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Biology Lab Report

Dominick Wong Hongjie


Aim/Objective : To determine the speed of transpiration of a potted


Research Question
How to measure the rate of transpiration of a potted without using a

I believe that it is possible to measure the rate of transpiration without
the need of a potometer.

Dependent Variables-
Mass of the plant
Speed of transpiration

Independent Variables-
Wind Speed

Materials Quantity
Polythene Bag 2
Vaseline 1
Well watered potted 2
Balances(weight) 1


1) Pick 2 similar well-cared potted plants. Label it A. Kindly place a

transparent polythene bag over 1 of the plant, together with the
pot. Next , seal the polythene bag securely
2) Surround the other pot of the 2nd plant in a polythene bag. Label
it Plant B. Secure the bag firmly around the Ariel part of the plant
(stem) of the plant, and this time, seal it with Vaseline
3) Place the plant A in a well-lit area and place plant
4) Put the 2 plants on balances, and record their masses each day ,
at the same time , for at least a week. And then compare
5) For the plant which is covered fully, from top to bottom, every 60
minutes or so, determine the amount of water that is caught in
the bag, then catching the water in a cylinder, then swiftly reseal
the bag again over the plant again .
6) Record the data. The amount of water received every time
period is the average rate of transpiration for that duration.

Data Collection Table

Time Mass of Plant A Mass of Plant B in
(Plant A under shade
After 24 hours
Loss of mass in…days

We have understood that the decrease in mass is basically the

process of transpiration of water from the shoot, the Ariel Area.
qid=20080721235327AAAHylV accessed on 22nd March

Using A Potometer Lab Report

Objective/Aim: To calculate the rate of transpiration of a potted

plant using a potometer.

Dependent Variables-
Mass of the plant
Speed of transpiration

Independent Variables-
Wind Speed
Research Question
Can the rate of transpiration of a green plant (geranium) which is
not potted utilizing a photometer?

It is likely to measure the rate of transpiration of a geranium
utilizing a pototmeter
I believe the errors will be minimal, and that the results will be

Dependent Variables-
Mass of the plant
Speed of transpiration

Independent Variables-
Wind Speed

Materials Quantity
Plant Cuttings 1
Stands 2
Plastic Tubing 1

Graduated pipettes 1
Clamps 2

Fan 1
Plastic Bag 1
Bottle Spray 1
Distilled Water N/a (volume of the bottle spray
will suffice)

1) Prepare the potometer, handle the plastic tubing and fill it with
water. Make a tiny cutting of the plant , utilize the a large
enough piece of stem, as the shoot of the plant must fit exactly
into the tubing. To prevent any air bubbles in the water-carrying
tubes, force the stem end of the cut into a container of water
right after slicing. The cut is inundated , remove another 5.08
centimeters/2inches, to make sure that any form of bubbles is
removed. Put the cutting into the tubing, and secure it to form a
knot/seal. Remove the green plant and tubing from the water,
then place the pipette into the opposite end of the tubing , and
attach the potometer against the stand. Alter the relation to the
height of the plant and pipette ends of the potometer in order for
the plant to be higher than the pipette side. This enable the
water to smoothly flow up into the pipette.

2) Four different environmental treatments: ambient room


:wind, high humidity ,

and bright light.
This would determine the baseline rate of transpiration for the
room. For the wind condition, prepare a small auto fan directly
in front of the potometer blowing onto the plant , for the
humidity condition , place a large transparent polythene bag
over the top of the plant cutting, utilize the bottle spray to mist
water into the transparent bag , and secure the bag around the
ariel area of the plant cutting. For a bright light condition ,
prepare a lamp with a high watt light bulb near to the potometer
and shine mainly on the plant.

3) After the conditions have been prepared , hang around for a few
moments to let the plants to transpire. Then observe the water
level within the graduated pipette. This is the starting volume.
4) Record the volume of water in the graduated pipette every 90
seconds for 1800 seconds. Note down the final amount after
1800 seconds

Time (Min) Room Wind Mist Light

Lost (ML)
B&sig=AHIEtbQXtpzpYy2NCeb0CdIp1aKTglvCww accessed on 22nd
March 2010

Different Surface Of Leaves

Aim: To study which surface of a leaf loses more water during the
process of transpiration.

Research Question
Is it possible that the process of transpiration rate, be measured and in
comparison between the two surfaces of a leaf of a potted plant?

Cobalt Chloride can be utilized to check which type of surface leaf
transpires more.

Dependent Variables-
Mass of the plant
Speed of transpiration

Independent Variables-
Wind Speed

Materials required
Materials Quantity
Forceps 1
Rectangle pieces of cobalt 2
chloride paper
Well-Potted plant 1

1) Pick a well watered healthy green plant.
2) Place the cobalt chloride paper(HANDLE WITH FORCEPS
CAUTIOUSLY ) onto the 2 surface of the leaf utilizing scotch tape.
There will be hardly any air spaces surrounding the paper.
3) Leave the set-up under sunlight. The plant will start the process
transpiration which dependent on the independent variables. The
higher the temperature , the more water is evaporate from the
stomata. Plus humidity. The lower the humidity, transpiration
decreases. The condition of wind speed also applies. Water is
evaporated faster than on a dry still day
4) Surface of leaf where the paper has a brighter shade of pink has
transpired more as cobalt chloride paper is pink when wet and
blue in color when dry. This proves which side (upper/lower) side
of the leaf has a greater number of stomata.

Data Table Collection

Surface of Temperatur Humidity Wind Speed Color Of Pink
leaf e (Light/Dark

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