Gateway Today May 2016

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Gateway Today

May, 2016

Gateway Walk
Heres how it works
Supporters get sponsorship but do not
collect any money. Attend the Walk, complete the
2-mile course and enjoy a FREE picnic lunch!
Well update you on the day of the Walk via

We can only change society by faithfully proclaiming the Gospel,

which changes lives from the inside out. John MacArthur

Instagram and

Gateways Walk for Life

Saturday June 11th.

Well bill your sponsors after the Walk while

you enjoy the great prizes for getting top

Life changing decisions

@ 10am at Nomahegan Park,

Cranford, NJ
Go to
for further details

Jey and Recha have been featured in our newsletter

many times. They are from Sri Lanka. On April 29th.
they both trusted Christ in their home through the
ministry of Pastor Fernan Apolinario, Pastor of Great
Shepherd Church, in Springfield. Praise the Lord!!

All walkers get this cool T-shirt

Great prizes for sponsorship

"I tell you that in the same way, there will be more joy
in heaven over one sinner who repents than over
ninety-nine righteous persons who need no
repentance. Luke 15:7

From January through April, weve seen at our two sites:

560 women and 76 men, had 182 babies known born, 156 have trusted Christ as Savior
and Lord, and another 21 rededicated their lives to Christ.
Praise the Lord for His blessings!

Cindy, age 27, was 22 weeks pregnant when she came to GatewayIrvington in January. She was not a believer. Her boyfriend, Ron,
accompanied her. He is a believer. They intend to marry soon. Their
baby is due June 2nd. We keep contact with Cindy by telephone. On
March 3rd. she trusted Christ. Pray for her growth in Christ.
Pam is 18 and is against abortion. She came to us four weeks pregnant
and excited about having a child. The gospel was presented, but she did
not trust Christ. Pray that the Lord would open her heart. John 6:65:
"For this reason I have said to you, that no one can come to Me unless
it has been granted him from the Father."
Vincent accompanied his wife and spoke with Edmund. He is from an
Anglican background, both claim to be believers. They are originally
from Nigeria He was undecided about abortion. She was leaning
towards abortion because she didnt want to lose the opportunity for
citizenship. Vincent changed his mind on aborting after meeting with us.
They had baby Abbie on March 26th. She called us to say thankyou for
the help given to her by Annelise and Jennifer. When we recently
contacted Vincent, he too was grateful for our encouragement.

Jennys baby (left) needed baby items. We had baby shower for her
mom and Alfreda visited her in her apartment. Pray for continued
contact. (Right) Gateway participated in the YMCA Come Together in
Union on April 15th. Gateway is named in their report on Cable 34.

PRAISE for healing for our

Board Chairman, Rev. Michael
PRAYER for Irvington volunteer
Rosemarie Eurell as she awaits
results relative to her recent
cancer treatments.
and Reckha (see page 1) are in
urgent need of a car. He travels 3
plus miles on a bicycle from East
Orange to his new job as a
groundskeeper at the Maplewood
Golf Course. If you can help,
please email
As indicated on p. 1, both prayed
to trust Christ last week and are
attending church weekly!
Gateway is helping her with the
paperwork and transportation
needed for her upcoming
umbilical cord hernia operation in
mid to late May 6.

Male and female volunteer counselors


Gateway Pregnancy Centers, Inc.

Our next training is

June 16, 18, 23 and 25, 2016

(973) 399-8378

Matthew 9:37-38 says

Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest is plentiful,
but the workers are few. Therefore beseech the Lord of
the harvest to send out workers into His harvest."

P.O. Box 1793, Union, NJ 07083

Also on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin


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