After The Election - Prepare For Battle! WWW - - Uk

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g o v e r n m e n t. . .

New c o m i n g . . .
h t i s ?
an onslaug i s n e e d e d
k i n d o eadership
f l
wha t
Come t o d i s c u s s
th e b at t l e s t o

Socialist Party
general secretary
Unison general
(personal capacity)

public meeting
Thursday 13 May 2010 7.30pm
Conway Hall, Red Lion Square
Holborn WC1R (round the corner from Holborn tube)
defend jobs amnd
d e va s tat i n g c uts
services fro

T his is the first general election for

eighteen years where the outcome
is impossible to predict.
Fighting leadership needed in Unison – vote for Roger Bannister
Socialist Party member Roger Bannister says that local government
members should be mobilised now, with a clear message to local authorities
Only one thing is certain. We are
living through a historic economic and all the main political parties that their union intends to resist these cuts.
crisis and a further decline - a 'double The Socialist Party calls for united public sector strike action.
dip' - is far from ruled out. And the The current leadership of Unison gave no effective
new government - regardless of who opposition to the employers when ‘single status’ (which
wins - intends to make working class
was supposed to increase the pay of many women) was
people pay for it.
used to drive down wages. Unison only put up half a fight
They certainly don’t expect those on pensions and now we see more attacks on public
who caused this crisis to pay for sector pensions.
it. £1.2 trillion has been thrown at Meanwhile, unwilling or unable to put up a fight,
the banks, ringing up a colossal
the Unison leadership has turned on those who
national debt. Meanwhile £6 billion
was paid to the ‘banksters’ in will, and is witch-hunting activists and socialists.
Christmas bonuses alone! Despite Four Socialist Party members in London branches
massive lay-offs and redundancies, have been banned from office and three of their
many multinationals have continued branches taken into regional supervision in a
to make record-breaking profits. blatantly political and outrageously undemocratic
Tesco boasted over £3 billion profit attack.
during the depths of the recession
last year. Unison members who want a democratic fighting
union should vote for Roger Bannister for general
Bu they all agree working class secretary. He believes Unison should stop funding
people should pay a hefty price, in the Labour Party, and calls for a new mass workers’
the decimation of our public services, party. Roger supports the Trade Unionist and
to the tune of 10-25%! This will Socialist Coalition in this general election.
devastate masses of people’s lives
in the loss of essential services. The
Chartered Institute for Personnel and Whoever wins the general opportunities to build mass support
Development predict the loss of half election, it will be a weak for socialist ideas - as a real
a million jobs. government with a shallow basis of alternative to the three big parties
social support, attempting to carry of the bankers and the billionaires.
Trade unions in the public sector, out deeply unpopular policies. At
and especially the biggest, Unison, a certain stage, Greece will come Come to this public meeting to
have a crucial role to play in fighting to Britain as workers are forced discuss the kind of leadership
these massive cuts. Unison members to defend their living conditions necessary in the coming battles.
will be asking which candidates in the against the brutal reality of 21st Come to discuss the socialist
general secretary election they can century capitalism. In the course alternative to this crisis-ridden,
trust to lead a fight. of such movements there will be unjust capitalist system.

I would like to join the Socialist Party 

I would like to find out more 
I would like to help with Roger’s election campaign 
Please ring 020 8988 8777 for info • return slip to Socialist Party, PO BOX 24697, London E11 1YD •
• email • •

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