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a shukr
Pdf from Baqiyatus salehat ( Margins of Mafatih) | Supplications in sijdah |
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Prostration of thanksgiving after every mandatory prayer was the practice ( Sunn
at e Muwakkida) of the Prophet ( a.s.).Imam Jafar e Sadiq (a.s.) has hinted at i
tâ s being mandatory and said that when a person makes a prostration of thanksgivin
g, Allah addresses the angels and tells them that a sincere creature is doing th
e Sajda e Shukr. He asks the angels to suggest what Reward must be given to the
person. The angels would suggest that Allah keep His Blessings with the person f
or his act. Allah will again ask them what else should be the Reward for the per
son? The angels say,â O Sustainer! Give him a place in the Heaven!â Allah will again
ask the angels,â What else?â The angels reply, â O Allah! Give a place in the Heaven
for the personâ s parents and children, as well!â Allah will again ask the angels to
suggest some more Reward for the person. The angels would reply,â We have made sug
gestions to the best of our knowledge! We have nothing else to suggest! You know
everything!â Then Allah would say,â The person has thanked Me in all sincerity and
humility, therefore, in return, I too shall thank him!
Imam Reza (a.s.) has said that while making the prostration of thanksgiving, a p
erson should say
'Shukran lillah' atleast three times. Also he should say a 100 times 'Afwan' or
'Shukran'. Either in prostration he should first say a hundred times Afwan or 'A
l-afu Al-afu.' Then he should keep the right cheek at the place of prostration a
nd s make any supplication as, for example, Ya Allaho, Ya Rabbaho, Ya Syedaho. S
imilarly he should keep his left cheek at the place of prostration and say the s
ame words. In the end he should place his forehead at the same spot and repeat S
hukran Shukran ya Shukran Allah a hundred times.
Remember that this prostration is not a part of the mandatory prayer. While doi
ng this, the person should place his chest and the tummy on the ground, spread h
is arms and keep his kness flat on the ground. He should pray for the welfare of
himself and all the momineen with tearful eyes. Allah likes his creatures implo
ring Him for help in this manner.
Similarly, it has been reported from an authentic source that Imam Sadiq (a.s.)
has stated that if a believer performs a sijdah of gratitude to Allah for any bl
essing from Him other than a sijdah in the course of salaat, Allah records for h
im ten virtues, forgives him ten sins and elevates his position in heaven by ten
grades. It has been reported from a number of authentic sources that the Imam (
a.s.) has said that man is nearest to Allah when he is in sijdah to Allah in a s
tate of weeping. He is reported to have said in another tradition that every Mus
lim should perform a sijdah of gratitude, complete his salaat with the sijdah, s
eek the pleasure of Allah through it and astonish the angels. When a man complet
es his salaat with the sijdah of gratitude, Allah lifts the veil subsisting betw
een the angels and man and addresses them, "O Angels, look at my creature who ha
s performed his duty to Me and discharges his promise to Me and has then prostra
ted in gratitude to Me for all the blessings that I have bestowed on him. O ange
ls, what shall I give him?" They respond, "O God, Your mercy." He asks, "What el
se?" They reply, "O God, Your Heaven." Again He asks, "What else?" They say, "Pr
ovide him his necessities and fulfill his wishes." Allah continues to repeat the
question and the angels respond till they are unable to provide further reply a
nd say that they do not know when Allah says, "I too must thank him as he has do
ne, grant him prosperity by My grace and treat him with My great mercy on the Da
y of Judgement."
It has been reported from an authentic source that Imam Sadiq (a.s.) has said th
at the Creator of the Universes made Ibrahim his friend because of his many pros
trations. In another authentic tradition he is reported to have said that if one
remembers a favour bestowed by Allah and there is no fear that enemies would no
tice, one must place one's cheek on the ground but if the situation is such that
enemies are around and it is not possible to make a sijdah, one must place one'
s hands on the lower abdomen and make a bow in humility to Allah and place the h
ands on the abdomen so that the enemies might think one has gripes in the stomac
h. There are numerous reports about Allah having asked Hadhrat Moosa if he knew
why Allah had chosen him and made him Kaleem, that is spoken to him. Hadhrat Moo
sa replied that he did not know. Allah said, "I am well aware of My creatures. O
f all of them, I have not seen one whose soul is more humble towards Me than you
rs as when you complete your prayers you place your both cheeks on the earth." I
t has been reported from an authentic source that Imam Ridha (a.s.) has said tha
t sijdah on completion of obligatory salaat is an expression of gratitude to All
ah for the fortune He bestowed on His creature to fulfill his duty and the least
that must be said in the sijdah is to state three times: Sukr Allah He was ask
ed what the phrase meant and he replied that it is thanking Allah for the good f
ortune He grant to serve Him and fulfill duty to Him. He added that thanking All
ah is a cause for increased bounties and good fortune to obey Him and if there i
s any shortcoming in salaat which is not cured by the nafilah (optional prayers)
then it is remedied by sijdah. the late author states that the sijdah can be pe
rformed in any manner it is better done on earth in the way it is performed in o
bligatory salaat by placing seven parts of the body on the ground with the foreh
ead as it is placed during salaat. Still preferable it to place the forearm on t
he ground contrary to the procedure in the obligatory salaat and to reach the ab
domen to the ground. It is recommended that the forehead is first placed on the
ground, then the right and then the left check, and finally the forehead is agai
n placed on the ground. Hence it is termed two sijdahs. Actually no utterance is
necessary in such a sijdah but it is recommended that there be a recitation and
supplication which will be set out below. It is to recommended that it be prolo
nged. It is reported that Imam Moosa Kadhim (a.s.) would remain in the sijdah fr
om dawn till noon and from the afternoon (asr) evening. According to another rep
ort for over ten years, the Imam (a.s.) would remain in sijdah from sunrise till
noon. It has been reliably reported that Imam Ridha (a.s.) remained in sijdah f
or so long that the stones on the ground of the mosque would become wet with his
perspiration and he would place both his cheeks on the ground of the mosque.
It is stated in 'Rijale Kashi' that Fadhal bin Shadhaan approached ibne Abi Omey
r when he was in sijdah which he prolonged considerably. When he lifted his head
he was told about the time he took in the sijdah he said. "If you had seen the
prostration of Jameel bin Darraj, you would not have found my prostration long a
t all." The day he approached Jameel who proloned his sijdah even longer than ib
ne Abi Omeyr. When he lifted his head and Fadhal mentioned how long his sijdah w
as, he responded, "If you had seen the sijdah of Ma'roof bin Kharraboodh, you wo
uld have regarded my sijdah an easy one." Fadhal bin Sadhaan has similarly repor
ted that Hasan bin Ali bin Fadhdhaal would proceed to a forest for worship and w
ould elongate his sijdah that birds would sit on his back in the belief that a c
loth had been there and wild beasts would graze around him but he would not be f
rightened by them. Likewise he has reported that Ali bin Mehzyaar would prostrat
e to sijdah at sunrise and would not lift his head until he had prayed for a tho
usand of his brothers in the manner in which they would have prayed for themselv
es. As a result of the long prostrations he had a callosity of the kind found on
the knees of angels. He also reported that ibne Abi Omeyr would proceed into si
jdah of gratitude after salaat of Fajr and would remain in sijdah till noon.
Supplication in sijdah
Numerous supplications have been reported :-
First: It has been reliably reported from Imam Ridha (a.s.) that one may recite,
as one pleases, a hundred times: "Shukran shukraa" or "Afwan afwaa". It is stat
ed in "Uyoone Akhbaare Ridha" from Raja' bin Abi Dhahhak that on his way to Khoo
rasan, Imam Ridha (a.s.) made a sijdah of thanks every time on completion of his
supplications after Zohar prayers and recited a hundred times, "Shukran Iillah"
and on completion of his supplications after the Asr salaat he said in the sijd
ah a hundred times, "Hamdan Iillah".
Second: Sheikh Kulayni has reported from an authentic source that Imam Sadiq (a.
s.) has stated that man is closest to Allah at the time when he is in sijdah add
ressing Him; when in sijdah, he should say:
Ya rabool arbabay wa ya malikal malukay wa ya saida sadatay wa ya jabaral jababa
ratay wa ya illahil alayhatay salay allah mohamaddin wa allay mohammadin. and th
en ask for his wishes and say: Fa inni ubdoka na saita fi kabzatika

Then he may supplicate for any wishes as Allah is forgiving and the grating of
any wish is not difficult for Him.
Third: Kulayni has reported from a reliable source that Imam Sadiq (a.s.) has st
ated that he had heard his father one night weeping in sijdah in a mosque and su
Subhanaka Allahummah antah rabbi hakkan hakkan sajatoo laka yarabbay taaboodan w
a reqqan Allahummah annah amali jaiifa fajjah ifhu li Allahummah kini ajabaka yy
ommah tabato ibadakay wa tub allah innaka anttat tawabo Rahim.

Fourth: Kulayni has reported from an authentic source that Imam Moosa (a.s.) use
d to recite the following in sijdah:
Aujobikah minarin hurohal yuthfa wa aujobekah minarin jadido ha al yubla aujobek
a minarin atsah nooha aa yuruwah wa aujobeka minarin masloobuha layuksa.

Fifth: Kulayni has also reported from an authentic source that a man complained
to Imam Sadiq (a.s.) that the mother of his child was sick. The Imam asked him t
o recite in the sijdah of thanks after every obligatory salaat:
Yaa raoofo ya rahimo ya rabbay ya saeedi

and then ask for his wishes.

Sixth: It is stated in very reliable report that Imam Sadiq (a.s.) and Imam Kadh
im (a.s.) said numerous times in the sijdah of thanks:
s alookar rahata indalmautay wal afwah inal hisabay.

Seventh: It has been authentically reported form Imam Sadiq (a.s.) that he would
say in sijdah:
Sajadah wajhil laimo lay wajhay rabbil karim

Eight: It is reported in some of the authentic books that Imam Ameeril Mu'mineen
(a.s.) has stated that the best utterance in the eyes of Allah is to say three
times in sijdah:
IInni Jalamto nafsi fagfirli

Ninth: It is reported from an authentic source in 'Ja'feriyyat' that Imam Sadiq

(a.s.) has stated that the Holy Messenger (saww) used to say in sijdah:
Allahummah Magferatuka Ausao min zoonoobi warahmatoka arja indi min amli fagfirl
i zoonoobi ya haiyan layamaut.

Tenth: Qutub Rawandi has reported from Imam Sadiq (a.s.) that if a person in har
dship and grief becomes depressed having reached his limit of tolerance, he shou
ld prostrate in sijdah and say:
Ya mujillah kullay jabbarin ya moijjah kullay jalilin kadwa haqqika balaga majhu
dah fasali alah mohammadin wa allah mohammadin wa farraz anni.

In 'Iddat-ul-Daee" it is reported from the Imam (a.s.) that if a man feels angui
sh and grief he should make bare his knees and hands upto his elbows and place t
hem on the ground and bring his chest to the ground and ask for his wishes.
Eleventh: Ibne Babawayah reports from an authentic source that Imam Sadiq (a.s.)
has stated that when a person says thrice in sijdah: Ya Allaho ya rabbaho ya sa
Allah responds, "Labaik, O my creature, ask for your wishes. It is stated in "Ma
karimul Akhlaq' that whoever says in sijdah: Ya rabbaho ya saidaho till his fu
ll breath, Allah invites him to ask for his wishes.
Twelfth: It is reported in 'Makarimul Akhlaq' from Imam Sadiq (a.s.) that the Ho
lly Messenger (saww) passed by a man who was reciting in sijdah:
Ya rabbay majaalaykah antulji anni kulloh mankanah lahoo indi ta abata wa an tag
firli zoonoobi wa antood khilanil zaanaatah ba rahmatekah fainaamah afooka anniz
jalayminah wa anna minazalaymina fal tasaani rahmatoka ya arrhaamarrahaymin.

The Holy Messenger (saww) asked him to lift his head as his wishes had been gran
ted as he had recited a supplication of the Prophets of the people of Aad.
The late author states that he has set out some supplications of Mafatihul Jinaa
n to be recited in the Mosque of Kufa and the Mosque of Zaid and which can also
be recited in the sijdah of thanks.
Sheikh Toosi has stated in 'Misbah' that it is recommended to pray for one's bro
thers in the sijdah of thanks and say:
Allah hummah rabbal fajre wal layalil ashray wasafay wal watray wal layillay iza
yasray warabbah kullay sain waalleha kullay sain wa khalika kullayh sain wa mal
ikah wa maliykah kullay sain salleh allah mohammadin wa allahay wafall bii....

Our Imams (a.s.) used to make long prostrations of thanksgiving. Specially Imam
Moosa Kazim (a.s.) used to do the sajda after completing his fajr prayer which s
tretched well into the sun up. When he was asked about his Sajda e Shukr, the Im
am (a.s.) said, one should recite the following supplication while doing the Saj
O Allah I bear witness to you, your angels and your prophets and your messengers
and all your creations, that you Allah, is my Lord and Islam is my religion and
Mohammed is my prophet, Ali, Hassan, Husain, Ali son of Husain, and Mohammed so
n of Ali, Jaffer son of Muhammad, Musa son of Jaffer, Ali son of Musa, Muhamma
d son of Ali, Ali son of Muhammad, Hassan son of Ali and the Proof, son of Hass
an , are my Imams and I follow them and denounce their enemies..

Allahumma inni ashaduka wa ashadu malaekateka wa ambiyaeka wa rusuleka wa jamieh

qalkeka annaka allaho rabbi wal islamo deeni wa Muhammadan nabiee wa Aliyan wal
Hassane wal Hussaine wa Ali ibnal Hussaine wa Mohammed ibne aliyyin wa Jafar ib
ne Mohammedin wa Moosa ibne Jafar wa Ali ibne Moosa wa Mohammed ibne Aliyyin wa
Ali ibne Mohammedin wal Hassan ibne Aliyyin wal Hujjata ibnal Hassane ayyimmati
behim atwallah wa min aadayehim atabbara
Then the person should recite Shukran a hundred times and also say the Salawat.
Afterwards he should say thrice:
Allahumma inni unshudaka dam al mazloom

Then repeat the following thrice as well:

Allahumma inni unsheduka bayuaayeka ala nafseka leaadayeka letuhlaknahum beaidia
na wa aidial momineena allahumma inni ansheduka beyuaieka ala nafseka leauliyaek
a letuzfera behim beaduweka wa aduwwehim antusalle ala Mohammedin wa alal mustah
fezeena min aale Mohammedin

Then he should recite the following thrice:

Allahumma inni asalukal yusra baadal usre

Then he should keep his right cheek at the place of prostration and repeat thric
e the following:
Ya kahufi heena tuainil mazahiba wa tuzeeqa alalarze bema rahubato wa ya berabbi
a khalqi rahmata bee wa kunto min qalqi ghaniyan salle ala Mohammedin wa alal mu
stahfezeena min aale Mohammedin

Then the left cheek is kept at the place of prostration and the following words
recited thrice:
Ya muzillo kullo jabbarin ya muizzo kulle zaleelin qad izzateka balagh bee majuh

In one narration it is said that the Prophet of Allah (a.s.) used to recite the
following while doing the prostration of thanksgiving:
Aauzubeka min naarin harreha la yutfa wa aaoozubeka min naarin jadeeduha la yubl
a wa aauzubeka min naarin utusanuha la yuruwayee wa aaoozubeka min naarin masuku
baha la yuksa
It is narrated that Imam Ali (as) used to o recite the following supplication wh
ile doing the Sajda e Shukr:
Irhamo zulli baina yadaika wa tazurrai ilaika wa wahshati minan naase wa unsa be
ka ya kareem

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