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2. Place and date

3. Carrier

4. Merchant (see Clause 1)

5. Vessels Name

6. Time for shipment (about)

7. Loading port (or so near thereunto as the vessel may safely get
and lie always afloat)

8. Discharging port

9. Description of goods

10. Freight rate (also indicate whether prepayable or payable at destination)

11. Demurrage rate (if agreed)

12. Merchants representatives at loading port (state full name and address, telegraphic address, telephone and telex)

13. Special terms, if agreed

It is hereby agreed that this Contract shall be performed subject to the terms contained on Page 1 and 2 hereof which shall prevail over any previous
arrangements and which shall in turn be superseded (except as to deadfreight and demurrage) by the terms of the Bill of Lading, the terms of which (in full
or in extract) are found on the reverse side hereof.


Signature (Merchant)


14. LOAD - DISCHARGE TERMS: Hook to Hook as fast as vessel can load and discharge.
15.PACKAGING: Cargo to be suitable marked and packed for ocean transportation in accordance with international standards.
16.BILLS OF LADING: Conline bills of lading to be used.
17.LIFTING EQUIPMENT OR GEAR: Any special required spreaders of lifting frames not already on board the vessel shall be supplied by the merchant.
18.SUPPORT EQUIPMENT AND HANDLING MARKS: The merchant shall suply any saddles / cradles, which may be required to support the cargo. Cargo to be fitted
with suitable lifting lugs or other adequate means of lifting and center of gravity to be clearly marked. Sufficient lashing points for securing to be placed on the cargo. If
items are not flat at their bottom, a footprint sketch is required. Any special dunnaging to be for merchants account.
19.CARGO DELIVERY / RECEIVING: At the loadport or the dischargeport, if cargo is delivered or received directly under hook by trucks, rail wagons or lighters, the
cargo shall be delivered or received as fast as the vessel is able to load or discharge otherwise demurrage/detention to apply.
21. DETENTION: Any delays to the vessel beyond carriers control to be deemed as vessel on detention at a rate of USD$___________ pd/pr.
22. MEASUREMENT: All cargoes to be measured at the extremes for the purpose of calculation cargo cubic. Carriers surveyor may measure and/or weigh the cargo to
determine measure and weight. Carriers measure and weight (which can be taken from terminals receiving report) to be used for purposes of calculating freight
23. ROUTING: to follow
24. STOWAGWE: Cargo storage, on or under deck carriers option
25. CONTAINERS, TRAILERS &TANKS: Containers, trailers and transportable tanks, whether stowed by carrier or received by the carrier in a stowed condition from
the merchant, may be carried on or under deck without notice to the merchant.
26. SECURING: Cargo to be secured to vessel Masters satisfaction. The time and expense of additional securing required by the merchant or merchants surveyor
beyond that required by the Master shall be for the cargo interests account.
27. FREIGHT EARNED: Freight is deemed earned pro rata as cargo is being loaded onboard, discountless and non-returnable vessel and/or cargo lost or not lost.
28. PAYMENT TERMS: Freight fully paid upon signing / releasing bills of lading. Ocean freight is discountless and non-returnable cargo and or vessel lost or not lost
freight deemed earned on pro rata loading. Any and all terminal, stevedore and / or pier receiving charges and wharfage charges to be for the account of cargo.
freight to be invoiced in increments as per Box 10.
29. EXCLUDED CHARGES: Any truck unloading/loading. THC, other terminal charges, wharfage, dock, dues, other dies like German QWTC dues. Swedish fairway
dues or any receiving/storage/delivery dues, duties and taxes calculated on cargo and/or freight to be for merchants account al both ends.
30. PRIVATE & CONFIDENTAL: These negotiations and booking to be kept private and confidential between parties involved and no to be reported to any outside
third party not involved in the booking.
31. ALTERATIONS: Any change or alterations to this booking note must be confirmed in writing by all parties, the merchant and his representatives and the carrier.
32. AGENTS/: Carriers agents at both ends.
33. Full or part cargo: This booking will represent a part cargo option.
34. ARBITRATION: Should any dispute arise between carrier and the merchant, the matter in dispute shall be referred to the persons in New York, one to be appointed
by each of the parties, and the third by the tow chosen. Their decision or that of any two of this agreement may be made a rule of the court. The arbitrators shall be
commercial men conversant whit shipping matters. This charter shall be governed by the Federal Maritime law of the United States. The proceeding shall be
conducted in accordance whit the rules of the Society of Marine Arbitrators, Inc. the prevailing party shall be entitled to all reasonable costs of recovery.
35. FORCE MAJEURE: The act of God, Enemies, fire, restraint of princes, rulers and people and all dangers and accidents of the seas, rivers, machinery, boilers and
steam navigation and error throughout this voyage, always mutually excepted should due to political, economical and/or legal situation in Houston, Tx this job to be
cancelled and the rig not be shipped. Owner agrees that this qualifies as force majoure and merchant will not be held liable under this booking.
36. WAR RISK: This contract is subject to the trading limitations imposed by the London War Risk Trading Warranties. Any additional premium determined to be
applicable by underwriters for breaching or exceeding such trading limitations to be merchants account and the carrier shall have a lien on the cargo for such
amounts due. Masters discretion whether or not to call ports/areas which are affected by war or war-like conflicts. BIMCO VOYMAR 1993 clauses fully
incorporated into this contract.
37. OWNERS TO PROVIDE A STOW PLAN UPON Owners receipt of the full cargo list.
38. Arbitration: General Average USA USA Law to apply.
39. All cargo to be measured at the extremes for the purpose of calculating cargo cube.

Signature (Carrier)

Signature (Merchant)

Terminales Maritimas Transunisa SA de CV


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