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President’s death sparks off

plethora of online criticism

against IBB AND OBJ.

Even as the nation mourns the passage of her late president

Umaru Musa Yar’adua, there has come much criticism and
caution from common members on a popular Nigerian chat
forum, Nairaland (, against former military
rulers, Gen. Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida and Gen. Olusegun

Contributing comments from members under the topics

“Aftermath of Yar’adua’s death. What’s next for Nigeria” and
“President Yar’adua is dead” saw a great majority stray from
the initial paths of the discussion to air their views on the past
leaders. The remarks ranged from being sarcastic, witty and
acerbic then to being downright insulting and condemning.
Under the second topic, President Obasanjo suffered the first
blow from a post by a contributor with username ‘metal-gong’,
saying “Obasanjo is the worst president Nigeria has ever had . .
. . He rigged Umaru into Aso Rock, and indirectly killed him.
Now he is planning to rig in another puppet.” A jibe at IBB was
soon to follow and username ‘vanni’ said “Ibb will die next”.
The topic contains 13 pages and each page has an average of
32 comments posted on it. A large number of the posts on this
topic showed sympathy for none other than the late President,
and even put the blame of his demise on the shoulders of the
first lady. However, there was considerably less venom where
she was concerned, a typical post seems like this posted by
username deor03 “May his soul Rest in Perfect Peace. He was a
good man abused by everybody around him including his close
family members.”
The topic “Aftermath of Yar’adua’s death. What’s next for
Nigeria” started on a much faster tempo. The post by username
‘Bluetooth’ says “It has been confirmed that president umaru
yaradua passed away some few hours ago after suffering
months of illness.he has been distanced from official duties
which made his vice-president goodluck jonathan to act in his
capacity as acting president…may the soul of yaradua rest in
peace. Say no to IBB presidency!!!! long live federal republic of

The trend of the discussion swiftly moved from the main

topic to other debates such as the possible ethnicity of the next
Vice president and the ramifications of having IBB as the new
VP and subsequently the President. “The north will make
Jonathan an offer he can't refuse. His new VP may be a stand in
for the big masquerades next year. Or he may be someone
powerful enough to scuttle Jonathans plans. I won't be
surprised if a Gusau is named the new VP”, this post was made
by username ‘Onlytruth’.

Top contestants for the VP job were shortlisted by

username ‘OAM4J’ as “ok aftermath of Yaradua's death, who
should be Jonathan's VP Gusau Ribadu El Rufai Yahale Sule
Lamido or who?”

All through both threads, commentators empathized with

the former President, even while blaming those around him for
his demise. However, most peculiar is the seeming optimism
that many have shown in this affair. There seems to be a
consensus on the ability of the new President Goodluck
Jonathan to lead the country out of her present slump, no
matter the VP he ends up choosing. Also seemingly unanimous
is the agreement not to get IBB into any public office, now or in
2011. Left to this electorate, it would take nothing short of
magic to get the former leader but at the helm of affairs.

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