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Om Swastiastu
Om namo Siwa budhaya
Thank you for the time given to me.
I respect Mr. lecturer
And friends I'm proud
Angayubagia taste we are due to Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa because on asungkerta
waranugraha Him we can gather in this happy occasion in a state of physical and spiritual
On this auspicious occasion I will convey Dharma discourse entitled Concepts in Leadership
Hindu Asta. brata Underlying I raised this title because I feel there are many leaders who do
not apply the concept of asta Bratha as a leader.
People of my loved sedharma
Asta Brata Bratha the teachings of Hindu leadership that comes from the Vedas contained in
Nitisastra, Asta Brata is a concept that is in use by the king of kings in ancient times to lead
the kingdom into an empire of a great and prosperous. Before I further explained asta Bratha
first I want to tell, what is it ?, leader and what leadership ?.
People of sedarma happy
A leader is a person who is considered to have an influence on many groups of people. While
leadership is leading the process, organize, move the running of an organization, institution,
bureaucracy and so forth, according to Prof. Gunadha leadership is the process of helping and
assisting others to work enthusiastically toward a goal. Leadership also means the activity of
influencing others to attaining the goals of the group voluntarily. In Hinduism found a lot of
teaching on leadership of one of them in the book of Veda III.4.1 Atharwa define the tasks of
a leader as follows:
"O leader of the State, came to light, protect people with great dignity, exists as the main
leader, calling and begging all over your strength, seize the honor and praise in this country".
I respect the people of sedharma
Leadership by Hindus is very much discussed in the stories of Hindu one in
Manawadharmasastra explained that a leader must instill eight nature of god in him called
Asta Brata. Eighth nature gods can be explained as follows
Indra Bratha
Indra is the king of the gods, who live in Paradise Kaendran where there is a symbol of
wealth (assets), a symbol of power (the throne) and a symbol of sexual pleasure, all the
prettiest angel there in Kaendran (woman). All three must be owned by a great leader, and
apparently it is applied in the Hindu kingdoms in India, Java, and Bali in the past. With
kewibawaanlah a leader respected by opponents and friends.
In the Vedic Literature, the god Indra is worshiped in two aspects, namely as the God of Rain
and God of War. Rain is water that is desirable for farmers to start planting, plant a farmer
from farming to obtain food, inadequate clothing and housing, it is welfare. Therefore, Indra
is a symbol of prosperity. A leader must always think, speak, and act to promote the welfare
of its people. Indra is also revered as the god of war, conqueror main enemy. In this case the
leader must be the protector of the people, who is able to provide security and comfort for the
people. The enemy is not just bullies from the outside or the rebels, but the enemy within.
This means that a king must be able to control himself from enemies that exist within (sad
Ripu), so that leaders set an example for people in terms of self-control.
Yama Bratha
Yama or in Bali known as Yamadhipati is a god in charge to deprive human life. In charge of

Yama is assisted by a recorder sins of mankind, namely the Suratma. Yama also served as the
punisher of all human error, guards hell. Yama is a court that has never favoritism much less
selective. Supreme Court justices are never wrong in taking decisions. Such is the nature that
must be possessed by a leader, is to give justice to the people. In modern management Yama
properties can be applied to provide appropriate rewards and punishment to members who
contributed to the pace of the organization and punishment to the guilty.
Surya Bratha
Surya or the Sun is the great Supreme rays, by karnanya all life might survive and
sustainable. Surya is also said to be a witness Agung Tri Bhuwana, none of these world
events that he did not know. That is the meaning of the mantra Surya Raditya stating that the
god Surya are witnesses of all human actions, whether good bad deeds maupuk, subha and
asubha karma. Sinar Surya is the most important in the world, illuminating the entire
jagadraya without exception. In the Hindu leadership, the nature of god Surya should follow
is to provide a ray of life for all people without exception. Prosperity for all people is the duty
of a leader. The nature of god Surya else is sucking taxes from the people, but the people do
not feel hurt. Thus exemplified by Sunlight shining / heating the sea water, absorb water
vapor into the air, into clouds, clouds to rain, and rain falling in the hill back into the sea. The
sea does not feel the sun memanasinya, all act as natural processes, symbiotic mutualism.
Likewise, should the relationship between a leader to the led.
Candra Bratha
Chandra or the Moon is the God that illuminates at night time. Tonight is the dark, the dark
side of human life. The moon is light, but never leave a burning sensation for irradiated.
From the foregoing it can be explained that there are two properties that need to be followed
by months of a leader. First, leaders must provide illumination in the day of adversity befall
people. In a smaller scope, for example in the organization of the village, a headman shall
understand the hardship that befell staff or residents of the village and is able to provide
solutions for their plight, or at least provide illumination and mental strength to those who
were suffering. In addition, Moon also symbolizes coolness rays. A leader must provide
coolness for their people. Words and deeds leader must be soothing to the people. Thus, the
value of Hindu ethics in leadership Chandra Brata is providing coolness to his people,
eliminating kesesahan that befall people.
Bayu Bratha
Bayu or wind always fills space, no space left by the wind. He gave the breath of life in the
form, filled the space and does not leave any space that is not touched by it. Likewise with a
leader, like a prevailing wind, which is able to read all the thoughts and wishes of the people
without exception. A leader should be sensitive to the wishes and will of the people.
Kubera Bratha
Dalah god Kubera wealth. In terms of leadership, Kubera Brata means a leader must always
look elegant. Self-esteem is a leader of his appearance. Not that a leader should look
luxurious precisely paced cause conflict between the leader and the led. Appearance, the
dress code is also taught in Hindu ethics is dressed to adjust to the circumstances in which the
appearance as it must be present.
Baruna Bratha
Varuna is the god of the sea, the sea is a symbol of the vastness of infinity. Seafood is
penamping all impurities carried by the flow of the river, but the sea never contaminated even
able to purify all that dirt. Such is the mind of a leader, a leader must be broad-minded, able
to accommodate all of the errors, the crimes committed or imposed upon him and further
purify all defilements so that all become holy. A leader unfit sentence that people are unkind
forever would not be good, but rather provide continuous guidance to them so that later
become a good person. Such is the nature of the sea that must be followed by a leader.

Agni Bratha
Agni or fire is burning. In terms of leadership trait or agni means fire burning spirit of the
people to come forward and towards prosperity, to a better future. The behavior of a leader
must always give examples to members to always work-work and work for the betterment of
the organization led. In modern management this could be done by making innovations in
leadership style, for example, release all saturation and build a new spirit and motivation to
be better.
Sedharma race that I love
Thus dharma discourse can convey, I can conclude that the teachings asta Bratha still very
relevant / appropriate in implementing today. Leadership Astra Brata that become the
foundation of leadership and Hindu Ethics. As in kakawin Ramayana explained that the
perfect leader is wruh ring Vedas (know literatures sacred and other knowledge), bhakti ring
gods (faith in God), tarmalupeng Pitra Puja (not forgetting the ancestors, merits former
chairman), still swagotra ring kabeh (compassion on our fellow human beings). Hopefully
asta Bratha teachings can be applied by leaders of the Hindu -pemimpin now onwards.
Santih santih santih Om Om.

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