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Melodic Coniey

Literacy work among the Maasai Tribespeople of Kenya

Rt. 2, Box 57E

Johnson City, TN 37601


upon a
{and not so very long ago)... there
was a young man ... and, there was

a young woman. A good beginning

to any story, in my opinion.

Eric Perry

^Thc young man's name was Eric.

Most of you will have already
guessed the identity of the young
woman,since you are reading this
newsletter. Her name was Melodie.

(There are no frogs, wicked

stepmothers, or talking mirrors in
this story, in case you were

Melodie Coniey

Eric and Melodie met at

Northwest Christian College and

became fnends(another good part

in the story). They laughed
together, encouraged each other,
and spent countless late-night
hours deep in conversation.

Religion. Melodie continued her

literacy work with CMF in Kenya.
The letters kept flowing, and time
went by.

CoCkgt days came to an end. The

October 1992 with many memories

of her time among the Maasai. As
she prayed about the future,
wondering where God would lead,
the echo of her heart kept hringing

young man,loving God very much,

began to serve in the Church. The
young woman,also loving God,
prepared to serve on the mission
field. Through the years, Eric and
Melodie pursued opportunities that
took them ever farther away from
each other. Finally, when Melodie
journeyed to Kenya,she and the
young man were half a world

tHoiVCVer(there should always he

a however in any good tale.
Especially after that sad part about
being separated!), the long
conversations were not lost; they
continued in late-night telephone
calls and, eventually, in a constant
exchange ofletters.

Across the miles, through the

years, the fiiendship between
Melodie and Eric grew deeper.
They shared dreams and
disappointments, music, books,
laughter, and their love for God.
They described in words the
experiences that shaped and
defined their everyday lives.
moved to Tennessee in 1989
to attend Emmanuel School of

returned to the States in

up Eric's name.

SlncCstill the friendship grew

between the young man and the
young woman. Long hours,late
into the night, were spent on the
telephone. One day(and this is the
part that happened not so long ago
... December 26,1992,to be exact)
Eric called Melodie, and they began
to talk and laugh,just like always.
Then, the conversation took a turn
(as conversations will do), and the
young man was asking the young
woman to marry him! After nine
years, and a fiiendship that had
most certainly become love, the
young woman replied with an
enthusiastic "Yes!"

"happily ever after" part is

really only a beginning after all.
For Eric and Melodie,life together
will be a continuing story that

began (br^ ago, onu upon a time,

tfiepCatts I havefor you...pCans
to prosper you andnot to ftarmyou,pCans to
give you a hope andafuture.' ^^remiafl 29:11

There are exciting opportunities

for ministry in the fdture. Pray

Thank you for your faithful prayers

for both my time in Kenya and this
furlough. Please continue to pray:

for wisdom and vision as we

explore where the Lord would

have us serve together.

For the Maasai Literacy Program
as it continues in Kenya:
teachers, new readers, and
opportunities to share from God's

Our wedding will be on April 3,

1993, at my home church at
McKenzie Bridge.
For our first year of marriage!
Eric will be finishing his studies


and thesis at Emmanuel. I will

be continuing to visit supporters,

churches, camps, and VBSs in

Next time you hear from me, I'll be

Melodie Perry!

the Midwest and on the West

Coast. We'll live in Johnson City,

For the Kingdom,


Rt. 2, Box 57E

Johnson City, TN 37601.
Take note ofthe new address!
Please Write!


Melodie Conley

Eric Perry and Melodie Conley

Eric and Melodic Perry

Ministry WITH the Narok Church &

Literacy Work among the Maasai Tribe of Kenya

769 W.5th Avenue #3

Eugene, OR 9/402
October 1993


The Wedding Was a Success!

any adventure, the past few months have

had their share ofsurprises, detours, and
blessings. Here's an update on some of the
things you've been praying about...

3-11 Mel's and Eric's first move across

the country (a.k.a., "the honeymoon"). We

set up our new home in Johnson City,
Tennessee, where Eric attends Emmanuel

School of Religion.
21-28 ~ Mel returns to Oregon for church
reporting appointments; Eric works on

history paper.
29 ~ Boy, is Eric glad to see his new wife

2-4 ~ The newlyweds attend CMF's

Spring Board Meeting in Indianapolis.
Here, we make an important decision
Our first year of marriage: An Adventure

about our future: We will be Short-term

in Moving!

Assistants with the CMF Kenya team!(See

end of this letter for details.)

In my last newsletter, I wrote that '"happily

ever after'is really only a beginning after all,"
and our beginning was on the road! As in

Back at the ranch, furlough work and

school continue.


Mississippi still flooded

(revised moving route
3 Fifteen foot U-Haul and

car tow dolly secured for


immediate departure. Packing

1-4 Psychologi


cal assessment
exams for CMF

5 Eric and Mel finally leave

affiliation (after

cross-country drive begins.

5-12 Mississippi floods
avoided, downtown Chicago
successfully navigated, and we

Tennessee. The second

much coffee and

litde sleep).
10-19-We go

to Indianapolis |
(again) for more



are delayed when 100,000

motorcyclists flood South

Dakota for a rally. Every

tests, Eric's affiliation interview with CMF

motel in the state was full. Our route turns

staff, and a Support Raising Orientation


south through Iowa, where we stay at a rest

Because we are both native Oregonians, we

decide to return to Oregon for support
raising and partnership building. A
tentative plan to move in December is
made and immediately revised to August.
(This was one of the surprises we

area with the rest of the truckers... we lose

our fuel cap and truck key in Wyoming.

13 We arrive at our new home (please
note our new address and phone on the
front) in Eugene, Oregon!!!


11 Eric ordained by the congregation of

Weber City Christian Church in Virginia.
17 Mel turns 30. Eric (age 28) laughs.
18-22 Yet another return to

Indianapolis. Mel(who thought she'd seen

enough camping in Kenya) is the missions
speaker at a junior age "Jungle Camp," and
Eric frantically works on his master's thesis.

Looking toward the future ... The

Adventure Continues!

The rough draft of Eric's thesis is in the

Back at the ranch, packing begins.

mail, and we are at last settled for a while.

Our focus for the next few months is to

establish additional partnerships and

further prepare for our future ministries in

ministry partners for the work in Kenya.

Eric as he completes and defends his


Don and Cam Johnson as they retire

The ministries in which we will be involved

from the Narok Church position, and for

the congregation during the next few

are a blending of old and new for us. We

will be serving with the Narok Church of

Clarity as we share our vision with

Christ. This is a multi-tribal town church


months of transition.

begun by CMF missionaries in 1987.

Missionaries Don and Cam Johnson have

Your fellow sojourners.

served with the church for four years,

developing leadership and guiding the
church in the construction of a church

building, education building, and a pastor's

house. The Johnsons begin furlough at the
beginning of 1994, then will retire. Our
work is to continue that ministry.

Eric and Mclodie Perry

P.S. We'd love to tell you more about what

we're doing! Please write or call.

Eric's role will be in leadership

development as discipler, pastor, and
encourager for those in positions of
leadership and for the congregation.
Presently, there are five deacons, seven
deaconesses, and four elders in the Narok

Church. This ministry is one of the "final

stages" necessary for this Church to become

an independent, mature congregation.
The goal of mature congregations is key in
Melodie's ministry as well. She will be

continuing the literacy work begun during

her previous term in Kenya. She will be
serving congregations of Maasai believers
by training local literacy teachers, teaching,
and developing new reader materials. In
addition, she plans to serve alongside Eric
in the Narok Church ministry.

Please Pray For:

Individuals and churches who will be our

Our ministry in Kenya will be with the

Narok Church ofChrist, as well as in
Maasai literacy.

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