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Sociedad Argentina de Endodoncia

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18- Siqueira Junior JF. Aetiology of root canal treatment failure: why welltreated teeth can fail. Int Endod J. 2001; 34 (1): 1-10
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20- Siqueira J, Milton de Uzeda, Colombo A. Actinomyces Species,
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25-.Baumgartner J, Siquiera J, Xa T. Geographical differences in bacteria detected in
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28-Wonjoun Shon, SungSam Lim, Kwang-Shik Bae, Sengho Back and Woocheol Lee
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Libro: - Baumgartner Craig y Jeffrey Hutter en Vias de la Pulpa de
Stephen Cohen, Richard C. Burns 2002; 8 edicin, cap. N13 pag 493508. Microbiologa endodntica y tratamiento de las infecciones

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