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Mission Statement
Our Mission is to provide our customers with high quality electricity and water
services, whilst creating value for our shareholders.
Our objectives are to:
Efficiently meet our obligation to supply Qatars need for electricity and water.
Operate on a commercial basis.
Comply with local and international health, safety, and environmental
Maximize the employment of capable Qatari nationals and develop them to
the competence level of employees in leading international companies.
Qatar General Electricity & Water Corporation,was established in July, 2000
further to the Emiri Law number 10, to regulate and maintain supply of
Since inception, Kahramaa has operated as an independent corporation on a
commercial basis with a total capital of four billion Qatari Riyals. Kahramaa
was mandated with several responsibilities and commitments, some of which

The right to own, construct, operate and maintain electricity generation

stations, water desalination plants, electricity transmission and water
distribution networks.

Set up of infrastructure & network development plans and programs.

Lay out regulations, standards and codes of practices which pertain to

provision of electricity and water supplies to various buildings and
establishments as well as review of their implementations.

Provide consultancies & services related to its operations.

Board Of Directors
Kahramaa board of directors comprises of Chairman, vice-chairman and
several members. The board is appointed for a four-year office term subject to
renewal by an Emiri decree, based on Kahramaa's law- article 7.
a. Jurisdictions

The Board of directors at Kahramaa is granted extensive authorities to

achieve the corporation's goals mainly, the setting, and implementation and
follows up of general policies, plans, programs and projects.
The board main responsibilities are the approval of corporations
organizational structure, endorsement of the financial, administrative and
technical internal rules and regulations, employees policies and regulations,
as well as approving the corporation investment plans, its annual budgets and
closing fiscal year and approves loans with the Government and other parties,
in addition to review of the operational and strategic performance.
b. The Financial Resources
The main financial resources of Kahramaa is the annual allocated funds from
the state (government), services fees and revenues, the return of its capital
investments on its assets as well as the value of its shares and loans
The Electricity Sector
The Electricity transmission networks consist of approximately 100
primary High Voltage sub-stations with total 660 km of overhead lines
supported by 600 km of underground cables across the country. The
network is coupled with 6500 low and medium voltage sub-stations
(11kv) and more than 4500km of cable lines.The National Control
Center (NCC), which contains state-of-art technologies, manages all
network demand and data acquisition from generation plants and
Electricity Demand
Demand on the electrical energy in Qatar has increased over the past fifty
years; the maximum load over the network during the period from 1988 to
2003 has risen from 941 Megawatt to 2312 Megawatts (MW). It has reached
The Water Sector
The water network in Qatar has been expanded extensively in recent
years, the growth of urban areas; industry and agriculture has lead to
the increase in the length of the water network to 3622 km and
expansion in the number of storage reservoirs to 23 with a total
capacity of 259 million gallons of water a day.


Primary distribution voltage 11 KV, Frequency 50 Hz.
System Voltege variation allowed 10.7 KV to 11.3 KV
HT network 3 phase 3 wire System
LT network - 3 phase 4 wire System


Kahramaa distribution Network consists of about 10000 Nos substation. They

are either Indoor type or Out door type.
Max demand -

3025 (27.06.2006) till date

The domestic consumption is more predominant in the system and domestic

load contributes major portion of the total demand. Remaining are industrial
and they contribute very less, near about 15% of the load (approx. 450
mw).Seasonal variations are predominant because of the extreme climatic
conditions. In summer, hot season begins from May September, the
demand reaches its maximum value But in winter season, (Nov- Feb), the
demand reaches its minimum value.
In summer season demand is about 3000 MW
In winter season demand is about 1000 MW
But the Repaid economical & industrial development brings, Qatar power
sector a demand growth of about10% every year.
KAHRAMAA'S distribution Network consists of about 10000 Nos substation.
They are either Indoor type or Out door type. Distribution network is fed from
Primary substations ( 92 Nos ) and mostly they are 66 /11 KV substation's
with two incoming transformers (Rating 25/36/40MVA ). Some 33 / 11 KV
sabstation's are also provided for feeding the 11 KV distributions network.
Under ground cables are widely used to meet the
network is constructed by using

urban load and rural

OH/L. There are indoor and outdoor

substations are provided depending upon the load requirement and

operational flexibility. These substations are also helps to achieve
continious,stable and reliable supply thruogh out the state of Qatar. The
indoor & outdoor substations are provided with different sources to feed the
LT transformers. Closed Ring, Ring off ( Normaly opened point's NOP ) and
Radial feedings are used in the distribution network depending upon the
nature of the Consunar load.


1) Primary Substation
2) Indoor Substation

3) Outdoor Substation
4) Under ground cables
5) Over head lines - OH/L.

1) Primary Substation
Main incoming supply to the Primary Substation is fed from 66
KV system. Two main incoming transformers are generally provided to feed
the 11 KV Distribution system. 11 KV Bus is provided with a Bus
Coupler(A120) for oparational flexibility and is normally in closed condition..
All Switchgear panels for incoming feeders,transformers and outgoing feeders
are equiped

with Circuit Breakers,Isolators and Earth switches. Current

transformer and Voltage transformers are also provided in each circuit for
protection & metering. Earthing transformers are provided for stable neutral
and for station supply. Circuit breakers are of either VCB/SF6 / OCB types are
used.DC System is 110 V DC with Battery and Charger. The primary
substatoin are well equipped with Control panel,protection panel,Switch gear

and Axilliary facilities. Local and remote control is possible for all

panels by selecting the selection switch on panels.RTCC with AVR is also

provided for meeting on load automatic tap changing.
Operation and Maintanance
Maintenance of Primary Substation is always under the control
of transmission wing. All switching operations on 11 KV outgoing feeders are
done by distribution engineer. But switching operation on HV , LV side of
Primary transformers (Incomers) and Bus section Breakers are done by the
transmission wing.

Safety Measures
All primary Substation are well protected from fire hazards.Co2
fire extinguisher system (auotamatic) is provided in Primary substation where
Cicuit Breaker is OCB.But in new phase v Primarys are commissioned with
SF6 as insulation medium.
Operation Control
A selector switch is provided in each panel to control the
operation of breakers from either locally or remotely (Grid). Normally the

Selector switches are in Grid position where Out going feeders are in DCC
control and Incomers and Bus Coupler are in NCC control.A Senior
Authorised person can change the Selector switch position for work only with
the consent of Contrl Engineers of NCC/DCC.

2) Indoor Substation
All Indoor Substations are well equipped with Switchgear panels
with Circuit Breakers,isolating & eathing facility,control and protection circuitry
and metering facility for the smooth operation and control of feeder and Local
distribution transformers. All Feeders and L/Tx are connected to the common
bus of the Indoor substation through the

respective circuit breaker. DC

system available is 30V DC with Battery and Charger.Station LT supply for

station lighting and Battery Charger is taken from L/Tx. All of the switchgeer
panels, L/Tx and Communication systems are protected inside a room.
Circuit Breakers used
1) OCB- Oil Circuit Breaker Oil (Medium)- Vertical isolation
Types available are
Ray Rlle
South Wales
2) VCB- Vaccum circuit Breaker- Vaccum(medium) Horizontal isolation
Types available are
EPE, Ray Rolle and Ranhil
Distribution Transformers
Local & Remote transformer are provided to cater the
distribution load. Available ratings are 500 KVA, 800 KVA,1000 KVA ,1250
KVA & 1600 KVA. The HT cable length more than 15 metre is considered as
Control and Protection

Control and protection circuitry is provided with the Switchgear panel

for the control and protection of Feeders and L/Txs.Local control facility is
only available for CB.
Ammeters are provided in each circuit to measure the load current
Status indicators are provided for circuit Breakers
DC voltmeter is provided to measure the DC voltage.
Operation and Maintanance
Presently no remote control is possible. Local operation &
Maintenance is always done by the

Field engineers(Senior Authorised

Person) of Distribution Department with proper consent from System Control

Engineer on duty.

3) Out Door Substations

In Outdoor substations, Main Switches and Transformer

switches along with Earthing facility is provided for oparational, maintanance
and construction activities. The main switches are intended to break/make the
load current manually.Protection and control circuits are not assosiated with
the main switches inorder to protect the curcuit under overload / fault
condition.But the transformer circuit is provided with Oil Fuse Switches(OFS)/
TX Switch with Time lag Fuse(TLF) to protect the transformer from overload
and fault condition. The automatic tripping of the TX Switch is depend upon
the rating of fuse provided in the circuit.The fuse rating is selected as per the
transformer capacity.If the load current is more than the rated value of fuse.
Then the transformer switch automaticaly trips the circuit and protect the
transformer. Other than OFS / TLF,there is no protection available in Out door
S/S.Metering circuits are also absent in the outdoor substation except the
Ammeter with load current and Maximam Demand indicator provided in the
Feeder Pillar.Status Indicators are provided for Main switches,earth switches
and transformer switches.Earth fault indicators and Gas pressure indicators
are also provided in outdoor substation.

Main Components of Out door S/S

Main Switches for Feeders

Earth Switches for Feeders and Transformers
Transformer Switches (OFS & TXS)
Current Transformers provided for EFI
Local Transformers - 11KV/433 V
Bolt on Feeder Pillar (BOFP) /Free Standing Feeder Pillar (FSFP)
HT and MV cables.
Earth fault Indicators
Gas Pressure Indicators (only in SF6 Outdoor s/s)

Classification according to Insulation Medium

In outdoor s/s, all feeder switches and TX switches are provided with either oil
or SF6 Gas as insulation medium for breaking/making load current.

Oil Switches:- Oil is used as insulation medium for breaking /making the load
current. All switches are rated for breaking/ making load current and not
intended to break /make the fault current.But for transformer circuit Oil Fuse
Switches (OFS) are parovided with Oil Fuses.In OFS a mechanical inter
locked over load protection is provided for tripping the transformer circuit

over load condition..If any of the fuses blows out, a mechanical

interlocking arrangement by means of a Plunger and latch opens the contacts

of the OFS. Different types of Oil Fuse Switches are:Long Crawford Old version, operation is risky, if any abnormalities found,
avoid the switching. Then other remote switches can be
used for operational purposes.
W Lucy

SF6 Switches:- SF6 gas is used as insulation medium in new outdoor s/s's
where the breaking / making of load current is through the SF6 gas insulation
medium. In SF6 O/D substations, for transformer Switches are normally
provided with the Time Lag Fuses (TLF) for tripping the circuit Breaker (TXS)
on abnormal condition. These fuses are provided in the secondary circuit of

the CT across a shunt coil. Normal condition the current will flow through the
TLF( low impedence path) Any abnormality comes the fuse will blown out and
it will results the flow of current through the shunt coil (high impedence trip
coil) which in turn trips the circuit breaker.Different types used are :Tamco
Merlin Gerin
W Lucy

Fuse rating for different rating transformer

Oil Fuse rating available - 40A,63A,70A& 90A
Standard TLF Rating available 5A,7.5A,10A,12.5A &15A
Voltage Transformer
Voltage Transformers (VT) are provided for metering, protection and
synchrocheck. VT is always part of Cable and is provided in all Primary
substation and in some Indoor Substation.In Primary all Feeders ,Incomers
and Bus sections are equipped with VT. VT's are consider as part of the
cable and hence VT isolation is compulsory while doing any type of injection
test like HV Pressure test.Before VT isolation, confirm the cable is dead and
isolated at both ends.
Current Transformer
Different Class CTs are used in Primary as well as in Indoor
Substation for protection & metering. CT's

are also provided in O/D

substations in the Earth Fault Indicator circuit for indicating passage of the
Earth fault. In SF6 -O/D Substation , CT is required in the TLF protection
Types of Out Door substation

Ring Main Unit (RMU)

Semi Extensible RMU

Extensible RMU

Out Door Substation with feeder switches &TX Switch

Out Door Switching station

Package Substation

Ring Main Unit(RMU)

A single unit with two feeder switches and one T-off
transformer switch. Oil and SF6 switches are available. Only one Transformer
circuit is available .Normally Transformer is connected to the T-off circuit and
two feeder switches provided on both sides.

Semi Extensible RMU

The outdoor substation with one RMU unit and which has a
provision to extend its Bus bar towards one side to add more circuits (Feeder
Switches/Tx switches) depending upon the Bus Bar current carrying
capacity.The extensible side of the RMU is provided with an Endcap.

Extensible RMU
The outdoor substation with one RMU unit and which has a provision to
extend its Bus bar towards

both sides to add more circuits (Feeder

Switches/Tx switches) depending upon the Bus bar current carrying

capacity.Endcaps provided on both sides.

Extensible Out door Substation

In this out Door substations, individual switches are provided for
transformer and feeder circuit in a common Bus Bar and has a provision to
extend its Bus Bar towards both sides. Endcaps provided on both sides. No
RMU unit is available.

Out door Switching Station

Transformer switches and RMU units are absent in this type.
Feeder switches provided for switching and operational flexibility and
connected in a common busbar with extensible feature.

Package Substation
In package substation where the RMU unit and FeederPillar
units are attached (Bolted) to the transformer and formed a single package
unit. HV and MV cables are not required for transformer.
Main Switch,Transformer Switch & Earth Switch


Main Switches are intended to making /breaking load current only and
there is no associated protection circuitry. These switches are not
designed to break / make fault current.

Status indication windows are available for Main swtches,Earth

switches and TXS to indicate the current status of operation.

Main Switch Closed condition

TX Switch

- "ON" with red background

Closed condition - "ON" with red background

Earth Switch Closed condition - "ON" with yellow background

Earth Switch /Main Switch /TX Switch - Opened condition "OFF" with green background

TX Switches are provided with Oil Fuse/ TLF for tripping the circuit
under overload / abnormal condition.

Inter locking
1) Inter locking facility is provided between Earth Switch ON and Main
Switch ON condition.
2) Inter locking facility is provided between Earth Switch ON and TX
Switch ON condition.
3) No inter locking facility is provided between Earth Switch OFF and Main
Switch /Transformer Switch OFF condition.
4) Opening/Closing of test plug is allowed only when the earth switch of
respective circuit is in ON condition. In SF6 RMU , the TLF compartment
also having the inter locking facility of this type.
5) Safety and normal operational locks are also provided to all switches.

Earth Fault Indicators (EFI)

Earth Fault Indicators (EFI) are provided in Out Door substations for
indicating the passage of fault current. EFI is normaly provided in left hand
side of RMU. EFI is actuated by a CT secondary current during earth fault.
The CT is wrapped around the feeder circuit cable. Manual reset and Auoto
reset types EFIs are available.


Manual type Manual reset is required after the Flag ON condition due to fault

Auto type - LT supply is provided to EFI and it automatically reset the Flag
due to the fault after a delayed time period when supply resumed.
Gas Pressure Indicator for SF6 RMU
The Gas Pressure Indicator reading should be in the green zone for the safe
oparation of SF6 RMU.
Filling Pressure at 20 degree cent.- 0.4 BARG
Minimum oparating Pressure

Red zone

0.05 BARG

- operation of RMU is not allowed.

Green zone - Operation is allowed

If it is in red zone, refilling is required for further operation and is allowed only
with PTW.
HV and MV cable of Distribution Transformer

11KV HT Single run 3 core cable connect the TX Switch to the Transformer
Primary winding. MV cable Seven run single core (Double run for phases and
Single run for neutral) connect the Transformer Secondary to the MV feeder
Feeder Pillar
Bolt on Feeder Pillar(BOFP) 4 LT Out going Cables
Free Standing Feeder Pillar (FSFP)- 6 LT Cable Out going
MV panel could be mounted in two ways:1. As an attachement (Bolted) to the Transformer Secondary without MV
cables is called Bolt on Feeder Pillar(BOFP)
2. As a separate unit anchored to the ground and secondary of Transformer is
connected with MV cable called Free Standing Feeder Pillar(FSFP)
Special free standing feeder pillar Consumer FSFP and Special consumer
panel is available. 4 or 5 LT Out going Cables + Cable for one separate
consumer panel.
MV Panel - Components
MV link (R,Y,B &N)
Ammeter with Maximum Demand Indicating feature


Bus Bar (R,Y,B and Neutral)

MV side cut out fuses ( 100A,200A,315 A)
MV outgoing Cable (4 or 6 circuits)
Eatrhing Bus
Current Transformer

In Feeder Pillar MV links are provided for LT Outgoing Cables (3 Phase 4 wire
with separate Earth wire ) HRC fuses are provided in LT cable for overload
protection rating depends on the load current. In some consumer MV panel is
available with ACB and REF protection.

Maximum Demand Indicator

Ammeter is provided in MV panel with two needles. One is for the real
time load current measurement and the other one is for all time Meximum
Demand.This indication is more usefull tripping/fault analysis.

LT Transformer ( 11 / 0.433 KV ) Dyn 11

Off load tap changing feature 1 to 5 tap possisions- nominal tap is 3
Local TX - upto 15 mtr
Remote TX - above 15 mtr
Available Transformer ratings - 100, 200,300,500,800,1000,1250,1600 KVA

Under Ground Cables

XLPE - recent standard( ax,bx,cx,dx,ex &gx)
PILC - Old (a,b,c,d)
HT 3 phase 3core cable , MV 3 phases and Neutral

Overhead Lines (OH/L)

Rural areas are electrified by means of OH/L .ACSR and Copper conductors
HT - 3 phase 3 wire system and seperate Earth wire is provided

for 10 poles one Earth pit is provided

- Separate earth pits are provided for LA,Pole Box and PMT
LT -

3 phase 4 wire System


Cut out fuses are provided depending upon the load.

Safety during shut down

The working section should be dead , isolate & Earth at both ends
before doing any work

Test OH/L line before starting work by using an HV Tester for


If the OH/L found Dead,apply Portable Earth at the point of work

Always instruct the workforce to wear

Safety Belt
Safety Shoe

Field Engineer should collect the original copy of safety document

(PTW) signed by the competent person

OHL work should be stopped immediately when the atmosphere

becomes cloudy and chances of lightning and thunder showers are
likely to occure.

Main components
AB Switch (S)
Lightning arrester (LA)
Ploe Mounted Transformer (PMT)
Auto Recloser (R)
Pole Box
Flashing Fault Indicator (FFI)
Conductors & Earth wire
Air Break Switch - Designed to operate on load condition, AB Switches are
numbered in s- series. Oparating hand lever is provided on the botton of pole
with ON/OFF locking facility and can be lock off as a point of isolation.
For safety, open ABS and apply S/L and C/N & simillarly close ABS & L/OFF
Handle upward dirction

- ON

Handle downward direction- OFF


A visual check is reccomended after each operation whether the

contacts are properly inserted/seperated.


Arcing Shields are provided to minimise the arcing of blades.

If ABS is deffective , jumper connections are used to bypass it.

Test OH/L, If Dead, Apply Portable Earth

An HV OH/L Tester used to test the isolated line to make sure that the line is
electrically Dead and is always applicable before applying Portable Earth to
commence a work. After isolating & earthing( if facility is available) both ends,
then test the OH/L , If found dead apply Portable Earth at the point of work by
a copetent person with the precense of a senior authourised person.
If the OHL is dead
If OHL is live

tester making normal low beep

tester making high beep

( Before and after the tester itself should be check )

Portable Earth(PE):-Before doing any kind of work on OH/L, the Portable
Earth must be applied at point of work and is very essential to give a Permit to
Work(PTW) . So before issuing PTW, the System Control Engineer should
confirm that the PE is applied at the point of work and simillarly he should
confirm that PE is removed after the work for cancellation of a PTW.
At point of work


applied by the competent person on the OH/L by means of an

insulated oparating rod. The PE circuit consits of four wires and one lead of
each wire is connected together. Then first connect one wire to the Earth wire
and then the other three wires to R,Y,B, phases. After the work , the PE must
be removed fom the OH/L. While removing PE, first disconnect R,Y,B phases
wires and finally disconnect the wire from the earth conductor.
Pole Mounted Transformer (PMT)
Pole Mouted transformer (PMT) are transformer,which is mounted on an OH/L
pole PMT ratings are normally 100 KVA, 200 KVA and 500 KVA. Vector group
is Dynll.

Lightning Arresters are provided nearer to the transformer to protect it

from lightning surges.Possitioning is always in between the transformer
and OH/L line. LA provided at PMT, Pole Box and Auto Recloser










protection.Replacement of D.O fuses is permitted under live condition..

Out going cable with Fuse Cut outs are used to feed the LT 3phase 4
wire system. Ratings available are 100 A, 200 A , 315 A .

Earthing arrangement for PMT Normally two Earth pits are provided,
one for ground /Body Earthing and the other one is for system neutral

Pole Box
Termination in a pole which provides connection between OH/L
circuit and UG Cable circuit is called a Pole Box. The HT cable may be either
from any I/D Substation / Out Door Substation or from another OH/L portion
due to crossing of road / EHT line.

CT and Earth Fault Indicators are provided in some Pole Box to

indicate earth fault passage

LA's are provided to protect the cable termination from lightning surges.

Separate Earthing is needed for pole Box.

Auto reclosers
Auto recloser is provided to restore the service continuity after a
transient fault on OH/L. Faults which are not permanent called transient fault.
90% of the faults in OH/L are of transient nature, after a short time called the
dead time, the CB can be reclosed.

Auto recloser will trip the circuit for a fault beyond it (O/C or E/F) and it
save the healthy section.

Auto Recloser normally provided nearer to the AB Switch and that will
helps to isolate the faulty portion and there by restore the healthy
portion after opening the AB switch

CT's are also inserted with the Auto Recloser, to measure the load
current for protection.

Different type used in Kahramaa OHL System

In Kahramaa distribution system, Auto Reclosers used as sectionalizers since
the Auto reclosing feature is disabled. Auto Recloser should not consider as a


point of isolation. According to the operation and control, two types of

Recloser are used in OH/L System.
Auto reclosers with manual control
During fault, the auto recloser trips the circuit. But after the first opening, the
recloser attains Lock-Off. Manual operation is needed for closing the Auto
recloser and this is done by using an insulated operating rod. First the
operator should manually reset the switch and then close.

Auto reclosers with auto control

A microprocessor control is provided along with the Auto recloser and is
mounted on the pole (bottom). The operator can operate it from the ground
itself. This type of Auto recloser trips the OH/L faulty section and attains to
lock off. Closing after patrolling and clearing the fault is possible from the
automatic control installation. This type of auto recloser should protect the
OH/L section from O/C, short circuit, E/F and sensitive E/F.

Main Components
Battery 240/ 120 V AC is required to charge the battery.

- VT's are the voltage source for charging the battery

It always provided in the source side of the Auto recloser.


Lighting Arresters are provided to protect A/R.

Flashing Fault indicator

It is a device that is used to identify the earth fault passage. FFI
flashes only when the fault current passing through it. Its location is always
nearer to the AB switch and is clip on to the OH/L.

National Control Centre

Qatar Power System Over view
Power Station Installed Capacity

497 MW


996 MW


756 MW



107 MW

473 MW

699 MW








3528 MW

Transmission network
Kahramaa transmission grid consists of the following voltage levels.
Transmission Network
220 KV
132 KV
66 KV
Distribution Network
0.433 KV
There are 100 Nos. of transmission substation out of which 90 Nos. are
Primary Substations. They are facilitating to feed 11 KV distribution systems.
The primary substations can be either any of the following type.
1. 220 / 132 / 66 / 11KV
2. 132 / 66 / 11KV
3. 220 / 66 / 11KV
4. 66 / 11KV
Demand Profile
The domestic consumption is more predominant in the system and domestic
load contributes major portion of the total demand. Remaining are industrial
and they contribute very less, near about 15% of the load (approx. 450
mw).Seasonal variations are predominant because of the extreme climatic
conditions. In summer, hot season begins from May September, the
demand reaches its maximum value But in winter season, (Nov- Feb), the
demand reaches its minimum value.

Power System Control


The National Control Centre (NCC) controls the QGEWC'S power

system in an efficient way. The smooth, stable and efficient grid control is
achieved by the automated control system (SCADA / EMS).

Two control

desks are available, they are (I) Generation Desk and the other is (ii)
Switching Desk.
(i) Generation Desk.
Controlling the Active and Reactive power flow to maintain the
system voltage & frequency to a predetermined value.
Act according to the surplus & deficit condition.
Act according to the abnormal condition.
Merit Order Dispatch is observed
Automatic Generation Control is in operation.
(ii) Switching Desk.
Coordinating & controlling to all Switching operations.
Give Sanctions ( PTW & SFT ) to all switching operation
Executing load rearrangement programmes during shut down /
abnormal conditions.
Arranging Periodic / Break down maintenance activities for the
network elements.
Frequency Control
Frequency is controlled by maintaining the balance between Active
power and Demand of the system. This is achieved by Automatic Generation
Control(AGC). AGC will ensure stable frequency by automatic adjustments of
generation in accordance with the system demand. AGC controls the active
power flow depending upon the current frequency.
Target Frequency
The system should run at a target frequency 50HZ with minimum deviation
(not exceeding 0.2 %) as far as possible to keep agreeable level of power
supply quality. The frequency band is 49.90 to 50.1 HZ .Beyond the set
frequency band, AGC change over to local. Participation factor percentage is
also selected to determine the degree of involvement of each generator unit in
the AGC mode of operation.
Minimum Spinning Reserve


A spinning reserve equal to the capacity of the largest unit in service is

to be maintained as far as possible.
Operation with less than above or zero spinning reserve is allowed
when there is a short fall of generation capacity during summer peak,
or due to agreed plant maintenance programme, or units purposefully
kept off to avoid plants running winter nights or when generation unit
are agreed to be kept stand by ,to save running hours for anticipated
usage in next summer peak.
Voltage Control
(I) Generator MVAR Control
System Voltage is maintained by controlling the reactive power flow.
Due to the highly inductive nature of load, a larger capacity of MVAR is
required. The main MVAR generation source is the generator and all
generators are normally supplying about 50% of the active power as MVAR.
Then the major source and control point of MVAR is generator source.
Voltage is maintained by controlling the MVAR output of generators. The VAR
control can be achieved either through SCADA control or by local control.
(2) Capacitor Bank
Capacitor Banks are provided at remote areas (MVAR Generation) to
control voltage in 11 KV network. Automatic switching facility is available.
When the transformer (Incomer) MVAR is crossed a pre set value,
automatically the capacitor bank will switch on to the system one by one. That
means supplying VAR to the system.

During summer Low voltage problem.

During winter

: High voltage problem due to capacitive charging of

cables. Reactor compensates the purpose.

Capacitor Bank at

1.5 MVAR x 3 = 4.5 MVAR


1.5 MVAR x 3 = 4.5 MVAR

(3) Voltage Regulators

Provided in the 11 KV systems across the 11 KV Bus Coupler to regulate the
voltage as required.
(4) Transformer taps changing.


Immediate improvement in voltage to a limited extent is possible by changing

the tap of transformers in the system.
The Remote tap changing cubicle (RTCC) is having different ways of control.
They are:(i) Automatic control (with AVR)
(ii) Supervisory control (NCC)
(iii) Manual control


For Grid Transformer - control is done from the NCC (supervisory mode only)
- ON Load Tap changing is possible.
For Primary Transformer (66 / 11KV) Automatic control mode operation is
enabled with AVR(ON Load Tap Changing)
For Distribution Transformer OFF load, manual control only permitted.

Operation at Abnormal Conditions

There are generally two conditions where the system runs on bellow target
Condition 1 -

When all the plants on bar (POB) are fully loaded and the

frequency starts to drop as the load increases further. This is an anticipated

frequency drop situation.
Action required: - Manual load shedding is required to maintain the system
frequency by NCC.
Action sequence:1) Request private generation assistance ( QAPCO ,QVC and
2) If frequency drops to 49.9, instruct QASCO to shed one of
there three arc furnaces.
3) Further drop to 49.9, restrict QASCO to single furnace
4) If frequency drops again and if the tendency of load is to
increase further, manual domestic load shedding is done.
For manual load shedding, 38 list are now functional, each list given a load
relief of about 40 MW. The manual domestic load shedding list in waiting (out
of the existing prepared list) is shed when the frequently drop to 49.8 HZ. And


if necessary this is continued with next list and so on. Next load shedding list
for cyclic shedding is # 23.
Note: DCC should be informed before domestic shedding, and they inform the
stand by offices concerned. Maximum load shedding time is limited to 2 hrs.
First domestic load and then furnaces are restored and later import of energy
is stopped as frequency improves.
Condition 2 - A Sudden drop in frequency due to an unexpected major
generation loss. This is an unanticipated frequency drop situation.
Action required In this case automatic under frequency load shedding takes
place at various stages.
1. Automatic under frequency Bulk load shedding.
2. 11KV feeders at Primary s/s (domestic load) are kept selected at
predetermined frequency levels as below for automatic shedding.
Stage 1 A

Setting 49.2 HZ

Stage 1

Setting 48.8 HZ

Stage 2

Setting 48.4 HZ

Stage 3


48.0 HZ

Stage 4


47.8 HZ

Load shedding selector switch at the Primary's can be put in the desired stage
of under frequency tripping.
3. To improve MVAR levels during the under frequency tripping, reactors
are selected to be automatically closed during stage 2, 3, and 4.
4. First domestic and later the furnaces to be restored manually when
frequency improves.
Load Re arrangement
In order to meet the outage of network elements like Transformer, EHT line,
Bus section etc, the NCC may instruct the DCC to transformer load from one
Transformer to other or one primary to another primary.
Automatic Voltage Regulator
The voltage Band is 10.8 KV to11.20 KV, with a 100 second delay provides to
allow grid level restoration measures.

Distribution Control Centre (DCC)


Monitors and ensures continuous electricity supply for the distribution
network, within the prescribed values of limit violations, giving priority to
security and safety.

Major functions
Controls Active & Reactive power flow in the network and there by
regulate the voltage.
Confirms to all the operation are done in strict compliance with the
department safety rules and regulations and there by ensuring system
safety and security.
Control , coordinate and direct to all switching operations by giving
instruction to field engineers for switching in the 11 KV network for
maintenance / repair of network components and for after fault
Co-ordinate with NCC, in case of generation shortage or other system
contingency to shed the load in accordance to the prearranged
Issue permit to work (PTW), sanction for test (SFT) and isolation
certificate for work in distribution network and also ensure for proper
isolation and earthing by giving priority to safety and security.
Immediate restoration of supply after disturbance and there by limiting
interruption to the minimum.
Inform management about any abnormality & important events.
Co-ordinate with other department for the smooth and efficient
functioning of distribution Network.

Network control by using telemetry

A telemetry system is provided for the smooth operation and monitoring of
distribution network on real time basis.
The circuit breakers of the out going feeders of Primary s/s can be controlled
from the DCC console. This is achieved by RTU and telemetry provided at
PRY & DCC. All data's like, Bus voltage, current (out going feeders) and


Breaker status are transferred to DCC for monitoring and controlling. It also
provided alarm and limits violation condition to remind the Control Engineer to
act accordingly. The available data's in the DCC computer console can be
utilized to originate different report for the smooth functioning of DCC.
Available Data's & facilities
Loading Values of different Primary transformers.
Loading values of different outgoing feeders of PRY
Bus voltages of PRY
Breaker and VT status of PRY
Limit violation, alarm and important events.
All the data's available in the DCC console can be utilized for past and
present system analysis and also helpful for the contingency analysis. The
data's available in the database also helps to originate various technical report
& statistics.

Role of System Control Engineer

1) Switching Programmes- Verification & Execution
The switching programme is very essential to perform a
switching operation in the network in order to avoid danger and risk. For all
scheduled works the switching programmes should be sent in prescribed from
in advance (Before 48 hrs, if possible) exceptions can be allowed during
emergency and contingency operation like after fault restoration, emergency
load shifting & back feeding etc. For load balancing among primary's and
among feeders, the DCC should prepare switching programmes and send it to
the O&M section for execution. After receiving a switching programme,
Control Engineer on duty should study the programme in accordance with the
following criteria.
Effects of the operation on system- check whether the shut down is
affecting any consumers, and confirm that the field engineer issued
the S/D notice.


Check whether all the safety aspects are taken care of before
Study the load rearrangement during the shut down, possible way of
back feeding, loading values of feeders and Transformers involved.
Check the load of feeders involved in paralleling at the time of
isolation and live phasing.
Analyze the paralleling involved in the programme and check
whether it is a bad paralleling or not.
Scrutinize the point of isolation, back feeding arrangement in terms
of system security and safety.
Study the loading condition due to the shut down and check whether
the shut down causes any overloading to any feeders and primary
transformers involved in the programme.
Check the substation planning Number and Name, Sequence of
operation and safety aspects related to the programme, date of
execution and duration of shut down etc.
Study the Live phasing route ,loading during Live phasing and
consumer effected (If any VIP Consumer is in the route of 11KV Live
phasing, then alternative path should he selected for doing the
2. Activities on the day of execution
The verified switching programmes can be execute after considering the
Present loading of the feeders and transformers of the system
Present loading of feeders and transformers involved during isolation
(shifting load from one feeder to another) and during 11 KV Live

Mostly the loading data's of Transformers and feeders are available in DCC
console except some PRY's. S.S.A can be utilized to collect the data's from
the PRY's where telemetry is not available.
Special care at the time of paralleling
Paralleling should be essential for NOP shifting and 11 KV Live phasing, while
paralleling, the following points to be noted.


Check the load of feeders involved before paralleling.

Check whether it is a bad paralleling.
Check the bus voltage of the Primaries involved.
If possible, request NCC to minimize the voltage difference
between Primaries involved.
Block the tap changing in order to avoid furthers changes in
voltage and thus the unwanted circulating current. This will
minimize bad paralleling effect.
If there is a bad paralleling history then arrange two field engineers
for make & break operation (if possible) or break and make
depending upon the consumer affected.
Check the load on feeder involved after paralleling in order to
confirm the paralleling is successful and is not interrupted the
Supply confirmation from the field engineer is very essential after

Before energizing a transformer, study the present loading of feeder

involved and if it will over load after energisation, then study other
possible alternatives.

After the work, DCC can advise the field engineer to establish new
NOP in view of load balance among feeders and Primaries.

3. Fault Restoration
Information about the fault is either any one of the following way
1. NCC will transmit the message if the standby Earth fault alarm initiated
at NCC or if the Primary Transformer CB tripped.
2. Alarm initiated at DCC telemetry console.
3. Information's from the call centre / stand by offices.
Action required:

If the CB of feeder at PRY has not tripped, then retrieve the past data
from data base and compare with the present load and calculate the
load loss. This load loss data will help to find out in which indoor the
tripping has occurred.


For collecting additional information about the tripping, the Control

Engineer can utilize the help of SSA and Stand by Technicians.

Convey all information collected to the Distribution Stand by Engineer

and also give the Tel. No. of SSA who attending the fault. Control
Engineer should instruct the field engineer to proceed to the Indoor /
Outdoor / PRY where the fault is suspected.

If OH/L is involved, then inform ABU HAMUR OH/L section to arrange

the patrolling.

Report the matter to the top officials with details.

Study the possible back feeding arrangement.

Collect all information from the SSA at site and from the Stand by
Engineer like relay indication, EFI status, station supply (Battery) and
abnormalities etc.

With the above information locate the fault as early as possible.

While test charging, keep the relay time setting to the minimum.

Isolate the faulty section, apply C/N, L/ off and apply CME at point of

Back feed the healthy portion as possible.

Inform the fault to the O&M section for repair and rectification.

If supply is effected and to be continue for a long time, then arrange

Movable Generator.

Before test charging, if OH/L involved make sure that all of the OH/L
patrolling gang are away from the live system. This is confirmed by
direct contact with Field Engineer.

Prepare Abnormality report, along with detailed logging in Station Log.

Report the final status to the top officials.


While executing the switching programme, before first operation check

the switching programme No, Name of work and Name of Engineer.

Execute the programme in a sequential manner.

Give instructions as per the programme to the Field Engineer and ask
him to repeat the given instructions.


Always tell the name and planning No. of location and circuit to the

Note down the time of instruction and time of confirmation of operation.

Before issuing PTW and SFT confirm that the working section is
isolated, Earthed at both ends. And also confirm that the S/L and C/N
applied at the point of isolation.

Always confirm switching positions after cancellation of SFT.

Confirming switching positions after SFT is mandatory because of the
Field Engineer has the approval for the operations of earth switches
under SFT. He has the temporary control over Earth switches during
SFT for the purpose like HV injection, signal injection, colour phasing

If OH/L involved in the isolated section, apply CME at point of isolation

(if possible) and test OH/L line, if found dead apply Portable Earth at
the point of work. After confirming the above, issue PTW. Before
cancellation of PTW confirm that all CME and portable earth are
removed from the line.

Rack out VT from the line only after isolating both ends. And VT should
be rack in before energizing the cable. VT status should always confirm
before energizing the circuit.

Before HV pressure test, confirm that the transformers are in CME

condition and VT is in rack out condition.

After isolating a circuit breaker (Rack out) always instruct the Field
Engineer to do Trip Test for the CB.

Before Earthing the transformer, confirm that the MV side is isolated.

Before earthing a section, confirm that the section is dead and isolated.

Apply CME at both ends to a faulty section after isolating both ends.
Also apply S/L and C/N.

Always maintain PRY Substation Battery voltage to a value of 110 V


Always maintain the Indoor Substation Battery voltage to a value of 30


Gas pressure should be in green zone for SF6 Outdoor Substation.


When multi permits issued to the same Field Engineer or to different

Field Engineers within the same point of isolation, then the energisation
shall be done only after the cancellation of all holding PTW's within the
isolated section. When multi permits issued to different field engineer,
cross reference numbering is recommended (# CR).

A field engineer can't hold more than one SFT at a time. SFT is issued
by the field engineer to himself and his direct supervision involvement
is required to perform the test.

Proper informational tags must be placed on single line diagram to

avoid any wrong operation.

The field engineer can't suspend the SFT. He has to cancel SFT before
he leaves the site. Any inconvenience occurred to complete the test,
then he should cancel the SFT and also confirm the switching positions
before the leaving the site.

The field engineer can't hold PTW and SFT together.


Load shifting / rearrangement as per NCC advise.
Some occasions , NCC instruct DCC to shift some load from one Primary to
other as a part of shut down programmes ( Transmission ) or to avoid over
loading of Transformers / feeders. For this arrangement, DCC Control
Engineer on duty should study the present loading of Primary Transformers
and do the possible arrangements.
Voltage Complaints - Voltage complaints received from the consumer can be
solved by the following measures.
Study the present voltage profile.
If possible, request NCC to raise the voltage at 11 KV Bus of PRY.
Instruct the Distribution Field Engineer on Stand by duty to attend
the case and to take present voltage of transformer secondary (MV
Voltage) line to line and L-N and also instruct him to verify the
present tap position.
If further increase of tap position is possible, then Switch-off
Transformer and raise the tap. Confirm the voltage and ensure
system back to normal.


In case of PMT, remove the HT fuse and then adjust the tap
position as required.
NOP Shifting:
Paralleling between same or different sources is required
Different Situations:

Load balancing among same or different Primary transformers.

Load balancing among Feeders.

During shut down works to back feed the load to avoid interruption.

During fault restoration.

To avoid over loading of Feeders and Transformers.

Important Considerations required

Before paralleling, study the voltage profile of sources and block the
tap if required.
Before and after paralleling study the real time loading values of
Feeders and Transformers involved.
Always confirm the supply status and this is necessary to find out
any load loss due to tripping in between.
If the paralleling is having a bad paralleling history, then arrange
make and break with two Field Engineers.
Preparation of Reports
1. Commissioning Report.
Collect the relevant details from the Field Engineer and fill up the data in a
prescribed from. The main information's required are as follows

Circuit Labeling Check.

Protection status

Cable / Transformer size

Cable length

Battery & Battery Charger Voltage

Earth Fault Indicator positioning

2. Abnormality Report
Any abnormality / tripping happened in the system should be recorded in the
Station Log and also prepare an abnormality report of the incident with details
in a prescribed form.


3. PTW and SFT Cards.

Prepared in prescribed form separate for PTW and SFT and which is serially
numbered with brief details particularly about CME, Name of Engineer,
Section isolated, work, Date and Time etc.
4. Station Log
All events recorded by the Control Assistant in a chronological order during
the shift. This includes all the switching operation instructions given by the
Control Engineer.
5. Control Engineer Log Book
Brief reports about the Operations during the shift.
6. Daily Report system statistics
7. Weekly Maximum Demand Log
8. Daily peak print out.
Communication facility available
Q-Telephone, KM's Pax phone, Hot line telephone and Fax

Construction & Reinforcement section -Distribution,

All the construction & Reinforcement activities connected with Distribution
Network is executed by the construction section. The work includes
strengthening of the distribution system by adding /upgrading the network
elements with the existing network. Adding network elements like Indoor /
outdoor substation, transformer and associated network for meeting consumer
demand are always done under the construction activity. But upgrading the
network is always comes under the reinforcement section. For any new
proposal, the Planning and Design department should conduct the detailed
study and after that the proposal passes over to the construction section for
final execution. So Construction section has a vital role in the development of
Qatars distribution Network.
New project execution
The Electricity planning Network department submitted all the
proposals to the construction section (Head) for final execution. The
construction section upon receipt of the scheme of works from the planning
department, allocates the schemes to the engineers of the construction


section after obtaining the proper consent from governmental authorities. ROA
wing should arrange the approval from the governmental agencies (Qtel,
Sewerage, Civil engineering Department, Road Division and Water
Department of Kahramaa).

Role of Construction Engineer

Estimates the material requirement and coordinate the same with the
suppliers & ABUHAMUR work shop

Coordinate with consumer for execution of scheme

Allocate the work to different contractors and coordinate with them for
final execution.

Prepare an action plan for the proposed work.

Prepare shut down notices before execution, if any supply interruption


Prepare switching programme for shut down and Commissioning. The

switching programme along with the alteration proposed to the existing
system is required to get proper consent from the system control (DCC)
in advance (before 48 hrs). For preparing SW / programme, collect
additional information like NOP, Existing Network details etc from DCC

The single line diagram with all details (substation type ,cable length &
type , transformer capacity & Nos ) of the existing network and the
proposed alterations should be send along with the switching
programme to the DCC for concurrent and comments in advance
(before 48 hrs ). Keep a copy of the same ( switching programme &
drawing ) for reference & execution

Execute the work with the consent of DCC on a particular day as

indicated in the switching programme or a day mutually agreed
between the construction engineer & DCC.


On the day of execution, the construction engineer should contact

system control engineer, DCC for executing the work as per the
switching program.


The system control engineer should arrange for possible back feeding
and load transfer in order to avoid interruption during the execution of

The switching programme and other activities involved during the

execution shall comply the Safety Rules and Operation memorandum
of QGEWC high voltage system. The system operation memorandum
D15 is followed in this aspect.

Before Commissioning a New Substation / Transformer


Check the new label and fix it properly and confirm the same to
control (DCC)

Protection and fault level of CB. Verify and inform to DCC.

Check the operation of CB.

Check the station lighting

Check the trip circuit healthiness

Check station Battery and Charger.

Check the transformer before energizing (oil check, tap setting,

name plate, abnormalities etc.)

Fix operating lock and label for new s/s

After checking all the safety aspects, the Construction Engineer can
commission the new s/s with proper consent from the System Control

Do HV Pressure Test for the new circuit.

Check 11 KV live phasing for the new joints and Terminations
before paralleling.

Check Phase Rotation & MV voltage for the new transformer.

If all the above checks are satisfying, then Commission the new system.

Techniques used for system safety

A number of different techniques and procedures are adopted for satisfying
the system safety during construction and maintenance / repair activities in
distribution network. The newly constructed or repaired network element has
to full fill all the standards, before it connecting to the existing system. In
Kahramaa, the techniques and procedures used before connecting a new
network element to the existing system are as follows.


1. Cable Identification.
2. Spiking
3. Colour phasing ( core phasing )
4. 11 KV Jointing work & Termination work on HT cable )
5. HV pressure test for 11 KV cable and Bus Bar
6. Dead phasing check 11 KV system
7. Live phasing check - 11 KV system
8. Phase rotation check for MV side.
9. MV voltage check.
10. Trip / test check for CB.
11. Relay inter trip check
12. Transformer, Switchgear panel, Switches and Substation observation.
13. Relay setting & fault level.
Cable Identification
During construction and maintenance, the existing cable has to be cut
for fault rectification and for commissioning new substations in between the
existing cable. Then the Field Engineer should confirm the cable which is
going to be cut is the same cable that he isolated and earthed for doing the
work. This is required only where more cables are present with the isolated
and earthed cable. Any mistake will leads to danger to human life and to
system safety. So before doing any work on cable (joints), the field engineer
should always identify the cable by using proper methods.
Safety measures
The cable has to be dead, isolated and earthed at both ends as
per the switching programme and with proper consent from
System Control Engineer.
SFT is required and is issued by the Field Engineer to himself
with consent of system control engineer.
Senior Authorized Person in charge of the work has the full
responsibility of the operation and test
The Identifier kit consists of an Audio Transmitter and Receiver set, by which
the signal generation and reception is possible. For cable identification test,
connect the Audio transmitter between any two phases of the isolated cable


after removing the earth. Keep remote end of cable as earthed for return path
.Then by using the Audio receiver and head phone, we can identify the cable
in which signal is generated. When the receiver is put nearer along the cable
gives a clear beep but varying sound from the cable trough which transmitted
the signal. Sound variation is obtained only from the injected cable due to the
twisting of cable pairs. But for other cables, humming sound is obtained from
live cables and clear beep but not varying is obtained from dead cable if any.
The Cable Identification test is done by the field engineer himself in charge of
work. See the figure.
After identifying the cable, before cutting, spiking has to
require for 100% confirmation that the cable is absolutely dead and safe for
cutting. Spike gun is a special arrangement, where the iron bullet is used for
firing. The spiking gun with bullet is placed over the cable and firing is done
remotely with the help of a rope. If the cable is the correct one, there is no
heavy sound. But for live cables heavy flash over and tripping may occur.
Thus spiking will helps to avoid dangerous situation and it provide more safety
to the working personnel's.
Safety measures

The cable should be Dead, isolated and earthed at both ends

with the consent of System Control Engineer.

SFT is required before doing the spiking

After spiking, the cable has to be cut and prepare ends for phasing PTW is
required for any work on cables. But this is a lengthy procedure which can be
reduced subject to pre conditions detailed on Kahramaa S.O.M. No.7.
Colour phasing / Core phasing Phase identification check
During construction / maintenance, cable jointing, break and make termination
works are required. Due to straight jointing perfection and easiness, human
errors and termination difficulties, there may be a chance of colour crossing
while doing cable works with respect to the system colour. So colour phasing
is required during termination & jointing work and is the process of identifying
the 3 phases of system with the 3 core of the cable. Incorrect phasing cannot
be parallel with other systems. So colour phasing is more essential for all type


of jointing / termination works to transfer the same system phase(R, Y, and B)

from one point to other point. Colour crossing of the cable is serious and to
avoid this colour phasing is required during jointing and termination work.
Different methods for colour phasing
1. Banana Resistance and Megger
Connect the three different resistances (known value) to the RYB phases of
one cable end (Star connection with star point earthed) then by using a
Megger, which connected to the other end of cable and measures the
resistance. The corresponding values of resistance obtained on phases will
give the correct phase.
Uni directional LED with Battery set.
Connect the battery between any two phases of cable at the known end. Then
the lamp glow will indicate the phases where the battery connected and it also
indicate the direction of current flow. Then from the lamp glow and direction
we can easily confirm the three phases.
Before doing test, the cable should be isolated, earthed at
both ends with the consent of System Control Engineer.
SFT is required.
General safety measure for Identification, Spike & Colour phasing of
Under SFT, the Field Engineer (Senior Authorized Person) has the
approval to operate the earth switch for testing purposes.
The Field Engineer should confirm the switching position after the
cancellation of SFT to the System Control Engineer.
The Field Engineer will be responsible for all such operation or test on
the isolated cable and equipment and also responsible for ensuring
safety , during test.
HT Termination & Jointing works for Cables
All termination & jointing works on cable required PTW. PTW is issued
by the Senior Authorized Person to a competent person (Cable jointer / Fitter)
for doing the work with proper consent from System Control Engineer.
Before issuing PTW for a working section, the System Control Engineer
should confirm that there is no SFT is pending. Issuing PTW and SFT


together for same point of isolation is not permitted. If PTW is issuing after the
SFT, then the Control Engineer should always confirm the switching position
and also confirm that both ends of the cable is isolated and earthed.
Competent person - Kahramaa certified HV Cable jointer / Fitter with
Identity card of Kahramaa

Straight joint kit

XLPE cable to similar XLPE or PILC to similar PILC

Transit joint kit

XLPE cable to PILC or PILC cable to XLPE

Dead joint

Jointing work on Dead cable

Breaking a Termination Removing an existing cable at a termination point

Making a Termination

- Connecting a new cable at a termination point

Break & Make Termination - Breaking and making termination of cable at a

Point during construction / maintenance work
Before doing any work on cables, the cable section must be
isolated & earthed at both ends.
Any work on cables like Break & make terminations, Cable
jointing works required PTW safety document.
PTW is issued by the Senior Authorized Person to the
Competent Person (Cable jointer/Fitter) with the consent of
system control engineer.
The Senior Authorized Person should keep the original copy
of PTW and give a copy of the same to the Competent
Person. After the completion of work, the Competent Person
should give clearance to the Senior Authorized Person for
cancellation of PTW.
High Voltage Pressure Test
The High Voltage Pressure Test is compulsory for cables after the
completion of termination and jointing works during construction and
maintenance. The HV Pressure test for new Bus Bar is also required during
construction. The HV Pressure test or injection test is required for cables to
test dielectric strength of insulation. A special HV Pressure Testing Kit is used
for this purpose. During test, -11 KV DC is applied between Phase and
ground(R-E, Y-E, and B-E) and 22 KV DC (-11KV 0 - +11KV) is applied


between Phases(R-Y, Y-B, and R-B). The duration of HV injection is about 15

minutes for each test. Pressure test is also required to test the perfection of
terminating & jointing work.
Pressure Test Kit
In the testing instrument, meters are provided to indicate the applied KV and
leakage mA of the circuit. If the leakage current value during injection is in
between 0.1 and 1.5 mA, then the cable is declared as healthy. The leakage
current higher than 3mA indicates the breakdown of the circuit. That means
excessive leakage current or tripping indicates that the dielectric strength of
insulation, jointing work / termination work is not up to the standard. If there is
a new bas bar is involved in the circuit, then HV Pressure test for Bus Bar is
also compulsory. For safety, discharge rode is provided with the test kit to
discharge the capacitive charge of cable after the test.
Phase to Earth Test
Voltage applied

11 KV DC (Negative)

(R-E, Y-E and B-E)

Duration - 15 Minutes
Apply 11KV DC between each phase and earth for 15 minute.
Phase to Phase Test
Voltage applied = 22 KV DC (11 KV

+11 KV)

Duration - 15 Minutes
Apply 22 KV DC between R&Y phases for 15 minutes. And repeat the same
test for the other two combinations (R-B & Y-B)
Safety during pressure test
SFT is required for doing Pressure Test.
Before doing Pressure Test, remove all type of earth applied for the
Inform to all the personnel working at site about the test and keep
them away.
The field engineer responsible for the test should confirm that all newly
constructed / repaired elements including Bus Bar, cable joints,
termination are subject to the test.


After the Pressure Test, the SFT taken should return and cancelled
with the consent of system control engineer. Confirm switching
position is mandatory.
This is a method of checking R, Y, B, phasing of the newly constructed
elements from known end to the other end before live phasing. Dead phasing
will not disturb the existing system. This is a pre - confirmation test before live
After all type of constructional / maintenance activities on cables,
terminations, the 11 KV live phasing is required. This is essential for meeting
same RYB sequence condition before paralleling between two systems. It
always conducted at I/D substation and it prove that the added network
elements in same phase sequence with respect to the existing. The I/D
Substation nearer to the newly commissioned Substation should be taken in
order to minimize interruption to the consumers.
Live phasing proving the there statements below:R phase is connected to Existing System R phase
Y phase is connected to Existing System Y phase
B phase is connected to Existing System B phase
At the time of live phasing, we have two different sources from two stations
and is available at the Bus Bar spout and Cable spout in an Indoor S/S. One
is the existing supply source of I/D substation where the live phasing test to
be carried out and is available at the Bus Bar spout. The other one is the
existing supply taken through the new circuits (includes all terminations, cable
joints, and Bas Bar except the transformer circuit) and is available at the
Cable spout of the Indoor S/S.
Live phasing sticks
Live phasing is proved by measuring the voltage between the phases
available at the Bus Bar spout and the Cable spout. Live phasing sticks
consists of two sticks connected in a special manner with a Voltmeter and one
is inserted in Bus bar spout and the other is inserted in the Cable spout during
the test. The Voltmeter measures the potential difference between the Bus


Bar spout phases and the Cable spout phases. While observing the live
phasing between the two system available at Bus bar spout &
Cable spout, for correct live phasing the voltage should be as follows:R of (Bus bar spout) to R (Cable Spout) 11 KV
Y of (Bus bar spout) to Y (Cable Spout) 11 KV
B of (Bus bar spout) to B (Cable Spout) 11 KV
R of (Bus bar spout) to Y (Cable Spout) 5.5 KV
Y of (Bus bar spout) to B (Cable Spout) 5.5KV
B of (Bus bar spout) to R (Cable Spout) 5.5KV
If any mistakes happened during work, then the voltmeter will indicate
incorrect reading. Then the Field Engineer should rectify the mistake.
At Indoor substation, the CB towards the new circuit should be kept opened.
Then Bus Bar spout is having the existing supply and cable spout is having
the existing system through the new circuit. By inserting live phasing sticks
between bas bar spout & cable spouts, we can confirm whether the live
phasing is correct or not.
Safety during live phasing

Keep Circuit Breakers of L/TX's at new substation as opened, isolated

and earthed condition ( MV link should be opened before closing Earth

Include all the terminations, cable joints for checking the live phasing.
Some times including all joints and termination together is not possible
at that time check separately for different routs.

Make sure that all the newly constructed /repaired circuit is included in
the test and have the same phasing with respect to the existing system

After successful live phasing check, the Field Engineer should

coordinate with the System Control Engineer for closing the CB
between existing system and new system. Bad paralleling and loading
capacity of feeder should be considered for safety and stability.

Check live phasing at an




I/D substation which is mutually agreed






Considerations are minimum interruption, distance traveling, loading,


bad paralleling etc. We can conduct live phasing at any I/D substations
( existing or new one )

If the supply is taken through the new circuit includes an existing O/D
substation, then the existing and new phase rotation has to be check
for consumer safety.

Phase Rotation & MV voltage check for MV side

11 KV live phasing only proving that the new HT network elements are
in correct phase with respect to the existing system. But for transformers MV
phase rotation & voltage check is required to ensure that the consumer supply
is not affected due to the alterations and modifications done during the work.
This is required to ensure proper MV voltage and phase rotation to the
1. Phase Rotation meter
2. LED Flickering meter
Phase rotation can be checked either by using a phase sequence check
meter (rotating dial with arrow indication) or by using an LED flickering
meter. The rotation in arrow direction indicates the correct Phase
Phase rotation check is done at the MV link of transformer.
MV Voltage
Check the voltage at MV panel between three phases and also check the
voltage between phases and neutral.
Correct Value


- 240 V



- 433 V

Keep the MV side link / ACB as open during the phase rotation and MV
voltage check.


LT side fuse replaced only after the successful commissioning of

Close, Trip-Test and reclose
If any CB is Rack out for any operational purpose, then it must be checked for
trip test. This is for a confirmation that all the auxiliary contacts are healthy as
before. Trip test is done by rotating the disc manually and it ensure the
Circuit Breaker auxiliary contacts are healthy and okay as before.
Trip circuit is healthy.
If the live phasing is correct, for proving the same the Field Engineer
should close the CB between two systems.
After proving the live phasing, the system NOP should be as per the
direction of System Control Engineer. That means the close or reclose is
according to the system condition.
Relay inter trip test
Air Circuit Breakers are provided in some consumer panel with
Restricted Earth fault relay ( REF ). REF protects the MV side winding of
transformer and the MV cable up to the point of CT from Earth Fault. Inter trip
feature is provided to trip the HT side CB of transformer during MV fault/ACB
tripping condition. So this inter tripping feature has to be tested before
commissioning the transformer
Physical checks before Commissioning
The Field Engineer should observe all the Transformer, Circuit Breakers,
panels, Switch gear room and Switches etc before commissioning the station.
Check the following.

- Oil check
- Tap position (nominal 3).
- Termination (MV & HV)
- Name plate details (Rating and % Z)

Circuit Breaker

- fault level
- Operation check.


- Trip circuit healthiness.


- Circuit labeling.
- Meters to be check for its functioning.
- provide operational locks.
- relay setting & trip circuit status.

Substation and Switchgear room - Planning Number.

- Door Lock.
- DC Battery Voltage check.
- Battery charger healthiness.
- Station lighting.

Operation & Maintance section, Distribution, Kahramaa

The smooth functioning of distribution

system is always in

accordance with the performance of its operation & maintenance team. So

continuous and reliable supply is ensured only through the better and efficient
performane of the operational and maintanance section of the department. In
Kahramaa, this is achieved through the engineering wing and workforce.
Engineering wing is headed by one senior engineer and execution of
oparational & maintenance activities are done by the group of Field
Engineers. Work force is available at the ABU HAMUR work shop and from
there the work is arranged and cordinated. The material and manpower for a
work should be arranged from the ABU HAMUR workshop. LT maintance and
operational activities are done by the different distribution stand by offices.
Cordination of stand by offices are done by the DOHA call centre. The Field
Engineers can use the help of stand by offices and that is depend on their
availability.The O &M works includes the repairs of Switchgear and the
network elements.The ultimate aim of all activity is to deliver good quality
power supply to the consumers without interruption.
O & M Section activities
All switching operation for the operational & maint works is done by the
field engineers. Operational and maintenance activities can be subdivided into
the following categories.



Preventive Maintenance: - Preventing a future breakdown and

ensure continuous supply. All periodic scheduled maintenance
on the 11 KV Distribution system is comes under this category.
Regular systematic maintenance, all preventive action taken for
the smooth & efficient operation of the system. Servicing,
Overhauling and routine oil and gas check are examples.


Corrective maintenance or Breakdown Maintenance:- This is the

corrective actions taken for the smooth and efficient operation of
the system. The Break down or corrective maintenance
activities are conducted after the failure of an equipment. Such
maintenance results in outage of circuit and supply. In general,
it consists of locating the trouble, repair and recommissioning.

General duties of O&M Field engineers

All switching operations for O&M work are done by field engineers on duty
1) Periodic repair & maintenance Preventive works-oil /gas
changing, servicing etc.
2) Break down Maintenance -TX replacement, Faulty Cable
rectification etc.
3) Emergency break down duty - stand by engineer generally attend
this duty on rotation basis. Loss of supply due to tripping and
emergency load shifting are coming under this category.
4) System operation duty - The spare field engineer should attend
the load rearrangement works as per switching programme (NOP
shifting) for the smooth running of system as per the request of
system operation (DCC).

Cable fault: - The field engineer (Cable fault) on duty should

locate the cable fault. After finding the fault, the field engineer has to
arrange the excavation team and the cable jointer. After repairing he
has to restore the supply.
All these above discussed activities should be coordinated by the
senior Engineer of O&M and shall comply the safety practice and Operation
Memorandum of Kahramaa. The interference to the live system is permitted
only with the proper consent from the System Control Engineer on duty


(DCC). So for all the work (operational, repair and maintenance

) the field

engineer should obtain proper consent from System Control Engineer (DCC).
Immediate supply Restoration:Immediate supply restoration always gives better service to
consumers and is important in distribution system. The kahramaa distribution
system has adopted an efficient and effective way for overcoming the
emergency breakdown condition. The field engineer are posted on a round
the clock rotation basis for the stand by duty in order to attend the emergency
tripping conditions and restoration thereon. During the tripping and emergency
condition, the system control engineer should co-ordinate and directs the field
engineers for immediate restoration. The system control engineer should
direct and co-ordinate by giving instructions to the field engineer as per the
relay indication and other field information. First, he should find out the faulty
portion and then isolate it from the healthy system and then restore the
remaining healthy system as early as possible. After that, DCC Control
engineer has to direct and coordinate the field engineer to rectify the faulty
section as early as possible. All the above switching operation must be done
according to the safety rules & as per the Operation Memorandum of
The stand by offices staff provides assistance to locate the fault during the
restoration process. Along with the stand by office staff, kahramaa has
substation attendants who comes under NCC and posted to some Primary
Substations. The SSA also provides necessary assistance during a fault or
system disturbance. Apart from the above, kahramaa providing stand by
diesel generators, this is capable of delivering power to the interrupted
consumers. DG Set allocation is mainly depends on the duration of
interruption and the nature of consumer.
Load re- arrangement (NOP Shifting)
As discussed in the introduction, in kahramaa distribution system, the open
ended Ring main system (Ring off with NOP) is mostly used. NOP is the
normally opened points in the 11 KV Distribution systems and is shifted to
transfer load from one primary to another or shifted load from one feeder to
another feeder of same primary. NOP is provided for the smooth operation of
system grid and for operational flexibility. Closed Ring operation is also


provided for some important distribution consumers. But mostly all I/D and
O/D substations are feeding from one source at a time and there is always
one or more alternative sources (either from same or different PRY) are
available as NOP. Some Radial feeding s/s and multiple source feeding s/s
are also available (same primary). The location of NOP decides the loading of
the 11 KV feeders which in turn reflects the loading of the transformers of the
Primary Substation.
NOP shifting will always helps to balance the loading among 11 KV feeder/
primary transformers and also helps to back feed the system at the time of
supply failure. There NOP shifting can be execute either by a pre-planned
manner (prior switching programmers) or for an emergency situation like over
loading / tripping of feeder / transformer (PRY). If it is in urgent nature, then
the field engineer on stand by duty has to attend the NOP shifting. The preplanned NOP shifting programme is normally executed by the field engineer
on system operation duty.
For system operation load shifting (NOP- Shifting), the DCC
should prepare the switching programme and the switching is
done by the field engineer.

Work fore for Distribution

Kahramaa is having a strong work fore to do its operational,
maintenance, repair and construction activities of the distribution system.
Abu Hamur workshop








transformers, switches etc are done at this work shop. There are different
section are working under the Head of workshop. The man power for the O&M
activities and constructional activities are also supplied from this work shop
.Round the clock duty is also available for some important areas.
Fitting Section
OHL Section
Cable section
Diesel Generator section
Stand by Offices


Stand by offices are under the system operation department (DCC).Their

primary duty is providing service to the consumers (MV / side service). Supply
interruption of the consumer is attended by the stand by office Staff.
Depending on their availability, the O&M, Construction and DCC can
utilize them for finding Substation location and for collecting informations from
site etc.
Substation Assistant SSA
Controlling from NCC / DCC

- Primary substation
-Collecting informations from the different sites as per the requirement

Switching Programme
A group of sequential operation and activities required to avail shutdown for a
live system to perform some operational, repair / Maintenance work and to
energize back the system to normal after completion of work.
Switching Programme Form
Operation No






Work Execution






maintenance, the field engineer should prepare the switching


programme after obtaining proper data from DCC and send to the DCC
prior to the execution(48 hrs before).
For emergency break down / tripping work the field engineer should
operate according to the proper instruction from control engineer on
duty ( DCC).

Distribution System Protection

The function of a protection scheme is to ensure the maximum continuity of
supply. This is done by detecting the faults and isolating the minimum
possible part of power system during fault and abnormal condition. Protective
relays are the devices that detect abnormal conditions in the Electrical power
system by constantly monitoring and measuring Electrical quantities as well
as various other parameters to discriminate between Normal and abnormal
conditions. The basic Electrical quantities which are monitored for detecting
abnormal conditions are
Phase Angle
Discrimination is the ability of the protective relaying scheme to determine the
point at which the fault occurs and isolate (by mean of Tripping actions) only
the faulty element or section. Basically there are there methods of
Time Discrimination
Comparison Discrimination
Magnitude Discrimination
When more than one protective device is used in series, it is necessary to
have discrimination between these protective devices.
Types of faults
The most common fault that can occur on a power system are as follows
1) There phase fault (L-L-L)
2) There phase to ground (L-L-L-G)


3) Phase to phase (L-L)

4) Phase to ground (L-G)
5) Phase to Phase with ground (L-L-G)
Faults in system
Cable faults Joint faults, termination faults and third party damage
Transformer faults Incipient faults, over loads, terminal faults, winding
faults and through faults
Switch gear faults Flash over due to insulation failure
Bus bar faults
Natural events
Physical accidents
Mal operation

Kahramaa Distribution system protection

The protection scheme used in Distribution Network including the Primary
substation, Indoor substation and outdoor substation are detailed below.
Primary Substation protection
The protection schemes at a typical primary substation 66/11KV with 2 X 40
MVA Transformers is as follows.
1. Transformer Differential Instantaneous relay
Unit Protection scheme protects the LV & HV windings of the Transformer
from internal faults (short circuit & heavy Earth fault) protected zone is in
between the LV & HV side CTs
2. HV side REF Protection Instantaneous relay 4B3 type
A type of Unit protection and it protects the HV side winding of transformer.
REF is highly sensitive to all Earth faults. Protected zone is within the line
CTs and neutral CTs. A small Protection of winding nearer to the neutral
remains as unprotected.
3. LV REF Protection Instantaneous relay
It Protects the LV side winding of transformer from internal Earth faults.
4. HV side IDMT Relay - (2 O/C+1 E/F)-Type TJ M10.
A type of Back up protection and it protects the transformer from HV Side
Over currents and Earth faults.
5. LV Side Directional Over current and E/F Protection (DOC)


It always directed towards transformer LV winding. Protects the transformer

from heavy circulating current occurred at the time of tap changing and it also
protect the other source in the same Bus from the internal LV fault of the
6) Temperature, Gas and oil surge protection for transformer

Main TX Bucholz /PRV trip

Tap changer Bucholz surge/gas trip

Earthing TX Bucholz surge trip

Main Transformer winding temp trip

Eathing TZ Bucholz Alarm

Earthing TX low oil level

Main TX Bucholz Alarm

Main TX winding temp alarm

Main TX low oil level

Other Relays
Master trip Relay-All relays are wired to the master trip to initiate the tripping
signal for Circuit breaker. Type F8H trip relay.
Pilot wire inter trip Type TEC Relay
Pilot wire protection sustained inter trip -Type TC-5
Earthing transformer and system protections
Since the Primary transformer is star delta, an Earthing transformers OF 500
KVA with Zig Zag winding is used on the 11 KV side with tertiary delta
Tertiary 166.6KVA
Percentage impedance 4.23 %
Impedance per phase is 27.5 ohm
Maximum fault current for 3 seconds is 750 A
Earthing transformer is required for the following purposes
The earthing transformer is mainly used for the earthing purpose. It
creates an artificial neutral point on the delta 11 KV side winding.
Used to limit the fault current to a maximum of 750 Amps
Used for the purpose of SBEF protection and also for the REF


Used to provide Auxiliary supply to primary substations (415 volts)

Stand by Earth fault Protection

Stand by earth fault relay is provided in the secondary circuit of earthing
transformer neutral CT. If an earth fault is not cleared by appropriate Circuit
breaker of 11KV feeder in the Primary substation, the earth fault current will
continue to flow through of the 66/11KV transformers in the Primary
If the fault persists without clearing by the feeder earth fault protection the
fault will be cleared by the SBEF stage 1 and 2 timer relays. Stage 1 will trip
the bus section and stage 2 will trip the transformer. Main features are as
o Protects the 11 KV distribution systems including the Primary
transformer LV winding from Earth fault and the maximum earth fault
clearing time is limited 3 seconds.
o The SBEF relay will initiate Flag ON condition for all earth faults
(magnitude higher than the set value). Current setting depends on the
independence of the Earthing transformer.
o If the fault is not cleared by the appropriate feeder earth fault
protection, then it will be cleared by the SBEF stage 1 & stage 2 timer
relays. SBEF stage 1 will trip the bus section CB after a definite time
delay of 2.4 seconds and stage 2 will trips the CB,s of faulty section
transformer HV and LV side after 3 seconds definite time delay.
o Relay operation will initiates alarm in NCC and PRY
In Kahramaa Earthing transformers are designed to allow a maximum fault
current of approximately 750 Amps for 3 seconds and Normal current setting
is 20%. C/T Ratio for SBEF protection is 750/1
(27.5/ phase impedance of ETX)
Effective impedance (27.5/3) =9.16 OHM
I fault (Max) = 11000 / 3x9.16 =694 =750A for 3 Sec

Flag ON initiated at NCC and PRY sub station

(If the If is set value)

Stage-1 Trips the Bus coupler CB after 2.4sec

Stage-2 Trips both the HV & LV side CB of PRY TX after 3 sec


11 KV Bus bar Protection

1. Partial Bus bar Protection
2. SBEF where there is no partial bus bar protection and in the substations
with partial bus bar, SBEF act as a back up protection.

Partial Bus bar protection

Partial bus bar deferential protection employed in the 11 KV feeders of
primary substation equipped with bus section breaker. This relay works on
deferential principle and the relay is connected across the secondary CT's of
bus coupler and incomer with an overlapping arrangement. The feeder CTs
are not involved in this scheme of protection causes relay operation during
through fault condition. To avoid this, discrimination between Bus Bar fault
and 11 KV feeder faults is provided. Main features are as follows.
It protects a portion of Bus Bar from bus Bar faults and provides a back up
protection for the 11 KV feeders. For 11 KV system faults feeder protection
act first and when it fails partial bus bar protection will act as back up.
The phase fault element of the partial Bus Bar protection is graded with the
feeder phase fault protection and Earth fault element is graded with feeder
Earth fault element and stand by Earth fault protection.
In Partial Bus Bar, its 50 element (Hi set) 100m sec delayed operation is
enabled to avoid the tripping in through fault condition. After 100 m second
delay, the partial Bus Bar relay will trips the Three CB's (Bus coupler CB,
HV& LV CB of faulty section transformer).
51 element of partial Bus Bar act as a back up protection to outgoing
feeders. A time grading of 300 millisecond is provided between the IDMT
O/C elements of Out going feeders & PB relay and Transformer HV O/C
For Internal Fault
PBDP- 50 element (High set) - will operate after 100 milli sec delay.
For External Fault (Through fault)
PBDP 50 high elements will receive a blocking signal from the out going
feeder 1DMT (50 element hi set) within the 100 milli sec time, Then its
operation is blocked by the feeder IDMT (Hi set). If the feeder fails to


send blocking signal, PBDP (50 high set)will trips the LV ,HV side breakers of
transformer along with the Bus coupler breaker.51 elements act as a back up
protection for the feeder
50element -100 milli sec time delayed operation.
51element (O/C) graded with the feeder IDMT O/C and TX HV side O/C
(Time grading only possible - 300 milli sec)
51 element (E/F) - graded with feeder E/F (IDMT) and SBEF
(Magnitude grading only possible)
CT is -2000/1; current setting is normally 7% (300 m sec time grading)
Primary substation feeder protection
Normal protection scheme consist of the following relays.
1. Pilot wire protection
2. Standard IDMT Relays (2 O/C +1E/F)

Pilot wire protection

A type of unit protection
Solkor R instantaneous protection (60 milli sec)
Relay operates on either current or voltage comparison
Used as main protection in feeders
Pilot wires interconnect the CTs at each end of the line. Employing the wellknown differential principle this would compare the current entering the line
with the current leaving the line. In practice two relays are connected at each
end of the line connected by two pilot wires. Summation CT is used for
converting multiple input quantities from a 3 phase system quantity to a single
phase quantity.
For Internal fault - fault within the two CTs
Difference in current (entering & leaving) causes relay operation and trips the
CB at both ends.
For External fault
Entering and Leaving current is same. No current flow through the relay coil
relay remains stable.
Important points


The padding Resistance to set to a value such that, the total loop
resistance of the pilot wire cable is 1000 . Let RL be the Pilot wire
lead resistance. There the padding resistor to be provided at each end
is , RP =1000-RL (RL is normally about 10 ).

Current Check Relay (B 69 Relay) is used in series with the SOLKOR

Relay and it will prevent the tripping of the 11 KV cable feeder on
account of any pilot wire open condition or pilot wire shorted condition.
For the current check Relay the O/C setting is provided with more than
the O/C setting of the IDMT O/C relay on the feeder.

Pilot wire supervision relay is also used to detect any fault in the pilot
wire circuit and for any type of fault in the pilot wire

If pilot wire supervisor Relay or current check relay is not provided

along with SOLOKOR R Relay, the following situations can occur

SOLOKOR R unit protection acted and the Feeder trips only at receiving end,
it can be assumed that it is pilot wire problem and in this Situation, the feeder
not to be put in service until the Pilot wire unit protection is decommissioned.

The sending end of the feeder Tripped on SOLKOR R unit protection but no
tripping at the receiving end. Then in this situation the feeder not to be put in
service until the 11kv cable is

meggered. On meggering, if no fault is found

on the Cable, then the feeder to be charged from the sending end.

Standard IDMT Over current and Earth fault relays

Simplest type of protection
Protect the feeder and network elements from O/C and E/F
Time and Current grading or combination is possible
Standard IDMT relay is provided (2O/C(R and B phases) +1E/F(Y phase))
Induction type TJM10 and Static relay-MCGG52
Normal current setting is 125% for O/C element and 40% is for E/F element
with a time setting of 0.4 TSM
Some IDMT relays are provided with stage 1 & stage 2 operation features
Stage 1 50(High set element) & 51(IDMT element)
Where 50 high set is used for SOTF (Switch on to fault) feature.


100 milli sec 300 milli sec delayed operation is provided for this type relay in
order to avoid tripping during heavy inrush currents (100 m sec 300 m sec) is
the decaying time required for inrush. In some cases, SOTF protection is also
provided with Harmonic Restraint feature (100 millisecond delay ) or with out
Harmonic Restraint feature (300 millisecond delay ). The 2nd Harmonics from
magnetizing inrush currents or switching surges will decay with in 300 milli
51- Normal IDMT element with grading.
50 element - Initiate blocking signal to the Partial Bus bar high set element
and the signal will reach within 60 milli sec. during a fault in the out going
feeder. The High set element of IDMT relay is not used for tripping but it
sending blocking signal to the partial Bus bar relay.
Relay Operation
For Three phase balanced fault R&B O/C relay will operate.
For Three phase earth fault
Phase to phase fault

- R&B O/C relay will operate


R or B phase O/C relay will operate

Phase to phase to earth fault

R or B phase O/C+E/F will operate

IDMT act as primary protection in feeders where pilot wire protection not
commissioned. If an Out going feeder is commissioned with pilot wire
protection, then the IDMT relay act as a back up protection.
Protection used in Indoor Substation
Feeders-1) Standard IDMT relay (2O/C(R and B phases) +1E/F(Y phase))
Induction type TJM10 and Static relay-MCGG52
2) Pilot wire protection - SOLKER R instantaneous tripping
Pilot wire protection (SOLOKOR R) is provided in cables between two
indoors and also provided between the Indoor and Primary s/s.
Bleed off feature is available for 20% of the cable full load. That means
for a 300 ampere cable, 20% bleed off is allowed (60A).
Transformer protection 11/.433KV
HV side is protected by EIDMT O/C & E/F protection with separate
High set instantaneous element for O/C and E/F.


LV side winding and cable up to the CT point is protected by Restricted

Earth fault protection. (In case of consumer MV panel with ACB and
REF relay available)
From MV panel REF relay to HV panel, intertrip cable used for the
connection for 11 KV inter tripping.
IDMT relay with EI Characteristic is used. This Provides better grading
with the MV fuses. Type TJM 31 &2TJm31.
Separate High set instantaneous element is provided to protect
transformer from heavy fault
Current setting and CT ratio required is as per the transformer capacity
High set relay setting is as per the short circuit fault current of the
transformer. (To avoid the unwanted tripping due to magnetizing inrush
current, 130% of the expected fault current is taken for relay current
MV side protection

- Fuse protection is available.

- ACB with REF is provided in some consumer panel

Time and Current grading

In Radial feeders, Standard IDMT relays are graded with time and current
PRY substations relay setting (O/C element) -125% plug setting with 0.4 TSM
PRY substation relay setting (E/F element) - 40% plug setting with 0.4 TSM
First Indoor S/S setting (O/C element)

- 100% plug setting with 0.275 TSM

First Indoor S/S setting (E/F element)

- 30% plug setting with 0.275 TSM

From first indoor the current setting is fixed as 100% for O/C and 30% for E/F.
Then the protection is graded by time and always keeps a grading margin of
0.125 TSM to avoid false tripping. The maximum grading stages allowed is 3.
Protection used in Out door Substation

- no protection is available
- EFI is provided to identify the path of earth fault current.


-Oil Fuse Switch

HRC fuses are used to protect HV side

Transformer rating and Fuse required

500 KVA - 40A
800 KVA - 60A


1000 KVA - 60A

1600 KVA - 90A
Transformer with SF6 TX switch
Time lag fuses are provided in the CT secondary circuit to protect HV side.
TLF required for Transformers with different CT is shown below.
Voltage TX Rating

CT Ratio

TLF rating



fuse link rating








































Parallel Feeder Protection

Source end -IDMT relay (51)
Load end

- Directional relay(67)

Closed Ring
Protection schemes required for a closed ring system are as follows
Pilot wire protection (SOLKOR R-type) should be commissioned before
closing a Ring system. Ring splitter should be provided in order to separate
the ring at the time of tripping of Bus coupler CB by the operation of
PBDP/SBEF protection during the fault. Ring splitter is an IDMT relay with
current setting 100% for O/C and 20% for E/F element. The time setting
should be minimum (0.1 TSM)


Combination of IDMT relays (Directional &Non Directional) with Ring splitter.

Over head line protection

IDMT (2 O/C+E/F)

Sensitive Earth fault protection

Sensitive Earth fault protection


IN OH/L, the earth path resistivity is very high and then the normal E/F relay
will not detect the earth fault of the system. To overcome, this condition OH/L
are provided with sensitive earth fault relay (current setting is 3% with a long
definite time lag of 3 seconds).
CT Ratio - standards
Primary substation
LV side of TX and Bus bar - 2000/1 for PBDP
-2000/1 for D O/C and D E/F
Out going Feeders

- 400/1 or 300/1 for IDMT, SOLOKER R & Metering

Earthing Transformer

- 750/1 (Neutral CT)

Indoor substation

- 300/5 or 400/5 for SOLKER R, IDMT and

Transformers -

150/100/50/5, 80/40/5, 60/30/5, 100/50/5

for IDMT & Metering

Out door substation

Transformer with SF6 TX Switch 100/5 or 50/5
CT class
IDMT Relays

- 5P10, 15VA

SOLKER R (for differential type) - Class x


- Class 1

Battery supply available

Primary substation
Indoor Substation

- 110V DC
- 30V DC

General Informations

Operation & safety locks.

Co2 System features.

Location map

NO P Shifting

Bad paralleling and Tap Blocking

Confirm supply in I/D and O/D Substations.

Substation & Circuit Identification.

System Safety.


Circuit Breakers Method of isolation.

Pot End & Cap End Cables.

Operational & Safety Locks with Keys.

For better operational and system safety, kahramaa provided Operational and
Safety locks with keys to their Field engineers. Apart from operational & safety
lock, Substation keys are also available and is provided to all field engineers
and to some contractors.
Operational lock with key

Indoor and Outdoor Substations

All Switches, Circuit Breakers, Panels, Isolating and Earthing devices are
provided with Operational lock with key. Normally two types available and
given to all Field Engineers.
1) 246 Type
2) Den ( Department of electricity network )- small size
Strictly follow kahramaa's Safety Rules, while using the operational locks
during the work.
Primary Substation
Separate operational lock sets are provided for each circuit of Primary
Substation. A main key box is fixed in all Primaries. Any circuit is taken for
PTW / SFT, then after proper locking the corresponding key set for the circuit
should be kept under safe custody in separate Danger Envelop as per Safety
Rules. The Operation and handling of PRY keys is limited to the Field
Substation Gate locks with key
1. Primary Substation gate key
2. I/D & O/D Substation gate key 2 types
Substation gate keys are giving to all Field Engineers and to some
Safety locks with key
This is separate lock, unique in nature with key and is an additional
Safety measure during Switching. Safety locks preferably differing from
standard locks of the system shall be used to lock off all switches at points


where the circuit on which work is to be carried out could be energized. The
keys for such locks shall be kept in a key safe, if provided, or in some other
safe place preferably in the possession of the Senior Authorized Person in
charge of the work. See Kahramaa Safety Rules12.3
Locking facility available for Indoor VCB

Bus Bar spout shutter

Feeder spout shutter

Earth Switches

Push Button ( Trip / Close )

Panel Door

Interlocking features available

Without opening the OCB, the inter locking lever will not be

The Isolating lever entry is possible only when the OCB/VCB in opened

Closing of Earth Switch is allowed only when the VCB is in Racked

Out/Test position.

Closed condition of Earth Switch will not permit to Rack in UCB into
Service position.

When VCB is in Service position, the Earth Switch closure not allowed.

CO2- Automatic spraying system for 11 KV Switchgear room at PRY

All Primary Substation with 11 KV OCB switchgears are equipped with an
automatic CO2 spraying system in its Switchgear room for the safety of
switchgears. Castle key interlocking system facility is also provided for
personal safety. During the switching operation / any other purposes the field
engineer (SAP) is required to enter this room, then the automatic spraying
mechanism should be blocked temporarily to prevent accidental operation. So
there is an inter locking facility is provided and is designed that, a person will
get the key of switchgear room only after blocking the automatic spraying
feature of CO2. A separate control system is provided for controlling the
operation from a nearby room. After the operation, the Field Engineer should
normalize the system as before.


A data transfer is provided to transfer the operation status of CO2 spraying

system (Automatic / blocked / manual) to NCC and it will gives alarm for the
changes in operation. So the field engineer should inform NCC before doing
any operation.
Confirm Supply
Out Door Substation
Check the humming sound of Local Transformer.
Check the vibration of transformer.
Ammeter Indication from MV panel / Feeder pillar.
Indoor Substation
Check Transformer humming sound & vibration.
Check Meters indication in the switchgear panel
Check Station Battery charger voltage.
Station lighting
Location Map
An up to date location route map is provided to all Field Engineers for helping
them to find out the Location of Substation.
Substation Labeling
Name with voltage level (capital letters) displayed for Primary Substation.
Indoor and Out door Substation:Name plate with Planning Number and Name displayed.
If there is no name plate label, then substation can be confirmed by checking
the circuit label.
Circuit Identification
Once the substation is identified, then the circuit can be confirmed by the
circuit label and name plate provided on each circuit (Feeders and L/TX)
If circuit label is absent or not legible then the method of confirming the
circuits are:1. In Out door substation, Earth Fault Indicator positioning is normally in
left hand side circuit of RMU.
2. Cable size & type as per mimic diagram available at DCC.
3. If all the identification procedures fails, then the Field Engineer can
identify the circuit by switching operation from the remote / adjacent









identification failed and then close the main switch one by one. Then
identify the circuit from the feeding source by checking the station
Pot End & Cap End Cables
Pot End ( P.E ) - Idly charged cable without connected load.
One ends of the cable is connected to the 11KV Bus and the other end is kept
free ( not terminated but the terminals are made and covered with a pot
termination kit ). Pot End cable is idly charged from one end.
Cap end ( C.E ) - Earthed Cable
One end of the cable is connected to the 11 KV Bus and the other end is kept
free, not terminated but only covered with a cap. The cap End cable is always
in earthed condition from its 11 KV Bus side.

Parallel Operation
Condition for parallel operation of two systems
1. frequency,
2. Voltage and
3. Phase sequence should be same
In Kahramaa, QGEWC system, the frequency is same. There is no
interconnecting system. The phase sequence can be correct is there any
mistake. Then the only one depending variable is voltage. So, the voltage
variation between the two sources for paralleling should keep as minimum
within the prescribed limit. So before paralleling, the voltage of the two
sources should be same as possible by adjusting the tap position of tap
Parallel operation of transformers
The five essential condition to be satisfied are that they should all have the
Voltage ratio
Percentage impedance
Phase rotation.
Identical vector diagram and phase displacement.
Active and reactive power transfer


The power transfer from a source to load is always depends on

the total impedance (transformer + line + generator) and the voltage angle /
load angle of the system. Here Reactive power transfer is always depends on
the magnitude of the voltage, that is always higher voltage to low voltage. The
active power transfer is always depending on the load angle / voltage angle
'''' irrespective of the magnitude of the voltage. So magnitude of the voltage
is depends on the voltage regulation and in turn depends on the impedance of
the system. Therefore the percentage impedance and voltage phase angle /
load angle are the determining factors of load flow from a source to a load at
remote end. The following factors determine the power transfer and thus the
current through a line.
1. Percentage impedance of transformers
2. Impedance of the line up to the load.
3. Load angle at different load centre or the phasor
displacement of voltage between source end and load end.
Bad paralleling

Causes of bad paralleling.

1. Voltage difference at the two systems involved. This will determine
the Reactive power flow and the circulating current.
2. Network impedance up to the point of NOP closure.
3. Power system load angle.
During shut down or for load rearrangement, we have to shift Normal
Opened Point between PRY's. To avoid interruption paralleling is required. In
some paralleling cases, the circulating current increases rapidly and trips the
weaker portion. This is bad paralleling. The main causes of bad paralleling
are, (i) the loads feeding from different sources (load angle)(ii)


impedance of the transformers are different (iii ) line impedance up to the load
from the sources are different due to the difference in length .
Tap Blocking
At the time of paralleling, the tap position should be normal to all
transformers to avoid the voltage difference. The voltage difference is not
advisable for healthy paralleling. So blocking of tap is required at the tune of


paralleling. Otherwise, the voltage difference cause to produce high circulating

current and this trips the weaker portion.
One another reason for tap blocking is the tap changer is designed to
operate on load condition and not for operating on fault condition. One reason
for blocking the tap during paralleling is to avoid flow of fault current through
the tap changer while tap changing takes place.

Isolation and Earthing for Different Switchgears

Oil Circuit Breaker -

Vertical isolation.

1. Service position -

OCB, connect the Bus bar to the feeder /

transformer circuit when OCB is in closed condition , the live Bus bar is
connected with the feeder / Transformer.
2. Circuit Earth Position ( CK/E )
OCB provides connection facility between feeder / transformer circuit and
earthing system (station earth) .When OCB is in closed condition , the feeder /
transformer circuit is in earthed condition.
3. Bus bar Earth Position
OCB provides connection facility between Bus bar and earthing system. When
it is in closed condition ,the Bus bar is earthed.
Vaccum Circuit Breaker - Horizontal isolation
1. Service position
VCB provided connection facility between Bus bar and Feeder / Transformer
2. Isolated / Tested Position
This is Rack / out condition, that means disconnected from the live system.

Earth Switch- Earth switches are provided to earth the feeder /

transformer/Bus bar circuits during shut down.
Progress report on Construction section




I/D After proper back feeding, the

Eng: Dharam

substation in between 4345 I/D cable between the two s/s is

Qatar Islamic Bank s/s and 9899 isolated





Qatar international Islamic Bank I/D

switching programme. PTW issued

11 325 NAJOA CAR PARK 1- I/D









termination for the new s/s. After

the work cancelled t he PTW. SFT

1 L/TX 1000 KVA

issued to HV / pressure test for the

4345 I/D OCB

cable between the I/D including

9899 I/D VCB.

new s/s. P/ Test done at new I/D.

and cancelled SFT& confirmed
SW/ position. Live phasing done at




Commissioned new s/s and local



Eng. Dharam

substation, Semi extensible 12603 working






O/D After proper back feeding, the


transformer, earthed


LABOUR CAMP O/D in between programme.

9935 I/D and 3828 O/D substation.






identify, spike and color phasing

the cable. Cancel SFT & confirm

RMU is TAMCO ( SF 6 )

SW/P. Issued PTW to break and

Rated voltage -12 KV ,

make (1 No) termination and for

rated current 630A, Rated short (1 No) straight joint for the new
time breaking current = 20 KA for 3 substation, cancelled PTW. Issued

SFT to HV PR / Test and

cancelled SFT & confirm SW / P.
P/T done


9935- I/D.





Commissioned the new s/s and

after MV Voltage & phase rotation
check commissioned the local TX.


Commissioning of (A 400) feeder at


After proper isolation & back

feeding, the cable between the two

PRY New SEIMEN'S VCB I/D is earthed. Issued SFT for

German make.
(A400) cable bx size.





phasing the cable, cancel SFT &


A400 is Connecting to the 10811 confirm SW/P. Issued PTW to

SALWA RD SHML I/D ( VCB EPE make one No. ST. joint for the
make )

cable A400 between the two I/D's

after the work cancelled PTW.
Issued SFT for P/T and cancelled
SFT confirm SW/ P. After checking
11 KV live phasing, cable A400


Commissioning of 10132 KSW- I/D

Eng Nizamudeen

in between 4180 (O/ D) and 4160 programme. Isolated & Earthed the
(O/D) substation.

Shifted the load as per switching






Issued SFT for identification, spike

Commissioned the new I/D and one and colour phasing. Cancelled
local TX (1000 KVA) commissioned SFT & confirmed SW/ position.








MV Issued PTW for 2 Nos. straight

rotation. joint. Cancelled PTW after the


establishing NOP.

re work. Issued SFT for HV P/Test.

Cancelled SFT and confirmed SW/
position. Live phasing done at new


Attended Construction office work.


Replacement of RMU & ADD on After load shifting, CME applied at

Eng: Dharam

feeder switch at substation 4953 both ends of point of isolation.


Issued PTW to break and make

Merlin Gerin (SF6 )

the HV termination & to replace the

Extensible type.

old RMU with additional feeder

New RMU - LUCY (SF6 )

switch. After the work, cancelled


Extendible type

PTW. Issued SFT , cancelled SFT

Commissioned new RMU with an &





additional feeder switch.

phasing done at 5167 DN- 13 I/D.


Replacement of Defective RMU at

After isolation, applied CME at

Eng. Nizamudeen

10313 KR 6 O/D and to close the both ends. SFT issued for colour
ring with spare cables of 10313 KR- phasing. cancelled SFT , PTW
6 O/D between 9787 KHORE EAST issued to make 3 Nos ( Break and
-5 and 10319 KHORE SOUTH O/D

make ) termination at 10313 O/D

and for I No. Termination at 9787
O/D and also for one ST joint

After MV check and phase rotation between 10319 KR-9 O/D and
commissioned the s/s and TX's.

120313 O/D. Cancelled the PTW.






Cancelled SFT& confirmed the

SW/ P. Live phasing done at
10320 I/D

11 KV cable diversion between After load shifting and isolation,

Eng: Mr. Imad

Naeeja North PRY ( A 200 ) and ( applied CME at both ends. SFT
0534 ) OAP 8 I/D.



issued for identifying, spike and



is colour phasing the cable. SFT


cancelled and PTW issued to

Live phasing done at (0534) I/D

make 2 Nos st.joints for the cable

between Naeeja(A200) and (0534)
OAP-8 I/D Cancelled the PTW.





Cancelled SFT& confirmed the

SW/ P.


Progress report on Distribution Protection


Location- 11456 Villagio -11 I/D

Replacement of SPAJ135C by

Eng. Shahul

ABB Make numerical relay

new high set SPAJ140C for L/TX's


Pre commissioning test for I/D


With technicians





healthy test for breakers


1.Abu Hamur North PRY

After fault maintenance- Setting

Eng. Shahul


change for feeders

2.Indoor substations

Relay setting change- as per DCC



1671- O/D- Industrial area

Setting change for L/TX (1000

With technician

Old L/TX is 500 KVA

CT Ratio changing



PRY A200 Tripped, Solkor Solkor decommissioning attended

With technician


25-05.2006 to


Attended routine activities


Transmission protection


Eng. Murali

Hamad Medical City PRY




Eng. Salim

Learning session conducted

Eng. Sherrif
04.07.2006 to

Transmission O&M

Relay maintenance


Progress report (O &M)

22-05-06 Mr. HAKKIM

Mr. Raju

Replacement of faulty TX4 (Due to oil leak )at VCB TAMCO
(9649) City Centre -1-1/D
E/S available for each
circuit consumer MV panel
with ACB available and REF
realy provided for MV side
protection.Inter trip for HT is
voltage & Phase rotation

Operational safety as per
instruction from system
control engineer.
After proper isolation &
Earth, issued PTW for
Break and make 11 KV

1.Replacement of faully TX (Due to oil leak)at O/D extensible RMU ( oil ) Operational safety as per
an O/D substation.
Yorkshire type.
PTW issued for break
termination to New TX.
2.Replacement of transformer(BOFP) by a Semi Extensible RMU ( Oil Operational safety as per
New TX ( FSFP) at an O/D substation.
Before restoring MV side PTW issued for break
checked MV voltage
& and
phase rotation.
termination to New TX.




NOP shifting programme to
system operation duty.

3nos1/D&5nosO/D Substation visited as a Operation as per system
part of NOP shifting.
switchihng programme.
OCB - south wales
RMU important


Mr. Hakim

1) Rectification of faulty cable by making

straight joint& charging the cable.
(Cable bitween 1036 city BANK s/s I/D
and 5716 O/D )

Tiger oil switch

Straight jiont fault

2)Rectification of faulty cable between (

2462 ) SH EID BIN MAD No: 3 s/s and
an O/D S/S

Third party damage


Mr. Raju
(Stand by Duty)

Fault restoration
SFT & PTW issued for an HT Cable
between NDC,PRY & an I/D S/S

Colour phasing .
Issue PTW for one
termination & one No:
ST joint nearer to 5716
spike,colour phasing the
Issue PTW for straight
joint the cable

NDC, PRY visited

OCB Panel,Co2 Blasters provided for Identification,Spike&Col
our phasing. Issued
PTW for 2 Nos stright


Mr. Raju

Transformer replacement ( BOFP ) -1000 Ray Rolle OCB

PTW issued for Break &
MV Voltage & Phase rotation checked make
By new one at 725 I/D
before MV restoration
termination to 71
loop the


Mr. Mahmood

11 KV OHL MaintenanceRedial circuit from ( 9757 ) new Al Qayan RMU at O/D s/s is
( Al Khore lnd.Area)
Replacing ABS (S-144 ) , (S- 145) & 8
Nos. LA installation at Pole box and PMT


Mr. Inose

Cable fault Rectification

Ray Roll OCB



1.Replacemant of faulty O/D substation

(package type) at 4362 O/D HV P/Test
2. SF6 gas pressure Low -Refilling at
5484 O/D Substation ( Lucy SF6 )

HV Pressure Test done for new O/D

Live phasing done at 2569 1/D. Before the
Live phsing Existing and new phase
rotation checked at 2420 O/D.
Checked 11 KV line phasing at 1/D


Mr. Hakkim

1.Fault rectification of an HT cable

between SH . ABDULLA FARM-1 1/D
and pole Box
Pole Box termination faulty.

Over head line involved

After isolation &Earth

issued PTW to the
competent person
( Before issueing PTW,
test OHL,if Dead,Apply
Portable Earth )
Issued SFT for colour
phasing the HT cable
Issued PTW for making
2 No Stright joint for the
faulty cable.

Issued SFT for HV

P/Test for the new O/D
Issued PTW for refilling
SF6 Gas at 5484 O/D
Issued PTW for MV

Issued SFT for colour

cable.Tested the OHL,
found Dead then applied
Earth.Issued PTW for

2.Fault restoration
KHORE A300- tripped at an 1/D
substation, the OHL lodial line ( with two
TEE off -circuit ) Total supply failure.
Indication - stand by E/F flag ON at PRY
and alarm initiated at NCC for both TX

2) Fault restoration
Industrial area 1671- MI 1/D
Substation, one TX ( 500KVA ) tripped
on over load
TX -replaced by ( 1000 KV )

connection and for raise
the Pole box. 72
1/D E/F relay operated
Noticed all indication
EFI flagged at one pole Box(Radial TEE- and
off circuit )
petrolling found that the
snapped in the radial
TEE-off circuit.Isolated &
portion. Then charged
the healthy circuit from
the 1/ D (All Relays and
indications resetted.Kept
the relay setting TSM
charging.).PTW issued
Hands on training on different types of for fault rectification.
switches ( Oil & SF6 ), VCB & OCB'S
Issued PTW
Indication R&B O/C
protection department to

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