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Materials Joining

Homework 4

Electric resistance welding using the principle of connecting

the metal surface in the form of sheet, and the blunt connection in the
form of reduced overlap with one another using the electrode. Then
their electrical resistance is generated from electric current flowed. The
electrical resistance of the current makes the surface becomes hot and
melted. In electrical resistance welding, electrodes made of copper
because copper properties very fulfilling the criteria desired electrode.
The nature of them that copper has a thermal conductivity and high
electrical, have a good deformation resistance, not easily contaminated
workpiece, and the price is cheap. In electrical resistance welding,
there are three important variables, namely: electrical resistance,
electrode pressure, time and current. Stages of spot welding work can
be explained in the figure below:
1) Aim and take electrode on the metal surface and apply a little
pressure on the surface.
2) The second phase occurs by applying an electric current to
the electrodes so as to make the surface becomes hot and melted. 3)
The third stage is to release previously given electric current and
electrodes were left in place so that the material can be cooled
Melting occurs in the middle of these two plates are connected because
of the electric current flowing from the surface down to the middle of
the plate, so that the melt plate while welding.


Two overlapping sheets are connected using the principle of

local melting caused by concentrated flow between the electrodes are
cylindrical. Current concentration is determined by extensive contact
between the electrode and the workpiece. Here is a mechanism in Spot
Welding process:
Two cylindrical electrodes placed on the surface of the
workpiece connection and the workpiece to be spliced.
Heat generated from the provision of resistance combined
with the pressure will produce Spot Welding.
The heat will result in the formation of nuggets on the
surface of the connection of two workpieces. Generally, the diameter
of the nugget is 6-10 mm.
The resulting current ranges from 3000-40000 A and the
welding time is usually about 0.6 and 0.8 seconds.
Melting occurs in the middle of the two plates are connected
because the spot welding is expected on the surface of the electrical
resistance between the material surface (r3) while the electrical

resistivity of the material to be welded to the electrode should be as

small as possible (r1) and (r5) so that the heat generated melt the
middle of the plates to be joined.
3. Differences between flash welding and upset welding:
1) They actually have the same arrangement. However, the
main difference lies in the mechanism used to generate the movement.
2) Flash welding is usually applied to connect the components
with the same cross section from end to end.
3) Upset welding is usually applied to connect the wire or rod
with a small cross- sectional area as well as for connecting pipes.
4) Flash welding machine has a larger capacity than the upset
welding. However, both can be executed by using the same machine.
Flash welding

Upset welding

4. Schematic of the seam welding work cycle:

a) Steel sheet overlapping, connected using a round and
rotating electrode on the outskirts of the steel. Electrodes will suppress
the sheet steel.

b) The electrode generates heat resistance which will result in

an oval nuggets, which is lined in accordance with the speed of the
c) There will be connection to the nugget area.
d) The current supplied by the connections along the split
electrode rollers.


The working principle of projection welding is a modification

of a resistance welding. The mechanism is to provide current
concentration and pressure of the electrode on the workpiece area.
However, in the initial preparation to note that the current flow
centered on a specific contact point.
Produce neater result of current flow and focus electrode
High welding speed
Adaptable to automation in the production of high-speed
Lap joint cause weight gain
Low fatigue strength
Equipment is more expensive than arc welding
Difficult to repair errors


Good material for welding are steel, aluminium, copper. This is

because steel has a fairly high electrical resistance and low thermal
conductivity (52 W / mK) compared to copper electrodes, which makes
the welding process becomes much easier. Then is aluminum,
aluminum has a value of electrical resistance and thermal conductivity
(109 W / mK) are approaching a copper (385 W / mK) but its melting
point is lower than copper, weldingnya process is still possible to use
higher current.



In the manufacture of ERW steel pipe used high-frequency

currents due to concentrated on the surface to be joined by two probes
that make light contact with the connection part, the required current is
smaller and also smaller electrical contacts. By increasing the
frequency of the applied current up to 450 Hz and increasing the
voltage of the unit into tens, developed a process called high-frequency
resistance welding (HFRW). The role of the frequency of the pipe
connection is made light contact between the probes ith connection
portion so that the current required is smaller as well as electrical
High speed
Weld quality


Not suitable in slow speed

Stop and restart causing visual discontinouties

Projection welding has fewer variables that affect the resistance

welding process as compared to spot welding. The most important
variables of this assembly technique are the quality of the projections
and the response of the cylinder as the projection collapses during the
welding time.


Terms of quality of welding with spot welding analyzed from

nugget size and tensile shear test results are as follows:
Nugget Size
Size nuggets of melted metal is associated with an area of
contact between the workpiece and the electrode, which in this case is
also influenced by the concentration of the current extensive contact.
Diameter of the nugget as a condition of the quality of the welding spot
welding is 6-10 mm.
Test Results of Tensile and Shear stress
Shear strength of the nuggets generally should be sufficient to
ensure that when a connection is broken then the rated voltage up to
break up occurs on the sheet around the nuggget. The important thing
to note is that spot welding strength can be obtained through
mechanical tests in the form of shear strength and cross section test.
Indicators are often used to determine the toughness of welds,
especially on a hard material that has a high afford is the ratio between
the cross section strength (ft) and shear strength (fs). When the ratio of
fs / ft approaching one, welds can be said to be resilient while the ratio
of fs / ft is close to zero, brittle welds.

11. A

B. Imagine D1 = 10mm ; D2 = 8mm

Then t = 5(s) * 0.5
So, D1 = 5(10) * 0.5 = 25mm D2 = 5(8) * 0.5 = 20mm


For welding of zinc coated steel, required higher currents. This

is due to the presence of Zn coating layer on the steel surface. Zn

coating must be melted before we continue on steel joints. Melting

point of Zn is lower than steel. So that during the welding process, Zn
combined with steel will reduce the resistivity. Therefore we need a
higher current to weld these zinc coated steel.

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