexRec.partition_name ||
') validate structure';
open cur_IndexStats;
fetch cur_IndexStats into v_IndexStats;
if cur_IndexStats%found then
if (v_IndexStats.height > v_MaxHeight) OR
(v_IndexStats.leafRows > 0 and v_IndexStats.leafRowsDeleted > 0 AND
(v_IndexStats.leafRowsDeleted * 100 / v_IndexStats.leafRows) > v_MaxLeafsDeleted) then
v_Count := v_Count + 1;
dbms_output.put_line('Rebuilding Index ' || v_IndexRec.index_name || '...');
execute immediate 'alter index ' || v_IndexRec.index_name ||
' rebuild' ||
' partition ' || v_IndexRec.partition_name ||
' parallel nologging compute statistics' ||
' tablespace ' || v_IndexRec.tablespace_name;


end if;
end if;
close cur_IndexStats;
end loop;
dbms_output.put_line('Local Indexes Rebuilt: ' || to_char(v_Count));

Make a Script
The drawback you will see when working with index_stats is that it only holds one row at a time. So we will first create a table to hold the results from this
create table t_ind_used_size

,btree_space number(12)
tablespace xxx
storage (initial 256k next 256k pctincrease 0) pctused 80 pctfree 0;
Now I know that what I want to do is to check each index for a given owner:
v_stmt varchar2(100);
cursor c1 is
select owner,index_name from dba_indexes where owner = 'JOHN';
for line in c1 loop
v_stmt := 'analyze index '||line.owner||'.'||line.index_name||
' validate structure';
execute immediate v_stmt;
insert into t_ind_used_size
select line.owner,name,btree_space,pct_used,del_lf_rows_len,sysdate
from index_stats;
if mod(c1%rowcount,100)=0 then
end if;
end loop;
Our cursor gives us all of the indexes for this owner. You can also take the "where" clause off the cursor and get all indexes.For each index, we create
the analyz e statement and then execute it using dynamic SQL. The results from this analyz e statement are then put into our table for reference later.
Remember that the "analyz e" will lock the index, so be sure to run this operation during off- hours. I have 372 indexes taking 2564M of space, and this
script takes 7:40 to complete. Not too bad.
Now Let 's Use t he Inf ormat ion
So we have gathered all of this information. We can just look at it to get an overview with:
variable block_size number;
select value into :block_size from v$parameter where name = 'db_block_size';
select * from t_ind_used_size
where btree_space > :block_size order by pct_used DESC;
Notice that I am only interested in the indexes that are taking more than one block of space. Any indexes currently taking one block cannot be improved,

Notice that I am only interested in the indexes that are taking more than one block of space. Any indexes currently taking one block cannot be improved,
no matter what percentage is being used. I have 176 rows from this query with the indexes making the least efficient use of space at the bottom of the
result set.
You will notice that we have the date in the table, too, so we can compare over time with the following:
select a.owner,,a.dt,a.pct_used,b.dt,b.pct_used
from t_ind_used_size a, t_ind_used_size b
where a.owner = b.owner and = and a.pct_used>1.1*b.pct_used
and a.dt >= (b.dt - 7);
This would show us the indexes that have dropped their percent used by more than 10 percent during the last seven days. Here we are assuming that
you would run this periodically (daily or weekly).
I am not so much interested in the change over time than in the use of space right now. We want to reclaim space, so we will rebuild all of the indexes
that have too much unused space. For "too much," I have chosen indexes that are using less than 75 percent of their space held or that have more than
one block of delete space that is unusable.
My "where" clause for this is:
select count(1)
from t_ind_used_size a, dba_indexes b
where btree_space > :block_size
and (pct_used < 75 or del_len > :block_size)
and a.owner = b.owner and = b.index_name
order by pct_used;
I join my table with dba_indexes so I can get more information on how the index is created. We now have 46 indexes that are candidates for a rebuild.
For each index we want to; rebuild, analyz e to get new statistics, and then remove the index from the t_ind_used_siz e table so we don't do it again. It will
take me forever to alter each one manually so we make a script to do it for us:
select 'alter index '||a.owner||'.'||||
' rebuild tablespace '||b.tablespace_name||chr(10)||
'storage (initial '||initial_extent||
' next '||next_extent||
' pctincrease '||pct_increase||') pctfree 0 nologging;'||chr(10)||
'analyze index '||a.owner||'.'||||
' compute statistics;'||chr(10)||
'delete t_ind_used_size where name = '''||||
''' and owner = '''||a.owner||''';'||chr(10)||
from t_ind_used_size a, dba_indexes b
where btree_space > :block_size
and (pct_used < 75 or del_len > :block_size)
and a.owner = b.owner and = b.index_name
order by pct_used;

This gives us 46 rows like:

alter index JOHN.APPTHIST_CURR_STAT_FK rebuild tablespace LOCAL1M_IDX
storage (initial 1048576 next 1048576 pctincrease 0) pctfree 0
analyze index JOHN.APPTHIST_CURR_STAT_FK compute statistics;
delete t_ind_used_size where name = 'APPTHIST_CURR_STAT_FK' and owner = 'JOHN';
So you see, we will rebuild in the same tablespace, analyz e, delete the row, and move on to the next.
Problem Solved
This takes care of the two problems I started with. I know when to rebuild my large indexes based on the percent used and delete space. If there is only
lookup activity against a large index, I'll never rebuild it once it is the right siz e.
I can also take care of those active indexes that are holding deleted space that is unusable.
You can pick any numbers for your limits but a block of deleted space and 75 percent usage seemed reasonable to me. I don't want to be rebuilding all
indexes every week.
This script can, of course, just be added to you weekly processing. Just spool out the output and then execute that created script. With this, when you
again start getting tight for space, you know you really are tight.

You should first get the explain plan of your SQL and determine what changes can be done to make the code operate without
using hints if possible. However, Oracle hints such as ORDERED, LEADING, INDEX, FULL, and the various AJ and SJ Oracle hints
can tame a wild optimizer and give you optimal performance.
Some suggestions:
- Use ALIASES for the tablenames in the hints.
- Ensure tables containst up-to-date statistics
- Syntax: /*+ HINT HINT ... */ (In PLSQL the space between the '+' and the first letter of the hint is vital so /*+ ALL_ROWS */ is
fine but /*+ALL_ROWS */ will cause problems
Here is a list of all the Hints:
Oracle Hint

Must be immediately after comment indicator, tells Oracle this is a list of hints.
Use the cost based approach for best throughput.
Default, if statistics are available will use cost, if not, rule.
Use the cost based approach for best response time.

Access Method Oracle

Use rules based approach; this cancels any other hints specified for this statement.

This tells Oracle to do a cluster scan to access the table.

This tells the optimizer to do a full scan of the specified table.
Tells Oracle to explicitly choose the hash access method for the table.
Transforms a NOT IN subquery to a hash anti-join.
Forces a rowid scan of the specified table.
Forces an index scan of the specified table using the specified index(s). If a list of indexes is
INDEX(table [index])
specified, the optimizer chooses the one with the lowest cost. If no index is specified then the
optimizer chooses the available index for the table with the lowest cost.
Same as INDEX only performs an ascending search of the index chosen, this is functionally identical
INDEX_ASC (table [index])
to the INDEX statement.
Same as INDEX except performs a descending search. If more than one table is accessed, this is
INDEX_DESC(table [index])
Combines the bitmapped indexes on the table if the cost shows that to do so would give better
INDEX_FFS(table index)
Perform a fast full index scan rather than a table scan.
MERGE_AJ (table)
Transforms a NOT IN subquery into a merge anti-join.
This hint causes a merge on several single column indexes. Two must be specified, five can be.
Transforms a NOT IN subquery into a NL anti-join (nested loop).
Inserted into the EXISTS subquery; This converts the subquery into a special type of hash join
HASH_SJ(t1, t2)
between t1 and t2 that preserves the semantics of the subquery. That is, even if there is more than
one matching row in t2 for a row in t1, the row in t1 is returned only once.
Inserted into the EXISTS subquery; This converts the subquery into a special type of merge join
MERGE_SJ (t1, t2)
between t1 and t2 that preserves the semantics of the subquery. That is, even if there is more than
one matching row in t2 for a row in t1, the row in t1 is returned only once.
Inserted into the EXISTS subquery; This converts the subquery into a special type of nested loop
join between t1 and t2 that preserves the semantics of the subquery. That is, even if there is more
than one matching row in t2 for a row in t1, the row in t1 is returned only once.
Oracle Hints for join orders
and transformations:
This hint forces tables to be joined in the order specified. If you know table X has fewer rows, then
ordering it first may speed execution in a join.
Forces the largest table to be joined last using a nested loops join on the index.
STAR_TRANSFORMATION Makes the optimizer use the best plan in which a start transformation is used.

NO_MERGE (table)
Oracle Hints for Join
USE_HASH (table)

When performing a star transformation use the specified table as a fact table.
When performing a star transformation do not use the specified table as a fact table.
This causes nonmerged subqueries to be evaluated at the earliest possible point in the execution
If possible forces the query to use the specified materialized view, if no materialized view is
specified, the system chooses what it calculates is the appropriate view.
Turns off query rewrite for the statement, use it for when data returned must be concurrent and
cant come from a materialized view.
Forces combined OR conditions and IN processing in the WHERE clause to be transformed into a
compound query using the UNION ALL set operator.
This causes Oracle to join each specified table with another row source without a sort-merge join.
Prevents OR and IN processing expansion.

This causes Oracle to join each specified table with another row source with a hash join.

This operation forces a nested loop using the specified table as the controlling table.
USE_MERGE(table,[table,]) This operation forces a sort-merge-join operation of the specified tables.
The hint forces query execution to be done at a different site than that selected by Oracle. This
hint can be used with either rule-based or cost-based optimization.
The hint causes Oracle to use the specified table as the first table in the join order.
Oracle Hints for Parallel
This specifies that data is to be or not to be appended to the end of a file rather than into existing
free space. Use only with INSERT commands.
This specifies the operation is not to be done in parallel.
PARALLEL(table, instances) This specifies the operation is to be done in parallel.
Allows parallelization of a fast full index scan on any index.
Other Oracle Hints:
Specifies that the blocks retrieved for the table in the hint are placed at the most recently used end
of the LRU list when the table is full table scanned.
Specifies that the blocks retrieved for the table in the hint are placed at the least recently used end
of the LRU list when the table is full table scanned.
For insert operations will append (or not append) data at the HWM of table.
Turns on the UNNEST_SUBQUERY option for statement if UNNEST_SUBQUERY parameter is set
Turns off the UNNEST_SUBQUERY option for statement if UNNEST_SUBQUERY parameter is set


to TRUE.
Pushes the join predicate into the view.

This is the cost-based approach designed to provide the best overall throughput and minimum resource consumption. It's the default
option of Oracle
select /*+ ALL_ROWS */ COMPANY.Name
where COMPANY.Company_ID = SALES.Company_ID
and SALES.Period_ID =3
and SALES.Sales_Total>1000;

This example will usually execute NESTED LOOPS. The ALL_ROWS forces the optimizer to use a MERGE JOIN.
Causes merge scans of two to five single-column indexes.:

select /*+ AND-EQUAL COMPANY$CITY, COMPANY$STATE */Name, City, State

where City = 'Roanoke'
and State = 'VA';

Requests a cluster scan of the table_name:
/*+ CLUSTER(table) */

This hint is the opposite of ALL_ROWS. It tells the the optimizer to return the rows as fast as it can, even if it needs to perform more
I/O operations:


COMPANY.Company_ID = SALES.Company_ID
SALES.Period_ID =3

It performs a FULL ACCESS to the table. Yoy may want to use it if you know that the distribution of the data is not good.
select /*+ FULL(COMPANY) */ Name, City, State
where City = 'Roanoke'
and State = 'VA';

Causes a hash scan

/*+ HASH(table) */

INDEX(table_name index_name):
It can be used in 3 different ways:
1. If only one index is mentioned, it will use that index
2. If you mention more than one index, the optimizer will decide which one to use.
3. If you mention just a table, the optimizer will decide wich index to use on that table.

City = 'Roanoke'
State = 'VA';

Name, City, State

INDEX_ASC(table_name index_name):
It will use the indicated index in ASC order.
INDEX_DESC(table_name index_name):
It will use the indicated index in DESC order.
This hint is used in a view to prevent it from being merged into a parent query.
This hint causes the table CACHE option to be bypassed.
Requests that the tables should be joined in the order that they are specified (left to right). For example, if you know that a state table
has only 50 rows, you may want to use this hint to make state the driving table.
Requests a rowid scan of the specified table.
Indicates that the rule-based optimizer should be invoked (sometimes due to the absence of table statistics)

/*+ RULE */ COMPANY.Name

COMPANY.Company_ID = SALES.Company_ID
SALES.Period_ID =3

USE_HASH (table_name1 table_name2):

Requests a hash JOIN against the specified tables.
USE_NL (table_name):
Requests a nested loop operation with the specified table as the driving table.
select /*+ USE_NL(COMPANY) */ COMPANY.Name


COMPANY.Company_ID = SALES.Company_ID
SALES.Period_ID =3

It is the opposite of ISE_NL. It tells the optimizer to use a MERGE JOIN between the tables mentioned there.
where COMPANY.Company_ID = SALES.Company_ID
and SALES.Period_ID =3
and SALES.Sales_Total>1000;

** Parallel Execution
** Note: Oracle ignores parallel
hints on a temporary table. **

/*+ APPEND */
Specifies that data is simply appended (or not) to a table; existing free space is not used. Use these hints only following the INSERT
/*+ NOPARALLEL(table) */
Disables parallel scanning of a table, even if the table was created with a PARALLEL clause.
/*+ PARALLEL(table)
/*+ PARALLEL(table integer) */
Lets you specify parallel execution of DML and queries on the table; integer specifies the desired degree of parallelism, which is the
number of parallel
threads that can be used for the operation. Each parallel thread may use one or two parallel execution servers. If you do not specify
integer, Oracle
computes a value using the PARALLEL_THREADS_PER_CPU parameter. If no parallel hint is specified, Oracle uses the existing
degree of parallelism for the table.
DELETE, INSERT, and UPDATE operations are considered for parallelization only if the session is in a PARALLEL DML enabled
mode. (Use ALTER SESSION ENABLE PARALLEL DML to enter this mode.)


The NOLOGGING clause only affects Direct-path INSERT and Direct Loader (SQL*Loader) all other DML (insert/update/delete) are logged to
the redo logs. Regular DML statements are always logged. So you should be able to recover them even if the table mode is nologging
Although you can set the NOLOGGING attribute for a table, partition, index, or tablespace, NOLOGGING mode does not apply to every
operation performed on the schema object for which you set the NOLOGGING attribute. Only the following operations can make use of the
alter table...move partition
alter table...split partition
alter index...split partition
alter index...rebuild
alter index...rebuild partition
create select
create index
direct load with SQL*Loader
direct load INSERT Inserts with Append Option
All of these SQL statements can be parallelized. They can execute in LOGGING or NOLOGGING mode for both serial and parallel execution.
Other SQL statements (such as UPDATE, DELETE, conventional path INSERT, and various DDL statements not listed above) are
unaffected by the NOLOGGING attribute of the schema object." NOLOGGING is used mainly for SQL-LOADER and DIRECT-INSERTS. If you
are not performing either of these (or those mentioned above) then the operation you perform WILL be logged.
If you performed any of those operations you should backup your database ASAP.
If you performed any of those operations the steps to recover a standby database would be:
1. Stop recovery on the standby.
2. Put the datafile in backup mode, back it up, and ftp the file to the standby host (in binary mode).
3. Put the Standby in Managed Recovery Mode:
On the Standby:
SQL> alter database recover managed standby database disconnect;
if you use RMAN:
1. Stop recovery on the standby.
2. Connect to the target and standby:
rman target / auxiliary sys/change_on_install@standby
3. Restore and recover the file with something like this:
run {
set newname for datafile 8 to
restore datafile 8;
set until time 'Oct 24 2000 08:00:00';
clone database; }

4. Put the standby back into recovery mode.

Anyway, you can run the following PL/SQL as the owner of the table to modify those tables, indexes or tablespaces:
set heading off
set feedback off
set pagesize 200
spool tables_logging.sql
select 'alter table ' || table_name || ' logging;'
from user_tables
where logging = 'NO'
and temporary = 'N';
spool off
set heading off
set feedback off
set pagesize 200
spool indexes_logging.sql
select 'alter index ' || index_name || ' logging;'
from user_indexes
where logging = 'NO';
spool off

set heading off
set feedback off
set pagesize 200
spool tablespace_logging.sql
select 'alter tablespace ' || tablespace_name || ' logging;'
from dba_tablespaces
where logging = 'NOLOGGING';
spool off

CBO Options
opt imizer_index_cost _adj
This is the most important parameter of all, and the default setting of 100 is incorrect for most Oracle systems. For OLTP systems, resetting this parameter to a smaller value (between 10- to 30) may result in huge performance gains!
If you are having slow performance because the CBO first_rows optimizer mode is favoring too many full-table scans, you can reset the
optimizer_index_cost_adj parameter to immediately tune all of the SQL in your database to favor index scans over full-table scans. This is a
"silver bullet" that can improve the performance of an entire database in cases where the database is OTLP and you have verified that the

full-table scan costing is too low.

It can also be enabled at the session level by using the alter session set optimizer_index_cost_adj = nn syntax. The
optimizer_index_cost_adj parameter is a great approach to whole-system SQL tuning, but you will need to evaluate the overall effect by
slowly resetting the value down from 100 and observing the percentage of full-tale scans. You can also slowly bump down the value of
optimizer_index_cost_adj when you bounce the database and then either use the access.sql scripts or reexamine SQL from the
STATSPACK stats$sql_summary table to see the net effect of index scans on the whole database.
We have seen that there are two assumptions built into the optimizer that are not very sensible.
- A single block read costs just as much as a multi-block read - (not really likely, particularly when running on file systems without direction)
- A block access will be a physical disk read - (so what is the buffer cache for?)
Set the optimizer_index_caching to something in the region of the "buffer cache hit ratio." (You have to make your own choice about
whether this should be the figure derived from the default pool, keep pool, or both).
Another method to define it:

col a1 head "avg. wait time|(db file sequential read)"

col a2 head "avg. wait time|(db file scattered read)"
col a3 head "new setting for|optimizer_index_cost_adj"

select a.average_wait a1,

b.average_wait a2,
round( ((a.average_wait/b.average_wait)*100) ) a3
(select d.kslednam EVENT,
s.kslestim / (10000 * s.ksleswts) AVERAGE_WAIT
from x$kslei s, x$ksled d
where s.ksleswts != 0 and s.indx = d.indx) a,
(select d.kslednam EVENT,
s.kslestim / (10000 * s.ksleswts) AVERAGE_WAIT
from x$kslei s, x$ksled d
where s.ksleswts != 0 and s.indx = d.indx) b
where a.event = 'db file sequential read'
and b.event = 'db file scattered read';

Some results I have obtained from various combinations of hardware platform and IO sub-system.
avg. wait time
avg. wait time
new setting for
(db file sequential read) (db file scattered read) optimizer_index_cost_adj
------------------------- ------------------------ -----------------------.171659257

In real life, this metric is only good enough to give a very rough indicator as to how fast the IO sub-system is. New-value settings below 100
indicate slow disks, anything above 100 might indicate the presence of fast or cache-backed disks (or abuse of the UNIX file system cache).
You have to exaggerate these results for it to have any real influence on the CBO. For example, if the above query suggests a new setting
of 63%, you may have to go as low as 1% or 2% before the CBO will actually use an index. Conversely, a suggestion of 370% may need to
be bumped up to around 3700% before a full-table or index fast-full scan is favoured.
Opt imizer Modes
In Oracle there are four optimizer modes, all determined by the value of the optimizer_mode parameter. The values are rule, choose,
all_rows and first_rows. The rule and choose modes reflect the obsolete rule-based optimizer so we will focus on the CBO modes.
The optimizer mode can be set at the system-wide level, for an individual session, or for a specific SQL statement:
alter system set optimizer_mode=first_rows_10;
alter session set optimizer_goal = all_rows;
select /*+ first_rows(100) */ from student;

Oracle offers several optimizer modes that allow you to choose your definition of the best execution plan for you:
opt imizer_mode=f irst _rows This is a cost-based optimizer mode that will return rows as soon as possible, even if the overall query
runs longer or consumes more computing resources than other plans. The first_rows optimizer_mode usually involves choosing an
index scan over a full-table scan because index access will return rows quickly. Since the first_rows mode favors index scans over fulltable scans, the first_rows mode is more appropriate for OLTP systems where the end-user needs to see small result sets as quickly
as possible.
opt imizer_mode=all_rows This is a cost-based optimizer mode that ensures that the overall computing resources are minimized,
even if no rows are available until the entire query has completed. The all_rows access method often favors a parallel full-table scan
over a full-index scan, and sorting over pre-sorted retrieval via an index. Because the all_rows mode favors full-table scans, it is best
suited for Data Warehouse, decision support systems and batch-oriented databases where intermediate rows are not required for
real-time viewing.
opt imizer_mode=f irst _rows_n This is an Oracle9i optimizer mode enhancement that optimizes queries for am small, expected return
set. The values are first_rows_1, first_rows_10, and first_rows_100 and first_rows_1000. The CBO uses the 'n' in first_rows_n as an
important driver in determining cardinalities for query result sets. By telling the CBO, a priori, that we only expect a certain number of
rows back from the query, the CBO will be able to make a better decision about whether to use an index to access the table rows.
While the optimizer_mode is the single most important factor in invoking the cost-based optimizer, there are other parameters that
influence the CBO behavior.
Using hist ograms wit h t he CBO
In some cases, the distribution of values within an index will effect the CBOs decision to use an index vs. perform a full-table scan. This
happens when the value with a where clause has a disproportional amount of values, making a full-table scan cheaper than index access.
A column histogram should only be created when we have a highly-skewed column, where some values have a disproportional number of
rows. In the real world, this is quite rare, and one of the most common mistakes with the CBO is the unnecessary introduction of histograms
in the CBO statistics. The histograms signals the CBO that the column is not linearly distributed, and the CBO will peek into the literal value
in the SQL where clause and compare that value to the histogram buckets in the histogram statistics.

As a general rule, histograms are used to predict the cardinality and the number of rows returned in the result set. For example, assume that
we have a product_type index and 70% of the values are for the HARDWARE type. Whenever SQL with where product_type=HARDWARE
is specified, a full-table scan is the fastest execution plan, while a query with where product_type=SOFTWARE would be fastest using
index access.
Because histograms add additional overhead to the parsing phase of SQL, they should be avoided unless they are required for a faster CBO
execution plan.
So how do we find those columns that are appropriate for histograms? One exciting feature of dbms_stats is the ability to automatically
look for columns that should have histograms, and create the histograms. Again, remember that multi-bucket histograms add a huge
parsing overhead to SQL statements, and histograms should ONLY be used when the SQL will choose a different execution plan based
upon the column value.
To aid in intelligent histogram generation, Oracle uses the method_opt parameter of dbms_stats. There are also important new options
within the method_opt clause, namely skewonly, repeat and auto.
method_opt=>'for all columns size skewonly'
method_opt=>'for all columns size repeat'
method_opt=>'for all columns size auto'
Lets take a close look at each method option.
The first is the skewonly option which very time-intensive because it examines the distribution of values for every column within every
index. If dbms_stats discovers an index whose columns are unevenly distributed, it will create histograms for that index to aid the costbased SQL optimizer in making a decision about index vs. full-table scan access. For example, if an index has one column that is in 50% of
the rows, a full-table scan is faster than and index scan to retrieve these rows.
Histograms are also used with SQL that has bind variables and SQL with cursor_sharing enabled. In these cases, the CBO determines if the
column value could affect the execution plan, and if so, replaced the bind variable with a literal and performs a hard parse.
=> 'SCOTT',
estimate_percent => dbms_stats.auto_sample_size,
=> 'for all columns size skewonly',
=> 7

The auto option is used when monitoring is implemented (alter table xxx monitoring;) and creates histograms based upon data distribution
and the manner in which the column is accessed by the application (e.g. the workload on the column as determined by monitoring). Using
method_opt=>auto is similar to using the gather auto in the option parameter of dbms_stats.
=> 'SCOTT',
estimate_percent => dbms_stats.auto_sample_size,
=> 'for all columns size auto',
=> 7


Improving Performance By Using IPC Connections To Local Databases

"When a process is on the same machine as the server, use the IPC protocol for connectivity instead of TCP. Inner Process Communication
on the same machine does not have the overhead of packet building and deciphering that TCP has. I've seen a SQL job that runs in 10
minutes using TCP on a local machine run as fast as one minute using an IPC connection. The difference in time is most dramatic when the
Oracle process has to send and/or receive large amounts of data to and from the database. For example, a SQL*Plus connection that
counts the number of rows of some tables will run about the same amount of time, whether the database connection is made via IPC or
TCP. But if the SQL*Plus connection spools much data to a file, the IPC connection will often be much faster -- depending on the data
transmitted and the machine workload on the TCP stack.
You can set up your tnsnames file like this on a local machine so that local connection with use IPC connections first and then TCP
connection second.
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = IPC)(Key = IPCKEY)) or (Key = SID))
To see if the connections are being made via IPC or TCP, turn on listener logging and review the listener log file."
Note 207434.1

Space Used per Block

Remember each INITRANS takes 24 bytes in a block. Approximately 120 bytes is needed for block header info.
Available space for new insert = DB_BLOCK_SIZE - ((DB_BLOCK_SIZE - header info) * PCTFREE ) - (INITRANS * 24)
With the following (BAD) values:
Assume your block size = 8192.
The PCTFREE 60 will simply take away 4843 bytes ((8192 -120)*0.60).
Then INITRANS 90 will consume 2160 bytes (90*24).
Available space for new insert = 8192 - 4843 - 2160 = 1189.
Put LOG_BUFFER value to 4 MB.

LOG_PARALLELISM default value in 10g is 2. You can increase to 8 or 12 so that different concurrent sessions would start using
different log buffer. This will increase transaction through put.
Tune tnsnames.ora file. Consider adding SDU/TDU parameters.
Divide the buffer cache into 2 parts: keep and default. Use "keep" for indexes and "default" for table data.

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