Cambridge English Movers Reading and Writing Part 2

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YLE Movers Reading & Writing Part 2 Teachers Notes

This activity gives students practice in silent reading and in matching sentences to pictures. It also
encourages them to process information quickly as it is a competitive game.

15 minutes.


the course book that you are using

12 sentences written on large poster paper
YLE Movers Sample Paper downloaded from the website
Please download the Sample Paper for this lesson.


to introduce students to Part 2 of the Movers Reading & Writing test and to the task type

to encourage close, silent reading of both simple and more complex sentences.

Before the lesson

1. Look through the units in the course book which students have already studied and choose at
least four units for this activity. Make sure there are at least 12 pictures in the four units. If
possible, choose pictures which have some similar elements, e.g. people doing activities in the
park, people in the shopping centre.
2. Write 12 sentences about the pictures in the units.
Do not write more than one for each picture.
Make the sentences quite complex, e.g. The man outside the cinema is reading a book.
Do not always write about things in the picture which are obvious. They can be small and in the
3. One of the aims of this activity is for the students to look at the detail in the pictures.
In your sentences, use a range of language from the Movers grammar and structures list (see the
Cambridge English: Young Learners Handbook for Teachers), e.g. the verb to be, the present simple,
present continuous, have got, comparative adjectives, prepositions.
Also make sure that the vocabulary is from the Movers vocabulary list (see the Cambridge English:
Young Learners Handbook for Teachers) and that you do not include vocabulary which they
do not already know.
Express similar ideas with different structures, e.g. She has got
an ice cream / She is eating an ice cream.
All the sentences should be true and grammatically accurate.
Write the sentences onto a poster (A3 if possible) and number them 112.
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use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms and Conditions

4. Choose one of the pictures and write one sentence about this pictures which is not true. Most of
the sentence should be correct, but use, e.g. the wrong preposition or one other small piece of
incorrect language. Remember, the sentence must be grammatically correct.
For example: In the picture there is a boy playing with a ball.
Write: The boy is playing with a car.
Do not write this sentence on the poster.

1. Introduce the activity
Divide the class into groups of four.
Display the poster with the 12 sentences written on it.
Tell students to read the statements silently.
2. Activity
Give instructions for the activity.
Tell students that they have 5 minutes to look at the units in the course book (tell them which units
you have chosen), and find which pictures the sentences describe.
They write the page number next to the sentence number on a piece of paper or in their
Give them 45 minutes to do the task.
Stop the activity when they have had 45 minutes.
Tell students to swap answer papers /notebooks with another group and to see if they have the
same answers.
Check answers with the class.
Now, write the incorrect sentence you prepared on the board. Allow students a minute to read it
and to find the picture it relates to. Elicit that the sentence is wrong and the reason why it is wrong.

Sample Task
Hand out a copy of the Sample Task to each student. Give them time to look at the picture and to
silently read the instructions. Ask the following questions:
How many examples are there? (2: one correct, one incorrect)
How many sentences do they have to answer? (6)
What do they write? (Yes or No)
Where are the glasses in the picture?
(on the shelf // below/under the mirror)

UCLES 2014. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom
use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms and Conditions

3. There may be more than one way to describe something in the picture and students must check that
the description is true, even if its not the way they are expecting the picture to be described.
Remind students that in this task they are going to read some sentences about a picture and they
have to write Yes or No to show if the sentence is true or not.
Remind them to look carefully at the picture and to read the sentences very carefully too.
Tell them that sometimes its only one part of the sentence that is wrong, for example a preposition.
Give them a maximum of 5 minutes to do the task.
4. For the Reading & Writing test, its important to train students to get used to a limited amount
of time for each part, as in the test they need to manage the time themselves.
Check answers with the class.
Focus on important words which helped them decide the answers.
For example:
In question 5, the word boxes is the word which helps the students decide that the answer is no.
(There are lots of bottles in the cupboard.)
5. Important information to give to the students
At the end of the activity, tell students that in the test:
they have to look at the picture very carefully, take time to read the sentences and write their
Yes or No answers clearly.
they must not leave any answers blank. If they are not sure of an answer at the end of the
test, they should guess. They may be right and they wont lose any marks for a wrong answer.

Suggested follow-up activity

Students choose a picture in their course book and, in pairs, write 5 sentences about it.
Some are factually correct and some are incorrect, as in the test.
Pairs then swap sentences and write yes or no for each one.
Pairs compare and check.

UCLES 2014. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom
use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms and Conditions

YLE Movers Reading & Writing Part 2 Answer Key

Key to Sample Task 1
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. No
4. Yes
5. No
6. Yes

UCLES 2014. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom
use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms and Conditions

YLE Movers Reading & Writing Part 2 Sample Task

Original can be found in the Cambridge English: Movers Reading & Writing Sample Paper, which can
be downloaded from the Cambridge English website.

UCLES 2014. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom
use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms and Conditions

UCLES 2014. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom
use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms and Conditions

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